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Shock structure and ion dynamics Michael Gedalin1 and Michael Balikhin2 1 2 Ben-Gurion University, Beer-Sheva, Israel ACSE, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK 8th Annual International Astrophysics Conference, Hawaii, 1 7 May 2009 Gedalin and Balikhin Shock structure and ion dynamics AIAC 8, 2009 1/1 Motivation and objectives Collisionless shock is a multi-scale structure (foot, ramp, overshoot, sub-structure in the ramp). Kinetic effects responsible for the structures (reflection, gyration). Implications of the structure for kinetic effects (heating, acceleration). Warning: Theorists view, biased Gedalin and Balikhin Shock structure and ion dynamics AIAC 8, 2009 2/1 Outline Evolution of views From MHD smooth transition to fine structure Relection-gyration Same mechanism, temperature dependence, ion heating, collisionless relaxation, escaping ions Peculiar shocks Low heating, strong acceleration (termination shock, SNR shocks) If not stated otherwise: Quasi-⊥, 1D, stationary Gedalin and Balikhin Shock structure and ion dynamics AIAC 8, 2009 3/1 MHD Discontinuity: deceleration of the flow, jump in density, magnetic field, temperature. RH relations. No width, no structure. Limits of validity. Gedalin and Balikhin Shock structure and ion dynamics AIAC 8, 2009 4/1 Structure: Soliton-to-shock theory Nonlinear equation for dispersive waves (fast magnetosonic). Allows a soliton solution for M > 1 (large amplitude, amplitude-velocity relation). Non-existence of the solution for sufficiently large amplitudes Mach numbers, beginning of ion reflection. Ion reflection causes dissipation - converts soliton to shock. From Sagdeev (1967) Implicit kinetic effects !!! Gedalin and Balikhin Shock structure and ion dynamics AIAC 8, 2009 5/1 ron-ion collisions are assumed to be negligible in the shock wave. ure of the author's model is that the reflected ions have drift velocities ctrons sufficientlylarge to generate the electron-ion drift instability, o sweep the electrons along with them to produce a beam moving f the sub-shock as shown in Fig. 2. We shall use the subscript "to Foot: kinetic effects Incident Ion reflection - ion density, ion current ahead of the transition. Pre-increase of the magnetic field ahead of the transition. I I ! Only part of ions are reflected kinetic effect !!! Early models: specular reflection, ignoring nonzero width and internal structure. FIG.2.-Orbit of reflected ion in the shock frame. From Woods (1971) Gedalin and Balikhin Shock structure and ion dynamics AIAC 8, 2009 6/1 Reflected ion observations From Sckopke et al. (1983) Gedalin and Balikhin Shock structure and ion dynamics AIAC 8, 2009 7/1 ”Typical shock” as of 1986 From Scudder et al. (1986) Gedalin and Balikhin Shock structure and ion dynamics AIAC 8, 2009 8/1 We do not have plasma data for this shock, but the strong magnetic field suggests that beta may be low. [9] Figures 5 and 6 show another comparison pair obtained at STEREO A on August 25, 2007, and at STEREO B on November 9, 2007. They both have a small upstream precursor, but have major downstream wave structure, even though they are quasi-perpendicular shocks with shock normal angles of 71! and 64!. The precursor Observations up to now: low-M shocks normal direction. The to the downstream wav field. Thus, the max determined by the wav 6, the waves are domin mainly aligned along along the projection of less well-determined, Measured in the LN on September 2, 2007 January 14, 2007; 17 November 9, 2007. Th sional suggests that th obtain high-resolution 3. Discussion and L03106 RUSSELL ET AL.: WAVES AT LOW MACH NUMBER SHOCKS L03106 Figure 5. Eight-Hertz magnetic field in shock normal coordinates for the August 25, 2007, STEREO A shock. Comments for the caption of Figure 1 apply. This is to be contrasted with Figure 4. [11] We have exam planetary medium du STEREO A and B out is a very rich data set Mach number shocks. these shocks to test downstream waves. Th a range of angles to broad range of plasm common occurrence, b [12] The downstream the magnetic field pe 3 of 4 Figure 4. Eight-Hertz magnetic field in shock normal From Farris coordinates et al.for(1993) the January 14, 2007, STEREO A shock. Figure 6. Eight-Hertz magnetic field in shock normal From Russell al.STEREO (2009) coordinates for the Novemberet 9, 2007, B shock. Comments for the caption of Figure 1 apply. This is to be contrasted with Figure 6. Comments for the caption of Figure 1 apply. the wave is not propagating along the shock normal, but at Gedalin and Shock structure and ion dynamics AIAC 8, 2009 an Balikhin angle of 40! (See Table 1). 