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Jim Thigpen, PharmD, BCPS
ETSU Bill Gatton College of Pharmacy
Describe the pharmacotherapy used in
smoking cessation
Determine the appropriate therapy to
recommend for a specific patient
Describe patient expectations when using
smoking cessation products
Extent of harms to children caused by
tobacco use and secondhand smoke exposure
Relationship of pediatric tobacco use and
exposure to adult tobacco use
Existence of effective interventions to reduce
the use
Documented underuse of those interventions
Policy Statement – Tobacco Use: A Pediatric Disease, Pediatrics 124(5), Nov 2009
Provide counseling to expectant parents to quit
using tobacco products and avoid SHS exposure
during and after pregnancy
 Assist new parents in their efforts to continue
their tobacco use-abstinence or –cessation
efforts after delivery
 Counsel parents to reduce or eliminate children’s
exposure to SHS
 Counsel preadolescents and adolescents to
prevent initiation
 Counsel adolescents and parents to quit using
85% of parents who smoke consider it
acceptable for their child’s pediatrician to
prescribe a smoking-cessation medication for
In 2005, the American Medical Association
adopted a policy statement supporting the
practice of pediatricians addressing parental
American Medical Association H-490.917 Physician Responsibilities for Tobacco
Cessation. Adopted June 2005, Chicago IL
18.4% will quit if you do nothing
23.1% will quit if you intervene
 Families with children ages 4-17 more likely
 Interventions whose primary goal was cessation
 Interventions that offered medications
 Interventions with high follow-up rates
Rosen LJ, Noach MB et al. Parental smoking cessation to protect young
children: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Pediatrics 129(1) Jan 2012
Cessation rates are ↑ when smokers attended
two or more sessions of ≥ 20 minutes
 Motivating the unwilling patient
 The five Rs
 Relevant reasons to quit
 Risks associated with continued smoking
 Rewards for quitting
 Roadblocks to successful quitting
 Repetition of the counseling of subsequent visits
There is a consistent relationship between more
intensive counseling and abstinence from
No counseling (11%)
1 – 3 minutes (14%)
4 – 30 minutes (19%)
31 – 90 minutes (27%)
Counseling should be sympathetic and
supportive, not confrontational
1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669
Cold turkey
 5% success
Unassisted tapering
 5% success
Assisted tapering
 QuitKey®
 Computer-assisted behavior modification
▪ 19-24% abstinence rate 1 year after quitting
Fiore MC, Jaen CR, Baker TB, et al. (2008) Treating tobacco use and dependence,
2008 Update. Clinical Practice Guideline. Rockville, MD: US DHHS
Nicotine is carried by tar particles to the lung alveoli
and then to the brain
Nicotine binds with to nicotinic cholinergic receptors
in the brain, leading to neurotransmitter release
Tolerance develops with chronic smoking, resulting in
the proliferation of nicotine receptors and permitting
higher levels of self-administration of nicotine
A lack of binding to these receptors due to decreased
smoking results in withdrawal symptoms
About half of phenotypic variance in tobacco
dependence is attributable to genetic influence
Fiore MC, Baker TB. Treating smokers in the health care setting NEJM 2011;365:1222-31
Three general classes of FDA-approved drugs
for smoking cessation:
 Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT)
▪ Gum, patch, lozenge, nasal spray, inhaler
 Psychotropics
▪ Sustained-release bupropion (Zyban®)
 Partial nicotinic receptor agonist
▪ Varenicline (Chantix®)
The clinical practice guideline states that
pregnant smokers should be encouraged to
quit without medication based on insufficient
evidence of effectiveness and hypothetical
