Download February Word Work Homework Activities

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February Word Work Homework Activities
Choose a strategy from the list below to practice your work wall sight words and word
family words. Read all directions carefully. You can do the same activity more than
once. One night you can use the words of the week, then another night you can use
words with the word family chunk!
1. Rainbow Words
Write each work of the week or chunk word with a pencil. Trace over the
word at least 3 times using a different color marker, pencil, or crayon each
time. As you trace the word, say the spelling in your head to help you
2. Mix It, Fix It
Use the letter squares to make each word of your words, one at a time. When
you make each word, mix it and fix it at least three times. You may mix and
fix more than 3 times to help you visualize the word. When you think you can
spell the word without looking at it, write it down. Check your spelling. If
you did not write it correctly, practice “mix it, fix it” a few more times.
*Keep your letters in a baggie and put them in a safe place to be used
throughout the year.
3. Fontabulous
Write each spelling word in different ways. Examples: BIG, small,
squiggly, shadow, block, etc. Write each word 3 times. If you have a
computer, use three different fonts to practice each word.
4. Word Frames
Write each spelling word. Draw a letter frame around each letter in your
word. Pay attention to the tall letters and letters with tails.
5. Chant, Clap, Write
Chant or clap the letters of your spelling words. (when chanting and clapping
contractions, snap your fingers for the apostrophe) Next, write each letter as
you chant it. Write each word 2 times.
6. Letter Hunt
Look through magazines and newspapers and hunt for the letters that make
each of your spelling words. Cut them out and glue them together to make the
words of the week or works with the chunk of the week.
7. Type the Words
Type each of the week’s words on the computer. Print out your list and glue it
in your journal.
8. ABC Order
Write the words of the week in ABC order or choose some words with the
word family chunk and write them in ABC order.
9. Write Telling or Question Sentences
Write a sentence using the words of the week. Decide if it is a telling sentence
or a question. Put the appropriate punctuation at the end of the sentence. Each
sentence should contain at least one of the words for the week.
Try Some of These New Activities:
10. Write Definitions
Use a dictionary to write a definition for each of your spelling words. Each
word should have at least one definition.
11. Step Words
Write each word starting with the one letter, then two letters, then three letters,
until you end up with the word you are trying to spell.
ex. truck
truck Can you see the steps going up and down?
12. Spelling City
This is a free website we have used in school. Go to
and type in this week’s new words.