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WHOI Poster Sessions
» Download pdf version of WHOI Poster Sessions MONDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2013
OS11A. Ice-Ocean-Seabed Interactions in Fjords I Posters
8:00 AM - 12:20 PM; Hall A-C
• OS11A-1635. Observations of a subglacial discharge plume at the edge of a Greenland
tidewater glacier
Fiammetta Straneo; Sarah B. Das; Hanumant Singh; Albert J. Plueddemann; Clark Richards;
Laura A. Stevens
PP11B. Aeolian Dust in Earth's Climate System I Posters
8:00 AM - 12:20 PM; Hall A-C
• PP11B-1813. Changes in North African dust deposition: 35 ka through the Last Glacial
Christopher William Kinsley
S11B. Seismology Contributions: Seismicity I Posters
8:00 AM - 12:20 PM; Hall A-C
• S11B-2359. Microseism Noise in the Philippine Sea
Ralph A. Stephen
B13B. Carbon Transformations in Hydrothermal Systems II Posters
1:40 PM - 6:00 PM; Hall A-C
• B13B-0472. Linking methane formation and mineral carbonation during peridotite-seawaterCO interactions
Niya G. Grozeva; Frieder Klein; Jeffrey Seewald; Sean P. Sylva
C13C. Polar Technology Enabling Science Posters
1:40 PM - 6:00 PM; Hall A-C
• C13C-0685. Technology for Real-Time Acoustic Communications and Navigation Under
Arctic Sea Ice
Lee E. Freitag; Keenan Ball; Sandipa Singh; Peter Koski; James Partan; Andrey Morozov
• C13C-0686. Yearlong, Daily Assessments of Bio-Optical Distributions under Perennial Ice
Cover in the Arctic Ocean
Samuel R. Laney; John M. Toole; Richard A. Krishfield
EP13A. Coastal Geomorphology and Morphodynamics I Posters
1:40 PM - 6:00 PM; Hall A-C
• EP13A-0856. Exploring a morphodynamic modeling framework for reef island evolution under
sea-level rise
Jorge Lorenzo Trueba; Andrew D. Ashton; Jeffrey P. Donnelly
GC13A. Environmental, Hydrologic, and Climatic Processes in Africa and the
Mediterranean Basin II Posters
1:40 PM - 6:00 PM; Hall A-C
• GC13A-1041. Climate field reconstructions of eastern Mediterranean hydroclimate
Kevin J. Anchukaitis
GP13A. Marine Magnetic Anomalies 50 Years After Vine and Matthews ll Posters
1:40 PM - 6:00 PM; Hall A-C
GP13A-1134. The Origin of the Jurassic Quiet Zone –new insights from Hawaiian Jurassic
magnetic anomalies (Invited)
Masako Tominaga; Maurice Tivey
PP13B. New Frontiers in dating of Quaternary carbonates I Posters
1:40 PM - 6:00 PM; Hall A-C
• PP13B-1878. Resolving Sea Level Changes During Previous Interglacials: Best Practices
from First Principles (Invited)
William G. Thompson
T13A. Characterization of Antarctic Geology and Tectonics II Posters
1:40 PM - 6:00 PM; Hall A-C
• T13A-2503. Zircon from Mesoproterozoic sediments sheds light on the subduction-collision
history at the eastern active continental margin of the Archaean Kalahari-Grunehogna Craton
Horst Marschall
S21C. Understanding the Cascadia Subduction Zone: Contributions From the Cascadia
Initiative and Multidisciplinary Studies III Posters
8:00 AM - 12:20 PM; Hall A-C
• S21C-2443. Variations in Seismic Structure of the Incoming Juan de Fuca Plate Along the
Cascadia Deformation Front
Juan Pablo Canales
• S21C-2447. A 2-D Tomographic Model of the Juan de Fuca Plate from Accretion at Axial
Seamount to Subduction at the Cascadia Margin from an Active Source OBS survey.
