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Study on Circular Economic Development Pattern of Zhuhai
QI Mingde1, BI Shihong2
1. School of Management, Guangdong University of Technology, P.R.China, 510520
2. School of Law & Administration, Beijing Normal University at Zhuhai, P.R.China, 519085
Abstract: It is known that there is friendly ecological environment in Zhuhai, yet conflict between
economic development and environment protection is still fierce. However, circular economy paves the
way for both goals to be achieved simultaneously. As far as related development models of circular
economy around the globe are concerned, the paper brings forward a regional model tailed for its
developing conditions with aim to achieve circular economic development on the basis of analyzing
characteristics and conditions for regional development in Zhuhai. The development of circular
economy in Zhuhai that can not be limited to a business or an Industrial park should serve for more
fields. Industrial parks should be considered to be built with regard to material cycle, energy utilization,
technology integration, facility communion, and information transference with attempt to build a
regional eco-industrial park cluster. Circular economy is effectively achieved by integrated
eco-industrial chain based on Industrial park cluster. And some exemplary tactics for achieving
development of circular economy for Zhuhai are offered.
Keywords: Circular Economy, Ecological Economy, Ecological and Industrial Park, Industrial Park
Cluster, Zhuhai
In 1960s, “the theory of spacecraft” demonstrated by US economist, K.E.Boulding, a remarkable
symbol, gave birth to the theory of circular economy. (Wu Jisong, 2003)[1]
In 1989, with the concept of Industrial ecology emerging (Robert Frosch & Nicolas Gallopoulos[2]),
researches on the field of Industrial ecology have been expanded (Tibbs,1992[3]; Peddle,1993[4]:
Allenby, and Richards, 1994[5]; Garner and Keoleian,1995[6]; Ayres,1996[7]; Lowe, 1997[8];
Cohen-Resenthal,1998[9]; Chertow, Marian, 2000[10]). Industrial ecology has considered human
Industrial activities as a system similar to nature eco-system with functions of transportation and
deposition for materials, energy, and information (Cote, 1996) [11]. One-way model,
“resource-production-waste”, has be converted to circular model, “resource-production-recyclable
resource”, by Industrial ecology that states that Industrial system creates a various circular flow of
resources in order to protect eco-environment on the premise of promoting economic
As far as circular economy is concerned, early domestic researches focused on how to guide China’s
Industrial economic development on the basis of application of theories of circular economy (Chu
Dajian, 1998[13]; 2000[14]; Duan Ning, 2001[15]). At present, the combination of theory of circular
economy with theory of Industrial ecology, which plays a vital role in promoting the development of
circular economy, is the new trend for development. The emergence of concept of Ecological and
Industrial Park is a good example for the combination. Many researchers develop a intense interest in
this field when related concepts of Ecological and Industrial Park spring up (Lowe, 1997[8], Cote, 1998[9],
Cohen- Rosenthal, 1998[9], Wang Zhaohua, 2002[16], 2003[17], Ayres, 1996) [7]). As spreading of
practicing the concepts of Ecological and Industrial Park, domestic researchers such as Wang Zhaohua
launch deep studies on its operating model, Industrial co-exist mechanism, Industrial co-exist model and
ecologic chain structure in the park[18][19][20]. In practices, there are a variety of Ecological and Industrial
Parks in Europe, America, Asia, including China. Kalundborg Park in Denmark is most typical
representation around the world in the function of operation of Ecological and Industrial system
(Jacobsen 2006[21]).
However, at present, there are many flaws in the theory and practice in Ecological and Industrial Park.
The theory and practice of Ecological and Industrial Park often takes consideration into Industrial
ecology and resource cycle more from the angle of park, less from the angle of businesses outside park
and entire social economic cycling. Given this viewpoints, on the basis of analyzing the existing
problems and advantages for developing circular economy of Zhuhai, originated from a social economic
region—Zhuhai, the paper demonstrates that applicable development model of circular economy is a
regionally, integrated, ecologic Industrial Park Cluster lead-lined by junctures on ecological Industrial
chains, which takes 3 lays of business, Industrial park and society into account, with aim to realize
integrated developing model of circular economy.
