* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
'.t' ' XtcRoBtoLoqY 0B i. a !a, /. \. UNIVE,RSITY OF CALICUT (Abstract) ,' - :'-i,",,.," & sy llaLr.s .r \l.Sc. \licrrtriorour chrice base,l credit Semester System \ .: {lnplemented ir.r Universitr Ieacrring DeparlnrentsiSchools of this University - Orders 'isstred. +? GI]NERAI- AND ACADEMIC BRANCH I 'J' SECTION \rr (iAl/J l/2838/07 tcl Dared. Caf icut University p.O.l 5ll2l2}0g. i...ror".o^,,r,,irr,,;;;;;;;l,rr;;. *.r0, 2' 3' Minutes of thc meeting of Board of Studies in Microbiology of I l/g/200g. Ite nr No. 2(rrvii) o1'tl're minutes of meeting of Faculty"of S.i.n.. held on 29,'09/2009. Itcrn No-ll A(l)tlt'1he minutes of the meeting of the Academic Council held on 07 I0 200tt 4' ORDER As per refbrencc rcatl (l)above. sanction has already been accorded to implement based credit Scmester System for pG courses in the Teaching l)cnxl'1nlcnts'Se htlols o1'tltc [-inir crsit-r fionr the acadernic year 200g-09 onwards. tllc choice r\s pcI r'efL'rcnce citcrl 12) lLbove. the Board of Studies at its meetirg held on ll/08/2008 resolved to .tpprove thc scheme and syllabus of M.Sc. Microbiology under choice based credit Semestcr s),stem prepared by tle Departnrent council. As per paper read (3) & (4) above. the Faculty of Science at its meeting held on l9'0ll/2008 ctrtlorscd tltc rninrrtes of Boarcl of Studies and the Academic Cou,cil of (l: i() 2t)()8 i.rltl)r()\ ucl tlte s.nlc-. Sanction has therelbre been accorded to implement the Scheme & Syllabus of M.Sc. Microbiology under choice based credif Semester System in University Depart,ents/Schools fio.r the acadcmic year 200g-09 onwards. orders urc isstred lccor.dingh,anci copv of the syllabus and scheme are appended. sd/_ DEPUTY REGISTRAR(G&A_I) FoT I'o 'I'lre }-{cad (',t1t_r trt: REGISTRAR of'the f)eparrntent of t_ife Science. ( trrrtroIler ol' I:xanrinttions/EGIiDR_lrC/ 'fabularion Sn./Enquir-1,/tjX Sn./GAl ,F. Sn SF/DF/FC. Forwarded/By Order nG.tef.i SECTTON OFFICER I \rri (;,\ l,.l l,-t l,()r,.t I 2ll-'ilt 07 i or.tltrc v a I UNIVERSITY OF CALICU'T DEPARTMENT OF LIFE SCIENCES M SC MtcRoBtoLocY (CSS) SYLLABUS 2008 ,l o t\o ()' SRRRRSRR q c to iol o v1 i I L ^--CC\ I Z:AAoo^lE lc, :-( I U I I lo IU a- a? rrl U tI .v' ;\ \J I 'rZ 6o Er] rqV"= r rtr *l v/ H ! I IL t1 ia ltII i,! I tr' Itn {rn E Eja '{J 61 cj >ca H-s az-: il'd rl-l tt- r--l 4>' :d >i bL. a I 7r i< =El \-, i I /\ \J ! I q .- I 15 i I i I I I i =E +.n i t= -? ; . ._ '.-l ,,, tf.. I i 2trT. ilo>, I H =o) ;t-i ?'1 U , i l.-, i k Df ulr l^ i-+ i*a I I I d rA I t, ) = 3 a a) a)l j !l ! ( d) i 5i c: -o = O cDl L at* C '= \ .) c> :c -.s-r', )-. \ t=a | -.r^ ? | .- ar :: '- i<i 'i _rq tl I --ii-" , ! -i ', t) I d i^' ^':.- : l at.i ;: :l + rj- t) vl i: ? i ! ll-,;.i - .* -i '-..iIJ ... ''. ; .) :+ ir: a *'/ - .- at.a .ai;!l: cl tt Hc- J, \,' c * {3 q s ax E$ + rr= l-@bN6')+ +[ o o a a- .oO 6 il o (rr N xa j== N)(rso (,61d 'ri il 50)s= 5 ll cL 1' q, rrEo 5 N o a. o 6i_ N)@N)== g E f0, 1 @ ?=< 9 c_> ; E m m o = n f N n x xa t N)rN T' m 1U q, (o x o o J 3 o @ @ @ N-) 't, o o o o (D 5 5 N o o o sO o o NIN) NON o. a = (, (, ooo (, ox cn, (,t o) ooo ooo (n q) = -{ -o xa t SEMESTER t I MB 011T General Microbiology and Microbial Genetics. tJnit I. Microscopic techniques. Visualization of cells and subcellular components by light microscopy, resolving powers of different microscopes, scanning and transmission microscopy, Electron Microscopy, lmage processing methods in microscopy. tJnit ll. Microbial groMh and reproduction, Nutritional requirements Nutritional types, Bacteria, fungi, algae and virus -their cultivation techniques Culture methods-aerobic and anaerobic methods, Microbial cell quantifying methods. Culture preservation strategies Physical and chemical Control of microbial growth. Evaluation methods of various disinfectants, and antiseptics. Antibiotics and antimicrobials -their mode of action. Oligodynamic action. Various approaches used in microbial taxonomy. tJnitlll. of bacterial cell. Movement of substances across membranes and membrane transport systems. Cytosol and cell Ultrastructure organelles Bacterial appendages, Storage granules, chromosome .and extracellular genetic materials Spores, sporulation and associated production of usefuls. Unit IV. Methods of genetic transfers transformation, conjugation, transduction and sex-duction, mapping genes by interrupted mating Growth phases of transducing phages- lytic and lysogenic cycle Mutation -types of mutations, mutagens, fluctuation