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Professor Denise Garcia Sadeleer Research Faculty Department of Political Science and International Affairs Program Northeastern University In 2014, I broadened my research agenda, at the intersection of international security and international law, to examine how states form new international norms and agreements regarding key challenges to global governance and cooperation: armed violence, disarmament and arms control, and climate change. My work employs careful empirical analysis of emerging areas in international security and international law that challenges much of the conventional wisdom of traditional realist and rationalist theorizing. I ask when and under what conditions countries form new modes of cooperation and agreement across a wide range of sectors of global governance, from agreements on arms trafficking and armed violence, prohibitions on armaments, to high-­‐level state negotiations on proliferation and arms control, and more diffuse areas of cooperation in climate change policies. I show the continued importance of state actors, within a context of increasing roles for non-­‐state actors and international regimes. My research program advances constructivist theorizing, and provides direct policy recommendations for state and non-­‐state actors, in the search for multilateral cooperation in a troubled world. Recent Publications: Foreign Affairs: Disarming the Lords of War, A New International Treaty to Regulate the
Arms Trade”, Foreign Affairs: The Case Against Killer Robots: Why the United States Should Ban Them “Humanitarian Security Regimes”, International Affairs, the Chatham House Journal, Jan. 2015,
Vol. 91 (1). “Killer Robots: Why the US should Lead the Ban”, Global Policy Journal, Jan. 2015, Vol. 6 (1). “Global Norms on Arms: The Significance of the Arms Trade Treaty for Global Security in
World Politics”. Global Policy Journal, 5: 425–432, 2014. “Not yet a Democracy: Establishing Civilian Authority over the Security Sector in Brazil Lessons for other Countries in Transition”, Third World Quarterly, Vol. 35(3), 2014. 2014. Paper Presented at the International Studies Association Convention, Toronto,
“Where we don’t Rule” with Monica Herz. Paper Presented: "What International Law for Future Weapons Technologies and
New Threats to Security". In the fall of 2014, I was able to attend the First Committee of the United Nations General
Assembly and Humanitarian Disarmament and Arms Control Campaigns Forum in New
York. Some of the most important research trips I took in the last two years were to Mozambique
and Australia. These two opportunities were quite transformative for me. In Mozambique I
was able to be present at the review summit of the impact of the international treaty that
prohibited the use of landmines, a major achievement of disarmament and arms control
diplomacy. I met heads of states, royal family dignitaries, and the United Nations High
Commissioner for Disarmament, her Excellency Angela Kane. In Maputo, I had the chance
to present in a high-level panel with leading figures, Kerry Brinkert of the Convention’s
Secretariat, the European Union and with his Highness Prince Mired of Jordan. The Australia trip was a wonderful opportunity for me to present my current book
prospectus on Governing Global Security to two leading scholars in International Relations:
Ramesh Thakur and Christian Reus-Smit. 2014. Head of the Northeastern University Delegation United Nations Climate Change
Summit, Lima, Peru, December 2014. 2014. October, First Committee of the United Nations General Assembly and Humanitarian
Disarmament and Arms Control Campaigns Forum, United Nations, New York. 2014. Delegate of the International Committee for Robots Arms Control, United Nations
meeting of the Convention on Certain Weapons, United Nations, Geneva, May 12-18 2014. 2014. Academic Advisor Delegation of the Secretariat of the Landmines
Convention, Maputo, Mozambique, June 2014. 2014. Presentations at the National Australian University, University of Queensland,
Brisbane, Australia, December 2014. International Board Memberships Board Member of the British American Information Council since 2014. Member and Teaching Advisor of the Global South Unit for Mediation, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Committee Member of the review of the International Law section of the International Studies
Association since 2013. Board Member of the International Committee for Robot Arms Control since 2013.