Zhuhai, to be located at Guangdong province and be adjacent to Macao, with area of about 7653 square
kilometers among which land area is 1678 square kilometers , is one of China’s Special Economic
Zones established in 1980. In 2007, resident population is 1454.4 thousands. Traditionally, Zhuhai pays
more attention to environment protection, which results in the fact that Zhuhai is generally regarded as
one of most environment-friendly and best habitable modern city in the Pearl River Delta Region.
However, the contradiction between Zhuhai’s economic development and environmental protection is
significant. Developing circular economy is the way to guide Zhuhai to be built as “harmony, efficiency,
ecology” city in the Pearl River Delta Region.
1. Problems Existing in Zhuhai Circular Economic Development
At present, Zhuhai has possessed a comparatively complete industrial system and has had capability to
achieve circular use of materials and make best use of them, but its circular use, due to limitation of
technical, economic and social management level, is still not able to cover all the production and
consumption fields and is still in the development status of “harness while pollution”. There are still
many problems existing in Zhuhai circular economic development. Details are as following:
1.1 Recognition of Circular Economy Between Government and Enterprises Is Not Yet Unified
Development of circular economy is a system engineering which involves many fields such as nature,
economy and society, many links such as production, circulation and consumption and many aspects
such as regions, industries and enterprises. Viewing from micro stratum, it requires enterprises to save
energy and reduce consumption, to raise the use rate of resources, to realize decrement and to reduce
discharge of wastes and pollutants; viewing from medium stratum, it requires to prolong and broaden
the production chains and to promote cooperation between industries; viewing from macro stratum, it
requires to regulate the structure of industries and the distribution of regions and to coordinate circular
use of resources between enterprises, industries, regions and towns and rural areas. All these require a
good combination of government, enterprises and residents in which government are responsible for
regulation and control, enterprises for operation and residents for participation so as to promote together
circular economic development. However, according to our visits and investigations, there are still gaps
in recognition of circular economy between residents, enterprises and government.
(1) Residents Have Lower Level Recognition of Circular Economy
Residents are the basis of circular economic development. However, at present most of Zhuhai residents
believe that development of circular economy is the responsibility of the government and enterprises,
and is not their own duties, as a result, residents are not eagerly to participate it.
(2) Enterprises Mostly Consider the Cost and Do Not Connect Themselves with Social Responsibility
Enterprise is the main body in circular economic development and the effect of enterprise’s operation is
the key of circular economic development. From a short-term point of view, development of circular
economy would raise operational and managerial cost of the enterprise, especially when an enterprise
independently carries out circular economic development, thus in a short term, would threatening the
competitive power and reducing the benefit-earning capacity of the enterprise, therefore, many
enterprises of Zhuhai are not enthusiastic in implementing circular economy, and many enterprises, in
order to reach pollution prevention standard, passively make environment harness and are not willing to
invest more manpower, materials and financial resources.
(3) Government’s Promotion of Circular Economy Is Not Strong Enough
Government is the major promoter of circular economy. To develop circular economy, it must rely on
government to carry out the idea of development in regional economic development, to change the
traditional developmental idea and to cast away the extensive development pattern. However, so far
Zhuhai government, the same as governments in other regions, recognizes the contents of circular
economy mostly from the angle of environment and not from the economic angle, believing that circular
economy only plays certain roles in environment protection and ecological promotion, and doesn’t
recognize that circular economy is an economic development pattern by which economic, environmental
and social benefits can be attained, therefore, in the management decision making, the government has
not implemented the idea of circular economic development. Because long-term benefit of circular
economic development is bigger but less than short-term benefit, in the selection of short-term economic
growth or circular economic development, Zhuhai government still selects the short-term economic
growth and gives up resolute promotion of circular economic development.
