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How to tell Java to apply a lambda expressions for a
custom functional interface instead for the one from
the method's contract?
How to tell Java to apply a lambda
expressions for a custom
functional interface instead for
the one from the method's
June 2014
May 2014
Posted by koc ko on June 19, 2014 at 10:11 PM PDT
The lambdas are without any doubt one of the most intriguing and attractive features in Java8, but
sometimes instead of helping us writting a better and boilerplateless code, they can get us into trouble.
And still, they are the better alternative to the anonymous classes for lots of reasons.
The anonymous classes were a nice way to achieve clojures in Java, but it was something natural to
write a lot of boilerplate code to achive something atomic. Let take a look on the following code
myButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
System.out.println(“Button clicked”);
It does a single thing - writing a message on the standart output, but in order to have it implemented,
we wrote five lines of code. Which is not really cool and is a sign for a boilerplate code.
The same statement, but written with the terms of lambdas, would look like:
myButton.addActionListener(e -> System.out.printn(“Button clicked”));
This looks pretty neat and more readable, isn't it ? :-)
But, there is, however, a problem with the lambda approach! Let's first get back to the anonymous class
and write our own implemnetation of the java.awt.event.ActionListener interface, which has a member
variable within:
public abstract class MyActionListener extends ActionListener {
protected int fourtyTwo = 42;
public abstract void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event);
Using anonymous classes, it won't be a problem to create an anonymous implementation of
M yActionListener and even to refer the nester member within the implementaion:
myButton.addActionListener(new MyActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
System.out.println(“Button clicked and the number is + “ fourtyTwo);
Now the question that stands is how to achieve the same functionality using lambdas?
The following snippet doesn't compile:
myButton.addActionListener(e -> System.out.println(“Button clicked and the number is” + fourtyTwo);
because the lambda expression we're using is actually the implementation of the
ActionListener#actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) method, not the
M yActionListener#actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) method and this is why it fails to compile - the
compiler doesn't know about the variable fourtyTwo since it's not defined in the ActionListener
Now the problem is how to tell the JVM that the lambda we're using is actual implementaion of the
M yActionListener#actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)?
And the answer is the following:
In Java 8 the abstract classes are not functional interfaces, even if they contain a single abstract
method! This is why, we can't cast the lambda to M yActionListener when passing and to expect to have
How to tell Java to use a custom functional interface ... |
our hands on the variable named fourtyTwo. On the other hand, however, functional interfaces can be
extended and so we can create functional interfaces of our own.
public interface MyActionListener extends ActionListener {
int fourtyTwo = 42;
This is enough to say that our interfaces is functional, because
M yActionListener is an interface and not an abstract class
M yActionListener has a single abstract method and this is the derived
ActionListener#actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
Now we can write the lambda expression, which would be an implementation of
M yActionListener#actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) and pass it to the myButton.addActionListener()
MyActionListener myActionListenerLambda = e -> System.out.println(“Button is clicked and the number is “ + fourtyTwo
it compiles and successfully accesses the member variable and therefore the problem is solved.
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