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(To be completed by the Louisiana Technical College Campus)
CIP CODE: 420101
CREDIT HOURS (Lecture/Lab/Total): 3/0/3
CONTACT HOURS (Lecture/Lab/Total): 45
CLASS LOCATION: (To be completed by the Louisiana Technical College Campus)
INSTRUCTOR INFORMATION: (To be completed by the Louisiana Technical College Campus)
An overview of psychology designed to expose students to the major theories, research practices, and applied areas
of psychology.
I. To familiarize students with theories and principles basic to studying and understanding human behavior
II. To develop a foundation on which to base continued studies in psychology
Fundamentals of Psychology: Applications for Life and Work, by Culkin and Perrotto, South-Western Educational
Publishing, 1996, ISBN: 0-538-65048-6
Workbook for Fundamentals of Psychology: Applications for Life and Work, by Culkin and Perrotto, South-Western
Educational Publishing, 1996, ISBN: 0-538-65049-4
Approx. Time
2.5 weeks
2 weeks
1.5 weeks
1.5 weeks
1.5 weeks
1.5 weeks
2.5 weeks
1.5 weeks
Chapter and topic
Ch. 1 – Introduction to Psychology
Ch. 2 – Biological Roots of Behavior
Ch. 5 – Learning
Ch. 6 – Memory
Ch. 7 – Thinking, Language, and Intelligence
Ch. 11 – Psychology and Health
Ch. 12 – Abnormal Psychology and Therapy
Ch. 10 - Personality
I. To become familiar with the major theories and basic principles of human behavior
II. To discover the relevance of psychology in one’s life
III. To integrate the application of basic psychological principles into situations of everyday life
4 Chapter/Unit Tests
Homework assignments/readings
90 – 100%
80 – 89%
70 – 79%
60 – 69%
Below 60%
80% of semester grade
20% of semester grade
Students must be officially enrolled in any course that they attend. It is expected that students will attend scheduled
classes regularly and on time. If an absence occurs, it is the responsibility of the student to make up all missed work.
Students, who stop attending a course and do not officially withdraw, will receive grades of 0 for all work missed and
will result in a punitive final grade.
This policy shall be superceded by any more stringent attendance policy required by a regulatory or licensing body
having jurisdiction over program requirements.
Attendance will be tracked and maintained for various reporting purposes.
The deadline for dropping a class is published each semester in the official Schedule of Classes. A student who
officially withdraws from a class prior to the designated date will receive a grade of “W” in that class.
Any student who receives financial aid and withdraws from any or all classes is subject to repaying a portion of the
funding received.
January 13
Day and evening classes begin
January 17
Last day to register or to make add/drop changes
January 17
Last day for 75% refund
January 20
No Classes (MLK Day)
January 27
Last day for 50% refund
March 3-4
No Classes (Mardi Gras)
April 17-24
No Classes (Spring Break)
April 16
Last day to withdraw from class and receive a grade of “W”
May 9
End of semester
The faculty of Louisiana Technical College supports the concept of academic honesty. The teaching faculty
encourages academic honesty in all classes and we require academic honesty from all students. All students are
expected to maintain honesty and integrity when completing all academic assignments and examinations.
Plagiarism, cheating, and other forms of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Any student found guilty of such
dishonorable acts in academic work will receive a 0 for the work presented. The instructor may also refer the student
to the appropriate administrator for further disciplinary actions which could result in an “F’ in the course, dismissal
from the course, or dismissal from the college.
The Louisiana Technical College complies with Section 504 and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Students with
disabilities who seek accommodations must make their requests known by contacting the Disabilities Coordinator at
the beginning of each semester. If a disability is identified later in the semester, a non-retroactive accommodation
plan will be developed.
All instructors for this course meet or exceed the criteria for academic and professional preparation as required in the
SACS/COC standards for accreditation.
A student should contact the institution to which he or she intends to transfer to inquire about the potential
transferability of the course and to determine whether the course will count in his or her major.
