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Document related concepts
One main chromosome, circular in shape.
Many satellite rings of DNA called plasmids.
Prokaryotes do not have any
membrane-bound organelles.
All of these.
None of these are found in
eukaryotic cells.
A small prokaryote with the ability to
make its own food (chloroplasts) or use
oxygen to efficiently metabolize food
(mitochondria) was engulfed by a
larger prokaryote and they lived
happily ever after (symbiotically).
Prokaryotic cells do not have added
surface area in the form of membranebound organelles.
Their surface area (cell membrane or
supply of nutrients) grows by the
square of length while their volume
(metabolic demand) grows by the cube.
They get DNA from other sources:
Transformation (taking in naked DNA)
Transduction (delivered by viruses)
Conjugation (other bacteria thru sex pili)
Generation time 20 min.(ideal)
Haploid (no “hidden” traits)
Share beneficial traits by conjugation.
Decomposers: Recycle building blocks,
Nitrogen-fixing bacteria,
Biotechnology (plasmids +
Rod-shaped: bacillus
Spherical: coccus
Spiral: spirilla
E. coli, Anthrax, Whooping Cough,
Pink Eye, Salmonella, Typhoid Fever,
Pneumonia, Plague.
Gonorrhea (pairs),
Streptococcus (chains):
Strep Throat, Scarlet Fever, Meningitis
Staphylococcus aureus (clusters)
Staph Infection: most common cause
of skin infection, MRSA is serious.
Lyme disease, cholera, syphilis
Coccus (Streptococcus-chains)
Spirilla (syphilis)
Bacillus (E. coli)
Staphylococcus (clusters)
Fungi (molds) make natural
antibiotics for their own defense
against bacterial infection.
Heterotrophic (grazers),
anaerobic (fermenters),
prokaryotes (bacteria).
Photosynthesis/produced oxygen
End of Bacteria Review
Hunting the nightmare bacteria.
Frontline Oct. 2013 54 min.