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Proceedings of the 7th Annual ISC Graduate Research Symposium
ISC-GRS 2013
April 24, 2013, Rolla, Missouri
Doyal Mukherjee
Department of Computer Science
Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO 65409
Structured overlay networks help in providing simplistic
methods in data storage and data lookup, but they are always
vulnerable against different kinds of attack. These overlay
networks try to achieve a protocol which adheres to anonymity
and security. Anonymity is one of the parameter for network
security. Anonymity in a network is defined as the state to be
undefined or unacknowledged. The paper firstly analyses the
Chord protocol and models the system security when malicious
nodes are in the system. Different types of attack are analyzed
on the system and proven that anonymity gets compromised in
such a system. Later in the paper we present a rough extension
to Chord where we will be able to show the resilience of our
system against such attacks.
Current systems like Tor [4] and Tarzan [3] encrypt the data
across servers and create the anonymous circuits. These
systems rely on the communication of messages on a small set
of servers, thus when the number of nodes and the bandwidth
increases the system faces scalability issues along with system
overhead and maintenance. Along with it the systems also
faces security issues as the nodes have full knowledge of other
nodes in the system thus acting as single point of failure and
attack. We propose a system called as "Spherical Chord" which
adapts the basic principle of Chord protocol but it scales to a
significant greater number of nodes and also proves to be
resilient against different security attacks on the system.
For our research there are was a lot of analysis done on the
following concepts,
2.1. Overlay Network
Structured overlay peer to peer networks are distributed
systems without a centralized approach and where each node
has a particular responsibility assigned to them. These networks
always try to achieve availability, scalability, reliability,
anonymity and security. However the basic premise it locate a
particular data item among the several nodes present. The
Chord protocol is an efficient lookup mechanism which
performs its operation in O(log N) number of hops. We analyze
this particular protocol and present a new solution which will
help in addressing the current problems of anonymity in this
During communication over a network browser advertise the IP
address, the domain, platform and the information which is
requested. These critical data is always out on the network and
can be easily monitored and mishandled by attackers on the
network.[1] Thus, data is never private on a network and to
communication was introduced. The advantages of having
anonymous communication are as follows
Sending private data or distributing anonymous
content on the network
Keeping the existence of a Virtual Private Network
(VPN) private.
For covert missions among various organizations.
Hiding the personal data on a user for example health
history data, financial data etc.
A typical peer to peer network is always considered to be a
overlay network wherein the nodes of the system are not
physically connected to each other but they designed in such a
way that virtual links are formed between them. These virtual
links help in structuring and designing a better overlay network.
These links help in performing the operations like data lookup
in a efficient manner if designed properly. The protocols should
clearly specify how the networks perform lookup, how nodes
join and leave the system with the least possible complexity.
The protocol also focuses on creating a decentralized overlay
network such that there is no single point of failure. The
popular peer to peer protocols are Napster, Gnutella, CAN and
Chord. Each protocol has its strength and weaknesses, but in
our paper we will focus more on the Chord protocol.[1]
2.2. Distributed Hash Table (DHT)
The whole premise of DHT[12] is to find a node in system
which is responsible for a particular data item. The scheme is
such that each data item is associated with a key. This key helps
in locating the node or a group of nodes which are responsible
for storing the data item in correlation with the key. The
popular protocols using this scheme are Napster, Gnutella,
Pastry and Chord.
Each node in the system helps in the lookup operation by
maintaining virtual links to a small subset of nodes. When a
particular data item is requested with corresponding key then
the lookup requests is forwarded across the nodes till the target
node with data item is reached. The Chord protocol requires
O(log N) number of hops to complete a particular request. Our
system Spherical Chord will require at most of 3 * O(log N)
operations where N is the number of nodes in the whole
Nodes and keys in the system are mapped into something
called as identifiers by a hash function. Chord and Pastry
generally use a SHA-256 hash function to hash nodes, data
items and keys to identifiers. These identifiers are the basic
building block in any lookup operation.
The Chord protocol uses the consistent hashing
scheme where the keys and nodes are evenly distributed by the
hash function. We generally use the SHA-1 hash function to
generate an m bit identifier for every node and the key. A node
consisting of the data item is hashed by using its IP address
while the key is hashed using the key itself. The consistent
hashing is done is such a way that the probability of two nodes
or keys hashing to a common identifier is negligible. The keys
are assigned to the nodes in the following way. A identifier
circle is created and the identifiers are placed in identifier circle
2^m modulo structure. Key k is assigned to node whose
identifier is equal or follows k in the identifier space. This is
done using the function as successor (k) or also called as the
successor node. In totality the nodes are arranged in a circular
fashion from 0 to
-1, and successor node of key k is the first
node that k follows in a clockwise direction. [9][10]
The Fig 1 shows an identifier circle with m=6. It therefore has
total of
identifiers. The identifiers are from 0 to 7( -1).
