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Fundamentals of Marketing, MKT2210 A05, Winter 2014
Department of Marketing
I.H. Asper School of Business, University of Manitoba
Madeleine Arbez
115 Drake
Tues/Thurs 10:00 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.
Office 360,
Tuesday and Thursday 11:15 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. or by appointment
[email protected]
Roger A. Kerin, Steven W. Hartley, William Rudelius, Christina Clements, and Harvey Skolnick. the Core,
Third Canadian Edition, McGraw-Hill Ryerson.
Many believe that marketing is synonymous with advertising, communications, sales, promotions, direct mail,
integrated marketing communications and many other terms. Marketing is about the management of all of
these elements as part of a marketing mix aimed at reaching goals, generating revenues and profit.
Fundamentals of Marketing will offer students an excellent opportunity to understand this adaptive science and
how it influences us every day. It is an introductory course to marketing and a critical course to help students
understand the fundamental skills, theories, principles and strategies.
This course provides a solid foundation of marketing concepts required to help students move into a more
specialized area or to complement their professional and personal development regardless of their area of
The concepts to be discussed will include but not be limited to ethics, consumer behaviour, brand
management, customer relationship management (CRM), segmentation and targeting, B2B marketing,
distribution and supply, pricing, marketing research, product development, integrated marketing
communications and more.
The students will acquire strong marketing knowledge and develop their analytical skills through participation
in class discussion, assignments, team projects, presentations, interactive research and guest speakers from the
industry who will help draw the parallel between these important theoretical concepts and real life application.
By the end of the term, students will have:
Developed a keen understanding and appreciate the importance of the fundamentals of marketing and the
role marketing plays in an organization and society.
Increased their analytic skills and be able to distinguish when to apply the various marketing concepts,
theories and strategies for the best results in a real life situation.
Marketing MKT 2210 A05, Winter 2014
This course outline is subject to change.
Acquired a solid knowledge and appreciation of marketing ethics and responsibilities.
Participation / Attendance
In class assignments, quizzes, current news affairs
Research Project Participation
Case 1 – Individual
Case 2 – Group Project
Exam – Midterm
Exam – Final
90 and up = A+
85.00-89.99 = A
80.00-84.99 = B+
75.00-79.99 = B
70.00-74.99 = C+
65.00-69.99 = C
60.00-64.99 = D
< 60 = F
To better succeed, students must actively participate in all classroom discussions; complete all assignments
and conduct an ongoing review of the concepts. The participation/attendance is comprised of the following:
a) Attendance - accounts for 3 of the 5 marks. The mark is based on the class attendance. It is the student’s
responsibility to sign in at every class. A student can miss up to 8 classes without a valid excuse. Any
student missing more than 8 classes will be given an automatic F.
b) Participation - accounts for 2 of the 5 marks. Participation is based on the quantity and quality of the
student’s contribution to the class discussion and overall participation. Participation also includes the
student profile on D2L, sharing of views in the course forums and topics on D2L and other areas.
Includes assignments, quizzes and marketing journal(s) as well as for other topics completed during the course.
Assignments will be given 1 week to complete. All assignments are to be submitted in the assigned dropbox by the
required deadlines; no printed copies will be accepted. Weighting of each assignment and quizzes may vary. Assessment
of an assignment includes the quality of the content submitted, relevance to the topic, accuracy of the information,
quality of the presentation and attention to grammar, spelling and other critical details. Students are expected to follow
the format requested for the course, which is found on the course site (Consult D2L).
Marketing Journals - The marketing journal is an important learning tool which helps students recognize the theories
and concepts as well as make the connection between these and the local and world business, and current affairs they are
exposed to on a daily basis. The journal helps develop critical thinking, analytical skills, application of theory and ability
to communicate these views. Students will be expected to share their observations and critical analysis relating to one
course topic and relate it to a current media story, event one (1) journal that is to be submitted. The journal must
be a minimum of 500 to a maximum of 750 words. The format and evaluation rubrics for the journal will be confirmed
on D2L.
Three research studies are carried out during the term for a maximum of 5 marks for total participation. An
explanation is attached at the end of the course outline and more information will be provided at the beginning
of the term.
Marketing MKT 2210 A05, Winter 2014 This course outline is subject to change.
CASE ANALYSIS: (CASE 1 – 10%, CASE 2 – 15%)
Each student is to complete and submit two (2) cases throughout this semester. One case will be an individual
case to be submitted to the instructor and the second case will be a group term project to be presented before
the class and submitted to the instructor.
Case #1
Individual Case – date, guidelines and titles to be confirmed at a later date.
Case #2
Group Project – date, guidelines and titles to be confirmed at a later date.
Case #1 - Individual Case Analysis - Topics, date, guidelines, and titles will be confirmed at a later date.
