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Name ____________________________
Unit 2: River Valley Civilizations
Outline 3
_______ (100)
Test 3
_______ (100)
Outline 4
_______ (100)
Test 4
_______ (100)
Outline 5
_______ (100)
Test 5
_______ (100)
Unit in Review
__________ (100)
Overall Grade ________________ (700)
Chapter 3: Mesopotamia
Directions: Match the terms with the correct description.
A) City State
_____1. A temple located at the center of ancient cities.
B) Artisan
_____2. The skilled workers of each town.
C) Ziggurat
_____3. The cities within a state that have their own
government and god.
D) Cuneiform
E) Scribe
_____4. The first written language, developed by the Sumerians,
of this world.
F) Priest-kings
_____5. Improvements made, usually regarding laws.
G) Empire
_____6. Group of states under one ruler.
H) Culture
_____7. A period of power.
I) Reform
_____8. Way of life by the people.
J) Reign
_____9. Priests who are kings of the state.
_____10. Those who could read and write…usually the preists.
Section 1: Sumer
1. The earliest civilizations of the world developed along the
___________________ & __________________________ rivers in an area of
land known as ________________________________.
2. The first of these civilizations was ____________________.
3. Sumerians learned how to plant food, developed _________________________,
the world’s first written language, and built ____________________ (religious
4. The largest and most powerful of Sumerian city-states was ________.
Section 2: Other Mesopotamian Empires
1. ________________________ was the creator of the world’s first empire when he
invaded Sumer and combined it with his kingdom, ______________.
2. The name of this empire was __________________________.
3. After 50 years of rule, Sargon I died and his kingdom split amongst the many
city-states of _________________________.
4. One of these city-states, _________________________, under the rule of
___________________________ conquered Sumer & Akkad and formed the
_____________________________ empire.
5. Hammurabi’s greatest contribution to the world was his
_____________________________. This code of laws was important because it
was the first written code of laws.
Section 3: Contributions of Mesopotamian Cultures
Chapter in Review
1. Civilization began in an area known as ______________________, located
between the Tigris & Euphrates River.
A) Sumer
B) Babylon
C) Mesopotamia
D) Akkad
2. _________________ was the first civilization in the world.
A) Sumer
B) Babylon
C) Mesopotamia
D) Akkad
3. Sumerians developed an _____________________ system used for growing
A) canal
B) irrigation
C) water filtration
D) sprinkler
4. The most powerful city-state in Sumer was _______.
A) Babylon
B) Akkad
C) Gilgamesh
D) Ur
5. ______________ of Akkad created the world’s first empire by conquering the
A) Sargon I
B) Hammurabi
C) Scribes
D) Gilgamesh
6. The leader of the Babylonian empire was
A) Sargon I
B) Hammurabi
C) Scribes
D) Gilgamesh
7. Hammurabi unified the Babylonian empire by establishing a
A) irrigation system
B) written code of laws
C) a large military
D) a superior navy
8. Mesopotamian civilizations include
A) writing
B) the wheel
C) the sailboat
D) all of the above
Chapter 4:Egypt
Directions: Match the correct term with its description.
A) Shadoof
B) Pharaoh
_____1. A machine used to lift water from the Nile to
the basins.
_____2. Tombs for the Pharaoh that serve as gateways
into the afterlife.
C) Pyramids
_____3. Egyptian kings.
D) Embalming
_____4. A wrapped body of a pharaoh.
E) Mummy
_____5. A method of preserving bodies of the dead.
F) Legend
G) Hieroglyphic
_____6. A kind of writing in which pictures represented
words or sound.
H) Papyrus
_____7. paper made from the reeds of a plant.
_____8. A list of symbols and what they stand for.
Section 1: The Nile
1. The Nile was the region of Africa in which its first civilization developed. This
civilization was called ____________________.
2. The people of Egypt settled along the ___________ regions of the Nile in which
the land was fertile.