1.2 Basic Conditions of Circular Use of Resources and Environment Protection Industry
Development Are Not Perfective
In recent years, although Zhuhai has got obvious results in environment protection, its infrastructure of
environment protection is still obviously deficient comparing with that of the developed countries and
First of all, in Zhuhai, environment management capability is weak and environment managerial
personnel seriously lacks, especially in district environment departments. Technical capability of
environment management, such as environment supervision and monitoring, information management
and environment education and propagation, still has a big gap to meet the standards. Dynamic
environment supervision capability, quick responding reaction and emergency handling ability are still
not strong. Environmental technology research force and theoretical creation of environment
management are still not enough. Conditions to implement environment management system as well as
ability to manage environment still can not satisfy the demand of modern high effective management.
Secondly, construction of urban environment infrastructure lags behind, especially in the west area in
which a big “historical debt” was left. Collection rate of living and industrial sewages is low. River in
the city often becomes “a pipe of natural interception”, thus making it like a special “treatment plant of
channel sewage”. So far, in Jinwan and Doumen districts, there is no sewage treatment plant and
garbage treatment field yet, which seriously causes pollution of the surrounding environment and
restrains implementation of the strategy of “west movement of industries and expansion of the city”. At
present, medical garbage in Zhuhai is burned and treated by the Garbage Power Plant, which, in strictly
speaking, does not conform to the state technical standards, but so far, Zhuhai still has no standard
medical garbage treatment field, thus make it far from the requirements of safety treatment. Moreover,
non-orderly and simple treatment of waste and old electric appliances causes serious ecological
pollution and waste of resources, therefore, construction of environment infrastructure is the key factor
that restrains circular use of resources in Zhuhai.
Thirdly, nature, rural area and ocean ecological protection and construction need to be strengthened
urgently. Urban ecological safety system waits to be further strengthened. The way of land resources
utilization is comparatively extensive. Forest ecological benefit still needs to be raised. The problem of
loss of earth and water has not been essentially solved. In rural area, surface source pollution caused by
domestic animal and poultry has not yet been controlled. And protection of wet land ecological system
and island ecological system need further strengthening.
1.3 Construction of Laws and Regulations on Circular Economic Development Lags behind
To establish circular economy and realize circular use of resources, it is necessary to set up a
comprehensive legal system of circular economy, to make circular economic construction be legalized,
systematic and to achieve the target of legal construction, legal supervision and legal management. This
legal system must include not only the basic laws on circular economy, but also the other laws and
regulations, such as environment protection law, law on saving resources and energy, and laws and
regulations on materials recovery and reuse. At the same time, an effective system of administration and
law enforcement must be established. So far Zhuhai has not yet issue any laws and regulations
concerning circular economy, circular use of resources and environment protection. But in 2004, Japan
already started to implement such 7 laws as “Basic Law on Promoting and Establishing Circular-type
Society”. Among the developed countries, Japan was the one that most comprehensively stipulated
circular economic law. In 1991 and 1996, Germany respectively publicized the “Law on Packaging
Waste Treatment” and the “Law on Circular Economy and Waste Management”. Germany was the
earliest country that stipulated laws on circular economy. Affected by Germany, the European Union and
the North America consecutively stipulated laws on product recovery, green packaging, etc. and at the
same time they have also set a detailed target for recovery, multiuse and regeneration of packaging
1.4 Technical Level of Zhuhai Environment Protection Industry Is lower
From a view of domestic and international situation, environment protection industry is generally
regarded as one of high technologies, but Zhuhai environment protection product manufacture and
environment protection technology development still lack of independently developed capability. Even
if there are some environment protection technologies, most of them are common technologies.
Equipments with high-tech level such as sulfur dioxide treatment equipment, dust eliminating and
desulfurizing integrated equipment as well as industrial waste gas purification apparatus are very weak
and most of them are imported from other countries. Lower technical content, backward technology,
lower automation degree and bad operation reliability are one of the major factors that affect the
development of Zhuhai environment protection industry.
1.5 Zhuhai Environment Protection Industry Lacks Information
In Zhuhai, there are few departments (except the environment protection bureau) that can provide
information for environment protection industry. Due to lack of environment protection information,
most enterprises do not understand the whole development plan of Zhuhai environment protection and
the present major problems of environment protection, even more the development trend of Zhuhai
environment protection and international environment technology and markets. As a result, facing
entering the environment protection industry, many enterprises adopt the attitude of “wait and see” and
hesitate to move forward.