Case must be typewritten with 1” margins on all sides, double-spaced, a maximum of twelve-point type and
minimum of eleven-point type, and A MINIMUM of four (4) pages and A MAXIMUM of six (6) pages
including the title page. Cases that are “too long” will be docked by 50% of the case’s worth. For example,
Case #1 will be marked out of 5% if it’s too long.
Case # 2 - Group Project - To be completed by groups of students (number of students will depend on size
of c l a s s ). Topics, date, guidelines, titles will be confirmed at a later date. The instructor will confirm how
groups will be determined in class. Students are expected to complete the case outside of class. Teams
will be given (5-7 minutes per class) in order to review progress. Students will not be allowed to join a
team after the members of the team have been confirmed and have held their first meeting. Each team
will require a team leader. All students are expected to equally contribute to the case. Students not
attending their team’s meetings and who have not contributed to the group case will receive an automatic
F. The final report is due on March 31st and they are tentatively scheduled for presentation on April 1 and
3, 2014. (To be confirmed.) All teams will be expected to present their findings to the class and a
potential panel in a 7-8-minute presentation. The Case 2 should a MAXIMUM of 10 pages including the
title page and references, MINIMUM of 1.5 - maximum double spacing in length with a minimum of
eleven-point type and maximum of twelve-point type. The project and PPT presentation are to be
submitted in the designated dropbox.
The objective of the group project is to help the students learn to collaborate and effectively work with
different work styles and skill sets in order to reach common goals. As in the workplace, part of the project
evaluation will include anonymous Peer evaluations by your team members at the end of the term. The peer
evaluation report is due on the same date as the report.
There will be two exams. The first exam will be held during the regularly scheduled class time and the
University will set the date of the final exam. The mid-term exam will be 1 hour and 15 minutes; the final
exam will be 3 hours. The exams will consist of both multiple choices, true/false questions and potentially
short answer questions based on the text book lectures, and any additional class materials used (i.e. video
cases, web resources, forum discussions, presentations etc.). The first exam will cover Chapters 1-7 and 13
and the last exam will cover Chapters 8-14.
Class time will be spent in lecture and discussion of relevant marketing topics and review of the textbook
concepts. Presentations and key information will be found on the course’s D2L site. In order to better
understand the topics discussed, students are expected to have read the text material corresponding to the
subject matter before the lecture/discussion of that topic.
Marketing MKT 2210 A05, Winter 2014
This course outline is subject to change.
Students are expected to participate in class in a respectful manner. Participation includes reading the
material; asking questions; sharing their experience or point of view with the class; building on points raised
by others; clarifying issues; or relating topics discussed to previous class discussions with the instructor or
directly with their peers. Regular and punctual attendance is very important but not the only criterion for high
class-participation grades. In order to optimize the students’ learning experience, all students will be expected
to complete the following to help the instructor better understand the students, their needs and expectations:
Students are required to update their profile on the D2L MKT 2210A04 course site. They should
include a photo, a brief description of their area of studies, expectations of the course and a short statement
about themselves, their interests and marketing experience and future goals on D2L. These will be used
to keep track of students’ class participation grades and to get to know them. A sample is provided
with required format and other information on D2L. It must be completed and submitted January 11th,
2014 by 11:59 p.m.
All course resources used in class will be posted on D2L course website such as PPT presentations,
r e s o u r c e s s u c h a s website links to cases, data and video, assignments, information provided as
part of the course curriculum etc. All assignments and work is to be submitted to the instructor via the
dropboxes. McGraw Hill Connect also provides information for those who use the e-book version – 3rd
Canadian edition.
The instructor will communicate with the students via their academic email and D2L. It is the
student’s responsibility to check their University of Manitoba email accounts and D2L course website on a
regular basis. The instructor availability is confirmed in the course syllabus as well as on D2L and
Aurora. It is the student’s responsibility to be fully versed on D2L, to be aware of the University policies
and deadlines and to regularly visit the site for updates and resources.
Late case submissions - will be graded on 70% of their on-time score with valid reason. They will not
be accepted after they are 2 days late.
Midterm Exam - Any student who misses their midterm exam must contact the instructor to
make arrangements for a make-up exam. The student must have a medical excuse/note from a medical
practitioner. The instructor will determine whether the student is to take a midterm exam or whether the
weight of the missed midterm exam will be added to the final exam weighting. The instructor may allow
a student to take their midterm exam on a different or later date based on compassionate grounds.
Final Exam – Any student missing a final exam must deal directly with the Undergrad Program office.
The office will make the appropriate arrangements with the instructor.
Note the instructor has the right to change the course outline within his/her discretion.
IMPORTANT: Effective September 1, 2013, the U of M will only use your university email account for
official communications, including messages from your instructors, department or faculty, academic advisors,
and other administrative offices. If you have not already been doing so, please send all emails from your UofM
email account. Remember to include your full name, student number and faculty in all correspondence.
