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Calculation of Urban Domestic Pollutants and the Spatial
Distribution in Haihe River Basin
ZHANG Yuan11 CHEN Qian2 XU Bao2
1.River and Coastal Environmental Research Center, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental
Sciences, Beijing, 100012, China .
2. School of Natural Resources and Environment, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China
[email protected].
Abstract The approach of calculating total discharge of the pollution sources of urban life is
proposed, and the major pollutants including COD, NH3-N, BOD5, TN ( total nitrogen )and TP ( total
phosphorus ) discharge are respectively 59.44×104t, 9.51×104t, 28.37×104t, 11.61×104t and 1.23×104t in
Haihe River basin in 2005. The spatial distribution of the total discharge of pollution and discharge per
capita daily are analyzed. The results show that main pollution regions with large discharge of urban
domestic pollutants in Haihe River basin are Beijing city, Tianjin city, and trans-juris regions. It is
different in the special distribution of pollutant discharge per capita daily. The cities with largest
discharge of COD, NH3-N, BOD5, TN and TP per capital daily are respectively Shandong Dezhou,
Shanxi Datong, Shanxi Jinzhong, Shanxi Datong and Beijing City. The capacity of urban sewage
treatment is related with GDP per capital and the city size. The bigger is GDP per capital, the stronger is
capacity of urban sewage treatment. Meanwhile, the city size and the capacity of urban sewage
treatment also have a positive correlation.
Keywords the Haihe River basin, urban life, pollution resource, calculation, spatial distribution
1. Instruction
The Haihe River Basin is located in the northern area of China's eastern plain, including Beijing,
Tianjin, Hebei, Shanxi, Shandong, Henan and Inner Mongolia (7 provinces, municipality cities and
autonomous regions), and 11 mega cities with the population of each city over 1,000,000. This area
plays an important role in the economic, political and transport aspects. In 2005, the population of Haihe
River Basin was 1.38 108, of which the urban population in town was 5007×104, the urbanization rate
was 36.2% and the population density was 433 people / km2, belonging to the densely populated area.
With the rapid economic and social development and continuous improvement of urbanization level, the
water resources shortage and the water environment deterioration of the Haihe River Basin have become
hindering factors of the economic and social sustainable development (WU et al. 2007). In recent years,
some researches (SHAO et al. 2007; XIA et al. 2007; ZHU et al. 2007; PANG et al. 2008) on water
resources shortage and water pollution of Haihe River Basin have been carried out, which have provided
a scientific basis for water pollution control. According to the current researches, there are a few studies
on pollutants discharge (HU. 2003; LIU et al. 2007). However, so far the total discharge of urban
domestic pollutants in Haihe River basin and the spatial distribution characteristics have been not clear.
This paper will provide the spatial distribution analysis of COD, NH3-N, BOD5, TN (total nitrogen) and
TP (total phosphorus) discharge from urban life of the Haihe River Basin in 2005.
2. Method
At present, the methods using for calculating pollutants production of urban life are Pollutants
Producing Coefficient per Capita and Concentration of Domestic Sewage, such as Formula (1), (2).
Funded by China GEF-Hai Basin Integrated Water and Environment Management Project, No. TF053183.
Authors: Mr. Zhang Yuan, Ph.D., professor of Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, major in
water environmental management of river basins. E-mail:[email protected].
C = Cs × P × 365
Where, C is the pollutant production of urban life; Cs is the pollutant producing coefficient; P is
urban population.
C = Cc × Q × P × 0.85 × 365
Where, Cc is the pollutant concentration in domestic sewage; Q is the water consumption for urban
life per capita, and other parameters are the same as the Formula (1).
Both of the methods above are estimating methods, as the Pollutants Producing Coefficient per Capita
Method is more convenient than Concentration of Domestic Sewage Method in obtaining parameters,
it’s more commonly used. Therefore, the Pollutants Producing Coefficient per Capita Method is adopted
in this paper.
Pollutant discharge of urban life includes two parts, one part is the total discharge of the pollutants after
treated in sewage treatment plants, and the other part is the discharge directly without treatment. The
calculation method is as the Formula (3):
W = ∑ Ai • (1 − wi ) + ∑ Bi • wi • Ci
is the discharge of pollutants;
treatment rate of pollution source
i ωi
is the local production of pollution source ;
is the total sewage discharge of pollution source
i C
is the
is the
pollutant concentration in the treated sewage;
is the type of pollutants.