Moreover, there are still problems that restrain use of resources, such as big proportion of construction
land, serious loss of water and earth, obvious contradiction between water supply and demand, pressures
on the “three high” (high investment, high consumption and high pollution) enterprises are difficult to
be relieved in a short time and lack of ecological related technology in certain extent affects Zhuhai
circular economic development.
2. Favorable Conditions for Zhuhai Circular Economic Development
2.1 Continuous Growth of Zhuhai Comprehensive Economic Strength Provides Strong Support to
Circular Economic Development
Since reform and opening up to the outside world, especially since the establishment of Zhuhai Special
Economic Zone, tremendous changes have taken place in Zhuhai and enormous achievements have been
made in economic construction. Viewing from the total amount of economy, in the last 20 years, the
total output value of Zhuhai increased with an average annual growth of 21 %, and general financial
income 26 %. In 2006 realized a total local output value of 74.96 billion yen and total industrial output
value of 200.57 billion yen. The caliber financial revenue was 19.52 billion yen. Calculating in
accordance with permanent population, per-capita GDP reached 52,300 yen, converting into USD6539,
ranking the third in the province, economic structure has been gradually optimized, industrial structural
proportions of three times in 2006 are 2.7: 55.4: 41, agricultural structural regulation achieved obvious
results, pillar-role of industry in the whole economic construction has further been strengthened, the
trend of heavy industry and seniority is clear, the third industry, such as finance and banking, logistics,
tourism, trade, real estate developed quickly.
2.2 Environment Protection Investment Level of Zhuhai Is Higher than State Investment Level
Before 1980s, China basically had no investment in control of environment pollution, urban
environment infrastructure is seriously deficient. During the period of “the seventh five-year plan” and
“the eighth five-year plan”, investment obviously increased, but has not met the requirements of
environment control and planning, investment in environment only occupied 0.5% to 0.8% of GDP, this
didn’t suit the high growth of economy. Investment of environment funds is the guarantee of
environment industry development, in the developed countries, environment investment occupies more
than 1.5 % of GDP, but China only occupied around 0.7 % before 1990s, and in 2006, environment
control investment accounted for 1.3 5 % of GDP. However, in the near five years, Zhuhai’s average
investment level is 2.462 %., far higher than the state environment investment level. (See the following
Table 1).
Table 1: Proportions of Zhuhai Environment Investment
Total Investment in Environment
Total Amount
(100 million yen)
Increase Margin %
Data Source: Zhuhai Statistic Yearbook 2007
Total Amount
(100 million yen)
Increase Margin %
From the table above, we can see that the proportion of GDP occupied by Zhuhai environment
investment gradually upgraded in whole, but in the near two years, it tend to drop. This mainly resulted
from the relevant effect produced by recent years’ environment investment. Generally speaking, along
with Zhuhai’s rapid growth of economic total amount, the proportion of environment investment was
steady. Because the base of Zhuhai’s total amount of economy increased, the absolute amount of
environment was comparatively bigger. For example, in 2006, although Zhuhai’s environment
protection investment only occupied 2.43% of GDP, its absolute amount reached 1.8199058 billion yen.
These funds were mainly used in urban environment infrastructure construction, industrial pollution
source control, operation of various control equipments, comprehensively harnessing district
environment and construction of environment management capability and used in building ten key
environment projects such as sewage treatment, garbage treatment, desulfurization of power plant,
harnessing of rivers and streams and ecological model establishment. Moreover, Zhuhai also established
a system for environment supervision and announcement, a pollution emergency and treatment
mechanism, an environment law enforcement system and a digital environment management system. At
the same time Zhuhai also started the construction of the project of safe water source system.
