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Assessment: Course Four Column
TheCourses - Emergency Medical Services
Assessment Contact: Jim Schaeffer, Chair
Mission Statement: TheCourses is the centralized location for all course assessment data related to this school or discipline. Departmental syllabi may be appended here, and
records of curriculum change noted in the 'description' field.
EMED181:First Aid
No data found for the selected criteria.
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Page 1 of 46
EMED189:Medical First Responder
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Professional Characteristics Integrate the professional
characteristics expected of MFR into
interactions with patients, colelagues,
and the public.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Knowledge of EMS System - Apply
knowledge of the characteristics,
components and functions of
emergency medical services (EMS)
systems to professional decisionmaking.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Behaviors - Select behaviors that
promote EMS workforce safety and
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Communication - Communicate
effectively by radio, in-person, and in
writing in health care and public
safety contexts.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Principles of Anatomy - Apply
principles of anatomy, physiology and
pathophysiology to the assessment
and management of simulated
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Physical Needs - Respond to
anticipated physical, psychological,
and psychosocial needs of patients
across the life span.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Airway Management - Demonstrate
effective basic and advanced
techniques of airway management
and ventilation in the mangement of
simulated patients.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Patient Assessment - Perform
purposeful patient assessment
tailored to the needs of individual
patients and situations.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Medical History - Obtain a complete,
relevant medical history from
patients presenting with a variety of
complaints and conditions.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Clinical Reasoning - Engage in a
process of clinical reasoning to
identify hypothesis and develop
differential diagnosis for patients with
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
a variety of medical complaints and
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Patient monitoring devices. Incorporate the use of patient
monitoring devices into the patient
assessment process.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
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EMED190:Prehospital Emergency Care and Crisis Intervention I
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Professional Characteristics Integrate the professional
characteristics expected of EMTBasics into interactions with patients,
colleagues, and the public.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Characteristics of EMS System Apply knowledge of the
characteristics, components, and
functions of emergency medical
services (EMS) systems to
professional decision-making.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Safety & Wellness - Select behaviors
that promote EMS workforce safety
and wellness.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Communication - Communicate
effectively by radio, in-person, and in
writing in health care and public
safety contexts.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Principles of Anatomy - Apply
principles of anatomy, physiology,
and pathophysiology to the
assessment and management of
simulated patients.
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Physical Needs - Respond to
anticipated physical, psychological,
and psychosocial needs of patients
across the life span.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Airway Management - Demonstrative
effective basic and advanced
techniques of airway management
and ventilation in the management of
simulated patients.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Patient Assessment - Perform
purposeful patient assessment
tailored to the needs of individual
patients and situations.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Medical History - Obtain a complete,
relevant medical history from
patients presenting with a variety of
complaints and conditions.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Clinical Reasoning - Engage in a
process of clinical reasoning to
identify hypothesis and develop
differential diagnosis for patients with
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Page 6 of 46
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
a variety of medical complaints and
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Monitoring Devices - Incorporate the
use of patient monitoring devices into
the patient assessment process.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
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EMED191:Prehospital Emergency Care and Crisis Intervention II
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Professional Characteristics Integrate the professional
characteristics expected of EMTBasics into interactions with patients,
colleagues, and the public.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Knowledge of Characteristics - Apply
knowledge of the characteristics,
components, and functions of
emergency medical serivces (EMS)
systems to professional decisionmaking.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Safety and Wellness - Select
behaviors that promote EMS
workforce safety and wellness.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Communication - Communicate
effectively by radio, in-person, and in
writing in health care and public
safety contexts.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Principles of Anatomy - Apply
principles of anatomy, physiology,
and pathophysiology to the
assessment and management of
simulated patents.
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Physical Needs - Respond to
anticipated physical, psychological,
and psychosocial needs of patients
across the life span.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Airway Management - Demonstate
effective basic and advanced
techniques of airway management
and ventilation in the management of
simulated patients.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Patient Assessment - Perform
purposeful patient assessment
tailored to the needs of individual
patients and situations.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Medical History - Obtain a complete,
relevant medical history from
patients presenting with a variety of
complaints and conditions.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Clinical Reasoning - Engage in a
process of clinical reasoning to
identify hypotheses and develop
differential diagnoses for patients
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
with a variety of medical complaints
and presentations.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Patient Monitoring Devices Incorporate the use of patient
monitoring devices into the patient
assessment process.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
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Page 10 of 46
EMED211:Emergency Pharmacology I
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Terminology - Define terminology
related to the study of pharmacology.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Direct - Exam/Quiz - within the
course - Knowledge regarding
pharmacology terminology will be
assessed on first exam in the
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
Student average on the first exam was 81% (06/10/2014)
Legal and Ethical Considerations Explain legal and ethical
considerations in pharmacology and
medication administration.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Direct - Exam/Quiz - within the
course - Knowledge of legal and
ethical considerations will assessed
on course exams.