3. Along the Nile, Egyptians dug holes called _____________. These holes were
filled with water in which a shadoof would carry the water to the crops.
Section 2: The Old Kingdom
1. Early Egypt was made up of 2 parts: ______________ & ______________.
2. Upper Egypt was led by King ___________________.
3. King Menes united both kingdoms and formed the _______ Kingdom.
4. The old kingdom introduced rule by a _____________________, who controlled
most of the land and money.
5. The Egyptians were ______________________ which meant they believed in
many gods.
6. The members of the Old Kingdom also developed a process called
______________________________ in which embalming was used to preserve
the body for the afterlife.
Section 3: The Middle Kingdom
1. The people of the Old Kingdom grew weary of rule by the ________________.
2. The Middle Kingdom formed around 2100 BCE, with the ________________
power considerably less.
3. During the Middle Kingdom, Egypt began to _______________with countries
beyond the Nile Valley.
Section 4: The New Kingdom
1. in 1786 BCE, a group of people called the _________________, invaded,
conquered and ruled Egypt for over150 years.
2. in 1550 BCE, prince _______________ of Egypt led an uprising and drove the
Hyksos out of Egypt.
3. Under Ahmose, Egypt became united and their empire was extended under the
leadership of King _________________________.
4. Thutmose was a powerful ruler and used the military to extend his empire. He
was much different from the previous ruler, _______________________, who
was the first woman pharaoh of Egypt.
5. Under Hatshepsut, Egyptians developed a form of picture writing called
6. Even though Egyptians were polytheistic, they did believe that one god was more
powerful than the others. This god was _________________________.
7. Eventually, the priests of Amon-Re grew more powerful than the pharaohs. In
1370 BCE, a new pharaoh known as _________________________ closed the
temples of Amon-Re and got rid of all the priests
8. After his death, a nine year old boy, _____________________________,
assumed the throne.
9. During Tut’s rule, the priests regained their status as well as Amon-Re. This
caused a rapid decline of the empire and it fell in 1150 BCE to the
Section 5: Contributions of the Egyptians
Egyptian contributions included:
Chapter in Review
1. Egyptian civilization began in the _________ river valley over 5000 years ago.
A) Nile
B) Amazon
C) Nubian
D) Tigris & Euphrates
2. Kings of Egypt became known as ______________.
A) Sultans
B) Presidents
C) Pharaohs
D) Ziggurats
3. Egyptian pharaohs were seen as
A) rulers
B) priests
C) gods
D) all of the above
4. Pyramids were used as __________________________ for pharaohs.
gateways to the afterlife
government offices
all of the above
5. Since the Egyptians worshipped many gods, they had a ____________ religion.
A) monotheistic
B) polytheistic
C) animistic
D) Buddhist
6. In order to p[reserve bodies into the afterlife, the Egyptians developed a process
A) mummification
B) burial rites
C) reincarnation
D) papyrus
7. Which of the following was NOT an Egyptian time period?
A) Old Kingdom
B) New Kingdom
C) Middle Kingdom
D) Amon-Re
8. Which of the following was NOT an Egyptian pharaoh?
A) Hatshepsut
B) Amon-Re
C) Amenhotep
D) Thutmose III
9. Which of the following was NOT an Egyptian contribution?
A) papyrus
B) hieroglyphics
C) herbal medicines
D) cuneiform
Chapter 5: Eastern River Valleys
Section 1: India
1. Eastern river valley civilizations began in the ___________________________
about 2500 BCE.
2. The first people to establish a civilization in the Indus River valley were
3. The Harappans controlled the _____________________ as a means of fertilizing
their crops.
4. The Harappans are believed to be the first people to …
a. _________________________________________________
b. _________________________________________________
c. _________________________________________________
5. The oldest known cities in the Indus River Valley were ____________________
& ________________________________.