test, Ames test and replica plating. MB 012T Environmental and Sanitation Microbiology. L.lnit I. Soil microflora, microbial interactions -competition, succession,, symbiosis, parasitism, synergism and antagonism. Soil as source of industrial strains. Biodegradation of recalcitrants by soil microbes. Concept 5 ! ) r_r iy e ys i !1' :,1 l,!!Lr:: ! '?f "5c'' ft'f i r': robi t'l' r:j t''{u irflT6l: 1;'' sulphur oxtdatton of microbial infallibility. Geocycles of c, N, S, P iron and phylloplane microflora Nz fixation. Mycorrhiza, rhtzosphere and Unit techniques Air microbiology: source of microbes and their quantitation Room sanitation tn Factors affecting the extent and type of air microflora' in cinema and hospitals, industries and pharmaceuticals etc. Air sanitation plant diseases by atr tunnels. Early warnlng of animal, human and ll. metro monitoring.Biologicalweapons,theirregulationandprecautions Llnit source of water microflora and their quantitaton and i-ecreattcnal techniques water purity in industries, irrigation, potable Bacteriological waters. lndicator organisms, like E.coli and their detection lll. water microbiology - various steps involved' analysis of drinking water. water purification and UnitlV.Pollutionandenvironment:BiosensorsandBiologicalindicators'Waste municipal and house water management and sewage treatment; industrial, siaughter house hold wastes, BoD concepts, treatment of tannery and of petroleum Solid waste management and land filling' Treatment waste wastesandxenobiotics-Generalaccount'Marinepollution'oilspills'tar ball Pollution, beach Pollution MB 013T Microbial Metabolism' IJnit I. Basic Principles of Thermodynamics -Laws of Thermodynamics; conceptsofFreeenergyand.entropyEnzymology_Enzyme_lUBand coclassification; Enzyme active sites; coenzymes Nomenclature; Factors affecting factors; Enzyme kinetics; Michaelis-Menton equation; allosteric enzymes; enzyme activity Multi-subunit enzymes; lsozymes, enzymeregulation;Enzymeinhlbition;MechanismofEnzymeaction' Enzyme purification techniques' Enzyme immobilization' Unit II. fermentatron'' Glycolysis- aerobic and anaerobic types; alcoholic cycle; glycolysis. Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex; Krebs regulation of level phosphorylation; Glyoxylate cycle- significance, regulation, Substrate- 4 7 U n i Yers i tt, tt^/' C rt I i t' t r t M.Sr:. frl itro bi o/rrgJ' .S\'llallrr Electron transport chain- component structure; oxidative phosphorylatron and mechanism of ATP formation; Chemi-osmotic coupling hypothesis Gluconeogenesis; Glycogenesis and glycogenolysis Starch synthesis, HMP- shunt and its significance. Unit IIL De-amination; Trans- amination trans- methylation and decarboxylation reactions of amino acids. Synthesis and degradation of various amino acids, essential, semi-essential and non-essential amrno acids Fatty acid oxidation; alpha, beta, and omega oxidatrons; Fatty acrd synthesis. synthesis of unsaturated and long chain fatty acids. Fatty acid biosynthesis Purine and pyrimidine- biosynthesis and degradation. tJnit IV. Peptido-glycan biosynthesis. Antibiotics- Structure, classification, and functions of different types of antibiotics. Mechanism of actlon of different antibiotics. Bacterial toxins . - chemistry, properties and mechanism of toxigenicity. Fungal toxins: - aflatoxins and ochratoxins- toxic effects and Mechanism of toxigenicity. Alcoholic fermentation, energy production anaerobic microbes; Biochemistry of in methanogenesis. Biochemistry of Bioluminescence; Bioluminescent bacteria, Biochemistry of rancidity development and microbial lipolysis; Chemical nature and ultra structure of in Bacterial cell; PHB- synthesis; Volutine- synthesis; Alginates and Siderophores-their structure and functions. Microbial storage granules meta bolism of Xenobiotics. Co-metabolism a nd steroid tra nsformations. MB 014T lmmunology Unit I. Specific immune response. Humeral and cell mediated immune system. lmmunoglobulin structure & classes. lsotypes, allotypes and idiotypes Genetic basis for immunological diversity. Unit IL Hematopoesis - Cells of immune system, lymphoid organs, lymphocyte traffic, T and B cells - Structure, function, maturation and development. Lymphokines and cytokines Processing and presentation of intracellular a: Ctlicut .1 /.,\ c"" 1't i r x t hi t tlrrg.t"\'t'l/rrli rrr and extracelluar antigens. Primary and secondary immune response lmmune response to T-dependant and h T independent antigens Major istocomPatibilitY comPlex. unir III. Antigen-antibody