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Life Cycle of a Star Flip Book
Objective: To create a flip book showing the life cycle of a Low-Mass, Average star, or High
mass star. Use page 147 as a guide and your notes. You choose what size star you want to create
a flip book for.
A Flip Book is a simple “moving picture” made as a small bound book with pages or frames with
individual photos or pictures to show a series of movement. When the pages are quickly flipped
through the images will look as if the scene is moving.
Task: Create a simple flip book showing the stages in the life cycle of a star. Choose one of the
options below.
Low/Average Mass- Nebula-Protostar-Main Sequence Star (color must be accurate)- GiantPlanetary Nebula- White Dwarf
Massive Star- Nebula-Protostar- Main Sequence Star (color must be accurate) - Super GiantSupernova-Neutron Star
Very Massive Star-Nebula-Protostar-Main Sequence Star (color must be accurate)-Super GiantSupernova-Black hole
Page 1: Cover page with title, picture, group member’s names, and period
Pages 2 – 7 Animate the life cycle of a star
 All pages must include color- the supplies are up front whatever you use must go back
neatly. You can draw it or create a model out of pipe cleaners and construction paper.
 Every page must be titled with the stage of the life cycle
 Sign the back of each card you create. Each team r will create pages individually or
together and sign that it is there work for verification. This is a test to see if we can
handle group work!
Page 8- Show what you know.
 Answer the questions in complete sentences
 Title the page
 Include an illustration
-How does a star’s mass affect its lifetime?
-Explain how a black hole forms?
-Why at the end of a star’s life time do some stars turn into white dwarfs, some turn into
neutron stars, and others turn into black holes
The answer outlined in colors of your chose.
This is part of your participation grade to see if you are on task or working together or we will
never do partner projects again! Each person in pair will work on questions and initial back as
Grading Rubric:
Stages missing
or unfinished; all
8 pages may not
be used.
Animation is choppy
and hard to follow
but shows all
stages; all 8 pages
may not be used.
Animation is
smooth and clearly
represents every
stage, but does not
include 8 pages.
Work is messy
and I cannot
read it; there are
many mistakes.
Work is messy and
hard to follow; there
are some mistakes.
Work is clean and
neat and easy to
has small mistakes
None of the
questions are
accurately or
One of the questions
is accurate and
Two of the answers
are accurate and
All answers are
accurate and
Was off task; did
not provide ideas
or useful
information; did
not do fair share
of work
Did not stay on task
all of the time;
didn’t provide many
ideas or useful
information; didn’t
do fair share of work
Stayed on task
most of the time;
provided some
ideas and
information; did
almost all of fair
share of work
Stayed on task
throughout class;
provided useful
ideas and
Life Cycle
I’m looking for the
stages of the life
cycle to be
This is an
individual grade!
Animation is
smooth and
clearly represents
every stage; all 8
pages included
Work is clean and
neat. Work is
easy to follow; no