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Chapter 12
Who Am I?
Species and Races
12.1 What is a Species
 The primary category in Linnean classification is the species
 Species are given binomial (two-part) names
 First part consists of the genus
 Second part is the specific epithet
 Genus name is capitalized, both names are italicized or underlined when used
Same genus, different species
Panthera leo and Panthera pardus
12.1 What is a Species - The Biological Species Concept
 The biological species concept states that species are reproductively isolated from one
 In nature, members of the same species can potentially interbreed
 Members of different species cannot interbreed
 Sum total of alleles in a species is called gene pool
12.1 What is a Species - The Nature of Reproductive Isolation
 Movement of alleles within a gene pool is called gene flow.
 Gene flow does not occur between species, due to reproductive barriers.
 Two general kinds of reproductive barriers:
 Prefertilization – prevent fertilization from occuring
 Postfertilization – fertilization occurs, but hybrid cannot reproduce
Five different prefertilization reproductive barriers
 Spatial
 Behavioral
 Mechanical
 Temporal
 Gamete incompatibility
Spatial reproductive isolation
 Species are separated by distance
 Example: polar bear (Arctic) and spectacled bear (South America)
Behavioral reproductive isolation
 Differences in mating behavior may interfere with reproduction
 Example: many birds have mating songs or dances
Mechanical reproductive isolation
 Sexual organs are incompatible
 Example: many insects have “lock and key” genitals
Temporal reproductive isolation
 Difference in timing of reproduction
 Example: organisms might have different mating or flowering times
Gamete compatibility reproductive isolation
 Eggs and sperm of different species unable to fuse
 Common among organisms that release gametes into the environment
12.1 What is a Species - The Nature of Reproductive Isolation
 Postfertilization barriers to reproduction:
 Hybrid inviability
 Hybrid sterility
Hybrid inviability
 Zygote unable to develop because genetic instructions are incomplete
 Example: sheep crossed with goat produces an embryo, but it dies early in development
Hybrid infertility
 Product of interspecies cross is unable to reproduce
 Example: mule
12.1 What is a Species - Speciation: an Overview
 Three steps necessary for one species to give rise to a new species
1. Isolation of gene pools of populations
2. Evolutionary changes in gene pools of populations
3. Evolution of reproductive isolation between populations
Once reproductively isolated, how long does the process of evolution take?
Two general explanations
 Gradualism – slow accumulation of small changes over long period of time
 Punctuated equilibrium – rapid change followed by long periods of no change
 Evidence that both processes are at work
Isolation and divergence of gene pools
 Migration can lead to isolation of a population
 Examples include oceanic islands
 Because migrant populations are small, genetic changes can occur rapidly
More than 50 species of Hawaiian silversword are descended from a migrant population of
California tarweed.
Geographic barriers can also intrude between populations
 Isthmus of Panama connects North and South America, but divides an ocean gulf
 6 pairs of snapping shrimp species exist. One species pair is on the Carribean side and the
other is on the Pacific side
 Genetic evidence indicates that each species pair is descended from ancestral species
separated by rise of Panama
Species separated by barriers or distance are allopatric
Species occupying the same area are sympatric
Apple maggot flies appear to be speciating sympatrically.
 Apples are not native to N. America, introduced by colonists
 Apple maggot flies infest hawthorns and apples
 Flies mate on fruit where they will lay their eggs
 Hawthorns fruit 1 month after apples
 Apple-preferring and hawthorn-preferring flies appear to have little gene flow
 In plants, speciation can occur instantaneously, with no barriers between populations.
Hybrids between plant species are usually infertile.
Hybrids can occasionally become fertile through polyploidy.
Many plants produce male and female gametes and can self-pollinate.
Because of change in chromosome numbers, offspring are genetically isolated from their
parent plants.
 Canola developed as a result of polyploidy
 Scientists suspect that this process is responsible for much of plant species diversity.
The evolution of reproductive isolation
 No rule to tell with certainty when populations are truly isolated
 The dragonflies in the picture below cannot interbreed
 All dogs are capable of interbreeding
12.2 Races and Genealogical Species
 Biologists do not agree on a definition of the term “race”, and some feel the concept is
 Any biological definition of race would probably have the following concepts:
 Races are populations of one species that have diverged
 Little gene flow, so any evolutionary changes in one population do not occur in the others
Possible criteria for defining race
 Genealogical species concept defines species as smallest group of reproductively
compatible individuals descended from a single common ancestor
Spotted owl has 3 distinct populations that could theoretically interbreed, but are separated
Are human races like genealogical species?
