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1. Name
: Dr. A. Venugopal Reddy
2. Date of Birth
3. Place of Birth
: 10th December, 1955
4. Community
5. Present Designation
: O.C.
: Thangadpally (Vil.), Nalgonda (Dt.), Telangana (State)
: Professor in Computer Science and Engineering
and Dean, Faculty of Engineering, Osmania University
Research Publications:
6. Books:
Following three books are written for Centre for Distance Education, Osmania
i) Business Information Systems
ii) Design and Analysis of Algorithms
iii) Web Programming
7. Articles:
i) Prepared several articles on technical education which are published in various
news papers.
ii) Actively participated in number of panel discussions on “Reforms on Higher and
Technical education” along with prominent educationalists (Sri. Chukka
Ramaiah) in electronic media such as Doordarshan etc.
Research Papers:
8. National
9. International :
10. National
11. International :
12. Awards :
i) As Head, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Osmania University,
instrumental in successfully executing the project IMPACT ( funded by World
Bank) and received the award of “Best Participating Institute” in the academic
year 1999-2000.
As Principal, College of Engineering, OU received “The Best Engineering
College” award by Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) for the year
iii) During my tenure as Principal the college has bagged the prestigious National
“Best Government Engineering College” by Star News at
National B-School Awards in the year 2011.
iv) Letter
the Principal, University College
Engineering, OU for significant contribution to the development of the college
in terms of research and encouraging Entrepreneurship Development Cell for
conducting Skill development Programs for unemployed graduates.
13. Length of Service as Professor: 17 Years.
14. Academic and Administrative Positions held during the service:
Started my career as Lecturer in 1980 at College of Engineering, JNTU, Hyderabad
and worked in this college upto 1997 (17 Years), in the year 1997 joined as Professor
of Computer Science and Engineering, College of Engineering, Osmania
The various Academic and Administrative positions held during my service are given
i) Dean, Faculty of Engineering, OU
2013 - till date
As Dean responsible for review of curriculum for BE I year of all branches
and also ME/M.Tech.
Introduced new PG course “ Design for Manufacturing” at Department of
Mechanical Engineering in collaboration with CITD, Hyderabad.
ii) Convener, PGECET for Test and Admissions
 The registration of PGECET an entrance test for admissions into
M.E/M.Tech/M.Pharm. programs was made completely online for the first
time in the entire state.
For four consecutive years i.e 2011-2014 appointed as Convener for
PGECET test and admissions.
iii) Principal, University College of Engineering
2008 - 2011
As principal during the three years following are some of my significant
Introduced Choice Based Credit System with Letter grading from the
academic year 2008-2009 in line with international standards.
Responsible for obtaining Autonomous Status for the College of engineering
granted by UGC for a period of Six years (from academic year 2010-11 to
Proposals meticulously planned and submitted for the Development of PG
Education and Research as part of Second Phase of TEQIP Programme taken
up by Govt. of India and funded by World Bank. Our college has been
selected and given the status of parent institute to with many participating
institutes are attached to our college.
As Principal of the college responsible for getting “Best Engineering
College” by ISTE (AP Section) and “Best Government Engineering College”
by Star News. Competition Success Review has graded the college as
Second in the State and Fifteenth in the Country.
Achieved the highest placement offers for the students i.e. 635 job offers with
highest pay of Rs. 13 lakhs per annum during the academic year 2010-2011.
The construction of Girls Hostel with all modern amenities exclusively for the
convenience of engineering girl students was completed on war footing basis.
Contributed and coordinated to provide basic facilities such as drinking water,
WiFi, access to digital learning material to students in hostels and departments.
New Infrastructure such as a building for Information Dissemination Center,
facilities for student training such as Central Computing Center, CAD, CFD
centers and Incubation center housed at Technology Development Center
brought into operation during my tenure.
iv) Dean, Faculty of Informatics, OU &
2005 - 2008
Director, Infrastructure, Osmania University
 As Dean responsible for curriculum development for IT courses such as
MCA, BCA and B.E (IT), introduced the concept of Mini projects in the
task of
implementing Campus Wide Network with Fiber optic backbone connecting
all the Departments and Centres of Osmania University was successfully
executed. The project was completed in a period of One Year with a budget
of Rs. 2 Crores.
As Director of Infrastructure several processes such as pay rolls, pension,
provident fund etc. are automated and even now running on the same
2002 – 2005
v) Chairman, Board of Studies in Computer Applications
As Chairman contributed to the development of curriculum for the new
(Information Technology).
vi) Head, Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering,
1999 - 2005
College of Engineering, OU.
 Successfully completed the Project IMPACT funded by World Bank and
bagged the Best Participating Institute in the year 1999 – 2000. Also,
successfully completed the Project SSS (Self Sustainability Scheme of
IMPACT) during 1999 – 2003.
