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Stochastic Models
Walt Pohl
Universität Zürich
Department of Business Administration
February 28, 2013
What is Probability?
Mathematically, it’s just a list of axioms:
Probabilities between 0 and 1.
Probabilities of all possibilities add up to 1.
If two things, A and B can’t both happen at the
same time, then probability of A or B equals
probability of A + probability of B.
But when do these axioms apply?
Walt Pohl (UZH QBA)
Stochastic Models
February 28, 2013
The Three Justifications of Probability
Subjective probability
Objective probability
Market probability
Walt Pohl (UZH QBA)
Stochastic Models
February 28, 2013
Objective Probability
Objective probability – a probability statement is an
objective fact about the world.
If you flip a fair coin a large number of times, it will
come up heads 50% of the time.
But what about events that only happen once?
Walt Pohl (UZH QBA)
Stochastic Models
February 28, 2013
Subjective Probability
Subjective probability – a probability statement is a
subjective belief how likely something is.
Usually formatted as betting odds. You believe that a
coin is fair if you’re willing to bet 0.5 to win 1 that it
comes up heads.
In practice, probability is frequently subjective by
Walt Pohl (UZH QBA)
Stochastic Models
February 28, 2013
Market Probability
Market probability – the betting odds assign in the
In 2010, SkyBet gave Switzerland a 55% chance of
beating Honduras in the World Cup. Did SkyBet believe
that Switerland has a 55% chance of winning? Probably
Walt Pohl (UZH QBA)
Stochastic Models
February 28, 2013
Probability Distributions
We usually work with real-valued probability
distributions: for each range [a, b], we can calculate
P(a ≤ x ≤ b).
Sufficient to know the cumulative distribution
function (cdf):
F (a) = P(x ≤ a)
Walt Pohl (UZH QBA)
Stochastic Models
February 28, 2013
Discrete Probability Distributions
Can only take on a finite number of values:
a1 , . . . , an .
Can be given by probability mass function,
f (a) = P(x = a).
CDF is
F (a) =
f (ai ).
ai <a
Walt Pohl (UZH QBA)
Stochastic Models
February 28, 2013
Continuous Probability Distributions
Can take a continuous range of values.
Can be given by probability density function,
f (a).
CDF is
Z a
f (x)dx.
Probability of any single real number happening is
Walt Pohl (UZH QBA)
Stochastic Models
February 28, 2013
Other Possibilities
Discrete and continuous probability distributions are not
the only possibilities.
Let X be normally distributed, and define a new random
variable as min(X , 0). Then this is a discrete random
variable 50% of the time (exactly equal to zero), and a
continuous random variable 50% of the time.
There are more exotic possibilities, related to fractals.
Walt Pohl (UZH QBA)
Stochastic Models
February 28, 2013
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Working with Probability Distributions
We typically want to know certain things.
Extremes: 5%, 95%
We get these values either analytically or by Monte Carlo
Walt Pohl (UZH QBA)
Stochastic Models
February 28, 2013
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Aside on Quantiles
For continuous distributions, quantiles and the CDF are
closely related. The q-th quantile is a such that
P(x ≤ a) = q.
If F is the CDF, then F −1 (q) is the q-th quantile.
Walt Pohl (UZH QBA)
Stochastic Models
February 28, 2013
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For discrete distributions, you can compute everything by
brute force. For continuous distributions, you can do it
only certain cases.
Most important case: normal distribution.
2πσ 2
2σ 2
We can show the mean is µ and the variance is σ 2 .
Let Φ be the CDF. Then Φ−1 (q) is the q-th quantile.
Walt Pohl (UZH QBA)
Stochastic Models
February 28, 2013
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Monte Carlo Simulation
We simulate draws from the distribution on a computer.
We then work with these statistically – to compute the
mean, standard deviation, or quantiles, we use the
sample quantities computed from the random draws.
Walt Pohl (UZH QBA)
Stochastic Models
February 28, 2013
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Why Does Monte Carlo Work?
Monte Carlo simulation generates a simulated CDF,
which approximate the true CDF.
Glivenko-Cavelli Theorem: As the number of draws goes
to infinity, the simulated CDF converges to the true CDF.
Walt Pohl (UZH QBA)
Stochastic Models
February 28, 2013
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