reactions and their applications in immunodiagnosis Monoclonal antibodies and hybridoma technology. complement system' I mmunological tolerence' Llnit IV. A brief account of; dysfuntional immunity autoimmune diseases' hypersensitivity reactions, blood compatibility, Rh' incompatibility,' transplantation immunology, immunosuppression, tumor immunology and immunodeficiencY d iseases. MBO15P Practical (Paper MB 011T, MB 012Tl. PCV curve of bacteria using breeds count, CFU, turbidimetry and 1. Growth 2. salinity' Bacterial grov,rth in liquid media varying pH, temp, oxygen and 3. Anaerobic culturing by liquid paraffin overlay and pyrogallol 4. Effect of sterilization temperature on media' 5. Anaerobic enrichment of cellulose digesters 6. Starvation induced sporulation of bacteria' 7. Survival of bacteria in various modes of storage' B. Demonstration of mutation in bacteria, 9. Phage cultivation 10. Determination 11 Study of Phenol Coefficient' of microbes using bright field' dark filed and Phase contrast mtcroscopy. 12 Demonstration of Microbial Bioluminescence' 6 .)f.St'.,1! icxtbi t 13. Efficiency 5. 16. I I tr h tt+ testing of bacteria proof filters and autoclave. 14. Study of air 1 rsit t,4.y, .\; microflora by plate exposure and liquid entrapment. Winogradsky column. Water portability testing using indicator organisms. 17. Use of biofilms in sewage treatment. lB.Cultivation of fungi - Slide culture technique. 19. lsolation of amylase producers. 20. lsolation of cellulase producers. 21 . Bacterial Commensal ism 22. Bacteria I Syne rg ism 23. Microbial Antagonism 24. UV induced mutagenesis SEMESTER !I MB 021T lndustrial Microbiology I init I. lsolation and screening of industrially important microbes Strain selection and improvement. Bioprocesses- concepts and design Continuous and batch fermentations. Types of bioreactors. Bioreactor design and control. Kinetics of fermentation process. Transport phenomena in bioprocess such as mass transpo'rt coefficients for gases and liquids and oxygen transfer coefficients, heat transfer Unit II. Principles Concepts of bioprocess media formulations. Sterilization systems of inoculum development. Monitoring and control of variables pH Down stream processing filtration, centrifugation, precipitation, salting out, crystallization and such as temperature, agitatron, pressure and v' Universi\' tt'Colicut 'rf" {r'i'. \'f itrohittli;N.t \,t.'f !:rit:t. biphasic separation. Bioassays, Standardization, formulations and packaging. Shelf life consideration. Unit III. Manufacture of the following: penicillin, streptomycin, tetracycline, Vit B -12. Citric acid by sufface and submerged process. Ethanol fermentation from molasses. lndustrial fermentation of wine and beer. Acetone - butanol fermentation. Bakers yeast. Lactic acid from whey, amylases by fungi, mono - sodium glutamate. lmportance of fermentations in ayurvedic medicines lmportance and production of Single cell protein (SCP). Unit IV. Production of microbial biofedilizers - cyanobacteria, Rhizobium. Azotobacter, Azospirillum, Phosphobacteria and VAM. Microbes as a health food - Spirulina and its production methods. . Probiotics - use of Lactobacilli and Bifidobacterium - therapeutic and nutritional value Microbial enhanced oil recovery, Microbial production of fuels- H2 and ethanol. Microbial leaching of ores - oil extraction - metal leaching and biomining. Microbes deg radation. M and bioremediation microbial xenobiotics icrobial biotra nsformation. Biopolymers a nd b iosu rfacta nts MB 022T Medica! Microbiology Unit I. Epidemiology, pathogenicity influenzae, C. diphtheriae, E and treatment of diseases caused by H coli, Pseudomonas, Bacillus anthracis,' Cl tetani, Cl. walchi, Leptospira icterohaemmorhagiae, N gonorrhea, Mycoplasma, compylobacter. Rickettsia -Coxiella burneti, Chlamidiae - trachoma. Unitll.Epidemiology, pathogenicity and treatment of Viral diseases caused by Epstein Barr virus, lnfluenza virus, Rubella (German measles). Slow virus diseases. AIDS, Hepatitis virus, Encephalitis virus. Japanese encephalitis virus,Viral hemmoragic fevers - Ebola. 8 v 7 U nivers it!' o.l' C alic ut .\1..5 t Lrnit ( .1 I i c ru t b i t t I r t,g.1' .