Download Measuring variation (sample size, mean, median, standard deviation, variance, standard... know the equations and how they are calculated Principles of Ecology

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Principles of Ecology
Laboratory Final
2011 Study Guide
Describing a Population
Measuring variation (sample size, mean, median, standard deviation, variance, standard error) know the equations and how they are calculated
Aquatics Lab
What is kick sampling?
Definition of a macro-invertebrate
Name of creek in which we sampled
K-S test for normality
Mayflies, Caddisflies, Stoneflies (larva of all three)
Hay Infusion
What is a hay infusion?
Compounds used
Kingdom of organisms found
Bar graph vs. Line Graph (when to use which)
Standard error bars (know when to use)
Demography of Campus Trees
Terms: demography, life history, cohort, class, fecundity
Survivorship and survivorship curves
What defines a pine tree, spruce and fir (differences between them)
Population Genetics
Terms: population, genome, chromosome, diploid, haploid, gametes, alleles, genotype and
Homozygous vs. Heterozygous
Dominant and recessive alleles
Be able to calculate frequency of alleles and probabilities (pg. 135-142)
Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium- How to calculate, violations and rules
Know processes that change allele frequencies
Other terms: genetic drift, directional selection, gene flow, mutation
Estimating a population size
Terms: immigration vs. emigration
Mark-recapture method (pg. 53)
Lincoln-Peterson Index
Field Trip
Which mountain you visited
Biomes visited during the trip
Important flora and fauna observed
What is biodiversity?
Shannon Diversity Index- know terms in equation, what they mean, and what the diversity index
measures (what does a low/high Shannon Index indicate?)
Birds identified at Lowell Ponds (you do not need to know ALL, but what birds were the most
Species richness vs. species diversity
Intraspecific competition vs. interspecific competition
De Wit diagram interpretation
Species planted
General appearance of species (be able to identify)
Island Biogeography
Who discovered the equilibrium theory of island biogeography?
Equilibrium theory of island biogeography
Species-area curve – interpretation and creation
Early succession vs. late succession species
Types of disturbances
Review handout
Climate Change
Data interpretation
Overall climate trends (since 1880 and in the last decade)
Appropriate X and Y-Axes
Peer reviewed sources
APA format
Sections of a scientific paper and what sort of information goes in each one
Table legends
Figure legends