The nodes containing the data items are 10. The numbers of
keys are 5.
We are going to extensively look into the Chord protocol
as it provides an extension to our own system of Spherical
Chord. [8]
In simple node localization we perform lookup for a node by
traversing all the identifiers in the system. The algorithm of the
same simple node localization is given as follows,
// ask node n to find the successor of id
if (id (n; successor])
return successor;
// forward the query around the circle
return successor.find_successor(id);
This algorithm shows that the number of messages required is
linear to N where N is the number of nodes in the system.
This scheme was adopted in the overlay structure because
it helps us to realize the basic goals for an efficient protocol
 Load balancing
 Scalability
 Dynamic nature
 No critical point
 Deterministic.
Fig 2: Simple Node Localization for lookup(54)
Fig 2 shows the lookup operation using Key (54), where it
transverses across the circle to find node 56 which is the
successor node of key 54 and demonstrates how it takes linear
time for a particular lookup.
Fig 1: An identifier circle with m=6, k=5 and n =10.
To accelerate the process from simple node localization
Chord protocol maintains additional information for efficient
lookup purposes. This information is stored in finger table. If
m is the number of bits in the identifier then each node n
maintains at least m entries in the finger table. The
entry in
the table at node n contains the identity of the first node, s, that
succeeds n by at least
on the identifier circle, i.e.,
s=successor (n +
)), where 1 ≤i ≤m (and all arithmetic is
). We call node s the
finger of node n and denote
it by n.finger[i].node. The definition of the finger table is given
as follows,
( N + 2k-1) mod 2m
The next node on the
identifier circle; finger[1].node
The previous node on the
identifier circle
Table 1: Definition of the finger table
away from it. For a particular lookup operation we are just
checking the entry of the finger table and propagating on basis
of the successor points. When we lookup for a key we search
the node which immediately precedes and find successor node
of that node through the finger table. The algorithm is as
//ask node n to find the successor
//of id
if (id in (n,successor])
return successor
n‘ = closest_preceding_node(id);
return n‘.find_successor(id);
//search the local table for the //highest predecessor of id
for i=m downto 1 do
if (finger[i] in (n,id))
return finger[i];
return n;
Using the above algorithm we can state that the number of hops
a request needs to complete is only O (log N) where N is the
number of nodes in the system.
Fig 3: Finger Table for node 8.
Fig 4: Lookup operation for Key (54).
Fig 3 shows finger table for the propagation for node N8. The
entry of the finger table is given as finger[i] = successor (n
Fig4. Demonstrates that using the finger table for node 8 we
can take a long hop to node 42 as it the node which is closest to
the target node 56. Consequently we take smaller hops and
reach the destination.
When a lookup operation is performed in such a scenario we
need to ensure all the successor pointers are up to date and an
algorithm must be run in the background periodically to update
the finger table in case of any node joins or failures. In the
scalable node localization each node stores information of only
small number of nodes. Each node knows information about
nodes that follow it rather than the nodes which are farther
This operation is thus scalable and more time efficient as the
number of hops taken is only O (log N).
Our system is also an extension of chord and thus the time
operations required would be also be O (log N).
The Chord protocol can query for a particular data item in two
ways of routing schemes namely recursive and iterative
routing. In the recursive form of routing the node finds a node
in the finger table that is the successor and sends the request to
that particular node. This particular lookup request is forwarded
recursively till we reach the node containing the data item.
Some information of this data is passed back along the reverse
path which could be information of the data or IP address of the
data item.
In iterative type of lookup the request initiator queries nodes
which are its successor. The entry in the finger table with the
node closest to the target node is returned. Consequently the
initiator queries the target node and the particular data item is
The larger the number of requests for a data item D that a node
sees, the better is its estimate of the frequency with which D is
accessed. This notion is specially used when anonymity in
Chord protocol is mentioned. The Chord protocol achieves
anonymity if the request for a particular data item is not
virtually seen by a lot of nodes in the system.
Storage Anonymity is defined when the node containing the
data item is not revealed when a particular data is requested.
Chord protocol tries to lookup a particular data item and thus
storage anonymity is not achieved in the Chord protocol.
Requester Anonymity is defined as hiding the existence of the
initiator of the request. Recursive routing as explained earlier
will provide a higher degree of anonymity against observers
because lookup requests will not suggest the existence of the
Anonymity is achieved in Chord as a malicious node in the
system would never know who actually initiated the request
because it would seem that the initiating node it actually
participating in forwarding the request for that node. [15][16]
To evaluate the system let us first develop a threat model
against which our system is going to develop resilience. The
popular attacks that we are going to consider is as
 Dropping Lookup Requests: This is a typical denial of
service attack. Here when a malicious node receives a
packet for a particular request it will just drop that
particular packet. The system must be designed to
recover from such an attack.