9/1 Observations up to now: high-M shocks From Newbury et al. (1998) Gedalin and Balikhin Shock structure and ion dynamics AIAC 8, 2009 10 / 1 Ion dynamics at quasi-⊥ shock front: basic physics Simplest description: magnetic jump, potential jump, small width. Deceleration in the ramp by the potential - substantial, deflection by the magnetic field - weak. Sensitivity to the initial conditions: specular vs non-specular. Low vT /vu - non-specular: crossing the ramp, gyration downstream, coming back to the ramp (some), crossing again. Gyration of transmitted ions - same mechanism. Gedalin and Balikhin Shock structure and ion dynamics AIAC 8, 2009 11 / 1 Ion dynamics: test-particle analysis Advantage: can study parameter dependence independently vvx Disadvantage: no self-consistency, parameter sets may be not realized in nature 4 2 0 !2 !1 0 1 2 vvx xx Choose Alfvenic Mach number M, magnetic ratio R = Bd /Bu , 1 upstream ion βi , cross-shock 0.5 potential s = 2eϕ/mi vu2 = 0.45, 0 width ≈ c/ωpi . Trace particles. !0.5 Calculate Pion pressure 2 pi,xx = mi vx for a number of !1 !0.1 0 0.1 layers. Compare with pressure xx balance From Gedalin (1996) pi,xx + pe,xx + B 2 /8π = const. Gedalin and Balikhin Shock structure and ion dynamics AIAC 8, 2009 12 / 1 re foot region of the shock where the magnetic field is weaker, the transmitted ones are prevented from doing so by the potential overshoot. This point is made clear when overlaying the electric field profile on the phase space plots of the two Ion dynamics: simulations ion subpopulations(Figure 5). This is a simplificationof a 1) 2) lk to (a) •o 'BTM .... • .... (b) •'' •o •-•. . '; • :"- eof Shock forms by itself ty in ey e se ck ri- . ' Advantage: self-consistency . '."'I' ....... ß-- - Vy (R.) ',:. ß - . at he of in- ed )of '7, , ß , , I ,, - -'V;iTS' .... . ,•, ' .... o' "' '•'•• '7 ms 0 nin i ! i i i .... lb , , , I . - "' - •1•, , , , I , , i0 •0 x (c /wpi) 0 10 20 x (c /wpi) ces •ig. ck. ns. 5. Ion ph•e spies w-v• and w-vu, showingtoo[ion of •he [rans•[ed ([bird •d •[h panels from reflec[ed-gyra[ing(secondand fo•[h panelsfrom [he lop) subpop•a•ions (a) when •hey •rs• enco•er •he shock Disadvantage: parameters inter-related, difficult to separate different effects he some la•er lime. The magnetic field is shown for reference, •d gin [he •! profile (solid•rve) has been orerich on [he •-,•plo•s. From Gedalin Burgess et al. (1989) and Balikhin Shock structure and ion dynamics AIAC 8, 2009 13 / 1 Gyration and reflection: theory and simulations M. Balikhin rt al. (S/9)254 “ramp” “foot” “overshoot” downstream upstream 30 I I OO 1250 bLI vx _;:m m/sac) VY (1 600 0 vx -600, vY FzQ 1250 x (km) Figure 4: 2500 x (km) 2500 -be- 0 2500 x (km) A typical profile of a supercritical quasiperpendicular shock. From /21/. From Burgess et al. (1989) eral theory of resistive-dispersive transition, described above. Fanis et al/19/in their study of low /3 shocks also put great attention to the subcritical shocks. They confirmed previous result that wavelength of wave From Zilbersher et al. (1998) and precursors is wavelength of standing whistler waves. Fanis et al /19/ also noted that ramp width is larger then half of the wavelength of precursor, as it should be if the ramp was just a part of the largest whistler Gedalin et al. (2000) wave cycle. It is necessary to note here, that the dispersion relation is valid only for the waves of infinitely small amplitude. So this approach cannot be accepted in the study of ramp itself, where change of magnetic Gedalin and Balikhin Shock and dynamics fieldstructure is of the order of ion the magnetic field itself. AIAC 8, 2009 14 / 1 underlyingphasespacedistributionis a (convectedbi-) Maxwellian. Near the bow shock,the ion distributions are far from this state, both upstream in the shockfoot and also somedistance downstream, as has been demonstrated in the past, for example in S83. However, that study was based on ISEE two-dimensionaldata and dependedon the THERMALIZATION AT COLLISIONLESS SHOCKS magneticfield to be suitably orientedif, for example, gyrophase information was to be obtained. Here, arbitrary cutsregion. can be made profiles and for the extensiveovershoot This tight through any of the three-dimensional Gyration and reflection: downstream ion heating 788 BURGESS ET AL.: • Total ......... Reflected ............. Transmitted to.[.-'N' ' ' ' .... ' .... ION ' ' '-.] '*t a ß . distributions that are transmitted. correspondencebetween the transmitted and total density profilesis clearly visiblein Figure 6a, which shows the denFigure 3 shows two suchdistributionseachof which is sities of the two subpopulations.The double-humpedstrucrepresentedby three mutually orthogonaltwo-dimensional ture had previouslybeen attributed to a displaced"turningpoint of the gyrating stream" relative to the positionwhere the incomingions"pileup" [Leroyet al., 1982,p. 5085]. Perhaps the most striking feature of Figure 6a is the large reflected-gyratingion densityin the foot, which can be larger than the transmitted ion density. This is an in- ß•'-. . .• i .... o,!