\ v I I rt b rt s ill. Superficial mycoses- Tinea nigra, Dermatophytes and Candida albicans. Deep mycoses-Cryptococcus neoformans, Blastomycetes dermatitidis and Histoplasma capsulatum. Oppurtunistic systemic mycoses-Aspergillus fumigatus, A.flavus, Pencillium sps., Rhizopus and Mucor. Parasitic diseases by Giarida lambia, Trypanosoma , Plasmodium SPS Unit IV. Antibiotics. Susceptibility tests- Bauer Kirby test, Broth dilution test, minimum inhibitory and lethal concentrations. Mechanism'of action and activity spectrum of penicillin, streptomycin, tetracycline, sulfonamides, rifampicin, polymixin - B, Amphotericin - B. Drug resistance MB O23T Structural Biology, Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Unit I. Structural Biology: Ramachandran's Map and protein conformation. Structure and properties of high-energy molecules such as ATP, GTP, CTP and Creatine -phosphate. Crystallization techniques for biomolecules; CrystallograPhY. L1nit Il. Biostatistics: Methods for collecting data, tabulation and representation of data, sampling and sample design, types of classification, tabulation, diagrammatic representation line diagram, bar diagram, pie diagram, histogram, frequency polygon, frequency curves and cumulative frequency curves Measures of central tendency: mean, median, mode, range, mean deviation and standard error. Correlatton analysis and regression analysis, probability analysis of varidbles. Tests of significance: t- test, Chi square test and goodness of fit.; Analysis of variance. one way classification and two way classification. Unit IIl. Bioinformatics: Biology in the computer age Computational Approaches to Biological questions. Neuroinformatics. Basics of I U n ive rs i t.t' o./' Ctl ic ut X{.St'. computers t : 14it:t'obittlog.t'.\yIlufii;' v SerVerS, workstations, operating systems, Linux. World A brief account on introduction to biological databases Search engines, finding scientific articles - Pubmed - public biologtcal Wide Web. databases. Protein Data Bank, Swiss-prot, Genbank Sequence assembling using computational methods computer ORF - analysis of sequences using - finding the structural motifs (protein) - Homology using BLAST, motifs - Phylogenetic analysis. Sequence analysis and sequence alignment. Structure prediction and protein modelling. MB O24P Practical (MB 013T and MB 023T) 1. Preparation buffers 2. Protein Estimation using Lowry's method 3. Folin - Ciocalteau estimation of unknown protein using Std. graph 4. Carbohydrate estimation 5. Dissolved 02 estimation 6. Estimation of ascorbic acid in plant matter 7. Citric acid estimation 8. Visualization of PDB files using I 1 Gel filtration chromatography 11. Dialysis 1 rasmol SDS PAGE using Protein Standards 0. of Proteins 2. P aper chromatog raPhY 13.TLC 14. Column search separation of plant pigments 10 {' ' Universitl' 0.1'g*licut M. Sc. c MB ll'l icrob i oloS;1:,\Y I I 4 7,,u 025P Practical (MB O14T and MB O22Tl 1. Acid fast staining 2. Preparation of permanent slides of pathogenic microbes 3. Preparation of antibiotic discs 4. Antibiograms of common bacterial pathogens 5. Determination of MIC 6. Demonstration of antifungal activity 7. lnsoluble antibacterial sensitivity by ditch plate method B. Detection of betalactamase production 9. ldentification of common bacterial and fungal pathogens using biochemical tests. 10.Blood group determination - A, B, O, and Rh. 11.Widal test 12.VDRL test 13. ELISA 14.Blood cell count - TC and DC 15. ESR determination SEMESTER III MB Unit O31T Food and Agricultural Microbiology I. Factors predisposing to food spoilage at different levels - intrinsic and extrinsic factors, Spoilage of meat Jish, milk, vegetables, fruits and stored grains. Spoilage at low temperature. Food preservation by physical and chemical means: irradiation, drying, heat processing, chilling, freezing, high l1 hI. Sc. fuI i c ro b i o/og.l",\'l'llrrl' ;ii pressure and food preservatives. Modern techniques like high electrontc field pulses, oscillating magnetic fields - pulses, intense light pulses ancj ll preservatives Effect of self generated preservatives like organic acids Preservation of meat as ultra high hydrostatic pressure. Class land class corned beef, sausages, fish fillets, vegetables in brine and as pickles, fruits as cut-fruits, jams, pasteurized milk. (20 Marks) Unit II. Feimented dairy products microbes involved in fermentation -starter lactic acid cultures - yoghurt, and cheese production and its types Fermented food by microbes; fish, meat products, lmportance of Bifidobacterium. Nisin manufacture, whey utilisation eg:- alcohol, lactic acid and SCP fermentations. Delactosing milk enzyrnatically. ldli, soyasauce and lndian pickle fermentations. Yeast role in bread making Food hygiene and control - food sanitation in food manufacture and in the retail