 Randomly misrouting packets: In this type of attack
the malicious node does not just drop the packet but
simply routes the lookup requests to a different hop
altogether. By doing this, the malicious node makes
the lookup query to take a different path and thus
never actually reaching the destination. This kind of
attack is difficult to detect as in this attack model it
seems that the malicious node is actually cooperating
with the system to send a particular request.
Performing a sub ring attack: This type of attack is the
most hard to detect as a groups of malicious nodes
collaborate so that the lookup request does not reach
the destination. Here the attackers have two types of
finger tables one which is the correct and the other
which contains the successor node of the malicious
node for each entry in the correct finger table. When
the lookup request is received the malicious node will
use its finger table and make the lookup request
propagate across the malicious nodes and it will finally
reach the malicious destination. Here the malicious
nodes collaborate and give a impression that they are
propagating the request but ultimately it will reach the
malicious node.
The protocol that we have developed is an extension to the
earlier protocol so that anonymity is preserved more in such a
system. Our protocol consists of many Chord rings to move a
spherical structure and thus formally called as "Spherical
Consistent hashing returns a m bit identifier for both the nodes
and the key. The number of rings that are formed in our system
is going to be m+1.
Fig 5: Spherical Chord Structure.(m=3)
The above figure shows a typical structure for Spherical Chord.
As the number of bits in the identifier m=3 . the number of
rings in the structure is m+1 i.e. 4. Each ring has
nodes and
the total number of nodes in the system is given as,
+ m*
– 2*m
In our structure for communication we have to consider the
interlocking points. All the inner m rings have an interlocking
point with the outer ring. The points can be formulated as
(Outer Ring)
/2 + 1 (Ring 1)
/2 +2 (Ring 2)
/2 ---
(Ring m)
Equation(2) suggests the interlocking points. For our example
in Fig 5 the interlocking point for outer ring is 0 to 4. Ring 1
the points are 1 and 5 and so on.
When a lookup is initiated the number of hops required to
communicate is divided into the number of interlocking
positions and the number of non interlocking positions. If a
node in one ring wants to communicate with other ring's
interlocking position it takes a maximum of 2*O(log N) hops.
If node in one ring wants to communicate with other ring's node
the number of hops is would be required is of 3*O(log N)
where N is the number of nodes in each ring of the system.
The number of path availability also increases than the standard
Chord protocol. If the communication is done among
interlocking points from the source to destination then the
number of paths available is given as
If the communication is done among points other than the
interlocking positions, then the path available from the source
to destination is given as follows,
((m*2) –((m*2)-2))*3
The increase in path availability helps in preserving the
communication even in presence of malicious nodes. The
Chord protocol is also unidirectional as it moves in the
clockwise direction. Through our system we would support
multidirectional routing on account of the different paths
The threat model on Spherical Chord will be discussed in this
paper in accordance with the threat model discussed for Chord
previously. We have assumed that we have not analyzed our
protocol against Sybil Attack[11] or Integrity attack.
performance of our system can be concluded as follows,
 Dropping Lookup Requests: This attack can be
drastically reduced as the number of paths available is
significantly increased. Each ring has two interlocking
points and total interlocking points in the system is
m*2. Due to the points the path available is increased
atleast by twice than the earlier systems and thus we
conclude this type of Denial of Service attack will be
significantly reduced.
Randomly Misrouting Packets: In the earlier Chord
protocol the malicious nodes would route the packet to
the farthest node possible. In our system the path
available increases significantly and thus the malicious
nodes have to keep in mind the structure of the
different rings, the total paths available to actually
misroute the packet. Furthermore if one request is
misrouted a different path can be taken by the initiator.
Performing a sub ring attack: If a lot of malicious
nodes collaborate to perform this attack then also our
system will be compromised. We would analyze the
system further and provide resilience for such a attack.
Anonymity is the key when we want to perform any operation
in a peer to peer based system against malicious nodes. We
earlier analyzed the Chord protocol as it is one of the popular
protocols which are required to lookup a data item in a
decentralized system. We present the Spherical Chord system
which incorporates more nodes and efficiently provides more
path among nodes to communicate thereby preserving privacy
in data lookup requests. Further in our research we will analyze
our protocol against other attacks and build a simulator to prove
the efficiency of our protocol against the standard Chord
This research is currently sponsored by the Intelligent Systems
Center(Missouri University of Science and Technology)
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