- 'V• ' ' ' .... I . , ß '- c ,. o , :.:,_,," ,::,,,,,,:.... ß .•. I .... ß I '-.-' ' ' I I ß ß .... I ß ß I .... I ' '1 d 1 , , ions are reflected at the shock. Other x (c / wpi) f reflected-gyrating and transmitted contributions; the discrely Gedalin and Balikhin dence. Th which sug specular- In the fo of ion distr numerical sametype studieshavefoundsimilarratios[e.g.,Leeet al., 1987],and the small discrepancies in the exact valueare most probably due to the use of different plasma parameters and different simulation schemes. By contrast, the density ratio of the two subpopulations is not constant, but changesquite considerably along the box. Notice also that the large increases seen in the bulk density profile are almost entirely due to correspondingincreasesin the density of the transmitted ions, a result of the gyrational motion of this population, as discussedabove. This is in contrast to previous interpretaFig. 3. downstreamion phasespacedistributions tions which attribute the compressions and Three-dimensional rarefactions in by three orthogonal two-dimensionalcuts. Distribution the densityand magneticfieldto therepresented gyratingstream [Leroy a was measuredat 0656:45 UT, that is, near shock 3i, and the lower et al., 1982]. one, b, near the centerof the magnetosheath interval,at 0705:08UT; seealsothe tick markson the B(t) profilein the box at the lower Heating right. The cuts are oriented as follows: cut 1 contains the GSE z Figure 6d shows the profiles of the kinetic temperature axis (horizontal)and the magneticfield vector B; v indicatesthe perpendicularto the magneticfieldprojected (Tx = 1/2(T• + Tyy)) direction of the plasma bulk flow vb. Cut 2 is plane 1 of the two subpopulations and the total perpendicular temrotated by 90ø about B and offsetfrom the origin by vbx; the E axis perature profile. The main features are closely related to the of -v b x B. Cut 3 is perpendicular to B indicates the projection details of the motion of the ions. Entering the foot of the andpasses through vb (i.e.,it is offsetfromtheoriginbyvbll).The shock(8c/wri < •structure < 10c/wri) and there is a dynamics sharp increase in Shock ion velocity scale in the upper right refers to protons.AIAC some10 % residual te From Burgess et al. (1989) ll ions (solid line) and the reflected-gyrating(dashedline) and ransmitted (dottedline) subpopulations for (a) density;velocity omponents (b) Vx and (c) Vy in shockframe; (d) kinetictemerature perpendicularto magneticfield, T.L = l[2(Txx + Tyy); nd (e) perpendicularpressure,where the thin solid line is sum to formth vg2• 2.15 well visible From Sckopke et al. (1990) ig. 6. Ion bulk parameters, normalized to their upstream vales, from simulation corresponding to Figure 4, calculated using being gyro In S83 it reflected o tosheathin displayedi This result illustrates how the local relative densitiesof reflected-gyratingand transmitted ions can in fact be very different from the overall number ratio between the two subpopulations.We havecomputedthis latter ratio to be almost exactly 1:3, i.e., about 25% in number of the incident ß ß o.[_ .perp ß ß feature there. difficultto The cut on The low further do mitted ions(Figure5b), givingriseto the enhanced density '-•-'2"T'•'-7 ! .... •-.. certainty) ring ions a tionof Vs r dication of how the subpopulationshave slightly different turn around points: The majority of the reflectedions pass throughvx -- 0 earlier in the shockstructurethan the trans- o set (cf. Ta ied in S83 barely. Th 8, 2009 showsthis in order of magnetic f from the v from frame are visible havegyro The seq the previo butions w a bi-Maxw distributio results from discussedi the Mach (horizont marked co 15 / 1in s tioned Gyration and reflection: low-M shocks I Example: Dependence on vh = vTi /vu = V h = 0.06 0.5 0 −10 V h = 0.1 30 0 −10 40 −5 0 −5 0 −5 0 1.5 pxx V x /V u 20 0.5 5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20 V h = 0.1 1 0.5 0 1.5 10 20 V h = 0.2 30 0 −10 40 1.5 1 pxx V x /V u 10 1 0.5 0 −10 1 0.5 0 1.5 0 −10 V h = 0.06 1.5 1 pxx V x /V u 1.5 p βi /M 2 V h = 0.2 Higher vh faster relaxation. 1 0.5 0 10 20 x/L u Gedalin and Balikhin 30 40 0 −10 x/L u Shock structure and ion dynamics AIAC 8, 2009 16 / 1 Low-M 1D hybrid simulations Left: distribution in vx − vy plane throughout the shock. Right: (top) velocity and density (thick), (bottom) magnetic field and ion pressure (thick). M = 1.22, θ = 80◦ , βi = βe = 0.1 M15th80b01 movie Gedalin and Balikhin Shock structure and ion dynamics AIAC 8, 2009 17 / 1 Collisionless relaxation and magnetic oscillations Observations: from Balikhin et al. (2008) 0 Bn Theory: ion pressure and magnetic field oscillations !5 !10 !15 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Bm 5 0 !5 40 45 Bl 40 35 30 40 45 |B| 40 35 30 40 Time in seconds after 22:58:00 Gedalin and Balikhin Shock structure and ion dynamics AIAC 8, 2009 18 / 1 β-dependence: escaping ions - foreshock distributions, observations 2305 09:54:06 - 09:54:54 2000 Vsw Bth 405. 