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Part‐4 (Biodiversity Hotspot Regions) Writer: Abhay S.D. Rajput Characters: Father Mother Srishti Manav Mother: Manav! What’s the matter? Why are you so sad today? Srishti: Mummy it seems, Manav has got a scolding from his madam that’s why he is looking dejected. Manav: There is nothing like that Srishti didi. Srishti: Then why are you looking so depressed? Manav: In fact, ma’am has told me to prepare a project on Biodiversity Hotspot regions. I don’t Know anything about it. Srishti: Oh! Then there is no need to be so upset. Papa knows much about Biodiversity Hotspot Regions. He will explain it to you well. (Just then they heard the Father coming) Mother: See, your father has come. Father: What’s so special that you were waiting for me? Srishti: Papa, actually Manav has to prepare a project on Biodiversity Hotspot regions and he wants your help in this matter. Father: O.K.! So today we will discuss about Biodiversity Hotspot regions . Well, Srishti you must be aware of Biodiversity Hotspot regions . Srishti: Papa, the places with a great biological differences are known as Biodiversity Hotspot Regions. Papa: Very well! You are right Srishti. So Manav now you know which are Biodiversity Hotspot regions. Manav: Yes Papa, these are the places where we can see innumerable forms of life. Papa: Well done Manav. By the way the concept of Biodiversity was first introduced by British ecologist Norman Myres in 1988. Mother: Yes! And only after that Biodiversity Hotspot regions were officially declared . World’s Twenty five selected regions were declared Biodiversity Hotspot regions in 1999. Manav: But, how are Biodiversity Hotspot regions marked? Srishti: Well, as far as I know, basically two things are important for a region to be declared Biodiversity Hotspot. Papa: You are right Srishti. It is only after a definite procedure that a region is marked as Biodiversity Hotspot regions. Srishti: Oh! It means there are some rules even for it. Father: Yes, my child. First of all it is verified that at least 0.5% of the world’s total endemic species are present there. Numerically, the number of endemic species at that region must be more than 1500. Srishti: Papa I think endemic species are those that can be seen only in that region. Father: Yes, Srishti. You are very much right. The magnitude and distribution of endemic species is limited. Endemic species support conservation and these species are the main basis of Biodiversity Hotspot. In the same way a specie found only at a particular Place is called endemic species of that particular area. Like Nilgiri thar can be found Only in Western Ghats, so it is an endemic species of Western Ghat. Another animal Lion‐tailed Macaque is also an endemic species of Western Ghats. Manav: You mean to say that for a place to come under the category of Biodiversity Hotspot, considering the endemic species of that place is very necessary. Mother: Yes Manav! And another main condition is that at least 70% habitat of a place must be Uninhibited, before bringing that place under the category of Biodiversity Hotspot. Srishti: You mean to say that human activities must prove to be a threat to the being of that Particular place? Father: Yes Srishti, in that case immediate steps must be taken for the conservation of that place. so the region is declared as Biodivesity Hotspot. Srishti: So that some concrete steps must be taken to conserve that region. Father: You have understood very well, Srishti. In fact Biodiversity Hotspot regions need immediate conservation because a large number of species reside here and for their Survival conservation programmes are executed at a very large level. Manav: Papa can you tell me the exact number of Biodiversity Hotspot regions of the world . Father: Manav, till date34regions of the world have been declared as Biodiversity Hotspot. Although all these regions occupy only 2.3% of the Earth’s total surface area but half of the world’s endemic species of Vegetations are found here. Srishti: Wow! It means we can find various types of animals and living beings in Biodiversity Hotspot regions . Father: Yes my child. 