trade Food control agencies and their regulaiions. HACCP. Food poisonrng. intoxications like botulism and aflatoxins. lnfections like Salmonella. Staphylococcus, Lisfeia etc. (20 Marks) Unit III. Mbrobjal interactions between plants rhizosphere -phyllosphere mycorrtrlzae'- symbiotic aSsociation' in root nodules. Fixation of molecular nitrogen.'Biiofertilizers VAM, Rhizobium, Frankia, Azospirillum, Azotobacter cyanobatteria. Tiplasrnid &nd its irnportance. Microbes in Coca and Coffee fermentAtigns,, Hu-sk,(€tting., biogas from agro waste, rumen digestion, and Unit IV. Factois predisposing plants to microbial infections. Mycoplasma and coconut wilt. Brief account of plant diseases caused by microbes Plant -' pathogen interactiOns, plant defences, endophytic microbes, use of tissue Sap -ss-?,:ctllture'medium. Plant disease control strategies. Biological . Factors:predisposing animals to microbial ulcerative syndrome of fish- (15 Marks) t2 {ra Universitl, o.f'Cttlicut .4,, a Lrnit V. .Sc. .x,1 i t rut h i tt I oi4.t' .\.t' I { u fu t r t Biological insect control using microbial insecticides -viral bacterial and fungal. Advantages and disadvantages of biopesticides, qualities of an ideal microbial pesticide. Factors affecting its efficiency. Mass production of bacterial, viral and fungal pesticides. Bioassays, quality control Success stories - bacterial - Bacillus thuringensis, B. Sphericus, B. popillae against insects and pasturia penetrans against nematodes. Viruses - baculovirus NPV, CPV, nematodes like Neoplactana carpocapsae. - Fungi Entomophthora and muscardine fungus. (15 marks) MB O32T Molecular Biology and Microbial Biotechnology Unit I. Watson & Crick model of DNA, the law of DNA constahcy & C-value paradox, eukaryotic genome organization, repetitive DNA, selfish DNA DNA replication in prokaryotes & eukaryotes, models of DNA replication reverse transcription. DNA damage & repair, DNA recombinatton,' transposons, Oncogenes & tumour suppressor genes, Unit II. Prokaryotic & eukaryotic transcription, transcription factors, regulatory elements, operon concept,-Lac & Trp operons, post transcriptional modifications. The genetic code, Translation in prokaryotes & eukaryotes, regulation of translation, post translational modifications of proteins' Unit Restriction endonucleases, Cloning vectors, cutting &joining DNA molecules, linkers, adaptors & homopolymer tailing, DNA libraries-genomic III. & cDNA libraries, PCR-different types, probes- radiolabelled DNA/RNA probes, synthetic oligonucleotide probes, Cloning strategies, Expression strategies, screening strategies. DNA sequencing, nucleic acid microarrays,' site directed mutagenesis & protein engineering, DNA introduction methods. Molecular markers in genome analysis: RFLP, RAPD, AFLP analysis' RNA interference. 13 U n iversi4, u./' Co I ic ut M.Sc. 14icrobiolol1.1' a Unir IV. .9.rllubtrs lmmobilization of cells and enzymes. Advantages and disadvantages of immobilized systems. Enzyme based electrodes. ATPase based cell quantitation and Lumac system. Hybridoma technology for monoclonal antibodies, recombinant vaccines, Vaccine farming, Gene Therapy. Microbial lnsecticides, Commercial Products by Recombinant Microbes, Plant and animal Transgenesis, Environmental impact of genettc engineering - problems of GM foods and crops, Bti. Toxin resistance of - cotton bollworm, tobacco budworm, use of multiple alleles of Bti toxin genes. Environmental release and monitoring of genetically insects modified/engineered organisms. Milk flavor manipulation through rumen microflora, mitigating greenhouse gas emission from dairying using biotechnology. MB 033P Practical (MB O21T and MB 031T) 1 Strain development and Scale up of inoculum. 2. Enrichment of coir pith degraders. 3. Demonstration of continuous and batch operation using bioreactor. 4. Demonstration of SSF, fixed bed and fluidized bed systems. 5. Cell disruption techniques 6. Downstream processing - Salting out 7. Citric acid production. 8. 9. Alcohol ferrnentation 10. Survival of added test microbes in pickles and curd 11. Brine storage of foods 12. Whey fermentation to alcohol Effect of Ozdepletion on food storage.. t4 \7 /' '^ M.Sc. llhicrttltittloi4.1' ,S-1'lltrhtrs O 13. Study of microflora in idli, soya-sauce, chilli sauce, palm toddy 14. Milk microbiology - direct microscopic count and standard plate count 15. Methylene blue reductase test 16. Demonsration of microbial successton 17. Demonstration of microbial antagontsrn 18. Bioassay of Bti and Bt 19. Comparison of microflora in Bt-treated and chemical pesticide-treated soils 20. Microbial analysis of food products.