12. Bph 173. 09:54:54 - 09:55:43 Vsw Bth 405. 12. Bph 173. 85.8 84.5 1000 2000 1000 86.5 85.0 18.6 -2000 138.3 17.0 141.1 2000 -2000 0 1000 0 1000 -1000 -2000 136.5 139.6 -2000 -1000 0 -1000 0 -1000 H. Kucharek et al.: On the origin of field-aligned beams at the quasi-perpendicular bow shock 18.1 16.7 2000 FIGURE 1. Wind/3DP ion measurements of FABs on 28 August 1995 at 93 R E . Fig. 5. Magnetic field (top panel) and ion distribution (lower panel) in velocity space downstream, in the ramp, and upstream of the bow shock. Left: close to the shock, from Kucharek etwithal. the to B (left of center, pitch (2004). angles extending Right: to 45 . Several far similarin distributions have been observed at ∼ 100 R and beyond. Clearly, these beams are unexpected at large distances from the shock. Work is now in progress to establish their source foreshock, from such Meziane et al. (2004) characteristics and to understand how they reach far upstream regions. the ion distributions parallel and perpendicular to the interplanetary magnetic field (the mean magnetic field orientation is indicated by arrows) are shown for three different locations: downstream, at the ramp, and upstream of the bow shock. The dark blue shaded areas in the plot of the magnetic field profile indicate the integration time for the ion distributions. Downstream, the shape of the ion distribution is more elongated in the perpendicular than in the parallel direction. The phase space is filled with ions up to a parallel velocity of 1000 km/s. In the shock ramp gyrating ions appear, while phase space density extends towards parallel velocity exceeding substantially the limit of ≈1000 km/s. Upstream of the bow shock (see right hand distribution) this part of the distribution decouples from the core distribution and forms a collimated beam along the mean interplanetary magnetic field. It should be noted that the beams occupy a portion of the phase space that is empty downstream. Gedalin and Balikhin 2.3 Multi-spacecraft observations: a key to the basic beam production mechanism ◦ E Unlike single spacecraft that only provide single point measurements along the spacecraft trajectory, a multi-spacecraft We have examined in detail the properties of fi eld aligned beams as a function mission such as CLUSTER provides simultaneous readings of shock geometry, taking special care to isolate the influences of ! Bn from other at different locations. Such a measurement from the CLUSparameters TER spacecraft taken on 2 January 2002, at around 14:45 UT,[15]. Simple kinematic arguments lead to expectations that densities and is shown in Fig. 6. At this time the spacecraft a high will vary with ! , although no temperature relation immediately follows. beamcross speeds Bn Mach number shock (MA =5) with a shock normal angle of Figure moments computed for successive FABs observed by the Cluster/CIS 72◦ . The top and the bottom part of this figure show 2 theshows distributions in v⊥ vs. v$ space for SC1 andexperiment SC4, respectively.on 23 April 2001, 0647–0651 UT. During the interval of interest no ULF The middle part of this figure shows the energy spectra (top waves were observed and the IMF direction was slowly rotating toward a less radial panel) and the magnetic field (lower panel) of three different spacecraft SC1, SC3, and SC4. The vertical lines in the specconfi guration. As selected, the only parameter that changed signifi cantly for this event trograms indicate the time periods in which the distributions was the angle !Bn . Successive panels show !Bn variation of the beam density normalized have been taken. As the figure shows, spacecraft 1 is located to the solar wind density (Figure 2a), the beam speed normalized to the solar wind speed close to the bow shock, because it crosses the shock first. Shock structure and ion dynamics AIAC 8, 2009 19 / 1 Escaping ions - theory From Burgess (1987) Gedalin and Balikhin Shock structure and ion dynamics AIAC 8, 2009 20 / 1 β-dependence: escaping ions - mechanism Low-Mach number oblique shocks, moderate β Transmittedgyrating ions Ions reflected non-specularly Ions reflected quasi-specularly Multi-step reflection with escape Gedalin and Balikhin Shock structure and ion dynamics AIAC 8, 2009 21 / 1 Figure 3.14: Upstream distribution for M = 7 in v! -v⊥ plane at five layers (x = −10, Escaping ions - foreshock distributions, theory −12.5, −15, −17.5 and −20) respectively. parallel velocities (FABs). In case of M = 7 shock, Figs. 3.19c and 3.19d demonstrate that there are two similar populations: high energy ions with E ≈ 9.5 and pitch angles 5◦ < ψ < 20◦ and lower energy population with E ≈ 7.5 and pitch angles 15◦ < ψ < 30◦ . As shown in all plots each population is formed by a corresponding mechanism of escaping. Ions escaping via a Figure 3.15: Upstream distribution at x =(i.e −10(V for different mechanisms of esu /Ω u ) RGGE) single encounter with cross-shock potential RGE and are with lower energies caping (RGE, RGRE, RGGE, RGGRE, RGRRE). M the = 3,potential v2 -v1 plane, (b) M = 3, and larger pitch-angles, while the multiple encounter(a)with produces higher venergies M= 7, vangles and (d) M = 7, v! -v⊥ plane. and(c) lower pitch population. 