Download Teaching Development Award 2014/15 Quantum Games

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Teaching Development Award 2014/15 Quantum Games
Antje Kohnle and Georg Hähner
The aims of this project were to develop a suite of four research-based interactive simulations with
novel game-like elements for the learning and teaching of quantum mechanics, and assess which
aspects of game design are particularly useful for creating productive learning environments. The
project built on the expertise of the QuVis quantum mechanics interactive simulations (
Thanks to the funding from this project, we were able to develop the following simulations:
Probabilistic analysis of a classical oscillator
A photographer takes photos at random times of a mass on a spring. Users can display the
probability density of the resulting position distribution.
Single photon lab
Users can drag optical components into the experiment to build an interferometer, and send single
photons through the experiment.
Particles in an infinite well
Users can drag indistinguishable fermions or bosons into an infinite square well and discover the
Pauli Principle.
Quantum bomb detection
Users can test bombs set off by a single photon to assess whether they are defective or in working
order. In some cases, users can determine that a bomb is in working order without setting it off (the
principle of interaction-free measurement).
These simulations included a novel design incorporating the following game-like elements:
In-built challenges
Our previous “Step-by-step explanation” tab (users click through text explanations) was replaced
with a “Challenges” tab containing multiple challenges. Challenges are aligned with the learning
goals and provide text feedback both for incorrect and correct answers. For example, in the single
photon lab users are asked “Using all the components, make all the photons reach detector 2.” A
score counter and motivating graphics on success (fireworks, balloons and an animated “excellent”)
aim to enhance student engagement.
Increased user agency
Students have more agency and more perceptible options and choice. Previous simulations did not
allow direct manipulation of objects. Two of the simulations developed in this project allow users to
drag and drop components to set up their own configurations.
Information on demand and just-in-time
Previous simulations had long texts. In the simulations developed in this project, these have been
replaced by small “?” buttons next to components and displayed quantities that bring up short texts
on the relevant quantity. Thus, users can bring up information on demand and just-in-time.
Real-life scenarios
In the quantum bomb detection simulation, a “quantum mechanic” called Anster leads users
through the simulation. Users start by putting on virtual reality goggles allowing them to see the
photons. After training, they progress to the real facility where the photons are invisible and they
asked to sort 10 bombs correctly. Anster gives feedback on each bomb that the user sorts.
After coding, the four simulations above were trialled in individual student observation sessions in
September 2014 and December 2014. Each simulation was tested with four students, excepting the
Single photon lab with three students. We refined and improved the simulations based on students’
feedback in these sessions.
Simulations were then evaluated with in-class trials in the following courses in the Candlemas
semester 2015:
Classical oscillator
Classical oscillator
Classical oscillator
Particles in an infinite well
Single photon lab
Quantum bomb detection
Optional homework
Optional homework
PC classroom workshop
Only a small number of chemistry students completed the assignments, as due to the course
structure the tutorial problems including the simulations were optional. We have considered how to
increase the number of completed assignments for another in-class trial with chemistry students in
2016. We are planning to incorporate the Particles in an infinite well simulation as a compulsory and
for-credit pre-lab assignment in connection with the CH2701 teaching labs.
For the in-class trials, students completed problems using the simulation and in some cases
answered survey questions. The survey asked students to rank the challenges in terms of difficulty
(to ensure our ordering is suitable), to describe their feelings towards the fireworks/balloons
graphics that display when challenges are solved (the vast majority of students choosing “It was
enjoyable” and “It was fun!” and very few students choosing “It was ridiculous/irritating/boring”),
and to rate their experience of using the simulation. The graph below shows students’ experience
for four simulations. Students responded to the questions “How ... did you feel while working with
the simulation” on a Likert scale from 1 “not at all” to 5 “very”. Students completed these survey
questions directly after using the simulation. The other three simulations were developed in 2012
(Ridge), 2013 (Spin Uncertainty) and 2014 (Well Perturbation). The data were taken in the PH2012
and PH3061 courses in the 2015 Candlemas semester. The standard deviations ranged from 0.7 to
1.0. One can see that the Single photon lab enhances the student experience while working with the
simulation, and that the difference is roughly one standard deviation compared with the oldest
simulations. The higher scores in responses to feeling “In control of the situation” , “Determined”,
“Involved” and “Successful” relate well to the Proctor’s priority areas “Supporting independent
learning” and “Fostering students’ confidence and ambition”. From our evaluation so far, the new
features enhance student engagement.
We are just at the start of the dissemination phase of this project. As stated in the application,
evaluation studies and further refinement of simulations and activities as well as dissemination will
continue beyond the duration of the project. Aspects of this work were presented by AK at the AAPT
and MPTL conferences in summer 2015. All future QuVis simulation development will include the
game-like features introduced through this project. We wish to contribute to a Teaching Practice
Forum in the 2016/17 session. We plan to submit aspects of this work for publication in an
educational technology journal by the end of 2015.