42% of all the vertebrates of the Earth are found only in these 34 Biodiversity Hotspot regions . Manav: Really! These regions are a treasure house of Biodiversity. Father: Yes Manav and if we talk of fishes of fresh water then these regions provide Shelter to 55% of all the species of fresh water fishes. Out of these 29% are endemic. Means these are found only at these places. Manav: Papa, do you know the names of these 34 Biodiversity Hotspot regions spread across the World? Father: Well Manav, I don’t know all the names but some of the main Hotspot regions are ; Atlantic forest, Eastern Malaysian group of Islands, Guana forest of South Africa, Island Groups of Japan, Madagascar and Indian Ocean, Mountains of South‐West China, New Zealand, Philippines, Himalayas, Southern Ghats and Sri Lanka and Indo Burma Hotspot regions . Manav: It means, in India also, there are Biodiversity Hotspot! Mother: Yes Manav, Himalayas, Western Ghats and Sri Lanka and Indo‐ Burma Biodiversity Hotspot regions are related to India. Father: And Manav, do you know just because of these, India is called a mega Biodiversity Country! India is one of 12 most Biodiversity rich countries. Manav: Papa, please tell me in detail about all these. Father: Manav, Himalayan ranges are rich in Biodiversity. In an area of 7,50,000, around 10,000 types of vegetations can be seen, out of which 3,160 are endemic species. Shrishti: Oh! It means 31.6% of the total vegetations are endemic. Mother: Yes! Srishti, that’s why this region has been declared Biodiversity Hotspot. Father: Apart from this, 300 species of mammals and 977 species of birds are some of the main animal life found here. 12 species of mammals and15 birds species are endemic. Some of the mammals found here are Himalayan tahr, Pygmy hog, Flying squirrel, Sambar, Snow leopard, Black Bear and Takin. Srishti: And yes , one of the interesting feature of the Snow leopard found in Himalayas is that it can wrap it’s tale around its neck like a muffler to save itself from cold. Father: Yes Srishti. Actually like a snow leopard, most of the animals adapt themselves according to the environment around them. And those who are unable to adapt, they become extinct. Mother: It means adaptation plays an important role in Biodiversity. Manav: By the way Papa, how many species of Reptiles and amphibians are found in Himalayan Hotspot regions? Father: Manav, one can find 176 species of reptiles, out of which 48 are endemic. And as far as Amphibians are concerned, there are 105 species, out of which 45 are endemic. Srishti: Papa, so many rivers originate from the Himalayas, so many species of fishes also must be found here? Father: Yes, my child, this Biodiversity Hotspot region is famous for around 269 species of fishes. Out of these 33 are endemic. What’s more our National water animal is also found here! Manav: I have heard about National animal but National water animal is a new word for me. Mother: Manav! That’s why I keep on telling you to read newspaper daily to enhance your general knowledge. May be you don’t know that Gangatic Dolphin has been declared India’s national water animal in 2009. Srishti: Dolphin is as important in marine environment as a Tiger in the forest. That’s why the Government has chosen it as national water animal. Father: By the way children, approximately 10% of Himalayan Biodiversity Hotspot region is chosen as a conserved area by international union for conservation of nature (IUCN). Manav: it’s a very good step taken by IUCN, it will help in conserving biodiversity in this region. Srishti: Father, which states of our country are included in Himalayan Biodiversity Hotspot? Father: Mainly, states belonging to Eastern part came under this category. Out of which Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim and some parts of West Bengal are included. Manav: Papa, tell us more about other Biodiversity Hotspot regions of our country. Father: Manav, Western coast is one of the main Biodiversity Hotspot regions of the world. The region is a part of the Western Ghat and Sri Lanka with an area of 1,6000 sq. Km. Manav: Kerela is also included in the region? Father: Yes, you are right. August Mala hills and Nilgiri hills are also here. Infact this Indian region is just like Mangroves and rich in Biodiversity. Manav: Papa, please tell about the Biodiversity of western Ghat and Sri Lanka Hptspot regions. Father: Manav, around 5916 species of vegetations are found here, half of which are endemic. Many species of Orchids are also found here. Srishti: Papa, please tell us about the mammals found here ? Father: O.K Srishti, we can find at least 140 species of mammals here out of which 18% are endemic species. Two of the main animals found there are Asian elephant and Malabar civet. Manav: papa, you have told us that this reason is like rain forests it means fishes are in abundance here. Father: yes, Manav here we can find 191 species of fishes and the special thing is that out of These 139 species are endemic. Srishti: That means 72.8% of fresh water fishes are endemic. Mother: Very well Srishti! Your calculation is very fast. Srishti: Thanks mummy. Father: Children, around 458 species of birds reside here, out of which 174 are endemic. Malabar Grey Hornbill is found in this region. And one thing more is that out of 267 Species of reptiles found here are 174 are endemic. Manav: Then amphibians must also be here in a fairly large number. Father: Yes Manav, 178 species of amphibians are discovered here out of which 130 are endemic. Srishti: It