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
Administration of Medication Discuss the paramedic's responsibility
with regard to the administration of
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Laboratory, Clinical,
Skill/Competency Assessments Students will demonstrate proper
medication administration for
common EMS routes during EMED
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
Direct - Exam/Quiz - within the
course - Students will be able to
answer questions regarding the
common EMS routes of medication
administration on course exams.
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
Generated by TracDat® a product of Nuventive
Action to be Taken
Page 11 of 46
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
applicable to this outcome
Drug Information - Use authoritative
surces of drug information.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - During the course,
students will complete medication
profile cards on common
medications with which EMS
providers have contact.
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
Relating Pharmacology to Anatomy Relate pharmacology to pertinent
anatomy, physiology, and
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Exam/Quiz - within the
course - Students will answer
exam/quiz questions regarding
pharmacology as it relates to
anatomy and physiology for
medication administration.
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
Direct - Exam/Quiz - within the
course - Students will answer
questions on the effects of
medications and the physiological
responses to those medications.
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
Classify Drugs - Classify Drugs
according to their primary actions of
the body.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Students will classify
medications by their effects on the
body through medication profile
card assignments.
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
Direct - Exam/Quiz - within the
course - Students will be able to
predict the effects of medication
classifications on exams/quizzes.
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
Forms of Drugs - Identify sources and
forms of drugs.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Direct - Laboratory, Clinical,
Skill/Competency Assessments Students will be able to identify the
form of medications during lab
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
Direct - Exam/Quiz - within the
course - Students will answer
questions on exams/quizzes
regarding the sources of medications
and the forms produced.
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
Routes of Administration - Compare
and contrast routes of administration.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Laboratory, Clinical,
Skill/Competency Assessments Students will demonstrate in EMED
lab courses proper administration of
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
Generated by TracDat® a product of Nuventive
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Direct - Laboratory, Clinical,
Skill/Competency Assessments Students will demonstrate proper
medication administration during
clinical and field rotations in the fall
semester EMED 297.
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
Profiles of Drugs - Discuss profiles of
drugs commonly used in EMS.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Students will complete
medication profile cards for common
EMS medications.
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
Actions of Drugs - Discuss the actions
of drugs commonly taken by patients
(prescription and over-the-counter).
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Students will discuss
the actions of medications as part of
their medication profile card
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
Direct - Exam/Quiz - within the
course - Students will answer
questions regarding actions of
medications on exams/quizzes
throughout this course.
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
Calculate IV Drip Rates - Accuarately
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Course Student Learning
calculate IV drip rates and drug
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Students will complete
homework assignment for
medication calculations including IV
drip rates.
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
Direct - Exam/Quiz - within the
course - Exams/quizzes will include
medication calculations.
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
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EMED212:Emergency Pharmacology II
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Terminology - Define terminology
related to the study of pharmacology.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Direct - Exam/Quiz - within the
course - Knowledge regarding
pharmacology terminology will be
assessed on exams/quizzes in the
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
Legal and Ethical Considerations Explain legal and ethical
considerations in pharmacology and
medication administration.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Direct - Exam/Quiz - within the
course - Knowledge of legal and
ethical considerations will assessed
on course exams
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
Administration of Medication Discuss the paramedic's responsibility
with regard to the administration of
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Laboratory, Clinical,
Skill/Competency Assessments Students will demonstrate proper
medication administration for
common EMS routes during EMED
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
Direct - Exam/Quiz - within the
course - Students will be able to
answer questions regarding the
common EMS routes of medication
administration on course exams
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
Generated by TracDat® a product of Nuventive
Action to be Taken
Page 16 of 46
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
applicable to this outcome
Drug Information - Use authoritative
surces of drug information.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - During the course,
students will complete medication
profile cards on common
medications with which EMS
providers have contact.
