Download Retail hardware case study: Salesperson (DOC 94K)

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Hardware Store
Trevor worked in the drive-through of a large hardware store, helping people find what they needed,
totting up their bills and loading up their vehicles or trailers.
Unfortunately, Trevor had developed a hernia in his previous job. He’d hoped to keep working while
he waited for his surgery, but all that heavy lifting was making it too painful. It looked like he was
going to have to leave work early – something neither he nor his boss, Jim, wanted. Jim valued
Trevor as an experienced employee and he knew he must be able to use that expertise somewhere
else in his business where Trevor’s hernia wouldn’t be aggravated. Because Trevor was good with
people and had a great head for figures, Jim felt Trevor would be pretty good in management.
Jim, Trevor and the case manager work together
With Trevor’s agreement, Jim approached his ACC case manager to see if she agreed to the idea.
After asking for “Stay at Work “ support, Jim, Trevor and the case manager settled on some
acceptable work for before his surgery, and developed a ‘Return to Work’ plan for after the
operation. Then they asked Trevor’s doctor for a ‘fit for selected work’ certificate for the time before
his surgery. Trevor was pleased to be keeping working while he waited for his operation, not least
because it meant he could stay on close to full wages.
Trevor worked until he went into hospital and as soon as he was fit enough post-op, he was back at
work continuing his on-going store training and the other jobs Jim, ACC and his doctor thought safe
and acceptable for him. Before he knew it, Trevor was back at work full-time, feeling very pleased
with how the Return to Work process had helped him.
Formal procedures are put in place
Jim was very happy too, and booked in time with an ACC Injury Prevention and Management
Consultant to formalise the procedures he’d started with Trevor. Now all Jim’s employees knew they
would be supported back into work after an injury, and they knew that positive approach to dealing
with injury created a win-win for everyone.
The company keeps hold of a vital employee
Trevor keeps active while he waits for his surgery
New return to work procedures are put in place.