 Obtained ISO Certification for the Department of CSE in the year 2002.
 Conducted /organized series of training programmes for Industry and
generated revenue to the tune of Rs. 60 lakhs which is used for construction of
Additional Block in the Department.
 Organized National Level Conference on Computer Networks in the year 2005
as part of Platinum Jubilee year celebrations of the College.
vii) Head, School of I.T., IPGSR, JNTU, Hyderabad
1994 – 1995
viii) Head, Department of Computer Science & Engg.,
JNTU College of Engineering, Hyderabad.
1988 –1990
 Computer Science & Engineering discipline was started in the academic year
1984 -85, I was the First Person to be appointed as Faculty in Computer
Science. Separate department was started in the year 1988 and I was the
Founder Head of the Department.
 As Head, established the laboratories in the department and also
responsible for introduction of various courses and curriculum development.
 Conducted a series of training programmes, for staff of Irrigation
Department, Govt. of A.P.
ix) University and State Level assignments:
 Convener, PGECET – for 4 consecutive years, 2011 -2014.
 Convener, MCA Admissions at OU during 1999 – 2001
 Convener, BCA Common Entrance Test and Admissions in the year 1999
 Member in the committees constituted by AICTE/UGC for various
academic activities such as granting Autonomy/ NBA Accreditation /
Inspections for Approval of Colleges/courses.
 Appointed as chairman by University for various committees such as MoU,
Purchase committees etc.
x) Foreign countries visited:
 Invited by Microsoft for participation in workshop conducted on the
occasion of launching of Windows Operating System at Kulalumpur,
Malaysia in the year 2004.
 Visited Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand for discussions to
initiate collaborative programmes in the area of Bio-Medical Engineering.
 Visited Pennsylvania State University, Pennsylvania, USA.
xi) Member in Technical Bodies:
 Computer Society of India (CSI).
 Managing Committee member, ISTE.
15. Research Experience / No. of Ph.D students guided :
A total of 22 Years of Research Experience in the field of Computer Science &
Engineering working in the areas of Functional Programming Languages, Parallel
Processing, Mobile Adhoc Networks and Image Processing.
Some of the major research contributions and research & consultancy projects
executed are detailed in Annexure-III.
Ph.D Students guided
Ph.D Students pursuing
Research Papers
Journal Papers – International
1. "A Survey of Adaptive Gateway Discovery Mechanisms in Heterogeneous
Networks", International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security,
vol.5, no.7, pp.34-42, 2013. DOI: 10.5815/ijcnis.2013.07.04
2. “Vertical Handoff Decision Using Game Theory Approach for Multi-Mode Mobile
Terminals in Next Generation Wireless Networks”, in International Journal of
Computer Applications (IJCA), Vol. 36, No.11, pp.31-37, December 2011.
3. “AHP and Group decision Making for Access Network Selection in Multi-Homed
Mobile Terminals”, International Journal on Computer Science and
Engineering(IJCSE), Vol.3, No.10, October 2011, pp.3412-3420.
4. “An AHP Based Network Selection Algorithm for Heterogeneous Wireless
Networks”, International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Information
Security (IJCIIS), Vol.2, No.8, August 2011, pp. 87-95.
5. “Network Selection in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks Based on Fuzzy Multiple
Criteria Decision Making”, International journal of Computer Applications (IJCA),
Vol.22, No.1, May 2011, pp. 7-10.
6. “Spatial Data Mining: A Recent Survey and New Discussions” in International
Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Vol. 2(4),
7. “Network Selection in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks Based on Fuzzy
Computer Applications (IJCA), Volume 22, No.1, pp. 7-11, May 2011.
8. “An Analytical Framework for the Assessment of Mobile IP Overhead involved
in the Integrated Internet-MANET”, International Journal of Interactive Mobile
Technologies (iJIM), Vol 4, No 1 (2010) doi:10.3991/ijim.v4i1.1027, pages 22-33.
9. “EffectiveLayer-3 Protocols for Integrating Mobile Ad Hoc Network and the
Internet”, Springer LNCS Journal 5408, 2009; pages: 377-388.
10. “An Efficient Integrated Routing Protocol for Interconnecting Mobile Ad Hoc
Network and the Internet” in International Journal of Computer and Electrical
Engineering, published by IACSIT 2009, ISSN:1793-8198 (Online
11. “The Performance of the extended DSDV (eDSDV) MANET Routing Protocol
and its suitability in Integrated Internet-MANET”, International Journal of
Simulation- Systems, Science and Technology - IJSSST: Vol. 10, No. 1-B,
Internet/Web ISSN 1473-804x online, 2009 1473-8031.