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
Relating Pharmacology to Anatomy Relate pharmacology to pertinent
anatomy, physiology, and
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Exam/Quiz - within the
course - Students will answer
exam/quiz questions regarding
pharmacology as it relates to
anatomy and physiology for
medication administration.
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
Direct - Exam/Quiz - within the
course - Students will answer
questions on the effects of
medications and the physiological
responses to those medications.
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
Classify Drugs - Classify Drugs
according to their primary actions of
the body.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Students will classify
medications by their effects on the
body through medication profile
card assignments.
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
Direct - Exam/Quiz - within the
course - Students will be able to
predict the effects of medication
classifications on exams/quizzes
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
Forms of Drugs - Identify sources and
forms of drugs.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Direct - Laboratory, Clinical,
Skill/Competency Assessments Students will be able to identify the
form of medications during lab
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
Direct - Exam/Quiz - within the
course - Students will answer
questions on exams/quizzes
regarding the sources of medications
and the forms produced.
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
Routes of Administration - Compare
and contrast routes of administration.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Laboratory, Clinical,
Skill/Competency Assessments Students will demonstrate in EMED
lab courses proper administration of
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
Generated by TracDat® a product of Nuventive
Page 18 of 46
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Direct - Laboratory, Clinical,
Skill/Competency Assessments Students will demonstrate proper
medication administration during
clinical and field rotations in the
spring semester EMED 298.
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
Profiles of Drugs - Discuss profiles of
drugs commonly used in EMS.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Students will complete
medication profile cards for common
EMS medications.
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
Actions of Drugs - Discuss the actions
of drugs commonly taken by patients
(prescription and over-the-counter).
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Students will discuss
the actions of medications as part of
their medication profile card
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
Direct - Exam/Quiz - within the
course - Students will answer
questions regarding actions of
medications on exams/quizzes
throughout this course.
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
Calculate IV Drip Rates - Accuarately
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Course Student Learning
calculate IV drip rates and drug
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Students will complete
homework assignment for
medication calculations including IV
drip rates.
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
Direct - Laboratory, Clinical,
Skill/Competency Assessments Exams/quizzes will include
medication calculations.
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
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Page 20 of 46
EMED251:Advanced Emergency Care I
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Professional Characteristics Integrate the professional
characteristics expected of
paramedics into interactions with
patients, colleagues, and the public.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Knowledge of EMS System - Apply
knowledge of the characteristics,
components, and functions of
emergency medical services (EMS)
systems to professional decisionmaking.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Roles and Responsibilities - Explain
the roles and responsibilities of
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Safety and Wellness - Select
behaviors that promote EMS
workforce safety and wellness.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Published Reports - Critically evaluate
published reports of EMS research.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: High04/08/2016
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Page 21 of 46
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Level (Creating/Evaluating)
Public Health - Apply principles of
public health to the roles and
responsibilities of paramedics.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Medical Legal/Ethical Issues Appropriately respond to
medical/legal and ethical issues in the
practice of paramedicine.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Communication - Communicate
effectively by radio, in-person, and in
writing in health care and public
safety contexts.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Anatomy and Physiology - Apply
principles of anatomy and physiology
and principles of the pathophysiology
of common disorders to the
assessment and proposed
management of patients.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Phyisical, Psychological and
Psychosocial Needs - Respond to
anticipated physical, psychological
and psychosocial needs of patients
across the life span.
Course Outcome Status: Active
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Airway Management - Apply
principles of airway management and
ventilation to the assessment and
management of patients.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Patient Assesment - Perform
purposeful patient assessment
trailored to the needs of individual
patients and situations.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Medical History - Obtain a complete,
relevant medical history from
patients presenting with a variety of
complaints and conditions.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Clinical Reasoning - Engage in a
process of clinical reasoning to
identify hypotheses and develop
differential diagnoses for patients
with a variety of medical complaints
and presentations.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
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Page 23 of 46
EMED252:Advanced Emergency Care II
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Professional Characteristics Integrate the professional
characteristics expected of
paramedics into interactions with
patients, colleagues, and the public.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Knowledge of EMS System - Apply
knowledge of the characteristics,
components, and functions of
emergency medical services (EMS)
systems to professional decisionmaking.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Roles and Responsibilities - Explain
the roles and responsibilities of
Course Outcome Status: Active
Safety and Wellness - Select
behaviors that promote EMS
workforce safety and wellness.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Published Reports - Critically evaluate
published reports of EMS research.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Public Health - Apply principles of
public health to the roles and
responsibilities of paramedics.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Medical Legal/Ethical Issues Appropriately respond to
medical/legal and ethical issues in the
practice of paramedicine.
