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Mr. Velázquez
Religion 10
This course is concerned with how we, as persons, relate to others. As a Catholic Christians, we
will look to the person of Jesus as the model for relating to others and to God. By studying the
New Testament, we will examine how Jesus calls all people to wholeness, to community, and to
Christian values in the creation of the Kingdom of God, here and now. We will explore the
cultural messages we receive about how we should live our lives and measure those messages in
the light of Jesus’ proclamation of the “Kingdom of God.”
Course Outline
1st Quarter – Maturity and Morality
1. The Process of Human Development
2. Adolescence: A new stage in a new age
3. Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development
4. Harris Psychological Persons
5. Making Moral Decisions
2nd Quarter – Faith and Scriptures
1. Faith and religion: images of God
2. Introduction to the Bible
3. Biblical Foundations of Morality
4. Foundations of Christian Morality
5. Jesus as the defining Word of God
3rd Quarter – Christology and Faith
1. The Jesus of History: The Christ of Faith
2. The Gospels: portraits of Jesus
3. The Kingdom of God: the message and ministry of Jesus
4th Quarter – Human Sexuality and Relationships
Contemporary society and sexuality
Psychology of sexuality
Review of physiology
Christian sexuality
Developing healthy relationships
Classroom Guidelines and Expectations
1. Come into class prepared and ready to begin when the bell rings.
2. During morning- prayer students are required to stand and be attentive.
3. During the viewing of Channel One students are to be silent and attentive.
4. All students are responsible for all class notes, homework, and exams assigned during an
5. Plagiarism or cheating on any level will not be tolerated and will be considered an Honor
Code Violation.
6. Respect during class discussion. This includes:
a. Raise your hand to respond to another student or teacher.
b. No side conversations or speaking out while another student or teacher is
c. Listen attentively to others.
d. No put downs or mocking of other with whom you disagree.
7. No food or beverages are permitted in the classroom.
8. No electronic devices are to be used in class. Those who violate this rule will have their
electronic device confiscated.
Required Materials: Must be brought to every class.
 Text: Catholic Essentials
 1 Notebook – Specifically used for this class
 Pen and Pencil
 Folder
Tests – 25% - Each quarter 1 to 2 tests will be given. The date and material for each test will be
announced giving ample time for you to be prepared.
Quiz – 15% - Each quarter 1 to 2 quizzes will be given. The date and material for each quiz may
or may not be announced. Students should come prepared to participate in each class.
Projects – 25% - Each quarter a project will be assigned. Projects will be your chance to make
our class topics more personal through reflection and creativity. Points will be taken off each
day that a project is handed in late.
Homework – 20% - Homework will be done independently, typed, and turned in on the date it is
due. Points will be taken off each day that homework is handed in late. Late homework must be
Class work – 15% - Class work will include individual and group work. All class work that isn’t
completed in class must be done at home and returned on the following day.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The student is required to read and sign the bottom of this sheet and return it to Mr. Velázquez.
We have read the course requirements and understand our responsibilities.
Student’s Name & Signature _________________________________________
Parent or Guardian’s Name & Signature_________________________________