6. Around 1200 BCE, the ____________________ took control of the Valley.
7. They brought an ancient language called _________________________.
Section 2: China
1. The Chinese kingdom began with the legendary kingdom of ______________.
2. This civilization settled along the _____________________ around 2000BCE.
3. Not much is known about the Xia, but historians believe they chose this river
valley because its floods always left the land very ___________________.
4. Due to the ferocity of the floods & color of the water, the Huang Ho River had
two other names, ________________________ & _______________________.
5. The first recorded Chinese dynasty was the __________________.
6. The Shangs developed Chinese oldest known written language. This language
was found written on ___________________________.
7. The Shang dynasty flourished because of its ability to develop
_________________ weapons.
8. However, the dynasty came to an end with the ______________ invasion in 1122
Chapter in Review
Directions: Match the terms with its correct definition.
A) Planned Communities
_____1. ancient script of China.
B) citadel
_____2. The Harappan cities of MohenjoDaro & Harappa.
C) dynasty
D) ancestors
_____3. The fortress in each city of
E) oracle bones
_____4. Your families descendants.
_____ 5. A family of rulers.
Unit in Review
Directions: Complete the multiple choice.
_______1. What was the name of the earliest known civilization on Earth?
A) Babylon
B) Mesopotamia
C) Sumer
D) Assyria
_______2. What was the name of the land located between the Tigris & Euphrates Rivers?
E) Mesopotamia
F) Sumer
G) Babylon
H) Assyria
_______3. What was the religious temple at the center of Sumer called?
A) cuneiform
B) Hieroglyphics
C) Empire
D) Ziggurat
_______4. The earliest religions of the world were
E) monotheistic
F) polytheistic
G) Paleolithic
H) Neolithic
_______5. Who was the most famous Sumerian King
A) Gilgamesh
B) Urukagina
C) Hammurabi
D) Sargon I
_______6. What was the name of the world’s first written language?
E) hieroglyphics
F) cave paintings
G) cuneiform
H) calligraphy
_______7. Who was the person who created the world’s first empire?
A) Gilgamesh
B) Urukagina
C) Hammurabi
D) Sargon I
_______8. What was the name of the world’s first empire?
E) Mesopotamia
F) Sumer
G) Babylon
H) Assyria
_______9. What was the name given to Sumerian boys who went to school?
A) scribes
B) students
C) Spartans
D) Preist-kings
_______10. Which of the following was NOT a contribution of Mesopotamian civilizations?
E) wheel
F) sailboat
G) papyrus
H) cuneiform
_______11. Which Babylonian King wrote down all the laws?
A) Gilgamesh
B) Urukagina
C) Hammurabi
D) Sargon I
_______12. The people of Egypt settled along what river?
E) Nile
F) Amazon
G) Mississippi
H) Tigris
_______13. The Egyptian civilization & the Nile River are located on the _______ continent.
A) Asian
B) North American
C) European
D) African
_______14. What was the name of the desert that protected the Egyptians from a western invasion?
A) Sahara
B) Irabu
C) Arabian
D) Anasazi
_______15. The people of Egypt mostly lived in the _________ regions of the Nile.
E) Cataract
F) Delta
G) Both E & F
H) Neither E nor F
_______16. Inn Egypt who was considered the ruler, high priest, and a god?
A) President
B) Pharaoh
C) King
D) Amon-Re
_______17. What is mummification?
E) the process of making you beautiful
F) the process of preserving a body for its entrance into the after-life
G) the way Sumerian teachers taught the scribes how to write
H) the process of writing down laws
_______18. Pyramids were tombs that created as gateways into the
A) City of the dead
B) land of the spirits
C) Isles of pain
D) After-life
_______19. Which of the following was NOT a duty of the Pharaoh?
E) hiring officials
F) regulating taxes
G) building dams
H) teaching the language to scribes
_______20. Which of the following was NOT an Egyptian accomplishment?
A) Papyrus
B) Cuneiform
C) Hieroglyphics
D) medicine