Greg Horning; Juan Pablo Canales
IN23C. Enabling Better Science Through Improving Science Software Development Culture
II Posters
1:40 PM - 6:00 PM; Hall A-C
• IN23C-1442. What Not To Do: Anti-patterns for Developing Scientific Workflow Software
Joe Futrelle; Andrew R. Maffei; Heidi M. Sosik; Scott M. Gallager; Amber York
T23F. Oceanic Detachment Faulting and Associated Processes at Mid-Ocean Ridges II
1:40 PM - 6:00 PM; Hall A-C
• T23F-2657. Development of different modes of detachment faulting at 16.5N, MAR
Deborah K. Smith; Hans Schouten; Henry J. Dick
B31A. Biogeosciences General Contributions Posters
8:00 AM - 12:20 PM; Hall A-C
• B31A-0378. Comparison of combustion-derived PAH records from North America/Europe
and China
Karin Lemkau; Christopher M. Reddy; Andrew R. Solow
C31B. Integration of International Arctic Research Programs and Data Streams From Polar
Observatories, User Facilities, Data Collection Networks, and Field Campaigns I Posters
8:00 AM - 12:20 PM; Hall A-C
• C31B-0646. Design and Fabrication of Nereid-UI: A Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicle
for Oceanographic Access Under Ice
Louis L. Whitcomb; Andrew D. Bowen; Dana Yoerger; Christopher R. German; James C. Kinsey;
Larry A. Mayer; Michael V. Jakuba; Daniel Gomez-Ibanez; Christopher L. Taylor; Casey
Machado; Jonathan C. Howland; Carl L. Kaiser; Matthew Heintz; Clifford Pontbriand; Stefano
Suman; Loral O’Hara
EP31A. Deltas: A Multi-trillion Dollar Global Problem I Posters
8:00 AM - 12:20 PM; Hall A-C
• EP31A-0832. Rapid coastal subsidence in the central Ganges–Brahmaputra Delta
(Bangladesh) since the 17th century deduced from submerged salt-producing kilns
Till J. Hanebuth
IN31C. Search, Discovery and Visual Representation of Scientific Data I Posters
8:00 AM - 12:20 PM; Hall A-C
• IN31C-1508. Improving the User Experience of Finding and Visualizing Oceanographic Data
Shannon Rauch; Molly D. Allison; Robert C. Groman; Danie Kinkade; Peter H. Wiebe
PA31A. Improving Public Access to Science Research II Posters
8:00 AM - 12:20 PM; Hall A-C
• PA31A-1814. BCO-DMO: Enabling Access to Federally Funded Research Data
Danie Kinkade; Molly D. Allison; Cynthia L. Chandler; Robert C. Groman; Shannon Rauch; Adam
Shepherd; Stephen R. Gegg; Peter H. Wiebe; David M. Glover
V31B. Exsolution, Degassing, and Regassing of Magmatic Volatiles III Posters
8:00 AM - 12:20 PM; Hall A-C
• V31B-2699. Comparison of Volatile Contents In Melt Inclusions and Glasses at Mid-Ocean
Ridges with Variable Spreading Rates
V. Dorsey Wanless; Alison M. Shaw; Mark D. Behn; Samuel A. Soule
A33E. Regional Climate Modeling I Posters
1:40 PM - 6:00 PM; Hall A-C
• A33E-0292. The Tokar gap jet: analysis and impacts of a coastal gap wind
Shannon R. Davis; Lawrence J. Pratt; Houshuo Jiang
C33B. Glacier, Ice Cap, and Ice Sheet Hydrology I Posters
1:40 PM - 6:00 PM; Hall A-C
• C33B-0735. Investigating hydrologic controls on glacier velocity using Rn as a proxy for
variable subglacial pressure
Benjamin Linhoff; Matthew A. Charette
DI33A. Geophysical Observations and Models of Subduction III Posters [SWIRL_CM.CU]
1:40 PM - 6:00 PM; Hall A-C
• DI33A-2233. Flexural bending of the oceanic plates near the Mariana, Japan, and Philippines
Fan Zhang; Jian Lin
• DI33A-2234. Oceanic plate weakened by flexural bending-induced faulting in the outer rise
region of the Mariana subduction zone
Fan Zhang; Jian Lin
MR33A. Fluids and Melts in the Earth's Interior: From Crust to Core-Mantle Boundaries II
1:40 PM - 6:00 PM; Hall A-C
• MR33A-2315. Fluids escape in subduction zones: new constraints from 3-D
microtomography data
Véronique Le Roux; Glenn A. Gaetani
PP33A. Midlatitude Climate Reconstructions: The Bridge Between Monsoons and Polar
Climate I Posters
1:40 PM - 6:00 PM; Hall A-C
• PP33A-1910. Holocene climate changes in the Cape Hatteras region
Filipa Naughton; Lloyd D. Keigwin
A41G. Mineral Dust Aerosols: From Small-Scale Insights to Large-Scale Understanding I