Chapter 1 Introduction to Psychology
I. Nature of Psychology
A. Define terms: psychology
B. History of Psychology: Names and explain theories with examples
1. Socrates
2. Plato
3. Decarte
C. Fields in Psychology: terms and descriptions
D. Different Mental Health Professions: terms and descriptions
Schools of Psychology: Names, define terms, brief explanation of theories with examples
A. British Empiricism--John Locke
B. Structuralism--Wilhelm Wundt
C. Functionalism--William James
D. Behaviorism
1. John Watson
2. Joseph Wolpe
3. Ivan Pavlov
E. Gestalt
1. Wolfgang Kohler
2. Max Wertheimer
F. Psychoanalytic—Sigmund Freud
G. Humanistic
1. Abraham Maslow
2. Carl Rogers
III. Research in Psychology
A. Research Terms: define
1. Hypothesis
2. Operational Definition
3. Sample
B. Research Methods: define, purpose, and contradictions
1. Case Study
2. Naturalistic Observation
3. Correlation
4. Survey
5. Experimental Method
Types of variables: independent, dependent, extraneous
Types of groups: experimental, control
Control methods: double-blind and matching
C. Statistics: define, explain types with examples
1. Descriptive: define types and examples
2. Inferential: define types and examples
Chapter 2 – Biology, Brain, and Behavior
I. Neuron: define
A. Structure of neuron: define, explain function
1. Neural pathways
2. Reflex action
B. Synaptic transmission: define terms, explain function
1. Synapse: parts and function
2. Neurotransmitters: types and function
II.Nervous System - Two Divisions: (define terms and explain functions)
A. Peripheral: two subparts (define and explain)
1. Somatic
2. Autonomic: two subparts (define and explain)
a. Sympathetic
b. Parasympathetic
B. Central: two parts
1. Spinal cord (describe neural make-up and explain)
2. Brain: define and explain functions of various parts
a. Cerebral Cortex - 4 lobes (define and explain function)
b. Subcortex – 3 areas (define and explain function)
c. Hemispheric Specialization – 2 hemispheres (define and explain function)
III.Heredity: Define terms and explain
B. Chromosomes
C. Genes – 2 types: (define and explain function)
1. Dominant
2. Recessive
D. Twins – 2 types: (define and explain function)
1. Monozygotic - Identical
2. Dizygotic - Fraternal
Chapter 5 Learning
I. Learning: define term
II. Conditioning – 3 types (define and explain function)
A. Classical Conditioning
1. 2 researchers: Explain theories
a. John Watson
b. Ivan Pavlov
2. Elements (define and explain)
3. Principles (define and explain)
B. Operant Conditioning
1. 2 Researchers
a. E. L. Thorndike – Law of Effect/Instrumental Conditioning: (define and explain)
b. B.F. Skinner
2. Principles of Reinforcement: (define and explain)
3. Shaping: (define and explain)
4. Generalization and Extinction: (define and explain)
Cognitive Learning – 3 types (define and explain)
A. Insight Learning – Wolfgang Kohler: (define and explain)
B. Latent Learning – Edward Tolman: (define and explain)
C. Social Learning Theory – Albert Bandura: (define and explain)
Chapter 6 Memory
I. Nature of Memory – define terms and explain function
A. Memory
B. 3 Basic Process: (define terms and explain function)
1. Encoding – Craik and Lockhart 3 levels of processing: shallow to deep (define and explain)
2. Storage
3. Retrieval
C. 3 Measurements of Memory: (define and explain)
1. Recognition
2. Recall
3. Relearning
II. Modal Model – Atkinson and Shiffrin (define and explain)
A. Sensory Memory – 2 types (define and explain)
1. Iconic (define and explain)
2. Echoic (define and explain)
B. Short-term Memory (define and explain)
1. Chunking
2. Mnemonic Devices
3. Serial Position Curve
C. Long-term Memory – 2 substructures (define and explain)
1. Explicit/Declarative Memory – 2 subdivisions (define and explain)
2. Implicit/Nondeclarative Memory – 2 subdivisions (define and explain)
III. Memory and Brain Structures (define and explain)
A. Explicit Memory
B. Implicit Memory
IV. Theories of Forgetting: (define and explain)
A. Trace Decay Theory
B. Interference Theory – 2 kinds (define and explain)
1. Proactive
2. Retroactive
C. Retrieval Failure
D. Motivated Forgetting/Repression
V. Memory Disorders (define and explain)
A. Amnesia – 2 types (define and explain)
1. Physiological – 2 types (define and explain)
a. anterograde
b. retrograde
2. Psychological
Korsakoff’s Syndrome
Chapter 7 Intelligence
I. Intelligence: define term
II. History of Intelligence Measurement: (names, define terms, and explain)
Alfred Binet & Theodore Simon
Lewis Terman – Stanford-Binet development
William Stern – Intelligence Quotient (terms and formula)
III. Normal Distribution of Intelligence (describe normal curve, define terms,
application of normal curve)
3 criteria for Normal Distribution (define and/or explain)
Application of Normal Distribution to IQ
IV. Elements of Intelligence Tests: (define terms and explain)
V. Types of Intelligence Tests – 2 types (names, define terms, and describe)
A. Individual Tests: (name and explain)
1. Stanford-Binet – 4 mental abilities tested: (name and explain)
2. Wechsler Scales –David Wechsler: 3 Scales (name and explain)
B. Brief History of Group Tests – Arthur Otis: (describe)
Army Alpha
Army Beta
VI. Theories of Intelligence: (names, define terms, and describe)
A. Spearman’s Factor Theory – 2 factors: (define terms, and describe)
B. Thurstone’s Theory of Primary Mental Abilities: (names, define terms, and describe)
C. Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences: (names, define terms, and describe)
D. Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory: (names, define terms, and describe)
E. Cattell – 2 kinds of intelligence: (names, define terms, and describe)
F. Goleman – Emotional Intelligence; (names, define terms, and describe)
Chapter 11 Psychology and Health
I. Health Psychology – major terms (define terms)
A. Stress
B. Stressor
C. Lifestyle
D. Wellness
II. Sources of Stress – 3 categories: (define terms and explain)
A. Personality
1. Type A; Type B
2. Hardiness
B. Environmental
1. Work
2. Life Events/Daily Hassles (microstressors)
a. Change
b. Traumatic Experiences
3. Conflict – 4 types: (define terms and explain)
a. approach-approach
b. avoidance-avoidance
c. approach-avoidance
d. double approach-double avoidance
III. Affects of Stress - 2 types: (define terms and explain)
A. Physical Effects
1. Emergency Theory - Canon
2. General Adaptation Syndrome Model – Hans Selye; 3 stages: (define terms and explain)
3. Psychosomatic Disorders
B. Psychological
1. Cognitive Appraisal Model – Richard Lazarus
2. Learned Helplessness
3. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
IV. Coping Strategies: (define terms and explain)
A. Problem-focused
B. Emotion-focused
C. Perception-focused
D. Social Support
E. Cognitive Restructuring/self-talk
Chapter 12 Abnormal Psychology and Therapy
I. Psychopathology: (define term)
A. Defining Abnormality – 4 criteria: (define terms and explain)
B. Legal vs. Mental Health definition
C. History of Asylums (names, terms, and brief explanation)
II. Theoretical Approaches to Psychological Disorders – 3 main categories: (names,
terms, and brief explanation)
A. Biological – Medical Model – Szasz: (explain theory)
B. Psychological: (explain theories)
1. Behavioral
2. Social-Cognitive
3. Humanistic
4. Psychodynamic
C. Sociocultural: (explain theory)
D. Biopsychosocial: (explain theory)
III. Classify Psychological Disorders – DSM-IV
A. Multi-axial diagnostic format: (define terms and explain)
B. Overview of Psychological Disorders
1. Anxiety Disorders: (define disorder, specific examples)
2. Somatoform Disorders: (define disorder, specific examples)
3. Dissociative Disorders: (define disorder, specific examples)
4. Mood Disorders: (define disorder, specific examples)
5. Schizophrenic Disorders: (define disorder, specific examples)
6. Personality Disorders: (define disorder, specific examples)
IV. Treatment for Mental Disorders – 2 classifications: (define terms and explain)
A. Biological-Based Therapy – 3 types: (define terms and explain)
1. Psychosurgery – history, usage
2. Electroconvulsive Shock Therapy
3. Pharmocological Therapy (Drug) – 3 classes
a. Antianxiety
b. Antidepressant
c. Antipsychotic
B. Psychological Therapy: (define terms and explain)
1. Psychodynamic – Freud’s Psychoanalysis: (define terms and explain)
2. Humanistic – 2 examples: (define terms and explain)
a. Client-centered – Rogers
b. Gestalt – Fritz Perls
3. Behavior: (define terms and explain)
a. Based on Classical Conditioning
b. Based on Operant Conditioning
4. Cognitive: (define terms and explain)
a. Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy – Albert Ellis
b. Beck’s Cognitive Therapy
5. Sociocultural Approach: (define terms and explain)
a. Group Therapy
b. Family and couple
c. Self-help
Chapter 10 Theories of Personality
I. Personality: define and differential from terms below
A. Trait
B. Character
C. Temperament
II. Theoretical Perspectives of Personality: (names, define terms, and describe)
A. Psychodynamic
1. Psychoanalytic – Sigmund Freud
a. Structures of Personality: (define terms and explain)
b. Levels of Consciousness (Iceberg Theory): (define terms and explain)
c. Personality Development: (define terms and explain)
d. Defense Mechanisms: (define terms and explain)
2. Individual Psychology – Alfred Adler
3. Interpersonal Theory – Karen Horney
B. Behavioristic-Cognitive
1. Behavior – B.F. Skinner
2. Social Cognitive – Albert Bandura: (define terms and explain)
a. Self-efficacy
b. Observational learning
3. Locus of Control – Julian Rotter: (define terms and explain)
C. Humanistic
1. Carl Roger’s Self Theory – Growth Promoting Climate: (define terms and explain)
a. Unconditional Positive Regard
b. Empathy
c. Genuineness
2. Abraham Maslow’s Need Theory: (define terms and explain)
D. Trait (define term and explain)
1. Dimensions of Personality – Hans Eysenck: (define terms and explain)
2. Big Five Personality Factors: (define terms and explain)
III. Personality Assessment - 2 types: (define terms and explain)
A. Self-Report/Objective – 2 examples: (define terms)
1. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2
2. Neuroticism Extraversion Openness Personality Inventory-Revised
B. Projective – 2 examples: (define terms)
1. Rorschach Inkblot
2. Thematic Apperception Test – Henry Murray
Course Overview:
The course design is direct instruction and constructivistic. Students’ critical thinking abilities are developed using
discussion and application of material to life experiences. Students must apply appropriate terms and theories to
actual situations presented in class. The material is evaluated using multiple choice, matching, and short answer
formats. Class participation is encouraged and is part of the students’ final grade.