12.3 Humans and the Race Concept - The Morphological Species Concept
 The morphological species concept emphasizes physical differences
 A species is defined as a group of individuals with some reliable physical characteristics
that distinguish them from all other species
 Morphological differences are assumed to correlate with isolation of gene pools
12.3 Humans and the Race Concept - Modern Humans: A History
 Immediate predecessor of Homo sapiens was Homo erectus
 H. erectus first appears in fossil record ~1.8 MYA
 H. sapiens first appears in fossil record ~250,000 years ago.
 Debate about precise model of evolution of modern humans, but all ultimately have Africa
as the place that humans came from
Most evidence suggests that moderns humans descended from African ancestors within the
last 200,000 years.
 Humans have less genetic diversity than any other great ape (indicates young species).
 Among human populations, those in Africa have greatest genetic diversity.
 Physical differences between humans must have arisen within about 10,000 generations
(not very long).
 Thus, all humans share a recent common ancestor.
12.3 Humans and the Race Concept - Genetic Evidence of Divergence
 Evolution results in a change in allele frequency. If a race is isolated from other races, there
are two expectations:
 Some alleles unique to the race
 Differences in allele frequency compared to other races
Hypothetical example of a race-specific allele and different allele frequencies between races.
12.3 Humans and the Race Concept - Using the Hardy-Weinberg Theorem to Calculate
Allele Frequencies
 The Hardy-Weinberg theorem states that allele frequencies will remain stable in populations
that meet three conditions
 Large size
 Random mating
 No migration
 No natural selection
 Also provides a means of making predictions of what will happen if assumptions are violated
HW Theorem is expressed as an equation
 p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1
 p and q are alleles of a gene
 p2 and q2 are homozygous condition (i.e. AA or aa)
 2pq is heterozygous condition (i.e. Aa)
12.3 Humans and the Race Concept - Human Races Are Not Biological Groups
 No race-specific alleles have been identified
 Although sickle cell anemia has long been thought of as a “black disease”, it is not found
in all African populations and it is found in non-African populations
Populations classified in the same race do not have similar allele frequencies
 The distribution of alleles within racial groups is about the same as between racial groups
Human races have never been truly isolated
 B blood type first evolved in Asia, but is now widespread. There are no clear boundaries in
the human gene pool.
12.4 Why Human Groups Differ - Natural Selection
 Sickle-cell anemia is an adaptation to environments where malaria is common
Nose shape is correlated with climate factors. Populations in dry climates have narrower noses
than those in moist climates.
12.4 Why Human Groups Differ - Convergent Evolution
 Traits shared by unrelated populations due to similarities of environment are examples of
convergent evolution
 Human skin color appears to be result of convergent evolution
 Strong correlation between skin color and exposure to UV light
12.4 Why Human Groups Differ - Genetic Drift
 Change in allele frequency that occurs due to chance is genetic drift
 Humans are highly mobile
 Small groups colonizing new areas are prone to genetic drift
 Often drift occurs in three different situations
Founder effect – genetic differences resulting from a small sample
Population bottleneck – genetic change resulting from a dramatic reduction of population
Chance events – small populations are especially prone to loss of alleles though chance
12.4 Why Human Groups Differ - Sexual Selection
 When a trait influences chance of mating it is sexually selected
 Peacock tail sexually selected
 Sexual selection often accounts for male/female differences in many animal species
 There is some evidence that sexual selection accounts for differences in human
male/female body size
12.4 Why Human Groups Differ - Assortative Mating
 Tendency of organism to choose mate that resemble self is assortative mating
 People tend to mate assertively by height (i.e., tall women marry tall men) and skin color
 Positive assortive mating tends to exaggerate differences between groups
12.5 Race in Human Society
 Scientific data indicate that racial categories are biologically meaningless
 Racial categories are socially meaningful and are socially constructed
 BUT, arbitrary groupings are not necessarily bad – we group ourselves into other categories
(religious, sports fans, cat lovers, etc.)