12. “Broadcast Disks: Data Access Pattern Analysis in Mobile Communication”,
published in Journal of Information Technology, Vol.4, No.2, July, 2009.
13. “A novel approach to content based image indexing and retrieval using global and
region features” in IJCSNS, International Journal of Computer Science and
Network Security, VOL.9 No.2, February 2009.
14. “Data Dissemination in Mobile Computing Environment”, International Journal
of Information Technology, Volume 1 issue 1, 2008.
15. “Adaptive Data Scheduling in Mobile Environment”, published in International
Journal of Computers, Information Technology and Engineering (IJCITE), Vol.2,
No.2, December, 2008.
Conference Papers – International
16. “Network Coding-Aware Neighbor Based Topology Control in MANETs”,
proceedings of 2013 2nd International Conference on Advanced Computing,
Networking and Security(ADCONS’2013),organized by NIT Karnataka, India,
pp.175-180, Dec.2013.(Published in IEEE Xplore+ indexed in DBLP). DOI:
17. “Wireless Network Coding: An Innovative Technology”, proceedings of 2013
International conference on Green Computing, Communication and
Conservation of Energy (ICGCE-2013),organized by RMD Engineering
College, Chennai, India,pp. 45-48, Dec. 2013(Published in IEEE Xplore).DOI:
18. “Performance Evaluation of Network Coding-Aware Neighbor based Topology
control Protocols in MANETs”, proceedings of 2013 International conference
on Green Computing, Communication and Conservation of Energy (ICGCE2013) ,organized by RMD Engineering College, Chennai, India, pp. 753756,Dec,
DOI: 10.1109/ICGCE.2013.6823534.
19. "Path Load Balanced-Fuzzy Logic based Adaptive Gateway Discovery in
integrated Internet-MANET," 2012 2nd IEEE International Conference on
Parallel Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC),pp.848-853, 6-8 Dec. 2012.
20. "Path Load Balanced Adaptive Gateway Discovery in Integrated InternetMANET," 2014 Fourth International Conference on Communication Systems
and Network Technologies (CSNT), pp.203-206, 7-9 April 2014.
21. “Mamdani Fuzzy Control based Adaptive Gateway Discovery for Ubiquitous
Internet Access in MANET”, 2014 11th IEEE India Conference (INDICON
2014), 11-13 Dec. 2014. (Paper accepted, to be published by IEEE).
22. “Load Balanced Mamdani Fuzzy Control based Adaptive Gateway Discovery in
Integrated Internet MANET”, 2014 International Conference on Computing and
Communication Technologies (ICCCT 2014), 11-13 Dec. 2014. (Paper
accepted, to be published by IEEE).
23. “Weighted Load Balanced Adaptive Gateway Discovery in Integrated Internet
MANET”, 11th International Conference on Distributed Computing and
Internet Technology (ICDCIT 2015), 5-8 Feb 2015. (Paper accepted, to be
published by LNCS Springer).
24. “Optimal Handoff Decision Method for Multi-Mode Terminals in Next
Generation Wireless Networks”, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference
on Computer and Automation Engineering (ICCAE), organized during 14-15th ,
January 2012 at Mumbai, India and was published in ASME Digital Library.
25. “An efficient Vertical Handoff Decision Technique for Multi-Homed Mobile
Terminals in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks”, at the International
Conference on Information Systems Design and Intelligent Applications-2012
(INCON INDIA 2012) organized during 5th - 7th, January 2012 by CSI, INDIA
at Vizag.
26. “Network Selection in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks Based on Fuzzy
Multiple Criteria Decision Making”, Proceedings of 3rd IEEE International
conference on Electronics Computer Technology (ICECT), April 8-10th, 2011,
Kanyakumari, published in IEEE Explore.
27. “Vertical Handoff Technique For Fourth Generation Wireless Internet”,
Proceedings of International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computer
Science, Communication and Information Technology (CSCIT), Jan 9-11th,
2010, Nanded.
28. “Network Selection in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks Based on Fuzzy
Multiple Criteria Decision Making” International conference ICNCS held on
April 8-10th 2011 at Kanyakumari.
29. “Business intelligence system for actionable knowledge discovery” in
computing proceedings of international conference on nanoscience,
engineering & advanced (icneac-2011).
30. “An Effective Gateway Discovery Mechanism in an Integrated
Internet- MANET”, International Conference on Advances in Computer
Engineering – ACE 2010, June 21-22, 2010, Bangalore India, published by
IEEE digital Library,pages24-28.
31. “Gateway Load Balancing In Integrated Internet-MANET Using
WLB- AODV”, International Conference and Workshop on Emerging Trends
in Technology 2010, Mumbai 26-27 February 2010 published in ACM
Digital Library, pages 411-416.
