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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
DEPARTMENT OF HEALTFI 8z HUMAN SERVKXB P&c lie’alth Service Food andDrug Administratbn College Park, MD 20740 Ms. ThereseP. Cemy Owner HerbalSource 6618SalomaAvenue Van Nuys, California91405 OCT152003 DearMs. Cemy: This is in responseto your lettersof September25,2003 to the FoodandDrug Administration(FDA) pursuantto 21 U.S.C.343(r)(6)(section403(r)(6)of the Federal Food,Drug, andCosmeticAct (the Act)). Your lettersstatethat the following statementswill madefor the following products: Nut+Lin Nut&Chol Nutri-Ban PromotesHealthyBlood SugarLevels PromotesHealthyCholesterolLevels PromotesHealthyBlood SugarLevels;PromotesHealthyBlood Pressure In the preambleto the January6,200Ofmal rule on structure/functionclaims(see65 FR 1000at 101S),FDA statedthat claimsaboutthe maintenanceof normalcholesterollevels did not necessarilyconstituteimplied diseaseclaims. We stated,however,that because “many peoplethink of cholesterolsolelyin termsof the negativerole of elevated cholesterolin heartdisease,”in orderto avoid implying that the productpreventsor treats heartdisease,a cholesterolmaintenanceclaim would haveto clarify that the productis only for maintenanceof cholesterollevelsthat are aheadywithin the normalrange. The sameprincipleappliesto claimsaboutthe control of blood glucoselevelsand blood pressure;that is, a claim that doesnot establishthat the claimsare aboutblood glucose levelsor blood pressurethat is alreadywithin normal limits impliesthat the productis intendedto treat elevatedblood glucose(diabetes)or blood pressure(hypertension), which arediseases.Therefore,becausethe claimsyou aremaking for theseproducts representthat the productsare intendedto affect blood glucose,blood cholesterol,and bloodpressurebut do not alsoincludea statementaboutthembeing intendedto aI%& blood glucose,blood cholesterol,and blood pressurethat are alreadyin the normal ranges,they areimplied diseaseclaims. 21 U.S.C.343(r)(6)makesclearthat a statementincludedin labelingunderthe authority of that sectionmay not claim to diagnose,mitigate,treat, cure,or preventa specific diseaseor classof diseases.The statementsthat you are makingfor theseproducts Page2 - Ms. ThereseP. Cerny suggestthat they are intendedto treat,prevent,or mitigatediseases,Theseclaimsdo not meetthe requirementsof 21 U.S.C.343(r)(6). Theseclaimssuggestthat theseproducts arc intendedfor use asdrugswithin the meaningof 21 U.S.C. 321(g)(l)(B), andthat they are subjectto regulationunderthe drug provisionsof the Act. If you intendto make claimsof this nature,you shouldcontactFDA’s Centerfor Drug EvaluationandResearch (CDER), Office of Compliance,HFD-310,MontroseMetro II, 11919Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland20855. You also submitteda letter that statesyou intendto marketa productnamed“NutriDerm”that is intendedfor useas an “Anti-FungalLotion For The Skin.”This product doesnot appearto meetthe statutorydefinition of a dietarysupplementcontainedin 21 U.S.C. 321(fQ andtherefore,cannot be marketedas a dietarysupplement.We explain the basisfor our opinionbelow. The term ‘dietary supplement”is definedin 21 U.S.C. 321(fQ. 21 U.S.C. 321(fQ providesthat the term meansa product(otherthan tobacco)intendedto supplementthe diet that bearsor containsa vitamm, a mineral,an herb or otherbotanical,an amino acid, a dietarysubstancefor useby man to supplementthe diet by increasingthe total dietary intake,or a concentrate,metabolite,constituent,extract,or combinationof any of the aboveingredients.21 U.S.C. 321(fQfurther statesthat dietarysupplementsare intended for ingestionin a form describedin 21 U.S.C. 350(c)(l)(B)(i) or in compliancewith 22 U.S.C. 35O(c)(l)(B)(“)ii , are not representedas conventionalfood or as a soleitem of a meal or the diet, and are labeledasa dietarysupplement. An articlethat is appliedexternallyto the skin as a lotion is not “intendedfor ingestion.” As statedabove,the definition of dietarysupplementin 21 U.S.C.321(fi) statesthat a dietarysupplementis a product“intendedfor ingestion.”The term “ingestion”hasbeen addressedby the court in United Statesv. Ten Cartons.Ener-BNasalGel, 888 F. Supp. 381,393-94(E.D.N.Y.), affd. 72 F.3d 285 (2d Cir. 1995),which states: The ordinaryandplain meaningof the term “ingestion”meansto take into the stomachand gastrointestinaltract by meansof enteraladministration.