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NAME: ____________________________________
Period: _______
Go to designated websites, read the
information and answer the questions.
Tall and jagged rocks eventually, after
millions of years, become shorter and
rounder. Describe how this can happen.
What is the geology word that means little
bits of rock and sand?
What kind of rock is formed by layers and
more layers of sand and mud at the bottom
of lakes and oceans?
Sometimes, in between layers of sedimentary rock from millions of years ago, there are large
amounts of dead plants and animals. Life on Earth is based on carbon and the carbon in
those dead plants and animals becomes what valuable sedimentary rock?
Based on appearance, name the 6 main kinds of sedimentary rock.
Limestone information
Limestone contains what mineral?
How is limestone used today?
Shale information
How is shale used today?
Conglomerate information
How are the larger chunks of sand and pebbles held together in this rock?
How does conglomerate form?
Gypsum information
How does gypsum form?
How is gypsum used today?
Size chart for sediment grains
Bits and pieces of rocks are called particles or grains. One way that geologists classify
particles is based on size.
What is the name of the largest particle?
What is the maximum size of gravel?
What is the smallest size of a particle of sand?
In the metric system, one meter is divided into 1,000 units called millimeters (symbol = mm).
And, one millimeter is divided into 1,000 units called micrometers (symbol = μm)
What is the particle size range, in micrometers, for silt?
And, what would that particle range for silt be if expressed in millimeters?
The metric rulers we use in the classroom are accurate to about 0.5 mm. What is the name of
the smallest particle measurable with those rulers?
Grand Canyon in northern Arizona is the world’s finest collection of layers of sedimentary
rocks. From the top of the Canyon to the Colorado River at the bottom, these rock layers
span about 2 billion years.
Facts about Grand Canyon
Which river cut through the
layers of rock to create the
Grand Canyon?
How long is Grand Canyon (in
About how long ago did the
Colorado River start to carve
Grand Canyon?
More geology facts about Grand Canyon
Click on the cross-section diagram, and examine the key to the diagram in the upper right
List 3 kinds of sedimentary rocks that make up the Grand Canyon’s walls.
At the bottom of the canyon, which plutonic (intrusive) igneous rock is present?
Also at the bottom, which metamorphic rock is present?
At the bottom of the canyon, how old are the oldest rocks?
Why are the canyon walls such a vivid color?