2.3 Good Natural Ecological Environment of Zhuhai Provides A Solid Foundation for Circular
Economic Development
With mutual separation by hills and waters, and watching each other on main land and islands, Zhuhai
has an excellent ecological environment. It is the only city that was selected with the whole city
landscape as one of the “40 Best Tourism Places of China”. With first-grade dwelling environment,
Zhuhai for nine times won the first place in the Provincial Environment Comprehensive Harness
Quantitative Evaluation since 1990, and respectively won many national titles and prizes, such as “State
Garden City”, “State Model City of Environment Protection”, “State Hygiene City”, “State-Level
Ecological Demonstration Zone” and “China Excellent Tourism City”. Zhuhai also won the Best
Example Prize of International Dwelling Environment Improvement” conferred by the UN Residency
Zhuhai’s fresh water source is abundant. Among the eight mouths of the Pearl River flowing to the sea,
five are located in Zhuhai, The annual runoff amount reaches 151.8 billion cubic meters, occupying 46.6
% of the total runoff amount of the Pearl River. Zhuhai has a rich land reserve in which 678.7 square
kilometers are suitable for construction. By the end of 2006, 195 square kilometers of land has been
constructed. Zhuhai possesses plentiful ocean resources. In the Pearl River Delta, Zhuhai is the city with
the largest ocean and island area, the most islands and the longest coastline.
For years, along with progress of environment protection work, the environment quality of Zhuhai has
consecutively kept steady and good. In 2006, the regional environmental noise figure was 54.8 decibel
and average traffic trunk noise figure was 67.9 decibel, meeting the national standards. Urban air
environment quality was good and air pollution index kept in a fine level. In a year, there were 241 days
that have I-grade (excellent) air quality, occupying 66 %; 124 days that have II-grade (good) air quality,
occupying 34 %; the rate of acid rain was 65.9 %, 11 % lower than that in 2005. Water environment
quality was in a better level; water quality reaching rate of dinking water source was 99.4 %., which
won the first place in provincial environment protection responsibility evaluation and the first place in
provincial comprehensive Pearl River harness evaluation, and stood first on the national list, thus
smoothly passed the review of “State Environment Protection Model City.
2.4 All the Previous Governments of Zhuhai Attached Great Importance to Environment
Protection and Provided Policy Support to Circular Economic Development
Zhuhai governments attached extreme importance to environment protection and continuously increased
investment in environment protection. At the same time, the municipal government further strengthened
the environment protection merit examination of leading groups of administrative and economic
functional districts, established an initial environment supervision and announcement system, an
environment pollution accident emergency treatment mechanism, an entire city environment law
enforcement system and a digital environment management system, thus continuously strengthening
environment management capability.
Patterns That Can Be Borrowed for Zhuhai Circular Economic Development
3.1 International Development Patterns of Circular Economy That Can Be Borrowed for Use
During long practice, all countries in the world tried to find out circular economic development patters
and as a result, three basic patterns have been formed:
The first is the inner enterprise circular economic development pattern, also called Dupont pattern. The
development pattern of Dupont Company is as follows: implement clean production, comprehensive use
of resources and energy, prolong production chain and circular use of materials in each processing link
within the enterprise, reduction of energy and material use volume during the production, reduction of
waste and poisonous substance discharge, maximum use of regeneration resources and upgrading of
durableness of products.
The second is the regional ecological and industrial park pattern, also called Kalundborg pattern. This
kind of pattern is used like that in accordance with industrial ecological principle and through
integration of materials, energy and information, the company is to form a relation of supersession
symbiosis and interconnection between industries, to make waste gas, water, residue in one factory and
heat to be used and become into materials and energy in another factory and thus establish an industrial
ecological park. The Kalunbo Industrial Park in Demark is a typical representative of this pattern. This
Park takes power plant, oil refinery, pharmaceutical factory and plaster tablet factory as core, through a
form of trade, uses waste substance or by-products generated by another factory in production process as
its production raw materials, thus not only can reduce the amount of waste generated and treatment cost,
but also can attain good economic benefit and form a good circulation between economic development
and environment protection.
The third is the social circular economic system, which can be divided into waste recover and reuse
system and circular-type society system. Waste recovery and reuse system takes German waste binary
recovery system (DSD) as representative. DSD is a non-profit social medium organization that specially
engages in recovery and treatment of packaging waste. This organization is composed of product
manufacturing factory, packaging factory and garbage recovery department. It operates according to
market price and provides compensable recovery and reuse of packaging waste for the production
enterprise, benefit is attained, it will return the profit.