& Stedman’sMedical Dictionary(4th Lawyer’s Ed. 1976)(defining ingestionas the “introductionof food and drink into the stomach.“);Webster’sThird New InternationalDictionary (1976)(defining ingestionas “the taking of material(as food) into the digestivesystem.“)... The interpretationof the term “ingestion”to meanenteraladministrationinto the stomachandgastrointestinaltract is also supportedby the languageof the statutorysectionsimmediatelyprecedingand following section35O(c)(l)(B)(ii). Section35O(c)(l)(B)(i) statesthat the vitamin must be intendedfor ingestionin tablet,capsuleor liquid form. Eachof theseforms denotesa methodof ingestion that involvesswallowinginto the stomach. Section350(c)(2)statesthat a food is intendedfor ingestionin liquid form under sectionSSO(c)( l)(B)(i) “only if it is Page3 - Ms. ThereseP. Cerny formulatedin a fluid carrierandis intendedfor ingestionin daily quantities measuredin dropsor similar smallunits of measure.”This elaborationof “liquid form” alsodenotesingestionby swallowingthe fluid. Therefore,becausethe term “ingestion”meansintroducedinto the gastrointestinaltract, productsthat areintendedto be appliedexternallyto the shin are not subjectto regulation as dietarysupplementsbecausethey arenot “intendedfor ingestion.”Moreover,your product is representedfor useasan anti-fbngallotion. This claim suggeststhat this product is intended to treat,prevent,or mitigatedisease,namely,fungal shin diseases. This claim suggeststhat this productis intendedfor useas a drug within the meaningof 21 U.S.C. 321(g)(l)(B), andthat it is subjectto regulationunderthe drug provisionsof the Act. If you intendto makeclaimsof this nature,you shouldcontactFDA’s Centerfor Drug EvaluationandResearch(CDER), Office of Compliance,HFD-310,Montrose Metro II, 11919Rockville Pike,Rockville,Maryland20852. Pleasecontactus if we may be of further assistance. SusanJ. Walker,M.D. Director Division of Dietary SupplementPrograms Office of Nutritional Products,Labeling andDietary Supplements Centerfor Food Safety and Applied Nutrition Copies: FDA, Centerfor Drug EvaluationandResearch,Office of Compliance,HFD-300 FDA, Office of the AssociateCommissionerfor RegulatoryAffairs, Office of , Enforcement,HFC-200 FDA, Los AngelesDistrict Office, Office of Compliance,HFR-PA240 NOTIFICATION PURSUANT TO SECTION 6 OF DSIIEA AND 21 CFR ~101.93 L- -.-- ..-“*..I___ )-l&q) Swrce This notificationis beingfiled on behalfof which is of the product(s)which bear the statementsidentiCedin this the oofw Cd SlYO5 . notification. Its businessaddressis: 6618 %sma hue- \la~ &S This notificationis beingmadepursuantto Section6 of DSIIEA and R;ufe2 1 C.F.R. $101.93. The dietary supplementproduct on whose label or labeling the statementsappears is Nlhi -#erm . The text of eachstructure-functionstatementfor which notificationis now beinggivenis: (Statement1): (Statement2): (Statement3): fiyyii -Fbycd LatiW FrTW- S-h The following summaryidentifiesthe dietary ingredient(s)or supplement(s)for which a statementhasbeenmade: Identity of Dietary Ingredient(s) or Suuulement that is the Subiect of the Statement Statement Number The followingidentifiesthe brandnameof eachsupplementfor which a statementis made: Statement Number Brand Names Label or Labe’iinq I, Tb@ 9 &OLV , am authorizedto certify this Notification on behalf of e&d SinAf . I certify that the containedin this Notificationis completeand accurate,and that hassubstantiation that eachstructure-functionst Date Signed:&#a>k t 026175.01 , -By: 2603 [Title] _._ ,. .