For more information visit:
Marketing MKT 2210 A05, Winter 2014
This course outline is subject to change.
Jan. 7th
Introduction to course
Jan. 9th
Marketing Fundamentals
Chapter 1 –Student profile due
Jan. 14th
The Marketing Environment
Jan. 16th
Market Research
Chapter 2 Assignment 1–due
January 22
Chapter 4
Jan. 21st
The Consumer Behaviour
Chapter 3
Jan. 23rd
The Consumer Behaviour
Jan. 28th
Customer Relationship Management
Chapter 3 - FORUM
DISCUSSION D2L due January
Chapter 13 – Assignment 2 -due
February 5 - Journal
Jan. 30th
Customer Relationship Management
Chapter 13
Feb. 4th
Chapter 5
Feb. 6th
B2B Marketing
Case #1 –Individual Project Terms &
Segmentation and Targeting
Feb. 11th
Feb. 13th
Segmentation and Targeting
Chapter 6
Chapters 1,2,3,4,5,6, 13
Feb. 25th
Products and Brands
Chapter 7 –
Feb. 27th
Products and Brands
New Product Development
Case #1– Individual – Due to Instructor
Case #2 – Group Term Project – Terms &
New Product
Development Pricing
Case #2 – Group Term Project -Team
Confirmation – Due March 31
Distribution and Supply Chain
Chapter 7, Chapter 8
Assignment 4-due March 10
Distribution and Supply Chain
Chapter 10
March 4th
March 6th
March 11th
Marketing MKT 2210 A05, Winter 2014
Course outline
Chapter 6 Assignment 3-due
February 24
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
This course outline is subject to change.
March 13th
Retailing and Wholesaling
March 18th
Retailing and Wholesaling
March 20th
Marketing Communications
March 25th
Marketing Communications
Chapter 12–
March 27th
Marketing and Strategic Planning
Chapter 14
April 1st
Case # 2 - Group Term Project
Presentations – Case # 2 - Report Due
- Group
Term Project
April 3rd
April 8th
Chapter 11
Chapter 11–
Chapter 12 – Assignment 5 – due
April 8
Exam review and preparation
CONFIRMED by the University.
Important deadlines:
Student Profile - due online January 11.
Assignment 1 – Chapter 2 -due January 22
Forum discussion D2L- topic to be determined - due Jan 29
Assignment 2 – Journal -Chapter 13 – due February 5
Case 1 – due March 1
Assignment 3 – Chapter 6, due February 24
Midterm – February 13
Study week February 18-20
Assignment 4 – Chapter 8, due March 10
Case 2 - Group Project – Project and Peer review - due March 31
Assignment 5 - Chapter 10 - due April 8
Final Exam – April – To be confirmed by the University
Voluntary withdrawal Winter 2014 date – March 19, 2014
Marketing MKT 2210 A05, Winter 2014
This course outline is subject to change.
Undergraduate Subject Pool Program 2014
All students in Fundamentals of Marketing (MKT 2210) have the opportunity to participate in three research
studies during the term for credit. These research studies may involve participating in marketing experiments,
completing a questionnaire, and/or a computer simulation.
Participation in all 3-research studies earns you the full 5% component of your course grade. Participating
in only 1 or 2 studies will earn you a proportional grade. Note that the 5% is part of the 100% for the
course and is not extra credit. You may participate in each study only once.
Benefits of the Program
This program is designed to give students a glimpse into how marketing theory is developed by participating in
marketing research studies. Fundamentals of Marketing (MKT 2210) is an introduction to the knowledge base of
marketing generated in part by such studies conducted in universities and businesses around the world. This
program will help students understand how such research is conducted here in the Asper School of Business.
Through participation in academic research studies, students also increase the value of their degrees. Reputations
of universities are based to a large extent on the quality of the research conducted by their faculty. By
participating in these studies, you are helping your professors publish in scholarly journals, consequently
improving the reputation of the university from which you earned your degree.
You will be notified via email and in class prior to each study so that you may sign up to participate (you will
have to sign up separately for each of the three studies). Each study will last a maximum of an hour and multiple
sessions will be offered for each of these. The sign-ups will take place online via the following link:
For each study, please sign-up for a session in which you will participate. It is your responsibility to keep track of
when sign-up sheets are being posted, in case you miss the announcement.
The Behavioural Research Committee keeps track of your participation and will notify your instructor of your
participation at the end of the term.
At the end of the term, you will be debriefed, i.e., you will be informed as to what was being studied in each
study. This debriefing will allow you to see how marketing theory is developed through academic research.
If you find yourself unable or are unwilling to participate in a particular study, please inform the coordinator at
[email protected] that you would like to participate in the alternative assignment option (see details
below). You will need to choose this option prior to the completion of the study in which you will not participate.