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Course Outcome Status: Active
Communication - Communicate
effectively by radio, in-person, and in
writing in health care and public
safety contexts.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Principles of Anatomy - Apply
principles of anatomy and physiology
and principles of the pathophysiology
of common disorders to the
assessment and proposed
management of patients.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Responding to Physical Needs Respond to anticipated physical,
psychological, and psychosocial needs
of patients across the lifespan.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Airway Management - Apply
principles of airway management and
ventilation to the assessment and
management of patients.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Patient Assessment - Perform
purposeful patient assessment
tailored to the needs of individual
patients and situations.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Medical History - Obtain a complete,
relevant medical history from
patients presenting with a variety of
complaints and conditions.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Clinical Reasoning - Engage in a
process of clinical reasoning to
identify hypotheses and develop
differential diagnoses for patients
with a variety of medical complaints
and presentations.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Generated by TracDat® a product of Nuventive
Page 26 of 46
EMED261:Emergency Cardiology I
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Anatomy/Physiology of Cardio
System - Explain the anatomy and
physiology of the cardiovascular
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Pathophysiology - Relate the
pathophsyiological and cariovascular
disorders to the signs, symptoms,
assessment, and management of
each disorder.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Cardiac Rhythms - Interpret static
and dynamic cardiac rhythms using
lead II electrocardiogrphy.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Assess patients - Assess patients
presenting with cardiovascular
complaints to determine the
appropriate prehospital care.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Management Plan - Develop a
management plan for the prehospital
care of patients with cardiovascular
complaints and emergencies.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Electrocardiography - Describe the
purposes, use, and limitations of
prehospital 12-lead
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
12-Lead ECG - Apply knowledge of 12lead ECG findings to patient
assessment and management
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
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EMED262:Emergency Cardiology II
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Anatomy/Physiology of Cardio
System - Explain the anatomy and
physiology of the cardiovascular
Course Outcome Status: Active
Pathophysiology - Relate the
pathophsyiological and cariovascular
disorders to the signs, symptoms,
assessment, and management of
each disorder.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Cardiac Rhythms - Interpret static
and dynamic cardiac rhythms using
lead II electrocardiogrphy.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Assess patients - Assess patients
presenting with cardiovascular
complaints to determine the
appropriate prehospital care.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Management Plan - Develop a
management plan for the prehospital
care of patients with cardiovascular
complaints and emergencies.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Electrocardiography - Describe the
purposes, use, and limitations of
prehospital 12-lead
Course Outcome Status: Active
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EMED271:Prehospital Emergency Pediatrics
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Special Populations - Apply
knowledge of anatomy, physiology,
pathophysiology, assessment, and
management to identify and
formulate treatment plans for the
following special populations of
patients: Pregnant patients and
patients in labor, neonates, infants,
children and adolescents, elderly
patients, patients with special health
challenges and technology.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
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EMED284:Advanced Skills and Situations I
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Professional Characteristics Integrate the professional
characteristics expected of
paramedics into interactions with
patients, colleagues, and the public.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Knowledge of EMS System - Apply
knowledge of the characteristics,
components, and functions of
emergency medical services (EMS)
systems to professional decisionmaking.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Safety and Wellness - Select
behaviors that promote EMS
workforce safety and wellness.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Medical Legal/Ethical Issues Appropriately respond to
medical/legal and ethical issues in the
practice of paramedicine.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Communication - Communicate
effectively by radio, in-person, and in
writing in health care and public
safety contexts.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Anatomy and Physiology - Apply
principles of anatomy, physiology and
pathophysiology to the assessment
and management of simulated
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: High04/08/2016
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Level (Creating/Evaluating)
Phyisical, Psychological and
Psychosocial Needs - Respond to
anticipated physical, psychological
and psychosocial needs of patients
across the life span.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Airway Management - Demonstrate
safe, effective techniques of
establishing peripheral intravenous
access in simulated patients.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Patient Assesment - Perform
purposeful patient assessment
trailored to the needs of individual
patients and situations.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Intravenous Fluids - Monitor
simulated patients receiving
intravenous fluids, to include
ensuring the IV is infused at an
appropriate rate.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Medical History - Obtain a complete,
relevant medical history from
patients presenting with a variety of
complaints and conditions.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Patient Monitoring Devices Incorporate the use of patient
monitoring devices into the patient
assessment process.