2 -v1 plane ! -v⊥ plane, Additional information is provided in Figure 3.15. Here, the distribution at x = −10(Vu /Ωu ) is shown for the different mechanisms of escaping. As can be seen the outer ring population is formed by a mechanism of a single encounter with the cross-shock potential, i.e. RGE for M = 3 and RGGE for M = 7. The inner population with lower perpendicular velocities is formed by mechanisms RGRE for M = 3, RGGRE and Figure 3.19: Upstream distributions of energy andthat pitch at x encounter = −10(Vu /Ω RGRRE for M = 7. These results demonstrate theangle multiple with the u ) for different mechanisms of escaping. M = 3ofshock: E and (b)beams ψ, M (FABs), = 7 shock: (c) the E cross-shock potential leads to formation rather (a) field-aligned while and (d) ψ. RGE or RGGE mechanisms are responsible for gyrating beams of escaping ions. The downstream distribution of transmitted ions is shown on Fig. 3.16. In similar, Far away from the shock front in upstream or downstream regions ions mean energy the transformation into v1 -v2 and v! -v⊥ planes was made according to (3.4) and (3.5), remains constant. Eventually, particles gain energy while interacting with the transition thus for a corresponding angle of θ = 74.4◦ . As well, there was no significant dependence layer. The energy jump of escaping ions can be explained by following. We shall look on of distribution on the distance from the shock front, therefore the distributions are shown Gedalin and Balikhin Shock structure dynamicsof the electric field do not AIAC 8, 2009 the y-direction of ion motion, since neither and x or ion z component From Liverts (2008, MSc thesis) 22 / 1 EDALIN ET AL. : ESCAPING IONS Figure 6 Escaping ions - dependence on β tion in v! − v⊥ distribution of gles ψ. All dishe farthest plot most of the ions −3 and their per≈ 0.5. The secdensity) is in the cond plot shows ons with E ≈ 9 population with ution of energies third and fourth osition of of Figributions do not Figure 6. Comparison for different β with s = 0.64 and θ = 50◦ . Left column is for β = 0.1 (efficiency 0.5%), the middle one is for β = 0.15 (1.5%), and the right one is for β = 0.2 (3%). Rows as in Figure 3. From Gedalin et al. (2008) shows the effect of β. For the chosen angle θ = 50◦ , variation of β within the low β = 0.1, 0.15, 0.2 limits does not Gedalin and Balikhin Shock structure and ion dynamics AIAC 8, 2009 23 / 1 High-β or hot tails: acceleration Surfing, from Lee et al. (1996) Multiple crossing, from Zank et al. (1996) Gedalin and Balikhin Shock structure and ion dynamics AIAC 8, 2009 24 / 1 four times higher downstream energy in four cycles of reflection. Figure 4 shows the trajectory of an ion which escapes upstream after making a full cycle of multiple reflections, during which vq.increases and decreases again. Figure 4a shows that the ion trajectory does not cross the middle of the ramp. From Fig. 4b one can see that the amplitude of oscillations of zjx is roughly proportional to v,., that is, the adiabatic approximation works quite well. It is seen also that the reflection-escape process is indeed almost specular in the u,v,~ plane : u,>is the same at the entry and escape points, while v, changes its sign. As can be seen from Fig. 4c, v, in the last escape point closely corresponds to (32). 2 Sub-structure: acceleration s” ’2 1 0 -1 @I very sensitive to the ramp width. For the chosen therefore model the scales of the magnetic and electric field variations are the same and z D,. The analytical consideration .a, -2 -2 0 2 %l~ (c> Fig. 3. Trajectory of a multiply reflected ion escaping down- stream 16 4 2 0 -2 -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Xlwp,) Fig. 2. Trajectories of 20 ions at the high-Mach critical quasi-perpendicular Q = 70” shock number super- Figure 5 shows the trajectory which is not covered by the above theoretical analysis. The ion is trapped near the ramp for some time and afterwards it becomes trapped around the ramp, making several large amplitude gyrations and crossing the shock front back and forth. Eventually it escapes upstream (high negative final v, in Fig. 5c) having a substantial gyration velocity. Figure 6a shows which part of the initial pickup ion distribution undergoes multiple reflection (for perpendicular shock geometry). In Fig. 6b we show the same distribution of incident pickup ions at the upstream edge of the ramp, where it is already strongly