This choice cannot be made retroactively if you miss a study. There will be no makeup studies.
Marketing MKT 2210 A05, Winter 2014
This course outline is subject to change.
Alternative Assignment for MKT 2210
In the case of a student not wishing to participate in a research study or being unable to attend the scheduled
sessions, the following option is offered as an alternative assignment that will take approximately one hour of
Students are to find one research article in any of the following journals published in the last 2 years:
Journal of Consumer Research
Journal of Consumer Psychology
Journal of Advertising
Journal of Public Policy and Marketing
Students will be required to read the article and submit a short one page summary of the main findings to
[email protected]. This report is due before the end of the study session in which it is counting. For
example, if it is used for Study 1, this summary is due before study 1 sessions have completed. Credit will be
given to the student as if they participated in the research study.
Any questions about the assignment should be directed to the Online Subject Pool Coordinator for the academic
Marketing MKT 2210 A05, Winter 2014
This course outline is subject to change.
Academic Integrity
It is critical to the reputation of the I.H. Asper School of Business and of our degrees that everyone
associated with our faculty behave with the highest academic integrity. As the faculty that helps create
business and government leaders, we have a special obligation to ensure that our ethical standards are
beyond reproach. Any dishonesty in our academic transactions violates this trust. The University of
Manitoba General Calendar addresses the issue of academic dishonesty under the heading "Plagiarism
and Cheating". Specifically, acts of academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to:
using the exact words of a published or unpublished author without quotation marks and without
referencing the source of these words
duplicating a table, graph or diagram, in whole or in part, without referencing the source
paraphrasing the conceptual framework, research design, interpretation, or any other ideas of another
person, whether written or verbal (e.g., personal communications, ideas from a verbal presentation)
without referencing the source
copying the answers of another student in any test, examination, or take-home assignment
providing answers to another student in any test, examination, or take-home assignment
taking any unauthorized materials into an examination or term test (crib notes)
impersonating another student or allowing another person to impersonate oneself for the purpose
of submitting academic work or writing any test or examination
stealing or mutilating library materials
accessing tests prior to the time and date of the sitting
changing name or answer(s) on a test after that test has been graded and returned
submitting the same paper or portions thereof for more than one assignment, without
discussions with the instructors involved.
Group Projects and Group Work
Many courses in the I.H. Asper School of Business require group projects. Students should be aware
that group projects are subject to the same rules regarding academic dishonesty. Because of the unique
nature of group projects, all group members should exercise special care to insure that the group project
does not violate the policy on Academic Integrity. Should a violation occur, group members are jointly
accountable unless the violation can be attributed to a specific individual(s).
Some courses, while not requiring group projects, encourage students to work together in groups (or at
least do not prohibit it) before submitting individual assignments. Students are encouraged to discuss
this issue as it relates to academic integrity with their instructor to avoid violating this policy.
In the I.H. Asper School of Business all suspected cases of academic dishonesty are passed to the Dean's
office in order to ensure consistency of treatment.
Marketing MKT 2210 A05, Winter 2014
This course outline is subject to change.
Faculty of Management
Medical Absenteeism Form
Student Identification: (please print clearly)
Last Name
First Name
___________ _____________________
Middle Initial U of M Student Id Number
I hereby authorize _____________________________ to verify with the attending physician or his/her
(Name of Instructor/Administrator)
staff or colleagues that the contents of this form are true.
Student’s Signature
To be completed by the attending physician: (after the above section is completed)
Physician’s Last Name (please print clearly)
Physician’s First Name
Middle Initial
Street Address
City, Province
Telephone Number
Fax Number
Postal Code
To the attention of the physician: Your evaluation of the student’s condition is being used for the purpose of
determining whether or not the student has a valid reason to miss an important exam or assignment. Your
professional evaluation is necessary to ensure that only valid cases are excused.
I certify that the nature of the student’s condition is severe enough to prevent the student from taking an exam or
completing an assignment. If requested, my associates or I will verify for the above-named instructor/administrator that
this information is accurate.
The student’s condition will likely span the following dates:
(indicate start date)
Physician’s Signature
until ___________________________
(indicate end date)
Notes to physician:
Please make a note in the student/patient’s file indicating that the student has given the above-named
instructor/administrator permission to verify with you, your staff, or your colleagues, that the information contained on this
form is correct. Thank you for your professional evaluation of this student’s condition.
Note to student: The use of this form is at the option of the student. However, in order to obtain an excused absence
for an assignment or exam, the student must obtain a doctor’s certification that the student’s condition is severe
enough to prevent the student from taking the exam or completing the assignment.
 It is NOT SUFFICIENT to provide a note that only indicates the student visited the doctor’s office.
Marketing MKT 2210 A05, Winter 2014
This course outline is subject to change.