32. “Vertical Handoff technique for fourth generation Wireless Internet”, poster
presentation at the International Conference CSCIT held on Jan 9-11th 2010 at
33. “A Hierarchical approach of Integrating Mobile Ad Hoc Network and the
Internet”, 16th IEEE International Conference on Networks (ICON
2008) organized by I.I.T Roorkee, India, 12-14 December 2009, pages: 1-4.
34. “An Efficient Integrated Routing Protocol for Interconnecting Mobile Ad Hoc
Network and the Internet” , ICAC3’09, Mumbai, January 2009. In the
proceedings of ACM digital library, pages: 460-466.
35. “Analytical Framework for the Performance Assessment of the Strategies for
Integrating Mobile Ad Hoc Network and the Internet”, Next Generation
Internet Workshop (NGIntW 2009) in conjunction with First International
Conference COMSNETS 2009, Bangalore, India, January 2009, Proceedings in
IEEE Digital-Library,pages:1-8.
36. “A Review of Gateway Load Balancing Strategies in Integrated InternetMANET”, “International Workshop on Advances in Peer-Peer Technology
IWAP2PT’09 co-located with IMSAA-09, IIIT Bangalore, 9-11 December
2009. Proceedings in IEEE Digital Library, pages: 141 – 146.
37. “A Simulation Based Comparison of Gateway Load Balancing Strategies in
Integrated Internet-MANET”, 17th International Conference on Advanced
Computing and Communication (ADCOM’09) 14-17 December 2009. IISC
Bangalore, published by IEEE Computer Society, pages: 270 – 272.
38. “Split Multipath Routing Protocol in MANETs “ , in the IEEE
International Conference
held on March 06 and 07, 2009 at Thapar
University, Patiala, Punjab, India.
39. “Secure routing QoS in DSR”, in the International Conference (ICICP2009) held during December 16-18, 2009 at Sree Sai Ram Engineering
College, Chennai.
40. “A Three-Tier Architecture for Integrating Mobile Ad Hoc Network and the
Internet using a Hierarchical Integrated Routing Protocol”, International
conference on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering, Phuket,
Thailand, in the proceedings of IEEE, 20-22 December 2008, pages: 518-522.
41. “An efficient DSDV routing protocol for MANET and its usefulness for
providing Internet access to Ad Hoc hosts”, IEEE International Conference,
TENCON 2008, organized by Univ. of Hyderabad, India, 12-14 Nov 2008,
42. “A Hybrid Architecture for Integrating Mobile Ad Hoc Network and the
Internet using Fixed and Mobile Gateways”, IFIP Wireless Days International
Conference, UAE, in the proceedings of IEEE, 24-27 Nov 2008, pages: 1-5.
43. “A Bi-Directional Connectivity framework for Mobile Ad Hoc Network and
the Internet”, IFIP Wireless Days International Conference, UAE, in the
proceedings of IEEE Digital Library, 24-27 November 2008, pages: 1-5
44. “An Efficient DSDV Routing Protocol for Wireless Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
and its Performance Comparison”, at International Conference EMS 2008
Liverpool England, Sept 2008, in the proceedings of IEEE Computer
45. “Performance Comparison of On-Demand and Table Driven Ad Hoc Routing
Protocols using NCTUns”, Proceedings in IEEE Computer Society, of 10th
International Conference UKSIM 2008, April 2008, Cambridge England,
46. “Extensible Integration of Heterogeneous Wireless Networks with the
Internet”, SPIT-IEEE Colloquium and International Conference Sardar Patel
Institute of Technology, India, Feb 2008.
47. “Integrating Mobile Ad Hoc Networks and the Internet: challenges and a
review of strategies’, Communication Systems Software and Middleware and
Workshops, COMSWARE 2008. 3rd International Conference on 6-10 Jan.
2008, Bangalore, India, in the proceedings of IEEE Digital Library, page(s):
48. “Broadcast
Mobile Environment”, Proceedings of International Conference IMECS-2008,
Hong Kong (March, 2008)
49. “Dynamic Data Scheduling in Mobile Communication”, Proceedings of
International Conference (MIC-CCA 2008), Amman, Jordan, August 2008.
50. “ QoS Multicast Routing Based on Bandwidth and Resource Availability in
Mobile Ad Hoce Networks” in the proceedings of IEEE International
Conference on Networking ICN -08, April 13-18, 2008, Cancum, Mexico.
51. “ Effective approaches for better scalability of adhoc routing protocol” in the
proceedings of international conference MNGSA-2008, will be held from 5-6
December,2008 at Coimbatore , Madras.
