* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
146 Beginning Tutorials GETTING TO KNOW YOUR DATA USING SAS Felicia A. Borglum Arthur D. Little, Inc., Cambridge, MA Abstract Before you begin any data analysis, you need to know the overall structure, content, and COntext of the data. At a minimum, this requires an in-depth look at variable definitions and ranges of values, an understanding of the underlying probability density functions, and a strategy to handle missing values. Basic simple descriptive statistics can display data in an easy to UJlderstand manner. This paper is intended for those with a minimal background in statistics with a desire to "get their hands dirty" using SAS® procedures to perform exploratory data analysis. Introduction The topic of simple descriptive statistics is an all encompassing one. Many statistical text books have been written on this subject One main goal the authors would like to get across to their readers, whoever they may be engineers, researchers, consultants, academicians and students - is that simple descriptive statistics playa crucial role in data analysis. This paper will give a brief overview of some basic tools the SAS® system has to offer to complete this task. such as PROC UNIVARIATE, PROC MEANS, PROC SUMMARY, PROC TABULATE, and PROC CORR. Highlighted in this paper are examples of several of these procedures using real data and a brief interpretation of the oulput. One of the most widely used procedures in examining discrete data is the frequency procedure (PROC FREQ). Let's say, for example, you have just received a data tape from a researcher on transactions of cable customers. You wish to know what the possible types of transactions the cable company has recorded on these customers over a one year period of time and determine their activity status. The researcher supposedly provided you with a "clean" datatape. An ideal procedure to view these customers activity is using frequency distributions. = PROC FREQ data transact; TITLE 'Initial Frequencies'; TABLES type status; RUN; Definition of Variables Before examining your data, one must define the variables of interest. There are two types of quantitative variables that a researcher can count or measure. They are discrete and commucus variables. Examples of discrete variables include: counting the number of tomatoes in a garden plot, the number of heads achieved in 10 coin tosses and categorical variables such as sex, race or hair color. Discrete variables have a finite number of values. Examples of continuous variables are the temperature at a given point in time, distance between two cities, the height of tomato plants, weight of the tomato. These variables can take on virtually an infmite number of values. The SAS® system has several procedures designed for conducting simple statistical analysis. For discrete data PROC FREQ or PROC CHART are helpful tools in examining categorical data. For continuous data. procedures NESUG 192 Proceedings FIGURE la. TYPE FREQUENCY PERCENT CUMULATIVE FREQUENCY CUMULATIVE PERCENT 6 37 46 87 99 9282 9885 1599 3491 38.3 40.8 6.6 14.4 9282 19167 20766 24257 38.3 79.0 85.6 100.0 Beginning Tutorials FIGURE lb. 147 FIGURE 2 Initial Frequencies Initial Frequency Bar Charts STATUS FREQUENCY PERCENT 42160 36 21 . 51 185786 2 13 4 2 4 2 35 1 2 4 79111 1 4 794 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 69.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 29.8 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 CUMULATIVE FREQUENCY CUMULATIVE PERCENT ------------------------------------- .. --.