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WWI Review
What was Militarism and what impact did it have on the outbreak of the war?
a. Great Britain, before WWI, had the strongest navy, world’s richest country, most
industrialized country, large population, largest empire. Empire = a dominant
country and all territories or countries it controls.
b. France, before WWI, spent lots of money increasing armed forces, population of
40 million, armed forces of 900,000.
c. Russia, before WWI, had a huge army of 1,300,000, army had poor equipment
and was poorly trained, just defeated by Japanese.
d. Germany, before WWI, had influence in Africa and China, large steel
production, army of 700,000 was well trained and had modern equipment.
Why did European countries form alliances?
a. countries became more scared of each other and wanted to have agreements to
cooperate and help each other in case of war.
What were the two alliances called and what countries was a part of each of these?
a. Triple Entente aka Allies- England, France, Italy, US, Russia
i. The Triple Entente formed to prevent German expansion in Europe, and
to prevent Germany from getting more overseas colonies.
b. Triple Alliance aka Central powers- Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman
i. Germany feared Russia because Russia had a much larger population;
Russia was expanding manufacturing and mining near Germany.
Germany feared France because French leaders wanted to retake German
land; France’s army was as big as Germany’s army was. Germany feared
Great Britain because Great Britain’s large navy could prevent Germany
from transporting its natural resources from Africa.
What was Nationalism and what impact did it have on the outbreak of the war?
a. Nationalist leaders thought they had to make their country stronger and more
powerful than neighboring countries and worked to create a mentality were
country is first.
b. Ethnic Nationalism- Pride based on Ethnicity not country. Example of this is
Serbian people hoped that the part of Autria-Hungary where they lived would
become a part of Serbia.
What is Imperialism and what impact did it have on the outbreak of the war?
a. Asia, Africa, and the Middle East had natural resources, and could serve as
markets for European nation’s manufactured goods.
How did Ethnic Nationalism cause the outbreak of the Great War, explain in detail?
a. The Crown Prince of the Austria-Hungarian empire, Archduke Francis
Ferdinand, and his wife was killed by a Serbian nationalist.
b. After the assassination, Austria-Hungary gave Serbia a list of demands and
declared war on Serbia.
c. After Austria-Hungary declared war, Russia supported Serbia (and opposed
Austria-Hungary), and Germany declared war on Russia.
d. France and Great Britain declared war on Germany because they honored the
Triple Entente and supported Russia.
WWI Review
At the start of the war what did American neutrality mean?
a. Remained neutral, didn’t sign treaty or join alliance. American trade favors the
Who did U.S. actions favor and in what way?
a. the Allies because U.S. sold them weapons, ammunition, food, supplies.
Who did the American public opinion favor and why?
a. the Allies because many Americans had British ancestors, traditions and
government of the U.S. came from Britain.
10 If all of that is the case, why didn’t the US join the Allies at the Outbreak of the war?
a. Felt it was a European Problem, we were able to profit from both, and many
American’s had German ties as well.
11 What were some of the new weapons that came about in the war, name four?
a. Aircraft
b. Submarines
c. Tanks
d. Hand Grenades
e. Machine Guns
12 How did these new weapons cause problems for generals on both sides of the conflict?
a. They had made up war plans based on old weapons, they did not know how to
fight an enemy that had the new weapons, and they did not know how effective
new weapons would be.
13 What are some examples of this?
a. Massed attacks into the face of machine gun fire. Hiding men in trenches
14 Where was the Western Front and who was involved?
a. All fighting west of Germany
15 Where was the Eastern Front and who was involved?
a. all fighting east of Germany.
16 What was Germany’s plan on the Western Front?
a. Germany’s war plan was quickly capture Paris, defeat the French army before it
got organized, then send German troops to Eastern Front to fight Russia.
17 Was the plan successful, why or why not?
a. The plan wasn’t successful because the Germans never captured Paris because
the French and English stopped them at the First Battle of the Marne.
18 What did Great Britain use its navy for and what impact did it have?
a. They put a blockade on Germany to stop the shipment of supplies into Germany.
Meant all US aid shipments went to the Allies.
19 What was the German response to this?
a. Germany used submarines (U-boats) to sink ships carrying supplies to the Allied
WWI Review
20 Trench Warfare
a. Just be able to talk about what life in the Trenches would have been like.