52. “Reliable and Effectiveness of multicast zone routing protocol in MANETs” in
the proceedings Third International Conference on Advanced Computing &
Communication Technologies (ICACCT-2008), held on November 08-09,
2008 at Panipat, Assam , India
53. “A Layer-3 Framework for Interconnecting Mobile Ad Hoc Network and the
Internet”, International Conference on Sensors and Related Networks
(SENNET’07) December 2007, VITU, Indian Nuclear Society, University of
Applied Sciences, Karslruhe Germany, pages: 283-288.
54. “A Survey on the Integration of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks and the Internet:
Issues, Challenges, Solutions”, International Conference on Advanced
Computing and Communication Technologies November 2007, APIIT,
Panipat, India, pages: 381-386.
55. “Optimal Allocation Algorithm for Data Broadcast in a Mobile Computing
Environment”, Proceedings of National Conference INDICOM-2007, New
Delhi, Feb 2007.
56. “Wireless Multicasting Mobile Ad Hoc Networks with Quality of Service” in
the proceedings of IEEE international conference on ICACC 2007, Feb 09-10,
2007, at Sethu Institute of Technology , Madurai, Tamilnadu. Pp 631-635.
57. “Secure Multicast in Wireless Mobile Ad Hoc Networks” in the proceedings of
International Conference on TISC-2007, Dec 12-14, 2007, Sathyabama,
University, Chennai, India. Pp 174-177.
58. “The Effective Multicasting Routing Protocol in Wireless Mobile Adhoc
Network” in the proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Networking
(ICN-07) , Apr 22-28, 2007 at Saite-Luce, Martinique, France.
59. “Multicasting with Network Coding in Application Layer Overlay Networks” ,
in the proceedings of International Conference on TISC-2007, Dec 12-14,
2007, Sathyabama, University, Chennai, India. Pp 83-91.
60. “Image segmentation using Markov random fields” at International Conference
on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (ICSCI-04), Feb 12-15, 2004,
Hyderabad, A.P.
Conference Papers – National
1. “A Survey on Energy Saving Techniques in Mobile ad hoc networks”,
proceedings of National conference on wireless communications& sensor
niversity,Vijayawada,India,March.2014.( ISBN-978-93-5137-733-7).
2. “Network Coding-Aware Energy Efficient Routing Scheme in Mobile Ad-Hoc
Networks ”, proceedings of International Conference on Communication and
Signal Processing (ICCSP' 14), organized by Adhiparasakthi Engineering
College, Melmaruvathur, Tamilnadu,,India,April.2014.(to appear in IEEE
3. “Network Coding for Energy Efficiency in Wireless Networks”, proceedings of
National conference on Innovations &Advancements in computing(IAC2014),organized by GITAM University, Hyderabad, India, March 2014(published
in IJARCS Journal( ISSN:0976-5697).
4. “Handoffs in Heterogeneous Wireless Environment: A two-level AHP based approach”,
at IEEE India Annual Conference on Engineering Sustainable Solutions”, organized
during 16-18th, December 2011 at BITS Pilani, Hyderabad.
5. “Security in MANETs with malicious node prevention from routing path” in the
IEEE Computer Society National Conference Madras Chapter held on 26-27 Feb
2010 at Aarupadai Veedu Institute of Technology, Chennai.
6. “Effective key management Techniques in Adhoc Networks” in the IEEE
Computer Society National Conference Madras Chapter held on 26-27 Feb
2010 at Aarupadai Veedu Institute of Technology, Chennai.
7. “An Analytical Model for Assessing the Mobile IP Control Overhead in the
strategies of Integrating MANETs and the Internet”, 15th National Conference
on Communications (NCC 2009), IIT-Guwahati, January 2009, pages: 435-439
8. “A new approach to content based image retrieval” at 9th National Conference
on Intelligent Systems, Sept 21, 2008, organized by Dept. of Computer Science
& Engineering, IFET College of Engineering, IFET Nagar, Villupuram.
9. “Dynamic Load Aware Routing in MANETs”, in the proceedings of National
Workshop on Mobile Computing
organized under Networking activity of
Technical Education Quality Improvement Programe (TEQIP) during June 5th
7th, 2008 at Dept.of CSE, Univerity College of Engineering, Osamaina Univeristy
10. “Enhanced Zone Routing Protocol in Wireless Mobile Ad Hoc Networks”, in
the proceedings of national Conference on NCIS -07, Aug 24-25, 2007, at
Muffakham Jah College of Engg and Technology, Hyderabad, AP.Pp.123-128
11. “Segmentation based content based image retrieval” at NSIS, a National
Seminar on Intelligent Systems, on 13th January, 2006, organized by the
Department of Software Engineering, Malankara Catholic College, Mariyagiri,
Kanyakumri Dist, Tamilnadu State.