----------- Ace ACI ACR ACT ACU' ACV ATC ATT ATV DIA DIC DIG DID DIR DIS DIX INI INT INV 36 57 108 185894 185896 185909 185913 185915 185919 185921 185956 185957 185959 185963 285074 265075 285079 265873 265874 0.0 0.0 0.0 69.9 69.9 69.9 69.9 69.9 69.9 89.9 69.9 69.9 89.9 69.9 99.7 99.7 99.7 100.0 100.0 From the results in Figures la and 1b, we can see that 6 of our observations contain no transaction 'type' description. The other 24,257 observations break down into the following codes: '37','46','87' and '99'. The activity status seems to be more of a problem for the researcher. The majority of our codes are either 'blank', 'ACT', 'DIS' or 'INT',. Further discussions with the researcher indicates that the remaining codes are mistakes in data entry that his department analyst must resolve. FREQUENCY BAR CHART TYPE 37 ~.~********.******* FREQ CUM. FREQ PERCENT CUM. PERCENT 9282 9282 38.27 38.27 46 ------_."_._ ....,,... 9885 19167 40.75 79.02 87 *** 1599 20766 6.59 85.61 3491 24257 14.39 100.00 99 ....... +-------+-------+---4000 8000 o FREQUENCY For describing the relationship between pairs of discrete variables PROC FREQ can display the data in a two way table. The example below shows the breakdown of data collected on 2 discrete variables, PROm and STAFFING from a large questionnaire on contruction jobs. PROC FREQ DATA = profit; TITLE 'Relationship between Profit and Staffing'; TABLES PROFIT· STAFF/CHISQ; RUN; Secondly, we could use the PROC CHART procedW'e to further describe graphically the values of transaction type. An example of the procedure commands and the output follows. = PROC CHART data transact; TITLE 'Initial Frequency Bar Charts'; HBAR TYPE; RUN; NESUG '92 proceedings 148 Beginning Tutorials FIGURE 3 In the example above, jobs are much more profitable when quality of staff is higher. Jobs which recognize a loss usually have moderate to low quality staff. A highly significant ChiSquare indicates a strong relationship between these 2 variables, PROFIT and STAFFING. [It should also be noted here that the data in this example was fonnatted (using PROC FORMAT) for ease in use and display. The variable staffing was recorded on a 7 pt. scale - the 3 levels noted above are combinations of the following values: 'Poor' 1,2; '4' 3,4,5; and High 6,7.] Relationship between PROFIT and STAFFING TABLE OF PROFIT BY STAFF STAFF(Quality of staff) PROFIT(Prafit or loss) Frequency Percent Row Pct Cal Pct = 14 Poor 1 Total IHigh -----------------+--------+--------+--------+ NonEventl Profi t O l l 0.00 16.18 0.00 32.35 0.00 31.43 23 34 33.82 67.65 92.00 50.00 -----------------+--------+--------+--------+ Eventl Lass 8 11.76 23.53 100.00 24 35.29 70.59 68.57 2 2.94 5.88 8.00 34 50.00 -----------------+--------+--------+--------+ Total 8 11.76 Frequency Missing 35 51.47 25 36.76 68 100.00 =3 STATISTICS FOR TABLE OF PROFIT BY STAFF Statistic Chi·Square Likelihood Ratio Chi·Square Mantel·Haenszel Chi·Square Phi Coefficient Contingency Coefficient Cramer's V OF Value ?rob 2 2 30.469 36.755 29.878 0.669 0.556 0.669 0.000 0.000 0.000 1 Effective Sa_ple Size = 68 Frequency Missing = 3 WARNING: 331 of the cells have expected counts less than 5. Chi·Square Day not be a valid test. The above statement will produce a two-way table between profit of a construction jobs and the staffing. Statistics printed when the CHISQ option is requested include: test for independence as Pearson Chi-Square (Xl), likelihood ratio Chi-Square and Mantel-Haenzel Chi-Square and other measures of association such as the Phi coefflcient, Cramer's V and the contingency coefficienL Similar to a Pearson correlation, large significant values of a Chi-Square indicate a relationship between the two variables tested - that is, levels value depend on levels of the other, NESUG '92 Proceedings = = Continuous variables, on the other hand, have more than a few levels of values. Using the frequency procedures would not be an efflcient way to view continuous data. The UNIVARIATE procedure provides basic descriptive