- bacterial and fungal 21. Extracellular enzyme activities cellulase, protease, lipase phosphatase 22. lsolation of nitrogen fixing bacterta 23. lsolation of phosphate solubilizing organtsms 24. Degradation of phenols MB 034 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. P Practical (MB 032T) Study of mitotic stages using onion root tip Karyotypepreparation DNA isolation Estimation of DNA RNA isolation Estimation of RNA Hyperchromic shift on DNA melting Bacterial conjugation lsolation of plasmids 10. lnduction of Beta galactosidase gene 15 in E. coli and LIniversitt,of Calicfi iv,{. -ic'. O ii Fipiessioir cf ;i,rr':e,s gene ii: t-.c*ii ,r.a i hl it's'^thi o;'r'rg!' "i'r if;,'ri;,'r,. Agarose eieci.rophoi-esis cf RE tiigest i-.i DF{A ./_ 4e tv Western Blot E[- MB 035T lnterdiscipl!nary Dove-Tailing in Brology- Concepts Unit I. Economic-, Technical-, Curricuiar-, Equipment-, Staffing- Research- levei advantages of Joint-l':andling of various Biolcglr anC topics. Topic-level bricige-points: Eiochernisiry, li4olecular -BiologyiCienetics, Ceii- culture as examples of Common grounci. Equipment level bricige-pcints. Cross-topic Solutions in Research. Three typical lnterdisciplinary Research Samples. EL MB 036T FJ[icrobiology for lJp-lifting Traditional Kerala Cottage I nd ustries-Concepts Coconut husk retting for Coir. Timber/ Areca nut curing. Salting/drying of fish. Palm-toddy as Alcoholic and Non-alcoholic Beaverage. Spice-processing Tea-iCoffee- and Cocoa- Fermentaiions. Mini-Hydels in Ayurueciic compounding: Frocess and Hill-weifare. Product-level-Stanciardization Yardsticks, Self-generatec Preseryatives, Manufacturing-/ Packaging-ler;el Container considerations, Bio-process -Optimization/-lntensificatron. Rar.ry- material crisis & 'accepted' substitiries incl.- Cultured Herbal Bionrass. Pnepi'ocessed ingi'edienis. Goid-si-cithy EL MB 037T Biosafety, Bioethics and IPR Unit l. Bioethics: Legality, morality and ethics, the principles of bioethics: autonomy, human rights, beneficence, privacy, justice, equity etc. Biotechnology and Bioethics: ethicai conflicts in biotechnology. Genetic i6 ., n!!,:: y_o r:i!;: 9t_l g 71! r_i ,'1'f a . "5r,- &f i u' r* t't * ;f i;g't, .!'r'lJ,'i,.\,,,' r mocification/research on plarits and aninrals, therapeutic :icning, hunian cloning, stem cell research. Unit ll. Biosafety concepts and issues: biosafety concerns at the levei of inciividuals, institutions, seciety. region, country anC the wcrid. Biosafety reguiatlons in ti,e i:anclSinq cf i'ecor,rhinent DNA pi'.?cesses and prodit*ts in institutions arrd inciustr-ies, biosafetv assessmeni pioceelilres in incjia ar:o abroacj. Biotechnology and tood safety: The GM-food debate and biosafety assessment pr"ocedirres for biotech foods & related products, including transgenic food crops. Ecological safety assgssment of recombinant oi'ganisms and transgenie crops (Eg. Bt c'ttton). Biosafeiy assessment of biotech phai'maceuticai products such as drugsivaccines etc. lnternational ciimensions in biosafety: Catagena protocol on biosafeiy, bioterrorisrn and convention on biological weapons. Basic Principles and A.cquisition af lntellectual ProSterty Rights Fnilosopiricai ;rs**ecis i:f inteiieetuai Pr**pe,'ty Laws, Basic Pi'incipies cf Pailent Lavv. Lrnderstar,ding Copyrights. Trade fu{ai"k, Desigir i{tgnt*, Unit lll. Geographical indications and Traditional Knowiedge. Patent Appiicatioir procedure, Drafting of a Patent Specification. Objectives, Rights, Assignments of patents and Defenoes in case of lnfringement. Unit iV.Pateniing research tcois and the law: Merits and demeriis of patents biotechnologir inventicns, patentable subjects and protecticn in biotechnology. Concept of novelty and inventive steps. Moral issues in biotechnology patenting. tnternational convention for the protection of for new varieties Strasbourg conventicn and UPOV convention. Plant vai-iety pi"oteoticn in in.Jia. Experi,menta! Use Exemption. The patentabiility of microorganisrns, legal protection for piants and other higher organisrns, transfer of technology. Patentability of vectors. Patents on Research Tools. Patented Research Tools; FCR and Taq Unit V. Polymerase, Protein and DNA Sequencing lnstrurnents and Research Tools in Drug DiscoverY 17 , I.,$" $ r:.,it,f I,r':<'r drs ofel,g.u 5 i' 1;",.' i' .;'- EL MB 038T EpidemEoiogy and Pubtic l-tealth. Unit I. Principles and scope