disturbed. Almost all multiply reflected ions are taken from the low V, part of the distribution, in agreement with previous theoretical where $ = eq/( component of t of the ramp), an ion energy of d cross-shock pote ratio R = 2.5, ably sufficient regime. Since the effi increase of obliq acceleration me nearly perpendicu or when some s effective width o The dependenc Mach number i the shock width Mach number. which could pr clusion is that decrease with th of the shock wid The obtained tra CXC~‘~(see a to,f(v) cc up2 (an harder than ve4 probably attribu actual shock stru It should be sitivity of the details of the m could be in pri deviations from amplitude waves as rippling of th any small-scale evidence is not u ations from the special study w AIAC 8, 2009paper. 25 / 1 Left: various trajectories of pickup ions. Right: efficiency enhancement in (b) structured shock. From Zilbersher and Gedalin (1997) ‘O------l Gedalin and Balikhin Shock structure and ion dynamics Further evidence for local reformation of the termination shock is provided by the qualitative transformation of the shock structure during the ,3.9-h interval between TS-2 and TS-3 (Fig. 1). At the front of TS-2, the bulk speed V increased continuously, rather than in a step-like form. Instead of a simple ramp-overshoot structure in B, there were two narrow enhancements in B resembling solitons, in each of which there was a change in B comparable to that in the ramp of TS-3. A shock structure at 1 AU resembling that of TS-2 was reported in fig. 5 of ref. 26. the vector magnetic fields in the termination shock at a rate of 2.08 samples s21, and the spacecraft was able to transmit all of this information, making it possible to determine the complex internal structure of the ramp shown here. Termination shock: magnetic field Received 19 February; accepted 15 April 2008. 1. Burlaga, L. F. et al. Crossing the termination shock into the heliosheath: Magnetic fields. Science 309, 2027–2029 (2005). Decker, R. B. et al. Voyager 1 in the foreshock, termination shock, and heliosheath. Science 309, 2020–2024 (2005). 3. Gurnett, D. A. & Kurth, W. S. 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Cool heliosheath deceleration of the upstream solar Footwind at the Ramp Overshoot 180 ture of the termination shock evolved significantly withinplasma 2.7 h.andThe c termination shock. Nature doi:10.1038/nature07024 (this issue). 0.0 360 45 small peak in B at the front of TS-4 is expected to evolve to a new b studies of magnetosonic collisionless shock 12. Biskamp, D. & Welter, H. Numerical Nucl. Fusion 12,pro663–666 (1972). 0 ramp on this timescale, as part of the shockwaves. reformation 270 13. Phillips, P. E. & Robson, A. E. Influence of reflected ions on the magnetic structure 10,12,24,25 –45 cess . of a collisionless shock. Phys. Rev. Lett. 29, 154–157 (1972). –90 90 in collisionless plasmas. Phys. Fluids 180 14. Leroy, M. Structure of perpendicular d Reformation of the local structure of a supercritical quasi-perpenc shocks 45 (1983). 26, 2742–2753 300 dicular shock was predicted by both hybrid and particle simula15. full Woods, L. C. 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The structure is based 01:26 00:28 00:57 23:31 the 00:00 pickup protons contribute significantly to it. Reformation is a ions. Nature doi:10.1038/nature07030 (this issue). on observations oftermination the magnetic field strength B (a) and its directions l (h:min) Whang, Y. C., Burlaga, F. Locations of the shock and patchy cyclicTime shock reformation process with a19.characteristic timeL. F.of& Ness,(bN.) and d (1995). (c) at 0.48-s intervals. The magnetometer on Voyager 2 sampled heliopause. J. Geophys. Res. 100, 17015–17023 Day 243 ofthe 2007order 2007 Day 244 of ofthe downstream gyroperiod25. 20. Zank, G. P. et al. Interstellar pickupthe ionsvector and quasi-perpendicular shocks: magnetic fields in the termination shock at a rate of Implications for the termination shock and interplanetary shocks. J. Geophys. Res. Furtherquasi-perpendicular evidence for local reformation Figure 2 | TS-3 is a supercritical shock. The 48-s of the termination shock is 2.08 samples s21, and the spacecraft was able to transmit all of this 101, 457–477 (1996). ) and its directions l (b) and d averages of the magnetic field strength B (aqualitative provided by the transformation of shock information, it possible to determine the complex internal structure 21. the Lipatov, A. S. & structure Zank, G. P. Pickup ion acceleration atmaking low b perpendicular shocks. the,3.9-h 192-s average of the solar wind speed (c) are shown here together Phys. Rev. Lett.1). 