21 Who was Germany’s first Ace, how many kills did he have, and what was his nickname?
a. Baron von Richthofen
b. 80 kills
c. The Red Baron
22 Who was the leader of the AEF and what does that stand for?
a. J. J. “Black Jack” Pershing
b. American Expeditionary force
23 Who was the President of the United States during WWI?
a. Woodrow Wilson
24 Who was the leader of the German’s?
a. Keiser Wilhelm II
25 Whose assassination was one of the major causes of the First World War?
a. The Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary and his wife
26 What was the No-Mans land?
a. It was the area between the two trench lines which no-one claimed
27 Why did Trench Warfare start?
a. Neither side wanted to give up ground so they dug trenches to protect their soldiers
28 What was happening on the Atlantic Ocean throughout the entire war?
a. The German’s were carrying out unrestricted submarine warfare on commercial
shipping to try to cut off the flow of supplies to the Allies.
29 What happened in Mexico in 1913, which alarmed the United States?
a. There was a Revolution
b. Pancho Villa raided across the border into the US
30 What was Probably the last straw in getting the US to enter the war?
a. The Zimmerman Note
31 What was the Lusitania and why was it important?
a. The Lusitania was a civilian ship, which was sent to the bottom by German U-boats,
over 1,000 people died, 125 of which were Americans, also was carrying weapons
for the allies
32 What was the Sussex Pledge and why did it come about?
a. A pledge from the Germans that they would obey the rules of war and stop
unrestricted submarine warfare, named as such because the Sussex was another passenger ship
that was sank by the German Navy.
WWI Review
33 Why did the German’s violate this?
a. Germans resumed unrestricted submarine warfare. The Germans thought this
would stop all supplies from reaching the Allies. The Allies would then be
defeated before the U.S. entered the war. The German announcement to resume
unrestricted submarine warfare and the German sinking of 3 U.S. merchant ships
resulted in pushing the U.S. to declare war on Germany.
34 How many American Casualties were there?
a. 125,000
35 How many people died during the Great War?
a. 18 million
36 What did Wilson use as his re-election platform in 1916?
a. He kept us out of the war
37 What were some of the things that our government and society did to try to desensitize
the American public to the German’s so that it would be easier to get people to want to go
to war to kill them?
a. Different forms of propaganda, posters, sayings, etc..
38 What happened in the spring of 1918?
a. A huge German offensive
b. US Entered the war in Europe
39 Why did Pershing release his men to the French earlier than he wanted to?
a. The allied army was in bad shape, they were getting pushed back by the Germans at
every turn
40 Why did the battlefield smell so bad and how did they solve the problem?
a. The bodies
b. They threw them in ditches and covered them with lime
41 What were some of the dangers that the Americans faced when they arrived at the front?
a. Artillery, Grenades, Gas, Machine Guns
42 Who was Sgt. York? (possible Bonus)
a. American soldier, hero of the war, killed dozens of Germans, captured over 120, and
32 machine guns, single handedly
43 How were the American soldiers able to communicate so well with the Germans?
a. Many of them grew up in German Households
44 What kinds of problems did the veterans face upon their return to society, after the war?
a. The quiet
b. Post Traumatic Stress syndrome
45 What countries were fighting on The Eastern Front?
a. Russia, Germany, Austria-Hungary.
WWI Review
46 Why did the German Army have more success here?
a. German soldiers were better trained and better equipped with weapons than
b. In 1917, the Russian army had little supplies due to Russia’s poor transportation
system, was getting smaller (suffered 3.6 million casualties, 2 million soldiers
were captured).
47 How did World War I lead to the Russian Revolution?
a. urban workers had little food
b. sailors and soldiers were not being paid
c. soldiers were poorly equipped
48 What impact did the Russian Revolution have on the War?
a. Lenin demanded the Kerensky government to take Russia out of the war. In
November 1917, the Bolsheviks seized control of the Russian government. The
peace treaty between Russia and Germany helped Lenin focus on creating a
government ruled by the Bolshevik Party.
b. The peace treaty between Russia and Germany helped Germany put most of its
troops on the Western Front.