of epidemioiagy; measuring health and disease, disease transrnission concepts, rnodes of transrnission, classes of ep idern ics/outbreaks. Unit II. in clinicai practice; nneasurentent, ciinicai diagnosis, clinical importance, treatment effectiveness, clinica! riskadverse reactions to rnedicines. Assessment of medical evidence, Theoretical and practieal aspects cf the critical appraisal of meciicai evidence. Epiuemioiogy of eirrrironrnental!y end occupaticna!i1r ! Applying epidernioiogy diseases. Unit Iil. Application of epidemiology to environmental problems; investigation of disease outbreaks, environmentai health surve,vs. Communicable ciiseases, genera! classification cf diseases ane! causes Unit IV. Epidemiologicai measures of heaiii: status ; monaiity rates and raiios. infant mortality, maternal mortaiiiy, ahortions. Morbidity rates anci i'atios; incidence and incidence rates. SEMESTER IV E!- MB 04'!T lUicrobiology Fon Environment ProtectionGoncepts Unit II. Public Health lssues: Disease Vectors, DrinkingAl/aste-Waters, Aesthetics. Purpose and Methods of Survelllance :Air-, Water- anci SoilMicrobiology. Life-style- and lndustry- bearings on Polh-ltion. Poliution Preventiolt, Analysis and Ahatenrent strategies. Value addition on 1R - ive rsit1, oJ' t - - - -: Ll n { g u I ic ut ;.;;. ;;,,,t,i,,ry i,ti,,r,ur wastes=lnducement for Pollution control. State responsibilities at Curricular, Public-San itation-Leg rsiation and execution. Role of Un iversities. Some Specific Topics: Solid-waste Management. Home-remedies. Organic Sedimentation due to Timber- and husk-processing. Crganic leachaetes/"Sun-fu/bs"/Drainage-gradients. Pollution Facet of Coconut-, Fish/Meat-, Food-, Petroleum-, Catering- and Construction sector. Technologies using lmmobilized cells/enZlrneS;AUthority slack. Criticality of Timing: Funding & Execution. Forest Protection: Bearing on Ayurueda, Tourism, Biodiversity conservation. Role of Microbial Control/ Bioremediation. EL MB 042T Microbiology ln Post-Harvest Agro-Value Addition -Concepts Perishability of Agro-produce. Microbial and Pest-roles. Techno-climatic Limitations on long-term Storage feasibility. Considerations of Power, Global Warming. Agro-waste burden: Mass-scale and Domestic. Crises Situations:Mass-death of farmed animals. Labour / Transport lay-offs. Floods. Power/Petroleum-dependence. Problems of storage: -Dry, -salted, -wet, Pickled. Container-considerations. Vdlue-addition by Microbial Bioprocess: Gain in Nutritional qualities & Palatability.Volume-reduction, Transportability and Shelf-life. Classical Fermentations. Exploratory Forays with Single and Mixed produce. Agro-produce/-wastes as Substrates in Microbial Fermentations. Value-addition on Agro-land by Bio-remediation. EL MB 043T Modern Trends in Diagnostic Microbiology and lmmunology Unit I. The principles of diagnosis of infectious diseases; Basic concepts of infectious disease diagnosis; collection and transport of specimen; examination and, processing of cultures; repofting of results. 19 Li n iversiU of Cal i c r"it . . tlnit 'Y{ Ii. li i.'.,\ f i u.' r * h io lreg;.,f i,ilrr:rrr.r Conventional and Rapid methods for identification of bacteria and fungi. extremely rapid biochemical and enzymatic tests, conventional biochemical tests, modification of conventional biochemical tests.Principles of automated methods for diagnostic microbiology. tJnit III. Molecular methods in clinical microbiology - Culture confirmation; Nucleic acid hybridization, Direct detection probes; Nucleic acid amplification methods; Diagnostic sequencing; Molecular typing methods; Pulsed Field Gei Electrophoresis: PCR- based microbial typing; Genotyping bacteria by using variable number tandem Unit IV. repeats. , Diagnostic immunological methods: principles of serologic tests, lmmunoassays for the diagnosis of infectious diseases, detection technologies of antigen and antibody- classical and contemporary immunoassays; Flow cytometric assays. EL MB 044T Emerging Micnobial diseases [-]nit I. Pathogens recognized in the past two decades: Bartonella henselae, Helicobacter pylori, Equine morbilli virus, Hepatitis C, Hepatitis E, Human herpesvirus. Lyme borrqliosis, Enterovirus, Clostridium difficile, - Mumps virus, streptococcus, Group A, staphylococcus aureus, yellow fever, Multidrug-resistant Tuberculosis, lnfluenza, Prions, Chikungunya virus, SARS Unit II- Agents with Bioterrorism Potential: Bacillus anthracis, Clostridium botulinum, Yersinia pestis , Variola, Viral hemorrhagic fevers: Lassa Fever, Rift Valley Fever, Dengue, Ebola ,Marburg. coxiella burnetii, Brucella species, Chlamydia psittaci, 20, 7 {' ^ !f!y:,:,g,,:t_I_g!,_:y! r 7 U llI S c. il{ i cro b i ti I * gb,,\"v I lu h us " Food- and waterborne pathogens: Diarrheagenic E.coli, Pathogenic Vibrios, shigella, salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes Unit III. ,Campylobacter jejuni , Yersinia enterocolitica. Hepatitis A virus, Giardia lamblia, Entamoeba histolytica,Toxoplasma and Microsporidia MB O45D Di'ssertation A dissertation should be submitted by each student as a part of the curriculum, based on a topic related to the subiect area at the end of the forth semester. (200 Marks) REFERENCES 1. Biochemistry - DM Vasudevan and S Sreekumari 2. Biochemistry - Voei and Voet 3. Biochemistry - Strayer 4. Biochemistry - West and Todd 5. Lehninger's Principles of Biochemistry - Nelson and Cox 6. Principles of Biochemistry - White Handler and Smith 7. Fundamental principles of bacteriology - A J. Salle 8. Microbiology - Pelzar M.J, Chan et al., 9. Microbiology - Prescott General Microbiology - Stanier 11. Fundamentals of microbiology - Frobischer 12. Principles of Microbiology - Ronald M Atlas 10. 13. Micr-obial Ecology - Ronald M Atlas 14.A hand book of water and waste water microbiology 15. - Mara & Nigel Horan Environmental Biotechnology -Principles and applications -Burce E et al., Text book of Microbiology - Jayaram Paniker and 16. Ananthanarayanan 17. 18. Medical Microbiology - Macie and Mc. Cartney Bailey and Scott's Diagnostic microbiology 21 - Baron ef a/ ( ! n ive rs i t1t ttl' C a I i c ut ,'iC, 1 9. 5-c'. M i cro h i c i etg"v, S.v; ! i u {t Diagnostic microbiology-V- Edition.Elmer .Keneman,Stephen D.AIlen, William M. Janda. 20. Manual of clinical microbiology-8th Edition.Volume -l.Patrick R Murray, Ellen JO Baron, James .H. Jorgensen. 2 1. Molecular m icrobiology-Diagnostic principles&Practices- 1't I nd ian reprint.David .H. Persing, Fred.C.Tenover. 22.lmmunology - Coleman et al 23. Fundamentai imrnunology -Paui W. E ei al 24. Essential Clinical immunology 25.lntroduction to immunology - Helen Chappell and Mansei Haemy John W Kimbal efal., - 26. !mmunology -Roitt 27. lnnmunobiology - Janeway Travers 28. Fundamentals of lmmunology 29. Food microbiology - Adams 30. Food Microbiology - - Kuby MR and tv4oss MO Frazier WC and \{esthoff 31. Food Microbiology (2nd Ed 32. Basic food microbiology - )- Doyle ef al Banwart GJ 33. Dairy Microbiology - Robinson RK 34.Agricuttural Microbiology - Subha rbo 35.Agricultural Microbiology - Rangaswami 36. Plant breeding - B.D. Singh 37. Molecular biology of the cell - Bruce Alberts et al -38. Molecular Biology - Friefielder 39. Genes Vlll - Benjanrin Lewin 40. Molecular Cell Biology (sth Ed.) - Lodish 41. Bioinformatics computing - Bergeron 42. Bioinformatics - sequence and genome analysis 43. !ntroduition to Bioinformatics 44. Biostatistical analysis - Zar 45. Comprehensive biotechnology - Mount - Arthur M Lesk , - Murray and Moo yung 22 ts,; ^ 7 € !t_ 4y gls i1.1, 9t_ | t1 t_i 9u! M. S c'. hl 46. Text book of Biotechnology - us Cruger and Cruger 47. Manuel of lndustrial microbiology and biotechnology 48. Biotechnology of lntegrated pest management - Demain& Davies - Persley - Hall and Menn 49. Biopesticides, use and delivery 50.lndustria! microbiology i c ro h i o I o gt,,S.t' f I u b - Prescott and Dunns 51. Principles of Fermentation technology 52. Fundamentals of bir,rtechnology - Stanburry PF, Whitekar - Ed. Paul Prave et al., - B.D. Singh 54. Biological fundamentals - Biotechnology - Ed. H.J. Rehm and G. Reid 55. Plants, genes and crop biotechnology - Chrispels & Sadava 53. Biotechnology 56. Environmental biotechnology and cleaner bioprocess 57. Principles of Gene Manipulation 58. Molecular Biology of the Gene - Primrose - Watson 59. Recombinant DNA technology -Watson 60. Bioethics: An lntroduction for the Biosciences - Ben Mepham, 61. Biotechnology and SafetyAssessment. Thomas, J.A., Fuch, R.L. (2002). (3rd Ed). Academic Press. 62. Microbiolological Applications - Alfred E Brown 63.Biological safety Principles and practices.Fleming, D.A., Hunt, D.L., (2000). (3rd Ed). ASM Press, Washington. 64. Biotechnology - A comprehensive treatise (Vol. 12). Legal economic and ethical dimensions VCH. , 65. The law and strategy of Biotechnological patents by Sibley. Butterworth publications. 66.lntellectual property rights 6T.lntellectual property right - Ganguli - Wattal - 23, - Tata McGrawhill Oxford Publishing House