82, 3609–3612 of the ramp shown here. duringwith the interval between TS-2V and TS-3 (Fig. At the (1999). (d) across TS-3. The magnetic field strength profile shows the classical 22. Newbury, J. A., Russell, C. T. & Gedalin, M. The ramp widths of high-Machfrontquasi-perpendicular of TS-2, the bulk speed V increased rather than in features of a supercritical shock: a ‘foot’, ‘ramp’, continuously, number quasi-perpendicular collisionless shocks. J. Geophys. Res. 103 (A12), ‘overshoot’, ‘undershoot’ and smaller oscillations, thata order. 29581–29593 (1998).in B, a step-like form. Insteadin of simple ramp-overshoot structure 2. V (km s–1) d (deg) l (deg) d (deg) l (deg) B (nT) B (nT) LETTERS Supercritical profile, sub-structured ramp. From Burlaga et al. (2008) 76 there were two narrow enhancements in B resembling solitons, in Macmillan Limited.to Allthat rights ©2008 each of which there was a change in Publishers B comparable inreserved the ramp of TS-3. A shock structure at 1 AU resembling that of TS-2 was reported in fig. 5 of ref. 26. Gedalin and Balikhin Shock structure Received 19 February; accepted 15 April 2008. 1. Burlaga, L. F. et al. Crossing the termination shock into the heliosheath: Magnetic fields. Science 309, 2027–2029 (2005). Decker, R. B. et al. Voyager 1 in the foreshock, termination shock, and heliosheath. Science 309, 2020–2024 (2005). 3. Gurnett, D. A. & Kurth, W. S. Electron plasma oscillations upstream of the solar winddynamics termination shock. Science 309, 2025–2027 (2005). and ion AIAC 8, 2009 2. 26 / 1 LETTERS NATURE | Vol 454 | 3 July 2008 the heliosheath are reduced relative to those in the solar wind, except for the two oppositely directed bursts recorded by Voyager 2 on 2007.9 and 2008.0 in Fig. 2g. The measurements of high partial pressures of low-energy ions and of high intensities of high-energy electrons made using the Voyager 2 LECP instrument have immediate implications for the nature and processes of the termination shock, the foreshock and the heliosheath. These in turn have ramifications for the global structure of the heliosphere, particle acceleration and propagation processes, as well as for the collisionless shock structure. Voyager 1 entered the Termination shock peculiarity LETTERS termination foreshock proper at a helioradius of 85.2 AU (1 AU is the Sun–Earth distance), and Voyager 2 did so at a helioradius of 75.3 AU, roughly 10 AU nearer the Sun than Voyager 1. First detection by Voyager 2 of termination shock particles around the time that the shock swept over Voyager 1 during its inward movement is qualitatively consistent with three-dimensional heliosphere models which predict an asymmetric termination shock that is nearer the Sun at the position of Voyager 2 because of symmetry-breaking effects of the interstellar magnetic field12,13. However, quantitative issues are still under examination14. Partial ion pressure (dynes cm–2) TS-1 400 a VR (km s–1) 300 200 0 Ion intensity (protons cm–2 s–1 sr–1 MeV–1) 100 b N (cm–3) 0.006 0.004 0.002 a 10–13 10–14 b MeV 0.028–0.043 0.043–0.080 102 0.080–0.137 0.137–0.215 0.215–0.540 101 0.54–0.99 0.99–2.14 2.14–3.50 100 10–1 0.000 –0.5 c –0.7 c 0.043–0.080 MeV 0.54–0.99 MeV 0.137–0.215 MeV 2.14–3.50 MeV –0.9 g(E) 106 –1.1 –1.5 105 Electron intensity (number cm–2 s–1 sr–1 MeV–1) T (K) –1.3 104 103 12 14 Time (h) 16 18 Figure 5 | The termination shock is very different from other shocks observed in the heliosphere. Voyager 2 data measured at TS-2 (crosses) at helioradius 84 AU, in comparison with Voyager 2 data measured at Neptune’s inbound bow shock crossing (diamonds) at helioradius 30 AU in August 1989. The solar wind parameters upstream of Neptune are normalized to those upstream of the termination shock; the timescales are identical. The solar wind speed (a; Neptune data divided by 1.3) at the bow shock fell by a factor of four but at the termination shock the speed decreased by a factor of only two. The density (b; Neptune data divided by five) at the bow shock increased by a factor of four, but at the termination shock by a factor of two. The major difference is in the temperature (c; Neptune data divided by two): at the bow shock it increased by a factor of 100, but at the termination shock by a factor of only ten. The differences between these two Gedalin Balikhin shocks are probably caused by and the greater abundance of pickup ions at the –1.7 d 0.022–0.035 MeV 103 0.035–0.061 MeV 102 0.35–1.5 MeV 101 100 2007.5 2007.6 2007.7 2007.8 2007.9 2008.0 2008.1 Time (year) Figure 1 | Low-energy ions and electrons measured by Voyager 2 near the termination shock during 2007. Voyager 2 crossed the termination shock at least five times during days 242 to 244 of 2007 (refs 7–9) at helioradius R 5 83.65 AU and heliographic latitude L 5 227.5u. a, The black trace shows Voyager 2 0.028–3.5 MeV partial ion (proton) pressures. The blue trace shows Voyager 1 0.040–4.0 MeV partial proton pressures, time-shifted so that the termination shock crossing of Voyager 1 on day 351 of 2004 coincides with TS-1. Both traces exceed the magnetic field pressure PB1 5 B12/8p (dashed