means the percentage of amphibians is the most among all the animals found here. 73% of amphibians are endemic in this region. Father: You are right Srishti. O.K. now let’s talk about indo‐Burma Hotspot. Having an area of almost 23,73,000 sqkm. This region is spread across Eastern Asia in India, China, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia and some parts of Malaysia. Manav: It means many countries are related to this region . Mother: Manav, political and physical boundaries are made by human only. All are equal for nature. That’s why Biodiversity is not bound to any boundary. Father: Yes children, nature has no boundary. That’s why 13,500 types of vegetation, 433 types of Mammals, 1266 types of birds, 522 types of reptiles, 286 types of amphibians and 1262 types of fresh water fishes are found here. Manav: Papa whatever you have told, from that it seems that really India is a country rich in bio diversity .The country which is related with three hotspot regions of the world,is sure to have a rich biodiversity. Father: Yes Manav, our country is really abundant in Biodiversity. Although our country has only 2.4% land of the whole world, yet it provides shelter to around 7‐8% of the Biodiversity found all over the world. Srishti: Papa, I have read in the science magazine Wipnet that in India, around 46,000 Vegetations have been identified. Out of which 15,000 are fruits and vegetables plants, 2,500 Bryophytes, 1000 Ferns, 1,600 Lichen, 2,300 species of Moluscus and 12,500 species of Fungus are found here. Father: yes Srishti, it is correct. Manav: Papa, didi has given a great knowledge about vegetation. Is this type of data is available for animal world also? Father: yes Manav, According to a report by Environment and Forest ministry of India, there are about 77,00 species of animals in India. Out of which 372 species are of mammals, 1288 species of birds, 428 species are of reptiles, 204 species belong to amphibians and 2546 species are of fishes. Srishti: And 50,000 species of insects are found in India. Mother: So there is a great diversity in the species of vegetation and animals here in India. Father: And not only this, endemic species are also in a great number in India. Almost 18% of all the vegetation and animals species are endemic. Mother: It is also said that more than 200 food crops are grown in India only. Father: Yes it is right. That’s why the famous naturalist Vevilov of Kiroos has given the name ‘Hindustan is the one of the places of origin of cultivated plants’. Manav: Once our teacher told us that in olden times we used to grow around 50,000 types of rice here in India. Father: She was right Manav. The climate of our country differs everywhere. Somewhere it is desert and somewhere an area like rain forest. That’s why we grow different species of a single crop in different areas. Srishti: Besides, India has a very long coast line due to which rich ecosystems like Mangrove and Coral reefs give shelter to innumerable Biodiversity. Mother: This is the reason that India is amongst 12 mega diversity countries. Manav: Then out country must pay special attention towards the conservation of the Biodiversity spread across it. Father: Yes Manav, nature has given our country a valuable treasure then it is our duty to preserve this treasure. Mother: This is the reason that Biodiversity regions are conserved legally in our country. Srishti: Papa, I think National Parks, Wild life Sanctuaries, Biosphere reserve regions are included in the protected ecosystems,Isn’t it? Father: Yes my child. If we talk about National Parks first of all, then the main responsibility lies with the government. Tourism is allowed in a national park. But farming, grazing, forestry and housing management‐ skills are restricted. Till March, 2001, 39,155 square km. of India was conserved as National Park. Kanziranga, Kanha‐Kisli, Corbett, Dudhwa, Bandhavgarh, Paalamu, Periyar are some of the main National Parks of country. Manav: And papa ,do we have wildlife sanctuaries also?. Father: Yes Manav, Wildlife Sanctuatries are also protected areas that have a main role in maintaining the Biodiversity. Besides these, biosphere reserve areas are also there which have a larger area. Runn of Kuchch ,Sunderban, Panchmadhi, Manav, Kanchanjunga, Achkanmar, Amarkantak, Great Nikobar, Nokrek, etc. are some of the main biosphere reserved areas. Mother: Till date, around 100 national parks, 523 wildlife sanctuaries, 14 biosphere reserve areas have been established in our country. In the same manner a total of 1,58,745 regions of the country have been marked as protected areas by March 2009. Questions Que 1: Who gave the concept of Biodiversity Hotspot? Ans 1: Brirtish scientist Norman Mayers gave this concept. Ques 2: How many wildlife sanctuaries are there in India? Ans 2: There are 523 wildlife sanctuaries in India.