In fact, the above three patterns completely embody three stratums of circular economic system.
Practices prove that development of circular economy often takes enterprise’s integrated production and
good circulation of producing raw materials and energy as base and guide. And circular society includes
circulation of enterprise, combination circulation among enterprises and circular use of green
consumption and social wastes. Therefore, the relation among the three stratums is containment and
mutual supplement.
3.2 Domestic Development Patterns of Circular Economy That Can Be Borrowed for Use
In 2000, China decided to develop circular economy, to take new industrialized road and to realize the
strategy of regional sustainable development. Every region in China carried out theoretical exploration
and practice of circular economy from different stratums and fields.
Liaoning and Shanghai are the two provincial regions that earliest started to develop circular economy.
At present circular economic development in these two regions has won initial success. Liaoning
province is the first to make experiments of circular economic construction. It enacted “a trail scheme of
Liaoning circular economic development” and planed to use around 10 years to establish a perfective
mechanism and framework of circular economic development and form a new economic development
In 2000, Shanghai Development and Planning Committee once organized and carried “studies on
Shanghai circular economic development”, put forward the target, principle, counter measures and
thought of Shanghai circular economic development. At present, Shanghai municipal management and
environment construction, including enterprise production and management, industrial park construction,
recovery and reuse of urban garbage are all guided by these policies.
Besides Liaoning and Shanghai, many regions adopted certain measures to develop circular economy
from two stratums of enterprise and industrial park. So far, 6 State Ecological and Industrial
Demonstration Parks have passed verification by the State General Environment Bureau, such as
Guigang State Ecological and Industrial (refine sugar) Demonstration Park in Guangxi, Nanhai State
Ecological and Industrial Demonstration Park in Guangdong, Shihezi State Ecological and Industrial
(paper making) Demonstration Park, Baotou State Ecological and Industrial (aluminum) Demonstration
Park, Huangxing State Ecological and Industrial Demonstration Park in Changsha and Lubei State
Ecological and Industrial (chemical engineering) Demonstration Park.
4. Pattern Selection and Countermeasures of Zhuhai Circular Economic
4.1 Selection of Patterns of Zhuhai Circular Economic Development
In line with international and domestic experiences of development pattern, Zhuhai circular economic
development should comprehensively consider three stratums of enterprise, industrial park and society
and form into a regional and complete cluster of ecological and industrial parks with ecological
industrial chain as tie.
Ecological industrial chain is the most fundamental unit of ecological and industrial park and also the
most fundamental feature of the ecological and industrial park. In ecological and industrial park, there
should be advantages in resources and industry and multi-industrial structure as well, only in this way,
can it be able to form core resources, core industries and lead ecological and industrial chain, and can it
be able to take this as base to link other industries and form an ecological and industrial system.
Between each industry or each enterprise, there is an industrial relation or potential relation, namely,
transmission relation of material flow, information flow and energy flow, or interaction relation between
each industry or between each enterprise. If there is no relation or potential relation, it is impossible to
form ecological industry. And industrial cluster is just a good carrier for industries to link one another in
close distance. According to the present situation of Zhuhai, we should fully use of its advantage of
resources to develop ecological resources industry and consider comprehensively to build industrial park
from such aspects as material circulation, utilization of energy, technical integration, sharing of
infrastructure and information transmission, and then try to set up a regional cluster of ecological and
industrial parks and through the parks form a complete ecological industrial chain. Construction of
ecological and Industrial Park can be made from four stratums: park cluster, parks, enterprises and
To newly built industrial park, it must be planned and developed in accordance with the requirements of
ecological and industrial park; to the old industrial park, ecological renovation must be made so as to
make it conform to the standard of circular economy through renovation of old production process and
technology and introduction of new and related enterprises into the park.
In the near period, we should take Gaolangang Industrial Park and Nanping Industrial Park as prior
demonstration project to build demonstrative ecological and industrial park and fully use the scientific
and renovation strength of the high-tech district. In the distant period, we should use the demonstrative
industrial park to drive renovation and transfer of other industrial parks and finally form a regional and
comparatively complete ecological and industrial park cluster with ecological industrial chain as tie.