12. “SVM based Edge Detection in Noisy Images” at National level conference on
Artificial Neural Networks Applications in Engineering and Technology from
November 25th - 26th, 2005 organized by Dept. of IT, Srinidhi Institute
of Science & Technology, Hyderabad.
13. “Image Steganography : A New Approach”, at National Conference On
Emerging Areas of Computer Science And Engineering from November 21st 22nd , 2005, organized by Dept. of CSE, Srinidhi Institute of Science &
Technology, Hyderabad.
14. “SVM based edge detection in images” at SACOEFERENCE, a National Level
Conference, August 18th & 19th, 2005, Tiruchendur, TamilNadu
15. “Comparative study of Tree and Mesh Based Wireless Multicast Protocols in
Mobile Ad Hoc Networks” in the proceedings of National Conference MobiNet2005, Vellore Institute of Technology , University, Vellore,Chennai,
India. Pp153-157.
16. “Implementation of Gaming theory Using CDMA “in the proceedings of CSI
on Networks and Distributed Systems, Feb. 25-26, 2005, Osmania university,
Note: Some old papers at National Level are not included in the list.
International Conferences : Attended
1. “An Effective Gateway Discovery Mechanism in an Integrated InternetMANET”, International Conference on Advances in Computer Engineering –
ACE 2010, on June 21-22, 2010, held at Infantry Hotel Bangalore, India;
Proceedings in IEEE digital Library, pages 24-28.
2. “Effective Layer-3 Protocols for Integrating Mobile Ad Hoc Network and the
Internet”, 10th International Conference on Distributed Computing and
Networking (ICDCN- 2009), on January 3-6, 2009 held at IIIT Hyderabad.
Proceedings in Springer LNCS 5408 , pp 377-378
3. “A Hierarchical approach of Integrating Mobile Ad Hoc Network and the
Internet”, 16th IEEE International Conference on Networks (ICON 2008) held
at Indian Institute of Technology (I.I.T) Roorkee, India, on 12-14 December
2009. Proceedings in IEEE Digital Library; pages: 1- 4.
4. “Analytical Framework for the Performance Assessment of the Strategies for
Integrating Mobile Ad Hoc Network and the Internet”, Next Generation Internet
Workshop (NGIntW 2009) in conjunction with First International Conference
on Communication Systems and Networks (COMSNETS’09) 2009, held at
Chancery Pavilion Bangalore, India; on 5-10 January 2009; Proceedings in
IEEE Digital-Library,pages:1-8
5. “A Review of Gateway Load Balancing Strategies in Integrated InternetMANET”, International Workshop on Advances in Peer-Peer Technology
(IWAP2PT’09) co-located with 3rd International Conference on Internet
Multimedia Systems Architecture and Application (IMSAA-09), held at
IIIT Bangalore, on 9-11 December 2009. Proceedings in IEEE Digital
Library, pages: 141 – 146.
6. “A Simulation Based Comparison of Gateway Load Balancing Strategies in
Integrated Internet-MANET”, 17th International Conference on Advanced
Computing and Communication (ADCOM ’09) on 14-17 December 2009 held
at IISC Bangalore, published by IEEE Computer Society, pages: 270 – 272.
7. “An efficient DSDV routing protocol for MANET and its usefulness for
providing Internet access to Ad Hoc hosts”, IEEE International Conference,
IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON) 2008, held at Univ. of Hyderabad,
India, on 12-14 Nov 2008, Proceedings in IEEE digital Library, pages:1-6.
8. “Integrating Mobile Ad Hoc Networks and the Internet: challenges and a review
of strategies’, 3rd International Conference on Communication Systems
Software and Middleware and Workshops, COMSWARE 2008. on 6-10 Jan.
2008, held at Hotel Chancery Pavilion, Bangalore, India; Proceedings of IEEE
Digital Library, page(s): 536-543.
9. “A Layer-3 Framework for Interconnecting Mobile Ad Hoc Network and the
Internet”, International Conference on Sensors and Related Networks
(SENNET’07)on 12-14, December 2007,held at VIT University, in association
with University of Applied Sciences, Karslruhe Germany; proceedings at
pages: 283-288.
10. “A Survey on the Integration of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks and the Internet:
Issues, Challenges, Solutions”, 2nd International Conference on Advanced
Computing and Communication Technologies, 3rd -4th November 2007, held at
Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology (APIIT), Panipat, India;
proceedings at pages: 381-386.
11. International Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (ICSCI04), Feb 12-15, 2004, Hyderabad, A.P.
12. IEEE international conference on ICACC 2007, Feb 09-10, 2007, at Sethu
Institute of Technology, Madurai, Tamilnadu. Pp 631-635.
13. International conference on MNGSA-2008, held on 5-6 December, 2008 at
Coimbatore, Madras.
14. Third International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication
Technologies (ICACCT-2008), held during November 08-09, 2008 at Panipat,
Assam , India.
