Download Alphabetize your spelling words.

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Spelling Practice #2:
Spelling Practice #1:
Alphabetize your
spelling words.
Spelling Practice #3:
Write a story
using your
spelling words.
Write your spelling
words from shortest
to longest. Then write
the number of letters
in each word beside it.
Spelling Practice #4:
Use as many of your
spelling words as can
fit in one sentence.
It can be silly, but it
must make sense.
Spelling Practice #5:
Spelling Practice #6:
Write your
spelling words
then find a rhyme
for each one.
Use the magnetic
letters and magnet
board to write
your spelling
Spelling Practice #7:
Spelling Practice #8:
Place your spelling
words under the
following headings:
Nouns, Adjectives,
Verbs, Other
Find each of your
spelling words in the
dictionary. Write
the page number
beside each one.
Spelling Practice #10:
Write a sentence
for each of your
spelling words.
Write the dictionary
definition for each
of your spelling
words. Turn them
into a booklet.
Spelling Practice #11:
Spelling Practice #12:
Spelling Practice #9:
Place your spelling
words under the
following headings:
Starts with a consonant,
Starts with a vowel
Place your spelling
words under the
following headings:
1 syllable, 2 syllables,
more than 2 syllables
Spelling Practice #13:
Spelling Practice #14:
Make a word tower
out of your spelling
words, with the
longest word on the
Write your spelling
words, then underline
what is the same in
each word with red
Spelling Practice #15:
Spelling Practice #16:
Write your spelling
words. Then write
the plural form next
to as many of them
as you can.
Place your spelling
words under the
following headings:
Easy words,
Hard Words