Download EacMonsterNet Wireless Access Windows XP Computers

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Revised 4/27/12
EacMonsterNet Wireless Access
Windows XP Computers
These instructions will help you set up your wireless connection on campus. Before beginning, you
 An activated student account on Gila Hank On-Line. If you haven't yet activated your account,
log in to , click the Gila Hank On-Line link and follow the instructions. You
must have a valid e-mail address in order to use Gila Hank On-Line.
 The Ethernet address of your wireless adapter. If you need help finding yours, see
You don't have to be on campus for the first six steps, but you do need access to the Internet. Beginning
with step 7 you will need to be on campus at one of the hotspots on campus to complete the wireless
setup. Check the Student Network Access Resource Page,, for a current
list of hot spots.
1. Log in to Gila Hank On-Line using your
Monster ID and password.
2. After logging in, select the "Account
Information" tab. Next, click the link "Network
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If you are not registered for any classes in the current semester (or a near semester), you will get a
message at this point notifying you that "Only students enrolled in the current semester may obtain a
wired network connection in any of our network-enabled dorms and/or a wireless connection to any of
our campus hotspots." Please call the Records and Registration Office at (928) 428-8270 if you have any
3. Click on the links provided
to read the "EAC Acceptable
Use Policy" and "EAC
Network Access Standards"
Click the checkbox to indicate
that you have read both
documents and agree to abide
by their terms.
Then click the "Submit" button.
4. The next screen displays previously added
network cards (if any). Click the link "Add
Network Card."
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5. Type in the 12-digit Ethernet address,
without dashes, of your network adapter in the
space provided.
Enter a description (examples: "HP Pavilion in
dorm" or "Dad's old Dell laptop") so that you'll
be able to identify the computer with this
network card.
Then click "Add" at the bottom of the screen.
6. While you're waiting for your request to be
processed (an average of 5-15 minutes), click
on another tab to go to a different screen in Gila
Hank On-Line or log out if you wish. The
information on this screen will not be updated
until you navigate to another screen and then
check back.
To complete the steps you must be at one of the hotspots on campus to complete the wireless setup.
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For the purpose of this demonstration the default Windows XP Start Menu is used instead of the Classic
Start Menu.
7. Click “Start”
and choose “Control Panel.”
8. For this demonstration the “Control Panel” is in
“Classic View.”
Double-click the "Network Connections" icon
9. In the "Network Connections" window, rightclick the “Wireless Network Connection” icon and
choose "Properties" from the menu.
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10. In the "Wireless Network Connection Properties"
window, on the "General" tab, double click "Internet Protocol
(TCP/IP).”.) Check the boxes, “Show icon in notification area
when connected" and "Notify me when this connection has
limited or no connectivity."
11. Make sure that "Obtain an IP address automatically" and
"Obtain DNS server address automatically" are both selected.
Click "OK" to close the window.
12. In the "Wireless Network Connection Properties" window,
select the second tab, "Wireless Networks." Check the box,
"Use Windows to configure my wireless network settings.”
Click "Add" and type EacMonsterNet, with no spaces and
with upper- and lower-case letters exactly as shown into the
field labeled "Network name (SSID)".
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13. Check the box, “Connect even if this network is not
broadcasting.” Change “Network Authentication” to WPA2.
14. Click the “Authentication” tab and uncheck both
“Authenticate …” boxes in this window. For “EAP type” choose
Protected EAP (PEAP) from the dropdown menu. Click the
“Properties” button.
15. Uncheck the first box "Validate server certificate." Change
"Select Authentication Method" to "Secured password (EAP
MSCHAP v2)." Click the "Configure…" button.
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16. Uncheck the box, "Automatically use my Windows
logon name and password (and domain, if any)." Click
“OK” to close each window and close the “Network
Connections” window.
17. At this point you should get this pop-up in the
bottom right corner of your screen. Click on it to enter
your Monster ID and Gila Hank password.
Enter your Monster ID in the “User name”
field and your Gila Hank password in the
“Password” field. Leave the “Logon domain”
field blank and click “OK.”
You should be connected within 30 seconds.
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