4.2 Countermeasures of Zhuhai Circular Economic Development
The target of Zhuhai circular economic development is to raise resources use rate, to transfer economic
growth way and to upgrade economic comprehensive competitive strength. It, relying on common effort
of government, enterprises and the public and through scientific and technological renovation and
system creation, establishes a system of laws and regulations, a system of science and technology, a
system of preferential policy system, an evaluation index system and green standard system, implements
the idea of circular economy in such links as production, circulation, consumption, recovery, etc and
carries out circular economic practices in stratums such as enterprise, parks, regions and society so as to
finally form rich feature-containing circular economic pattern.
According to the above analyses, detail measures are raised in this paper (See the following picture 1):
Ecological and industrial park Cluster
Production Link
Social Economic Stratum
Circulation Link
Park Stratum
Consumption Link
Enterprise Stratum
The Public
Legal System
Recovery Link
Index System
Green Standard
Scientific and
Technological Creation
System Creation
Circular Economic Theory
Picture 1: Pattern Selection of Zhuhai Circular Economic Development
(1) Persist in “one theoretic system”—Circular economic development system
Governments in all levels should fully recognize that the circular economic theory is the main
theory that direct Zhuhai regional economic development and actively carry the propaganda and
education work so as to reach a common knowledge of the society.
(2) Develop circular economy through scientific and technological creation and system creation
Scientific and technological creation and system creation are “two wheels” of circular economic
development and resources saving-type society construction. First of all, under the preset level of
technology, constrain the economic action of each economic body through system creation and
secondly, use system creation to encourage personnel resources to engage in scientific and
technological creation and raise resources use rate.
(3) Rely on “three forces”—government, enterprises and the public to develop circular economy
To develop circular economy, it is necessary to combine the three forces of government, enterprise
and the public and establish an integrated development mechanism of government, market and
social public.
(4) Set about “three strata” –enterprises, parks and regional society to develop circular economy.
Grasp well “the little circulation” of enterprise stratum: select typical and large enterprises and
through saving energy and reduction of consumption and clear production, develop ecological
enterprises. Grasp well “the medium circulation” of park stratum: conduct ecological renovation of
industrial parks and industrial functional districts and develop ecological park cluster. Grasp well
“the big circulation” of regional social stratum: Implementation of all measures and projects of
urban ecological construction.
(5) Grasp well “four links” in circular economic development: production link, circulation link,
consumption link and recovery link. In the link of production, great efforts must be given to raise
resources comprehensive use rate to achieve “best use of materials and land”; In the link of
circulation, it is necessary to fully use the international and domestic “two markets and two
resources”, to actively develop the international trade of waste regeneration industry and to
optimize resources distribution; In the link of consumption, great efforts is needed to advocate
green consumption, to encourage use green products, to save energy, water, materials, to conduct
garbage separation, to reduce one-time-use articles and to progressively become conscious action of
consumers; In the link of recovery, it is necessary to set up waste and old materials classification
and recovery system, to raise the comprehensive use rate of waste water, gas and residues and to
promote industries to realize circular use of waste materials through extension and combination of
(6) Establish “five supporting systems” of circular economic development: legal system, scientific and
technological system, economic policy system, evaluation index system and green standard system.
5. Conclusion
Realization of social and economic sustainable development is a fundamental strategy of a state. The
development strata include state, provincial-level regions and grass-root social and economic regions.
China has a vast territory and the characteristic of each part differs greatly. Therefore, exploration of
suitable circular economic pattern will determine success or failure of circular economic development.
To summarize the above analysis, we hold that to Zhuhai, a very suitable dwelling city, selection of
circular economic development pattern is inevitable. Combining with the international and domestic
development experiences, we put forward a development pattern of ecological and industrial park
cluster and hope that it would have reference value for local development. Of course, there is some
deficiency in this paper due to insufficient information about Zhuhai environment protection and
economic development. Topics for further research include Evaluation of Zhuhai Circular Economic
Development, Selection and Cultivation of Industries in Ecological and Industrial Park, Operation
Mechanism of Ecological and Industrial Park Cluster.
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