red line), calculated using the mean heliosheath field intensity B1 5 0.123 6 0.035 nT (61 s.d.) measured by Voyager 1 between days 1 and 110 of 2005 (ref. 20). The upper and lower bounds of the vertical error bar are PB1 evaluated respectively at B1 5 0.158 and 0.088 nT. The Weak heating, from Richardson et al. Strong acceleration, from Decker et (2008) al. (2008) Voyager 1 and 2 ion pressures were calculated using intensities of ions arriving from the sunwards and anti-sunwards directions, to reduce contributions from field-aligned beams that arrive mainly from the azimuthal direction. b, Intensities in the eight Voyager 2 ion channels calculated using proton energy passbands and efficiencies. c, Differential spectral index c(E) evaluated at the logarithmic means of the energy passband for the channels indicated6. d, 0.022–1.5 MeV electron intensities; ordinate of blue trace is multiplied by 30. Electron intensities peak at or near the termination shock, are nearly isotropic in the solar wind and heliosheath, and at ,0.03 MeV and ,0.7 MeV are respectively higher by a factor of ,4 or lower by a factor of ,3 than intensities of ions at the same energy. All data shown are one-day averaged; data in c are also five-point smoothed. 68 ©2008 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved Shock structure and ion dynamics AIAC 8, 2009 27 / 1 SNR shocks: where goes efficiency ? L70 GHAVAMIAN, LAMING, & RAKOWSKI Vol. 654 High velocities ∼ 5 · 104 km/s Low ISM magnetic field ∼ 10−6 G Densities ∼ solar wind density at 1 AU Low temperatures . 104 K High Mach numbers Fig. 1.—Example of the optical spectrum of a Balmer-dominated shock, showing the broad and narrow Ha lines characteristic of nonradiative shocks in partially neutral gas. This spectrum, originally presented by Sollerman et al. (2003), was obtained from the southwestern rim of the Galactic SNR RCW 86, with high enough spectral resolution (∼10 km s!1) to resolve the broad (∼500 km s!1 FWHM) and narrow (∼30 km s!1 FWHM) Ha lines. The nightsky OH lines (indicated by the circled plus signs) have been left in to demonstrate their relatively narrower widths compared to the Ha lines. The broad Ha width and ratio of the broad to narrow Ha flux for these types of shocks were used to produce the relationship shown in Fig. 2. IB /IN p 1.0 ! 0.2] and the northern rim [v FWHM (Ha) p 325 ! 10 km s!1; IB /IN p 1.06 ! 0.1] of RCW 86. In the fifth SNR of our sample, DEM L71 (Ghavamian et al. 2003), we broad component Ha width only toShock constrainstructure the range Gedalin used andtheBalikhin Fig. 2.—Electron to proton temperature ratio at the shock front as a function of shock velocity for five Balmer-dominated SNRs. Magnetosonic Mach numbers (MS) appropriate for typical ISM conditions are indicated along the top axis. The data shown here were measured from Balmer-dominated shocks in the Cygnus Loop, RCW 86, Tycho’s SNR (Ghavamian et al. 2001), SN 1006 (Ghavamian et al. 2002), and DEM L71 (Rakowski et al. 2003; Rakowski 2005). The dashed error bars for RCW 86 mark previously unpublished results. Below 400 km s!1 (MS ≈ 30), the data are consistent with (Te /Tp)0 p 1 . The prediction of the proposed lower hybrid wave-heating mechanism in the cosmic ray precursor, (Te /Tp)0 ∝ VS!2 (∝MS!2), is shown for vS 1 400 km s!1. Higher velocities - lower efficiency of electron heating ? From Ghavamian et al. (2007) perpendicular) shock is characterized not by the shock speed but rather by the magnetosonic Mach number MS ({vS /v MS, where v MS { (cS2 " vA2 )1/2 is the magnetosonic speed, cS is the sound speed (p[(5/3)(P/r)]1/2) and vA [{B/(4pri )1/2] is the Alfvén speed of the preshock gas). The preshock temperature, ion density, and magnetic field strength are not strongly constrained in and ion dynamics the observed Balmer-dominated shocks. In particular, MS AIAC is most 8, 2009 28 / 1 Comments regarding 1D and stationarity Not all shocks are 1D, inhomogeneity along the shock front (rippling) may affect all reflection-gyration processes at the ramp, to less extent downstream gyrophase mixing Not all shocks are stationary, time-dependence may affect all reflection-gyration processes at the ramp, as well as downstream gyrophase mixing Gedalin and Balikhin Shock structure and ion dynamics AIAC 8, 2009 29 / 1 Conclusions Ion kinetic processes play the crucial role in the formation of the shock structure Kinetic processes may be observed at low-Mach number shocks as well Collisionless ion heating, non-gyrotropic downstream distributions, ion reflection, foreshock ion beams, and even acceleration at the shock (pre-diffusion) are due to the same process - nonadiabatic ion dynamics at the shock front. Ion dynamics at the shock front is sensitive to the fine structure of the shock front and initial velocities. Gedalin and Balikhin Shock structure and ion dynamics AIAC 8, 2009 30 / 1