15. IEEE International Conference held during March 06 and 07, 2009 at Thapar
University, Patiala, Punjab, India
16. Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IICAI – 03)
December 18-20, 2003 Hyderabad, AP
International Conferences : Organized
1. International Conference on Reforms in Technical Education (ICORTE-2010)
during 27-28 August, 2010.
2. International Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ISTAM2008) during 27-30, December 2008.
3. International Symposium on Recent Advances in Communication Engineering
(RACE-2008) during 22-23 December 2008.
Seminars /Conferences National : Attended
1. IEEE Computer Society National Conference Madras Chapter held during 2627 Feb 2010 at Aarupadai Veedu Institute of Technology, Chennai.
2. National Conference on NCIS -07, Aug 24-25, 2007, at Muffakham Jah
College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad, AP.
3. National Conference on INDICOM-2007, New Delhi, Feb 2007.
4. NSIS, a National Seminar on Intelligent Systems, on 13th January, 2006,
organized by the Department of Software Engineering, Malankara Catholic
College, Mariyagiri, Kanyakumri Dist, Tamilnadu State.
5. National level conference on Artificial Neural Networks Applications in
Engineering and Technology from November 25th - 26th, 2005 organized by
Dept. of IT, Srinidhi Institute of Science & Technology, Hyderabad.
6. National Conference On Emerging Areas of Computer Science And
Engineering from November 21st - 22nd , 2005, organized by Dept. of CSE,
Srinidhi Institute of Science & Technology, Hyderabad.
7. SACOEFERENCE, a National Level Conference, August 18th & 19th, 2005,
Tiruchendur, TamilNadu.
8. National Conference on MobiNet-2005, Vellore Institute of Technology ,
University, Vellore,Chennai, India.
9. National conference on Networks and Distributed Systems, Feb. 25-26, 2005,
Osmania University, Hyderabad.
Note: A good number of seminars/workshops are organized in the Department of
Computer Science & Engineering the exhaustive list is not included.
A. Research Contributions
I. Mobile Computing
Advances in wireless networking have prompted a new concept of computing, called
mobile computing in which users carrying portable devices have access to a shared
infrastructure, independent
of their
physical location. Mobile computing is
revolutionizing the way computers are used and in the coming years this will become
even more perceptible although many of the devices themselves will become smaller
or even invisible (such as sensors) to users.
The Mobile Computing technology has immense impact on the society and it has changed
the way we conduct our day-to-day businesses. It has facilitated access to Internet services
and computing resources on anywhere and anytime basis. We, at Dept of Computer Science
and Engineering, University College of Engineering, Osmania University have been very
active in furthering research in the area of Mobile Computing and have made significant
1. Integration of MANETs inti Internet: Wireless Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET), an
infrastructure-less, autonomous, standalone and self organizing network is one of the
wireless technologies gaining popularity. These kinds of systems are extremely useful in
conditions where the infrastructure is absent, impractical to establish or even expensive to
build (e.g.: military applications, high terrain uses, and emergency relief operations).
The rapid growth of the Internet, its services, and applications and the trend of fourth
generation (4G) wireless networks towards full-IP networks, leads to an increasing
demand for enabling MANET nodes to connect to the Internet, access its services and
applications. The integration of MANET routing protocols with IP protocol makes
Internet connectivity to the MANET nodes a plausible task. Due to the different
architectural mismatches between the Internet and MANETs it becomes necessary to
introduce an intermediate entity known as Gateway, capable of connecting to the Internet
using mobile IP and to MANET using an ad hoc routing protocol.
In this research work, we have examined various strategies for integrating the MANETs
with Internet and developed a framework that encompasses efficient integration strategies
which aim to reduce the control overhead, improve the end-end delay and the packet
delivery ratio. Existing Routing Protocols of MANETs have been reworked to make
them suitable for MANETs to be part of MANETs. The strategy provides a seamless
connectivity to the Internet, thus making MANETs much more useful.
Outcome: No of Ph.D.s produced: 2
(Annexure- III)
2. Efficient Broadcast of Dynamic data using Broadcast Disk: Broadcast disk is a means of
exploiting asymmetry in bandwidth of mobile communication systems in which data is
divided into pages and these pages are broadcasted using downstream channel. This form of
communication systems implements push-based data transfer. A push-based model is not
only more efficient in terms of performance but also significantly improves system
scalability, when compared to traditional pull-based systems.
In our research, we broadly addressed the issue of performance and scalability of hybrid
push-pull technique for data scheduling in mobile environment. We have modeled
efficient algorithms for broadcasting dynamically changing data. In particular our
contributions are summarized as follows:
Designed an algorithm for dynamically collecting the data access patterns by the
Designed server broadcast algorithm, called optimal scheduling algorithm, to
optimally partition the total communication channels in to broadcast (push) channels and
on-demand (pull) channels and allocate the data items.