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Clinical Reasoning - Engage in a
process of clinical reasoning to
identify hypotheses and develop
differential diagnoses for patients
with a variety of medical complaints
and presentations.
Course Outcome Status: Active
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EMED285:Advanced Skills and Situations II
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Professional Characteristics Integrate the professional
characteristics expected of
paramedics into interactions with
patients, colleagues, and the public.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Knowledge of EMS System - Apply
knowledge of the characteristics,
components, and functions of
emergency medical services (EMS)
systems to professional decisionmaking.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Safety and Wellness - Select
behaviors that promote EMS
workforce safety and wellness.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Medical Legal/Ethical Issues Appropriately respond to
medical/legal and ethical issues in the
practice of paramedicine.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Communication - Communicate
effectively by radio, in-person, and in
writing in health care and public
safety contexts.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Anatomy and Physiology - Apply
principles of anatomy, physiology and
pathophysiology to the assessment
and management of simulated
Course Outcome Status: Active
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Phyisical, Psychological and
Psychosocial Needs - Respond to
anticipated physical, psychological
and psychosocial needs of patients
across the life span.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Intravenous Access - Demonstrate
safe, effective techniques of
establishing peripheral intravenous
access in simulated patients.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Patient Assesment - Perform
purposeful patient assessment
trailored to the needs of individual
patients and situations.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Intravenous Fluids - Monitor
simulated patients receiving
intravenous fluids, to include
ensuring the IV is infused at an
appropriate rate.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Patient Monitoring Devices Incorporate the use of patient
monitoring devices into the patient
assessment process.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Medical History - Obtain a complete,
relevant medical history from
patients presenting with a variety of
complaints and conditions.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Clinical Reasoning - Engage in a
process of clinical reasoning to
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
identify hypotheses and develop
differential diagnoses for patients
with a variety of medical complaints
and presentations.
Course Outcome Status: Active
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EMED286:Paramedic Operations
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Key Terms - Define key terms related
to operational aspects of EMS
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
EMS Responsibilities - Perform the
responsibilities of EMS providers
during each phase of an ambulance
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Personal Safety - Maintain personal
safety and the safety of others in EMS
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
EVO - Adhere to principles of safe
emergency vehicle operation.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Moving of Patients - Adhere to
principles of safe and effective
packaging, positioning, lifting and
moving of patients.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Special Rescue Operations Recognize scenes that call for special
rescue operations and resources.
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Rescue Personnel - Work with rescue
personnel to provide medical care to
patients requiring rescue.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Paramedic's Role - Describe the
paramedic's role in rescue situations.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Tools for Special Rescue Situations Describe tools and procedures used
for special rescue situations.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
HAZMAT Situations - Describe the
paramedic's role in response to
hazardous materials situations.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Identify Hazardous Materials Identify US DOT and NFPA hazardous
materials placards and use resources
to determine essential information
about the substance.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Incident Command System - Operate
within an incident command system
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
at the scene of disasters, multiple
casualty incidents, rescue operations,
and response to terrorism events.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Interacting with Law Enforcement Interact with law enforcement to
operate in a mutually beneficial
manner on crime scenes.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
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EMED297:Paramedic Clinical I
Course Student Learning
Professional Characteristics Integrate the professional
characteristics expected of
paramedics into interactions with
patients, colleagues, and the public.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Assessment Methods
Direct - Field Placement/Internship
Evaluation - Preceptor evaluation of
student performance during clinical
and field rotations during the 150
semester required hours
High Impact Course Practices 1:
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Diversity/Global Learning
Finding Reporting Year: 2012-2013
Goal met: Yes
Students successfully complete their 150 hours with no
reports of unprofessional conduct. (06/10/2014)
Action to be Taken
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
Preceptors reported no incidents of non-professional
student conduct. (06/10/2014)
Knowledge of EMS System - Apply
knowledge of the characteristics,
components, and functions of
emergency medical services (EMS)
systems to professional decisionmaking.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Safety and Wellness - Select
behaviors that promote EMS
workforce safety and wellness.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Communication - Communicate
effectively by radio, in-person, and in
writing in health care and public
safety contexts.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Anatomy and Physiology - Apply
principles of anatomy, physiology and
pathophysiology to the assessment
and management of simulated
Course Outcome Status: Active
Phyisical, Psychological and
Psychosocial Needs - Respond to
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
anticipated physical, psychological
and psychosocial needs of patients
across the life span.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Airway Management - Demonstrate
safe, effective techniques of
establishing peripheral intravenous
access in simulated patients.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Patient Assesment - Perform
purposeful patient assessment
trailored to the needs of individual
patients and situations.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Medical History - Obtain a complete,
relevant medical history from
patients presenting with a variety of
complaints and conditions.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Clinical Reasoning - Engage in a
process of clinical reasoning to
identify hypotheses and develop
differential diagnoses for patients
with a variety of medical complaints
and presentations.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Patient Monitoring Devices Incorporate the use of patient
monitoring devices into the patient
assessment process.
