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Philosophy Statement
NJ Theatre Resources
Offers no evidence of
familiarity with resources
available to the NJ
theatre educator
Offers minimal evidence
of familiarity with
resources available to
the NJ theatre educator
Offers adequate
evidence of familiarity
with resources available
to the NJ theatre
Offers significant
evidence of familiarity
with resources available
to the NJ theatre
Offers superior evidence of
familiarity with resources
available to the NJ theatre
educator (professional
companies, service
organizations, etc.)
Arts Advocacy and
Arts Education
Offers no evidence of an
informed view of arts
advocacy and the value
of arts education
Offers minimal evidence
of an informed view of
arts advocacy and the
value of arts education
Offers adequate
evidence of an informed
view of arts advocacy
and the value of arts
Offers significant
evidence of an informed
view of arts advocacy
and the value of arts
Offers superior evidence of
an informed view of arts
advocacy and the value of
arts education
Educator as Artist
Offers no evidence of
range of experiences as
a practicing theatre artist
Offers minimal evidence
of range of experiences
as a practicing theatre
Offers adequate
evidence of range of
experiences as a
practicing theatre artist
Offers significant
evidence of range of
experiences as a
practicing theatre artist
Offers superior evidence of
range of experiences as a
practicing theatre artist
Does not identify the
extent of theatre’s
presence in the local
Displays minimal or
irrelevant knowledge of
theatre in the local
community, with no
Displays general
knowledge and conducts
only a partial evaluation
of theatre’s presence in
the local community
Displays general
knowledge or partial
evaluation of theatre’s
presence in the local
Establishes appropriate
criteria and conducts
evaluation of theatre’s
presence in the local
community (ie, theatre
companies, curricular and
extra-curricular exposure to
the arts, contact with
professional artists, etc.)
No use of theatre
manipulatives, artifacts,
technology, or media
Use of theatre
manipulatives, artifacts,
technology, or media is
superficial, irrelevant, or
Use of theatre
manipulatives, artifacts,
technology, or media is
substantive, but does not
contribute to instructional
support for achievement
of learning goals
Integrates a limited
number of theatre
manipulatives, artifacts,
technology, or media into
instruction to support
achievement of learning
Integrates a variety of
theatre manipulatives,
artifacts, technology, and
media into instruction to
support achievement of
learning goals
No attempt to develop
theatre literacy
Theatre literacy content
is incorrect, irrelevant, or
Strategies are used to
integrate theatre literacy
into instructional design,
but they do not support
the learning goals
A single strategy is
identified and used to
integrate theatre literacy
into instructional design
in support of learning
Multiple strategies are
identified and used to
integrate theatre literacy
into instructional design in
support of learning goals
Contextual Factors
Theatre in the
Learning Goals
Assessment Plan
Design for Instruction
Theatre Technology
Theatre Literacy
Instructional DecisionMaking
Analysis of Student Learning
Reflections & Self-Evaluation
Context for Content
Writing Mechanics and
Theatre-specific language
No attempt to relate past
theatrical experiences to
current context
Previous theatrical
experiences are
irrelevant or
inappropriate to the
current context
Previous theatrical
experiences are
described, but they do
not support reflection and
self-evaluation of the
current context
Appropriately relates
current context to a
single previous theatrical
experiences to support
reflection and selfevaluation
Appropriately relates
current context to range of
previous theatrical
experiences to support
reflection and selfevaluation
Insufficient use of
advanced, precise, and
accurate theatre
vocabulary, terminology,
techniques, or concepts
Minimal use of
advanced, precise, and
accurate theatre
vocabulary, terminology,
techniques, or concepts
Adequate use of
advanced, precise, and
accurate theatre
vocabulary, terminology,
techniques, or concepts
Significant use of
advanced, precise, and
accurate theatre
vocabulary, terminology,
techniques, or concepts
Superior use of advanced,
precise, and accurate
theatre vocabulary,
terminology, techniques, or
Submitted by Rachel Evans
Draft, July 28, 2008