Designed Dynamic Scheduling Algorithm to adjust the server broadcast algorithm
dynamically to accommodate changes in mobile access patterns
Outcome: No of Ph.D.s produced: 1
3. Mobility Management in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks: Currently there exists
several wireless networks throughout the world that were designed keeping in view of
specific service needs and application requirements. These systems have their own merits and
shortcomings. Wi-Fi or example 802.11x has the characteristics of high band width, low cost
and short distance access; 802.16x or Wi-Max systems are optimized to provide real-time
high data rate services in WMAN environments or 3G Cellular WWAN networks are
slower, high cost, long range and always connected. As these systems all have their own
merits and shortcomings, there is no single system that is good enough to replace all the other
technologies. Hence modern wireless communication systems consist of an integration of
cellular, WLAN and Wi-Max access networks coexisting and are termed heterogeneous
wireless networks. This integration enables mobile users to seamlessly roam across various
networks in an always best connected mode, by connecting to the most efficient
combination of available access systems at anytime and anywhere. The integration and
inter operation of these heterogeneous networks pose several challenges. One of the
important issues is the design of an efficient handoff management scheme to enable seamless
intersystem roaming.
The research work focuses on the issue of handoff management and it aims at developing an
efficient vertical handoff decision technique that chooses the best target network to which the
mobile node switches from the current access network, by considering certain specified
parameters that include Received Signal Strength (RSS), Available Bandwidth(BW), Cost of
(Annexure- III)
the Network(C), Velocity with which the mobile is moving(V) and User preference. It also
aims at developing a signal scheme that is adopted among the mobile, the current base station
and the target base station for handoff execution.
Outcome: No of Ph.D.s produced: 2
II. Image Retrieval Systems
The rapid growth in the number and size of image databases has prompted the need for new
effective and efficient methods for retrieval of images on the basis of their content. There
has been a significant growth in the utilization of image databases in numerous areas such
as medical image management, multimedia libraries, document archives, art collections,
geographical information system, law enforcement agencies, and journalism leading to
momentous growth in research related to the Content-based image retrieval (CBIR). We
have addressed the issues of efficient retrieval of images from image databases.
An integrated approach for efficient Content Based Image Retrieval: Each feature has
its own pros and cons, color histogram is a global feature that is easily computable and
used for overall color impression retrieval, but it is prone to false matches; texture
descriptors are effective to retrieve texture patterns but are problematic with nonhomogeneous regions in natural scenes; shape features can improve retrieval efficiency
when used in combination with other features but have limited power by themselves; and
regions facilitate image subregion querying but are difficult to extract in natural scenes.
So, in order to exploit the advantages of both global and region features, an integrated
system has been proposed in this thesis.
 Some of the major contributions from the research are:
 build, implement and test the performance of an integrated effective and efficient
system for content-based image retrieval using the global and region features in order
to exploit their advantages
 a new image segmentation algorithm to extract region features has been proposed
 R*-tree, a high dimensional indexing structure has been proposed for speedy retrieval
and its performance is compared with R-tree
 a new fractional distance metric has been proposed for the system as similarity
measure for efficient retrieval in high dimensional feature space
 right combination of global and region features are identified for efficient image
 investigation of influence of global and region features each separately on the image
 CBIR with rectangular partition approach with Euclidean distance as similarity
measure has been build, implemented and performance tested
 CBIR with region segmentation approach with Euclidean distance as similarity
measure has been build, implemented and performance tested
 Performances of the CBIR systems developed and implemented are studied and
(Annexure- III)
The results indicate that the region features are more prominent than global features. The
proposed integrated system with global and region features, R*-tress as indexing structure
and fractional distance as similarity measure proved to yield quite good results for the most
of the query images. The advantages of global and region features have been exploited for
effective and efficient performance.
Outcome: No of Ph.Ds produced: 1
III. Functional Programming on Parallel Architectures:
Proposed and implemented a model for executing functional programmes on parallel
architecture, a research project also completed in this area with funding from AICTE to the
tune of Rs. 5 Lakhs during 1998 – 2001.
Outcome: No of Ph.Ds produced: 1
B. Research Projects:
Project Title
Sanctioned Rs.
in Lakhs
Multi- processing systems
Wireless Local Area Network
Embedded Systems
C. Consultancy Projects:
Training of Executives
System Software
Conduct of Examination
Assistant Engineers
Common Entrance Test
ICET – 2007 & 2008
(Result Processing)
Firm Name
earned Rs.
in Lakhs
4 Batches of 3
months duration
15 days
3 Years
(Annexure- III)