 NRT products are category D
 Bupropion is category C
 Varenicline is category C
Smokeless tobacco users
 No FDA indication
Individuals smoking < 10 cigarettes per day
 OTC sales are restricted to ≥ 18
 NRT use in minors requires a prescription
Reduces physical withdrawal from nicotine
Eliminates the immediate, reinforcing effects
of nicotine that is rapidly absorbed via
tobacco smoke
Allows patient to focus on behavioral and
psychological aspects of tobacco cessation
Use of NRT approximately doubles long-term
quit rates relative to placebo
Fiore MC, Jaen CR, Baker TB, et al. (2008) Treating tobacco use and dependence, 2008
Update. Clinical Practice Guideline. Rockville, MD: US DHHS
Polacrilex gum
 Nicorette®, generics
 Nicorette® Lozenge
Nasal Spray
 Nicotrol ® NS
 Nicotrol ®
 Nicorette ® Mini Lozenge
 Generics
Transdermal Patch
 Nicoderm CQ ®
 Generics
Patients should stop using all forms of tobacco upon initiation of NRT
Patients with underlying cardiovascular
 Recent myocardial infarction
 Serious arrhythmias
 Serious or worsening angina
NRT products may be appropriate for these patients if they are
under medical supervision
Resin complex
 Nicotine
 Polacrilin
Sugar-free chewing gum base
Contains buffering agents to enhance buccal
absorption of nicotine
Available in 2mg, 4mg; original, cinnamon,
fruit, mint (various), and orange flavors
Dosage based on current smoking patterns:
If patient smokes
Recommended strength
≥ 25 cigarettes (1 pack)/day
4 mg
< 25 cigarettes/day
2 mg
Recommended Usage Schedule for Nicotine Gum
Weeks 1 - 6
Weeks 7-9
Weeks 10 - 12
1 piece q 1 – 2 h
1 piece q 2 – 4 h
1 piece q 4 – 8 h
Do not use more than 24 pieces per day
Fiore MC, Jaen CR, Baker TB, et al. (2008) Treating tobacco use and dependence, 2008 Update. Clinical Practice Guideline. Rockville, MD: US DHHS
Chew each piece slowly several times
Stop chewing at first sign of peppery taste
“park” gum between cheek and gum
Resume chewing when taste or tingle fades
Return to “park” when taste or tingle resumes
Repeat chew/park until most of the nicotine is
gone (≈ 30 minutes)
Fiore MC, Jaen CR, Baker TB, et al. (2008) Treating tobacco use and dependence, 2008 Update. Clinical Practice Guideline. Rockville, MD: US DHHS
Use at least nine pieces per day
Do not eat or drink anything for 15 minutes
before or while using nicotine gum
 Nicotine polacrilex is buffered to pH 8.5
 Acidic beverages may reduce the pH of the saliva,
reducing the buccal absorption of nicotine
▪ Coffee, wine, juices, soft drinks
Chewing gum too rapidly can cause excessive
nicotine release
 Lightheadedness, N/V, irritation, hiccups, reflux
Fiore MC, Jaen CR, Baker TB, et al. (2008) Treating tobacco use and dependence, 2008 Update. Clinical Practice Guideline. Rockville, MD: US DHHS
 Satisfy oral cravings
 Need for frequent
 Might delay weight
 Dental work
 Must use proper
 Gum might not be
socially acceptable
gain (4 mg)
 Therapy can be titrated
to manage withdrawal
 Flavors
Dosage is based on “time to first cigarette” as
an indicator of nicotine dependence
 Use the 2 mg strength if you smoke the first
cigarette more than 30 minutes after waking
 Use the 4 mg strength if you smoke the first
cigarette less than 30 minutes after waking
Use is essentially identical to gum
 Dosing intervals, titration, use, etc
Nicotine is well absorbed across the skin
Delivery to systemic circulation avoids
hepatic first pass effect
Plasma nicotine levels are lower and fluctuate
less than with smoking
Estimated abstinence rate
Nicotine patch (6-14 weeks)
Nicotine patch (> 14 weeks)
Light Smoker
Heavy Smoker
Nicoderm® CQ
≤ 10 cigarettes/day
Step 2 (14 mg X 6 weeks)
Step 3 (7 mg X 2 weeks)
10 cigarettes/day
Step 1 (21 mg X 6 weeks)
Step 2 (14 mg X 2 weeks)
Step 3 (7 mg X 2 weeks)
≤ 10 cigarettes/day
Step 2 (14 mg X 6 weeks)