statistics for continuous variables and is an excellent way to view these types of data. As an example, a reseaICher has' asked you to look at data from an experiment on cycles to failure of aircraft test panels. You are somewhat familiar with the data and know that the raw data is not nonnally distributed and that a log transformation will help the data to achieve normality [Note: satisfying the assumption of normality is necessary when using parametric methods for analysis such as regression (REG, STEPWISE, RSREG), Analysis of Variance (ANOVA, GLM) and Discriminant Analysis (DISCRIM). An example of PROC UNIVARIATE follows: PRoe UNIVARIATE data=alr normal plot; TITLE 'Unlvariates • Cycles & Log(Cycles);' VAR cycles Icycles; RUN; Beginning Tutorials 149 FIGURE 4 UNIVARIATE PROCEDURE Variable=CYClES (Cycles to Failure) ~ Quanti les(Def=S) Moments i. ean Std Dev Skewness USS CV T:Mean=o S9n Rank Num "= 0 W:Normal Stem leaf 12 13 10 0 27 Sum Wgts 410042.6 Sum 353378.~ariance 1.38815 '" urtosis 7.786E12 CSS 86.1809~td Mean 8.029352 prob>ITI 189 Prob> S 27 0.833348 Prob<W '1 27 11071149 1.249El1 1.248846 3.247E12 68007.73 0.0001 0.0001 2 Boxplat 0 1 ----+----+----+----+ 5 7 10 1300000+ Obs 20) 24) 26) 14) 21) Highest Obs 662000( 7) 873600 ( 1) 1097000 ( 4) 1210000( 2) 1333000( 9) ~ Normal ProbabiLity Plat * . +++ ++++++ I I I 6 6 4 71234 2 3590157 o 6788233889 lowest 63000{ 71S00( 80000{ S1S00( 117500( Extremes 0.0004 # 8 7 Max 1333000 9St 1333000 75% Q3 526700 95~ 1210000 ~50~ Med 303800 90% 1097000 25% Ql 134000 10% 80000 O~ Min 63000 5~ 71500 1~ 63000 1270000 392700 63000 100~ ® *+++++ I 700000+ ++++*. ++++ ••• --. +--+--+ *.- .. --" ++ ••• '* ..... ......... I 100000+ +-----+ +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ Multiply Stem. leaf by 10**+5 *= + -2 -I 0 +1 +2 ~ O()J'G. ua..lue.s. . fJOIrKA.l ~ j)ta.qOfJo..J VariabLe=lCYClES (log-10 CycLes) Moments N Mean Std Dey Skewness USS CV T:"'e8n=0 S9n Rank NUll "= 0 W:NarllaL 27 5.46031 I 0.3S1947 -0.03099 808.7979 6.994971 74.28412 189 27 0.96645 Quantiles(Def=5) Sum Wgts Sum Variance Kurtosis CSS Std Mean prob>ITI Prob> S Prob<W Stell Leaf 60 482 58 24 5671223 54 068947 52 4495 SO 723 ~ ~01 <IS •••• + •••• + ..... +----+ MuLtiply Stell.Leaf by 10**-' 27 147.4284 0.145884 -0.83854 3.792974 0.073506 0.0001 0.0001 100% MaX 75~ Q3 50~ 25~ ~ Range Q3-Ql Mode 6.12 5.72 Mad 5.48 Ql 5.12 Min 4.79 9St 6.12 95~ 6.08 90% 6.04 1~ 4.90 5~ 4.85 1~ 4.79 1.32549 0.594459 4.799341 Extremes lowest Obs Highest Obs 4.79( 20) 5.82( 7) I) 4.85( 24) 5.94( 4.90{ 26) 6.04( 4) 4.91( 14) 6.08( 2) S.07( 21 ) 6.12( 9) 0.5362 # 3 2 5 6 4 NormaL ProbabiLity PLat Boxplot 6.1+ I • +*+++* +*.+++ + ........ + * .. _+_ .. * I I 3 + ....... -+ 4 I ++*+•• +*++* • 4.7+ + .. ++*++ ---+----+ .. ---+ ........+-- ... + ........ +----+ .. ---+ ...... -+----+ -2 -I 0 +' +2 NESUG '92 Proceedings 150 Beginning Tutorials The UNIVARIA1E procedure describes the range of values a particular variable can take on. Referring to the output in Figure 4, several descriptive statistics are described below. 1. N - The number of non-missing observations for the variable CYCLES. 2. The MEAN, MEDIAN & MODE are all measures of central tendency. The MEAN (or the arithmetic average) is more widely used as a measure of central tendency. After ordering the observations, the MEDIAN (50th percentile) is the midpoint of the distribution. Q3 • Ql - inter quartile range VARIANCE - SUM(X_X)2/(N-I) measures the squared distance from the sample mean sm -standard deviation sqrt (variance) STD MEAN - SIandard deviation about the mean also referred as the standard error of the mean. Other measures of variability are the corrected and uncorrected sums of squares (CSS, USS) and are descnbed in the SAS manuals. 