In fact, the urban reused water utilization rate in Beijing and Tianjin in 2008 have reached 50% and 30%
respectively, showing that the urban reused water utilization rate will become a significantly important
indicator of pollutant discharge from urban life. Therefore, in this paper the reuse should be took into
account, and the formula has been modified as following (see Formula 4):
W = ∑ Ai • (1 − wi ) + ∑ Bi • 1 − ki ) • wi • Ci
Where, ki is the reuse water utilization rate of urban life, and other parameters are the same as
Formula (3).
In this paper, the pollutants such as COD, NH3-N, BOD5, TN and TP discharge have been calculated
under the following conditions:
(1) Supported that the sewage amounts of urban life did not change before and after the sewage
treatment plants and the sewage from all the pollutants had been treated in the same way.
(2) Supported that the effluent concentration has reached the National Secondary Effluent Standard.
(3) The sewage discharge coefficient of urban life adopted in the First National Pollution Census, and it
is used to calculate the total sewage discharge of urban life in this paper.
(4) The urban sewage treatment rate refers to the 2005 Statistical Yearbook of each city.
The approach of calculation is shown in Figure 1.
Concentration of
domestic pollutants
Water consumption for
urban life per capita
The pollutant producing
coefficient per capita
The pollutant production amount
Into sewage treatment plant
Discharge sewage
The reuse water
Total discharge amount
Fig.1 The approach of calculation urban life pollution resources in Haihe River Basin
3. Calculation results
3.1 Calculating water consumption for urban life per capita
According to the Technical Methodology for Pollution Source Survey and Total Pollutants Discharge
Amount Calculation of river basins report*, in this paper, the water consumptions for urban life per
capita have been compared among the cities with the same and different scale. Then compare the ones
announced in Environmental Statistical Yearbook and Water Resources Bulletin of Haihe River Basin in
2005, and finally confirmed referring to the standard of water quantity for city s residential use GB/T
50331-2002 . By coordinating the 3 methods above, the reliability of the data about the water
consumptions for urban life have been analyzed, and the unreasonable data has been modified.
Therefore, the results of water consumptions for urban life of each city have been obtained (not listed
here, Figure 2), and the total water consumption for urban life of the Haihe River Basin in 2005 is about
30.78 108m3.
3.2 Calculating the Pollutants Producing Coefficient per Capita
According to the results of Technical Methodology for Pollution Source Survey and Total Pollutants
Discharge Amount Calculation of river basins , COD producing coefficient per capita of urban life is
generally 60 100g/d, and NH3-N producing coefficient per capita is generally 4 8 g/d. Corresponding
to different water consumptions per capita, the concentrations of BOD5, TN and TP are different,
generally divided into four grades. The standards given above are taken as the reference for calculating
the pollutants producing coefficient per capita in this paper.
Based on the Formula (1) and (2), Formula (5) is derived as follows. Using Formula (5), calculate the
pollutants producing coefficient per capita of each city (not listed here).
Cs = Cc × 0.85 × Q
Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences. Technical Methodology for Pollution Source Survey and
Total Pollutants Discharge Amount Calculation of River Basins. 2006
3.3 Calculation results
According to Formula (1), the population of cities and towns in 2005 and the pollutants producing
coefficient per capita from urban life calculated above, the pollutants production of urban life has been
calculated. Calculated by Formula (4), the COD, NH3-N, BOD5, TN and TP discharge from urban life of
Haihe River Basin in 2005 are 59.44 104t, 9.51 104t, 28.37 104t, 11.61 104t and 1.23 104t
respectively, and the results for cities are shown in Figure 4.
4. Discussion
4.1 Distribution of water consumptions for urban life per capita
In 2005, the water consumption for urban life per capita of Haihe River Basin was 172L / d the range
from 85 L / d to 269 L / d. As Figure 2 shows results of the water consumption for urban life per capita
Fig.2 The water consumption for life per capita in Haihe River in 2005
4.2 Sewage and pollutants discharge and regional differences
Figure 3 shows the spatial different distribution of sewage discharge from urban life of Haihe River
Basin. In 2005, the total discharge of urban life sewage summed up to 24.76 108t.