Step 3 (7 mg X 2 weeks)
10 cigarettes/day
Step 1 (21 mg X 4 weeks)
Step 2 (14 mg X 2 weeks)
Step 3 (7 mg X 2 weeks)
Choose an area of skin on the upper body or
upper outer part of the arm
Make sure the skin is clean, dry, hairless, and
not irritated
Apply patch to different area each day
Do not use same area again for at least 1
Side effects to expect in first hour:
 Mild itching
 Burning
 Tingling
Additional possible side effects:
 Vivid dreams or sleep disturbances
 Headache
Up to 50% will have local skin reactions
Aqueous solution of nicotine (10 ml)
Each metered dose delivers
 50 mcl spray
 0.5 mg nicotine
≈ 100 doses/bottle
Rapid absorption across nasal mucosa
More rapid onset compared to gum, patch, or
26.7% 6-month abstinence rate
One dose = 1 mg nicotine
 (2 sprays, one 0.5 mg spray in each nostril)
Start with 1-2 doses per hour
Increase prn to maximum dosage of 5 doses
per hour or 40 mg (80 sprays; ½ bottle) daily
For best results, patients should use at least 8
doses daily for the first 6-8 weeks
Gradual tapering over an additional 4-6
Start with at least 6 cartridges/day during the
first 3-6 weeks of treatment
 Increase to a maximum of 16 cartridges per day
 In general, use 1 cartridge every 1-2 hours
Recommended duration of therapy is 3
Gradually reduce daily dosage over the
following 6-12 weeks
During inhalation, nicotine is vaporized and
absorbed across oropharyngeal mucosa
Inhale into back of throat or puff in short
Nicotine in cartridges is depleted after about
20 minutes of active puffing
 Cartridge does not have to be used all at once
 Open cartridge retains potency for 24 hours
Mouthpiece is reusable; clean regularly
Side effects associated with the nicotine
inhaler include:
Mild irritation of mouth or throat
Severity generally rated as mild, and
frequency of symptoms declined with use
Sustained release antidepressant
Oral only
Estimated abstinence rate is 24.2%
Atypical antidepressant thought to affect
levels of dopamine and norepinephrine
Clinical effects
 ↓ craving for cigarettes
 ↓ symptoms of nicotine withdrawal
Fiore MC, Jaen CR, Baker TB, et al. (2008) Treating tobacco use and dependence, 2008 Update. Clinical Practice Guideline. Rockville, MD: US DHHS
 History of epilepsy
 Other sources of bupropion (Wellbutrin®)
 MAO inhibitors in preceding 14 days
 Prior diagnosis of anorexia, bulemia, other
psychiatric disorders (suicide risk)
 Abrupt discontinuation of benzodiazepines,
sedatives, or alcohol (↑ seizure risk)
 Hepatic disease
Patients should begin therapy 1 – 2 weeks
prior to their quit date to ensure target
plasma levels
150 mg once daily for 3 days, then BID
 Duration is 7-12 weeks
Common side effects include:
 Insomnia, dry mouth
Less common
 Tremor, skin rash
Binds with high affinity and selectivity to α4β2
neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors
 Stimulates low-level agonist activity
 Competitively inhibits binding of nicotine
Clinical effects
 ↓ symptoms of nicotine withdrawal
 Blocks dopaminergic stimulation responsible for
reinforcement & reward associated with smoking
Neurophychiatric symptoms and suicidality
 Changes in mood
 Psychosis/hallucinations/paranoia/delusions
 Homicial ideation/hostility
 Agitation/anxiety/panic
 Suicidal ideation or attempts
 Completed suicide
Patients should begin therapy 1 week prior to
their quit date
Treatment Day
Day 1 to day 3
0.5 mg daily
Day 4 to day 7
0.5 mg BID
Day 8 to end of treatment
1 mg BID
Adverse Effects (> 5% and x2 higher than placebo)
 Nausea
 Sleep disturbances
 Constipation
 Flatulance
 Vomiting
 Vivid dreams (< 5%)
 α2-adrenergic agonist that reduces sympathetic
outflow that reduces the autonomic symptoms of
 May be beneficial
 May be beneficial
Nasal Spray
15 18
Combination NRT
 Patch + gum/inhaler/nasal spray
Bupropion + Nicotine patch