Course Outcome Status: Active
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EMED298:Paramedic Clinical II
Course Student Learning
Professional Characteristics Integrate the professional
characteristics expected of
paramedics into interactions with
patients, colleagues, and the public.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Assessment Methods
Preceptor evaluation of student
performance during clinical and field
rotations during the 150 semester
required hours
High Impact Course Practices 1:
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Diversity/Global Learning
Finding Reporting Year: 2012-2013
Goal met: Yes
Students complete the required 150 hours of clinical and
field rotation time with no reports of unprofessional
behavior. (06/10/2014)
Action to be Taken
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
Students completed their 150 semester required hours with
minimal reports of non-professional behavior. (06/10/2014)
Knowledge of EMS System - Apply
knowledge of the characteristics,
components, and functions of
emergency medical services (EMS)
systems to professional decisionmaking.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Safety and Wellness - Select
behaviors that promote EMS
workforce safety and wellness.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Communication - Communicate
effectively by radio, in-person, and in
writing in health care and public
safety contexts.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Anatomy and Physiology - Apply
principles of anatomy, physiology and
pathophysiology to the assessment
and management of simulated
Course Outcome Status: Active
Phyisical, Psychological and
Psychosocial Needs - Respond to
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
anticipated physical, psychological
and psychosocial needs of patients
across the life span.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Patient Assesment - Perform
purposeful patient assessment
trailored to the needs of individual
patients and situations.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Medical History - Obtain a complete,
relevant medical history from
patients presenting with a variety of
complaints and conditions.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Clinical Reasoning - Engage in a
process of clinical reasoning to
identify hypotheses and develop
differential diagnoses for patients
with a variety of medical complaints
and presentations.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Patient Monitoring Devices Incorporate the use of patient
monitoring devices into the patient
assessment process.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Airway Management - Demonstrate
safe, effective techniques of
establishing peripheral intravenous
access in simulated patients.
Course Outcome Status: Active
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EMED299:Paramedic Field Internship
Course Student Learning
Functioning Safety/Effectively as an
EMT/Paramedic - This course is part
of a composite program that is
designed to prepare the student in
function safely and effectively in the
role of the EMT-Paramedic. It is
intended to be a brief but
comprehensive reivew of didactic and
practical course work presented over
the preceding 10 months of the
Paramedic Technology Program, in
preparation of the student
challenging the National Registry
Paramedic Certification Examination.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Assessment Methods
Students will complete 300 hours of
Internship with a Michigan based
Paramedic level transporting agency
(public or Private).
High Impact Course Practices 1:
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Capstone Course(s), Projects
Finding Reporting Year: 2012-2013
Goal met: Yes
Students successfully completed their 300 hours required
with an average of 354 hours (06/10/2014)
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Action to be Taken
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EMED301:National Registry Certification Preparation
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Functioning Safety/Effectively as an
EMT/Paramedic - This course is part
of a composite program that is
designed to prepare the student in
function safely and effectively in the
role of the EMT-Paramedic in the field
emergency setting. It is expected
that after careful review each student
be allowed to complete patient care
in the presence of their preceptor.
Course Outcome Status: Active
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EMED490:Independent Study for Emergency Medicine
No data found for the selected criteria.
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