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Name: __________________________________
Chapter 30 Quest Study Guide
1. Define: Doppler Effect, the Big Bang Theory, Cosmology, Quasar, Pulsar, Nova,
Parallax, Nebula, Neutron Star, Star, Circumpolar, and Black Hole (M/C)
object at the center of some galaxies that produces energy at a high rate- Quasar
a neutron star that emits radio waves- Pulsar
large celestial body that emits lights; Sun- Star
the apparent shift in wavelength of light as the source moves away from or toward
observer; Red and blue shifts- Doppler Effect
the study of the origin, structure, evolution of the universe- Cosmology
galaxy elongated oval in shape- Elliptical Galaxy
galaxy of no particular shape, rich in dust and gas- Irregular galaxy
a large explosion which causes a star to become suddenly bright- Nova
an object so dense that even light cannot escape its gravity- Black Hole
galaxy with a nucleus of bright stars and arms containing young stars- Spiral Galaxy
a spinning cloud of gas and dust where stars are born from- Nebula
a dense collapsed star whose electrons and protons smashed together to form neutronsNeutron Star
Theory that the universe was formed from a giant explosion- Big Bang Theory
Grouping of stars ex. big dipper, Orion’s Belt, and Draco- Constellations
Stars we can see every night. Circle the north pole- Circumpolar
2. Differentiate between the three types of galaxies. Know what they look like, which
is the most common, and which one the Milky Way is. (M/SA)
3 types are: Spiral, Elliptical, and Irregular
Most common: Elliptical
Milky way- Spiral
3. List color of star in order from hottest to coolest (MC)
Hottest to coolest
Blue, White, Yellow, Orange, and Red
4. Differentiate between red and blue shifts. (MC)
Red: Expanding/moving away
Blue: Shrinking/moving towards
5. Describe the life cycle of a medium-sized (sun-like star) using the following
words: star, main-sequence, white dwarf, planetary nebula, protostar, and red
giant. (E)
Step 1: Nebula (spinning cloud of gas and dust)
Step 2: Out of the nebula a protostar forms
Step 3: When nuclear fusion begins the protostar changes to a star
Step4: The star will spend 90% of its life in the main-sequence
Step5: As the star gets older nuclear fusion slows and the star expands
and cools forming a red giant
Step 6: Once the red giant is unable to support itself the outer layers will
come off forming a planetary nebula and the super heated core of
the star will remain which is a white dwarf
6. Explain why stars appear to move in the night sky. (MC)
Because Earth moves
7. Understand how scientists can find the temperature and chemical composition of a
star. (MC)
They use a spectrum
8. The majority of the universe is made of ___dark______ matter and ____dark____
energy. Humans, stars, planets, and other space objects only make-up 4%. (MC)
9. What is the unit of measure that measures the amount of time it takes light to
travel? How long is it? (MC/C)
Light-year 9.46 Trillion Kilometers
10. Understand were main-sequence, white dwarfs, red giants, and supergiant stars are
found on the H-R Diagram. (MC)
Main-sequence- upper left corner to lower right
Red Giants- upper right corner
White dwarf- lower left
11. What two things does the H-R Diagram measure? (SA)
Temperature and Brightness
12. a. Describe the process of nuclear fusion, b. where is occurs within the star,
and c. why it is necessary. (E)
a. changes hydrogen into helium
b. center or core
c. without it the star would die
13. Compare and contrast absolute and apparent magnitude. (E)
Absolute magnitude- How bright the star really is
Apparent magnitude- How bright the star appears to be