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___ 1 Which ancient civilization established the basis of Western democracy?
1 Phoenician
2 Sumerian
3 Egyptian
4 Greek
___ 2 Which was a major characteristic of democracy in ancient Athens?
1 All adult male citizens were eligible to vote.
2 All residents were given voting rights.
3 Women were allowed to vote in major elections.
4 Slaves were permitted to vote in major elections
___ 3 The ancient Athenians are credited with
1 inventing and using the wheel
2 eliminating slavery
3 establishing governments that had democratic elements
4 inventing the printing press
___ 4 Which societal condition was basic to the development of Greek philosophy and Renaissance art?
1 rigid social classes
3 religious uniformity
2 emphasis on individualism
4 mass education
___ 5 The Golden Age of Greece and the Renaissance in Europe were both characterized mainly by
1 religious revival
3 economic decline
2 social reform and political upheaval
4 Artistic and literary achievements
"… for the administration is in the hands of the many and not of the few
… an Athenian citizen does not neglect the state because he takes care
of his own household. . . . We alone regard a man who takes no interest in
public affairs, not as a harmless but as a useless character…"
- Pericles, 431 B.C.
___ 6 Which type of political system does this quotation suggest that people of ancient Athens valued?
1 monarchy
2 aristocracy
3 democracy
4 autocracy
"Let me say that our system of government does not copy the institutions
of our neighbors. It is more the case of our being a model to others than
of our imitating anyone else. Our constitution is called a democracy because
power is in the hands, not of a minority, but of the whole people."
___ 7 Which early society is most likely described in this quotation?
1 Spartan
2 Athenian
3 Babylonian
4 Egyptian
___ 8 A major impact of ancient Greece and Rome on Western civilization was that
1 the Greeks and Romans succeeded in achieving a classless society, which was later copied in western Europe
2 Greek sculpture and Roman architecture were much admired and copied in the 18th and 19th centuries'
3 Greece and Rome transmitted Islamic philosophy to the areas they conquered
4 Greek and Latin are still widely spoken in universities throughout the West
___ 9 Impact of long-term contributions of ancient Greek and Roman civilizations are primarily found in the area of
1 military technology
3 economic policy and planning
2 religious doctrine
4 government and law
___ 10 The ancient Romans most significant contribution to Europe has been in the area of
1 economics
2 drama
3 poetry
4 law
___ 11 The political system of the ancient Roman Empire was characterized by
1 a strong central government
2 rule by a coalition of emperors and religious leaders
3 universal suffrage in national elections
4 a strict adherence to constitutional principles
___ 12 An immediate result of the fall of the Roman Empire was
1 a renewed interest in education and the arts
2 a period of disorder and weak central government
3 an increase in trade and manufacturing
4 the growth of cities and dominance by the middle class'
"Western Europe owed a debt of gratitude to the Empire that for almost a
thousand years ensured the survival of Christianity during a time when
Europe was too weak to accomplish the task."
___ 13 Which empire is referred to in this quotation?
1 Hellenistic
2 Byzantine
3 Mongol
4 Ottoman
___ 14 Rome during the Pax Romana and the Catholic Church during the Middle Ages are examples of
1 constitutional monarchies
3 feudal governments
2 centralized powers
4 Communist regimes
___15 A major reason for the decline of the Roman Empire was
1 a series of military defeats in Africa
2 political corruption and the instability of the government
3 the abolition of slavery through out the Empire
4 continued acceptance of traditional religions
___ 16 Which characteristic was common to the Golden Age of Greece and the Italian Renaissance
1 A strong military led to national unity.
2 Written constitutions led to the establishment of democratic governments.
3 Prosperity led to the creation of many works of art.
4 Political instability led directly to the formation of unified nation-states.
___ 17 A major effect of the decline of the Roman Empire was that western Europe
1 came under the control of the Muslims
3 returned to a republican form of government
2 was absorbed by the Byzantine Empire
4 entered a period of chaos and disorder
___ 18 After the fall of Rome, the eastern portion of the Roman Empire became known as the
1 Persian Empire
2 Mongol Empire
3 Byzantine Empire
4 Gupta Empire
___ 19 All citizens in ancient Athens had the right to attend the Assembly, where they could meet in open
discussion and cast votes. This situation is an example of
1 direct democracy
3 parliamentary democracy
2 totalitarianism
4 absolutism
___ 20 A major contribution of the Roman Empire to Western society was the development of
1 gunpowder
3 monotheism
2 the principles of revolutionary socialism
4 an effective legal system
___ 21 Which European historical periods are in the proper chronological order?
1 Middle Ages Renaissance  Ancient Greece  Roman Empire
2 Renaissance  Ancient Greece  Roman Empire  Middle Ages
3 Ancient Greece  Roman Empire  Middle Ages  Renaissance
4 Roman Empire  Middle Ages  Renaissance  Ancient Greece