Fig.3 The discharge of domestic sewage in Haihe River basin in 2005
The spatial distribution of major pollutants (such as COD, NH3-N, BOD5, TN and TP) discharge is
shown in Figure 4; in general, the discharge in the Beijing-Tianjin region is the largest. In addition, the
discharge of each kind of pollutants is much larger in the trans-juris regions.
Fig.4 The spatial distribution of discharge of major pollutants in Haihe River basin
The pollutants discharge is taken as the reference for Total Amount Control, and the discharge per capita
daily is also provided as the scientific basis of TMDL. In this paper, the pollutant discharge of urban life
per capita daily of Haihe River Basin is calculated, and the spatial distributions are shown in difference
(Figure 5), which are significantly different from the distributions of total discharge ( Figure 4). The
spatial distributions of discharge per capita daily are much more scattered.
Fig.5 The spatial distribution of pollutant discharge per capita daily in Haihe River basin
4.3 The relation between pollutants discharge of urban life and GDP per capita and the city size
The production of urban life is big, which does not mean the discharge and pollutant discharge per
capita daily are big. The large production in Beijing and Tianjin are mainly due to their large urban
population. However, the pollutant discharge is closely related to the treatment capacity of urban
pollutants in that area. To study on the treatment capacity, the coefficient r is adopted in this paper.
n =5
r = ∑ ri n
i =1
ri = C i / Wi
Where in Formula (6) and (7), r is the comprehensive treatment capacity of pollutants from urban life.
The larger r is, the higher the treatment capacity is, and the better the pollutants discharge control is;
n is the number of pollutant types of urban life, taken as 5; and the other parameters is the same as
The relation between r and GDP per capita is described in Figure (6): the higher the GDP per capita is,
the higher r is, and there is a significant positive correlation between them. This also means that the
more advanced is the region’s economy, the better the control of urban pollutants discharge. For the city
of higher GDP per capita, the investment of urban sewage treatment plant has been paid much more
attention to, it is useful to construction and operation of sewage treatment plant, and therefore the
sewage treatment rate and reuse water utilization rate can be improved significantly.
ou le
an ou
ng ng
ji hua ngd int iak gzh gsh gqu che izh guo Jin ezh nya xia uya
Be iaz hua
gj Can Hen Yan Jin
GDP per capita
Fig.6 The relation between
r and GDP per capita in Haihe River basin
Based on the further analysis on the relation among the city size, r (the comprehensive treatment
capacity of pollutants from urban life) and sewage treatment rate, it’s found out that the larger the city is,
the higher r is and the higher the treatment rate is (Table 1). This shows that the larger size of city
leads to the concentrated population, which is helpful to centralized treatment of urban sewage. A high
degree of centralized treatment can be effective to improve its treatment efficiency, which could create
an agglomeration effect. The agglomeration effect is very obvious in such super cities as Beijing and
Tianjin, and their r (the comprehensive treatment capacity of pollutants from urban life) and sewage
treatment rate are higher than the ones of mega cities for 31% and 57% respectively. This gap is not so
obvious among mega cities, big cities and medium and small -sized cities.
Tab.1 The relation among the city size,
City size
Super cities
sewage treatment rate %
and the sewage treatment rate
Mega cities
Big cities
small cities
5. Conclusions
(1). In 2005, the discharge of COD, NH3-N, BOD5, TN and TP from urban life in Haihe River Basin is
59.44 × 104t, 9.51 × 104t, 28.37 × 104t, 11.61 × 104t and 1.23 × 104t respectively, and the total sewage
discharge is 24.76 × 108t.
(2). The spatial distribution of major pollutants (such as COD, NH3-N, BOD5, TN and TP) of urban life
is discharged mainly in Beijing-Tianjin region and trans-juris regions. However, the spatial distribution
of discharge per capita is relatively scattered, it is different from the spatial distribution of pollutants
discharge obviously.
(3). The comprehensive treatment capacity of urban sewage is positive correlated to GDP per capita and
the city size. The higher GDP per capita of the region leads to the higher comprehensive treatment
capacity of urban sewage, so do the larger size of the city, and the higher treatment ability is.
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