49 Why suspend anti-trust laws?
a. Big businesses under government control is better than a bunch of small businesses,
easier to get things done in war time
50 What is the term for putting a limit on resources or food that people can obtain?
a. Rationing
51 What were the challenges facing the leader of the food administration?
a. Increase food production
a. Lower domestic consumption
b. Keep prices stable
52 How did the food administration accomplish their goals?
a. Catchy slogans
b. Public Praise
c. Nationalist feelings
53 What was the Selective Service Act of 1917?
a. Made every man register for the draft
b. Any race could be drafted
c. However the military was still segregated
54 How did the Selective Service Act affect the home front?
a. Lowered the amount of labor available for an increasing job market
b. Raised wages and gave them more protection
c. Women and minority men filled a lot more of these jobs than they used to
d. Better wages and equality in work is going to affect the political, social, and
economic climate of the future
e. Women also helped with charity and fundraising for the war effort
WWI Review
55 How to get everyone to support the war?
a. Propaganda?
b. Leaflets, posters, sayings, etc. to get people to fight and support the war
56 How were protestors treated?
a. Many were beaten or thrown in jail
57 What was the Espionage Act?
a. Treason was a crime
58 What was the Sedition Act?
a. It was a crime to express an opinion against the war
59 What kinds of things happened to the socialist party in the United States after the Russian
revolution and why were the people in the United States so angry with the Russians?
a. They would be removed from office; they could be thrown in jail or beaten.
b. B/c they signed a peace treaty with the German’s which freed up more soldiers to
fight on the western front
60 Who was Eugene Debs and what happened to him?
a. Leader of the socialist movement was thrown in jail for a speech opposing the draft
61 What was Schneck v. United States?
a. SC case which stated that the 1st amendment is not blanket protection for saying
anything, if it is false or a danger to others than you have no protection, however
other than that you are fine
62 What impact did the War have on US Farmers?
a. Farmers bought more machinery and farmed more land during WWI.
63 What impact did the war have on the US economy after the war was over?
a. To rebuild Europe, and to meet needs of purchases of American public =
great demand for U.S. items after war.
64 What impact did the War have on African American’s in the US?
a. To escape discrimination and to find jobs African Americans moved to
northern cities in 1915-1920.
65 What impact did the War have on Women?
a. Women worked in blue collar jobs: role of women changed during the war.
66 What impact did the War have on immigration in the US?
a. People feared immigrants would bring diseases and would work for lower wages:
labor unions opposed new immigrants.
b. Government limited immigration by creating a law that required all new
immigrants to be able to read and write and to be able to pay a tax.
67 What differences can be found between President Wilson and the Other Allied Leaders
goals following the war?
a. Wilson’s treaty objectives were to reach a peaceful resolution of problems
between the countries. Wilson wanted colonies to become free countries.
WWI Review
b. French and British treaty objectives were to build-up their armed forces and
punish Germany for starting the war, rebuild their economies and pay-off their
loans to the U.S., payment (reparations) from Germany, control of German and
Ottoman Empire colonies for their natural resources.
68 What was the name of Wilson’s plan to try to avoid future wars?
a. The 14 points
69 What were some of the major points to this speech?
1) Open covenants of peace, diplomacy shall proceed always frankly and in the public view.
2) Absolute freedom of navigation upon the seas
3) The removal, of all economic barriers and the establishment of an equality of trade
4) National armaments will be reduced to the lowest point consistent with domestic safety.
5) A free, open-minded, and absolutely impartial adjustment of all colonial claims.
6) The evacuation of all Russian Territory
7) The evacuation and restoration of all Belgium Territory
8) All French territory should be freed and the invaded portions restored
9) A readjustment of the frontiers of Italy should be effected along clearly recognizable
lines of nationality.
10) The peoples of Austria-Hungary given the opportunity to autonomous development.
11) Rumania, Serbia, and Montenegro should be evacuated; occupied territories restored;
Serbia accorded free and secure access to the sea;
12) The Turkish portion of the present Ottoman Empire should be assured a secure
13) An independent Polish state should be erected
14) A general association of nations must be formed
70 What was the name of the organization that Wilson tried to put into place to work as a
governing body for all future disputes between governments?
a. League of Nations- Predecessor of NATO and UN
71 Why didn’t the US join the League of Nations?
a. Americans wanted nothing to do with Europe because they opposed the Treaty.
Senate thought that if the U.S. joined the League of Nations it would loose
control over the American military. The U.S. Senate opposed the Treaty.
72 What impact did the U.S. absence from the League of Nations have and why?
a. It reduced the League’s ability to deal with problems after WWI because the US
was the originator of the idea and the most powerful nation in the world.
73 What was the name of the treaty, which ended the Great War?
a. Versailles Peace Conference
74 What was the gist of this treaty?
a. Germany got hammered; Had to take blame for war, lost military, lost colonies, lost
land, and had to pay reparations of 33 billion.
b. They could not pay this, plunged them into depression and set the stage for Hitler’s
rise to power and the Second World War.