Posters [SWIRL_DA] (cosponsored by AMS)
8:00 AM - 12:20 PM; Hall A-C
• A41G-0151. Aerosol deposition favors red tide phytoplankton in the East China Sea
Katherine R.M. Mackey; David M. Glover
GP41D. Understanding Planetary and Stellar Magnetic Fields lI Posters
8:00 AM - 12:20 PM; Hall A-C
• GP41D-1165. Paleomagnetism of enstatite chondrites
Helen Feng
NH41A. Geological Impacts of Tsunamis II Posters
8:00 AM - 12:20 PM; Hall A-C
• NH41A-1698. Simulations of Tsunami Triggered by the 1883 Krakatau Volcanic Eruption:
Implications for Tsunami Hazard in the South China Sea
Yen Joe Tan; Jian Lin
V41D. Physical Volcanology of Eruptions Involving Water III Posters
8:00 AM - 12:20 PM; Hall A-C
• V41D-2842. Syn-eruptive CO2 Degassing of Submarine Lavas Flows: Constraints on
Eruption Dynamics
Samuel A. Soule
A43F. Southern Hemisphere Atmospheric Circulation and Climate II Posters (cosponsored
by AMS)
1:40 PM - 6:00 PM; Hall A-C
• A43F-0340. Impact of Surface Forcing on Southern Hemisphere Atmospheric Blocking in the
Australia–New Zealand Sector
Caroline Ummenhofer
PP43B. Molecular Paleoclimatology: What Biomarkers Tell Us About the Earth's Climate
System III Posters
1:40 PM - 6:00 PM; Hall A-C
• PP43B-2082. Improved calibration of organic SST proxies via community-driven Bayesian,
spatially-varying regression
Jessica E. Tierney
MR43A. Constraints and Uncertainties on the Composition, Structure, and Dynamics of the
Earth's Lithosphere, Upper Mantle, and Transition Zone From Multidisciplinary Studies III
1:40 PM - 6:00 PM; Hall A-C
• MR43A-2373. The Electrical Structure of Upper Mantle Beneath 70Ma Pacific Seafloor
Constrained by Seafloor Magnetotelluric Data
Emily K. Tursack; Robert L. Evans; James Elsenbeck; Daniel Lizarralde; John A. Collins
• MR43A-2398. Mineral carbonation of serpentinite in the San Andreas Fault: Implications for
aseismic creep
Frieder Klein; David L. Goldsby; Jian Lin
T43E. Subduction Plate Boundaries From the Trench to Sub-arc and Beyond III Posters
1:40 PM - 6:00 PM; Hall A-C
• T43E-2705. Seismic constraints on mantle hydration during subduction: Mariana versus
Middle America Trench
Nathaniel C. Miller; Daniel Lizarralde; John A. Collins
H51C. Chemical, Isotopic, and Chronologic Tracers to Understand the Fate and Transport
of Nutrients in Watersheds I Posters
8:00 AM - 12:20 PM; Hall A-C
• H51C-1197. Impact of land use on dissolved nutrient levels in four tributaries of the Fraser
River, BC: Silverdale Creek, Willband Creek, Clayburn Creek and Nathan Creek.
Rosalie Luymes; Michelle Bennett; Audrey Epp
• H51C-1203. Comparing the relationship between precipitation and river geochemistry
Audrey Epp; Rosalie Luymes; Michelle Bennett; Bernhard Peucker-Ehrenbrink; Britta Voss
IN51A. Approaches, Architectures and Standards for End to End Brokering I Posters
8:00 AM - 12:20 PM; Hall A-C
• IN51A-1533. An open source approach to enable the reproducibility of scientific workflows in
the ocean sciences
Massimo Di Stefano; Peter Arthur Fox; Richard Maffei
PP51C. Mechanisms Causing Monsoon Variability: Proxy-Model Comparisons II Posters
8:00 AM - 12:20 PM; Hall A-C
• PP51C-1972. How to better link regional monsoon circulation to local hydroclimate for
interpreting tree-ring chronologies in Southeast Asia
Manuel Hernandez; Caroline Ummenhofer; Kevin J. Anchukaitis
ED53G. Tools, Resources, and Lessons Learned for Scientists Engaging in Education and
Public Outreach IV Posters
1:40 PM - 6:00 PM; Hall A-C
• ED53G-0684. Partnering and teamwork to create content for spherical display systems to
enhance public literacy in earth system and ocean sciences
Stace E. Beaulieu; Kathleen Patterson; Katherine Joyce; Tim Silva; Kate Madin
V53B. Innovations and Challenges in Microanalysis and Isotope Mass Spectrometry III
Posters (cosponsored by EGU-GMPV and MSA)
1:40 PM - 6:00 PM; Hall A-C
• V53B-2773. Development of a Tunable Laser Spectroscopic Method for Determining Multiple
Sulfur Isotope Composition of Nanomoles of SO2
Weifu Guo