‘Z :, ‘-G”-” ------- I ! NOTIFICATION PUBSUANT TO SECTION 6 OF DSF54 AND 21 CFR §101.93 t j :.‘; i.... i OCJ - 1 2003 /&-bJ z!3tzr--which is This notificationis beingfiled on behalfof of the product(s) which bear the statementsidentified in this &ki-ChOl the notification. Its businessaddressis: 6618’ This notification is being made pursuantto Section6 of DSHEA and Rufe 21 C.F.R $101.93. The dietary supplement product on whose label or labeling the statements appears is Nurh-i ~Chol . &lolvla br# l \lan Nuv, CB 9 \VQF;” . The text of eachstructure-fit&on statementfor which notiftcationis now being givenis: (Statement1): fj-efk&S (Statement2): (Statement3): IjeatH-qt CkQkr-kroJ k& The following summaryidentifiesthe dietary ingredient(s)or supplement(s)for which a statementhasbeenmade: Identity of Dietary Ingredient(s) or Susdement that is the Subiect of the Statement Statement Number 1. t 2. 3. The following identifiesthe brandnameof eachsupplementfor which a statementis made: Statement Number Brand Names Label or Labeiing PI&;- fluhi-CM and accurate,and that hassubstantiationthat eachstructure-function Date Signed:%t 024175.01 l 26 , leBy: 3-003 ‘WnNl [Title] L .:: I I:..): /f ‘5 L--u..._Lal_,wmA i.d. 1 Cb I NOTIFICATION PURSUANT TO SECTION 6 OF DSHEA AND 21 CFR 5101.93 bba~ L-cewhich is This notification is being filed on behalfof mmer of the product(s) which bear the statementsidentified in this the notification. Its business.address is: 6618 &loma #&a j/~ lduy~ CA 9 I voq This notification is being made pursuant to Section 6 of DSHEA and Rule 21 C.F.R. $101.93: The dietary supplement product on whose label or labeling the statements appears is &Atri - lh . The text of each structure-fimction statementfor which notification is now being given is: (statement1): Promotes HectI+$ @A Sugar h/S . (Statement 2): (Statement 3): The following summary identifies the dietary ingredient(s) or supplement(s) for which a statementhas been made: Identity of Dietary Ingredient(s) or Suuulement that is the Subiect of the Statement Statement Number The following identifies the brand name of each supplementfor which a statementis made: Statement Number Brand Namq Labei or Labeling , am authorized to certify this Pjotification on behalf of . I cer@ that the tiormation presented and contained in this Notification is complete and accurate, and that ~eflu4 Swrc~ has substantiationthat each structure-function statementis truthful and not misleading. I, Tik2~5~ P- C-W /-k&d S-we Date Signed: ge$t. 2s , I, oc$nerr NOTIFICATION PURSUANT TO SECTION 6 OF DSEEA AND 21 CFR 8101.93 i L> ___ii-.-“---- - ’ ‘voJ _-L_c__- &rba\ %wce This notificationis beingfiled on behalfof which is of the product(s)which bear the statementsidentifiedin this the cwwr notification. Its businessaddressis: 6618 Salotwa fke. Vhn Nays Cfl qlUO5 This notificationis beingmade pursuantto Section6 of DSHEA and Rule 21 C.F.R. $101.93. The dietary supplementproduct on whose label or labeling the statementsappears is &Afri - 6uLz . The text of eachstructure-functionstatementfor whichnotificationis now beimg&en is: The following summaryidentifiesthe dietaryingredient(s)or supplement(s)for which a statementhasbeenmade: Identity of Dietary Ingredient(s) or Suunlement that is the Subject of the Statement Statement Number 1. 2. 1 2 Banabq Cles+> &anaba (leoq] 3. The followingidentifiesthe brandnameof eachsupplementfor which a statementis made: Statement Number Brand Names Label or Labeiiug p- &my I , am authorizedto certify this Notification on behalf of . I certify that the information presentedand containedin this Notification is completeand accurate,and that tferbd Smwce hassubstantiation that eachstructure-functionstatementis truth&l andnot misleading. Date Signed:Sep - 25” , e a03 024175.01 By: / [Namk3 [Title] 4 ,, oww