Download Population Age Structure Diagram Analysis

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Population Age
Structure Diagram
Directions: After completing the age structure diagram for one country, answer the
following questions below using complete sentences.
1) What country did you draw?
2) Which type of age structure did that country turn out to be (pyramid, rectangular, inverted)? How
can you tell?
3) Is this country classified as developed or developing?
4) How is the GDP (gross domestic product) of this country?
5) What type of industries can be found in this country?
6) Describe the birth rate trends of this country.
7) Describe the death rate trends of this country.
8) Is this country overexploiting its natural resources? Explain.
9) What are 3 environmental issues that are created from overpopulation?
10) What do you think is the best way to limit population growth? Explain.
11) Why are age structure diagrams used by scientists?
Three (3) Age Structure Diagrams
1. Expanding/growing population (Pyramid)-Pyramid shape, has more
children than any other age group. Lots of reproductive women. Low GDPs.
High Birth rates, High death rates. Lack of medicinal care. Agriculture based
economies. Common of developing countries- Ex: Nigeria or Bolivia
2. Stable populations (Rectangular)-Number of children is roughly the
same as the number of reproductive adults. Births can equal deaths
throughout the ages. High GDPs. Industrial based economies. Educated
women = lower birth rates. Common of developed countries- Ex: European
countries, U.S.A.
3. Declining population (Inverted)-Pre-reproductive group is smaller. Not
enough reproductive woman having babies to replace the older generation.
High GDPs. Industrial based economies. Common in developed,
progressive countries- Ex: Japan, Germany (Russia, Bulgaria qualify due to