6. Skewness, Kurtosis The MODE is the value which has the maximum density (or the value which occurs most frequently). Under a bell-shaped curve, or a normal distribution the MEAN MEDIAN MODE. For certain distributions, the MEDIAN may be a more appropriate statistic to describe the data values. It is much less sensitive to extreme values. = = 3. Percentiles/QuartiIes/Quantiles When ordered, the data can be described using percentiles. The p - th percentile is the data value in which p% of the observations falI below. Several noteworthy percentiles are: 0%· minimum 25% • Q1 (first quartile) 50% • Q2 (median 50th percentile) 75% • Q3 (third quartile) 100% • maximum 4. Extremes After ordering the observations lowest to highest, these represent the 5 lowest and 5 highest values. This can be very useful for identifying outliers. 5. Measures of Variability These statistics measure the spread of the data. RANGE - measures distance between the minimum and maximum NESUG '92 Proceedings SKEWNESS measures the shape of the distribution on one side of the distribution vs. the other. For symmetric distributions where the MEAN > MEDIAN, this indicates positive skew (or skewed to the right), for distribution where the MEAN < MEDIAN, this indicates negative skew (skewed to the left). KURTOSIS measures the heaviness in the tails of the distribution. Positive values indicate heavy tails, negative values indicate lighter tails. For normal distributions the KURTOSIS =0. 7,8. Stem & Leaf Plot/Normality Plot The 'PLOT' option on PROC UNIV ARIATE will produce a stem and leaf plot. These are helpful when viewing a distribution of the data. In larger data sets, this option produces a histogram. The 'NORMAL' option on PROC UNlVARIA1E will produce a normal probability plot. Points which falloff the diagonal line in a normality plot indicate departureS from normality. Alternative procedures can be used to create normal probability plots. These will not be discussed in this paper. Beginning Tutorials PROC PLOT/PRoe CORR 151 Salary by Years Experience PROC PLOT can be used to plot pairs of observations fer two variables in a data set. This procedure provides a very valuable tool in data checking. The correlation procedure (pRoe eORR) produces correlation coefficients between sets of variables. Combining these two procedures can be very powerful in exploratory data analysis. Below is a simple example of the combination of these two procedures. Legend: A = lobs. 8 Plot of ASALARY*AEXP. 80000 1 = 2 obs. etc. o A c 60000 + a = PRoe eORR data salary; TITLE 'Corr - Salary by Yrs. Exp; , VAR ASALARY; WITH AEXP; RUN; d e m A c A 40000 + A A S = •l PRoe PLOT data salary; TITLE 'Plotting Salary by Yrs. Exp; PLOT ASALARY*AEXP; RUN; A A A A8A8AMA AAA8A A AC B M A CECC A A AMOS a y 20000 + A. FIGURE 5 08 A A. A.8 ACA. M SA A Corr - Salary by Years Experience 0+ CORRELATION ANALYSIS 'WITH' Variables: 'VAR' Variables: o AEXP ASALARY AEXP ASALARY N Mean Std Dev Sum 83 83 20.2499 26029.5 10.0919 10847.0 1680.7 2160450 Simple Statistics Variable Minimum Maximum Label AEXP ASALARY 3.4300 4070.0 63.1800 74090.0 Academic Experience Academic Salary Pearson Correlation Coefficients I Prob > IRI under Ho: Rho=O I H = 83 ASALARY AEXP Academic Experience 0.86095 0.0001 40 60 80 Academic Experience Simple Statistics Variable 20 Similar to the univariate procedure, PROC CORR produces simple statistics (N, MEAN, STD, MEDIAN, MIN, M A X) and, in addition, calculates several correlation coefficients. For continuous data, the most widely used is the Pearson Product-moment correlation (R). Other correlation coefficients calculated are: Kendall's tau-b, Spearman's rank correlation and the Hoeffding D-statistic. Each of these correlation statistics measures the relationship between two variables. The range of values the Pearson (R) correlation coefficient can take on are between -1 and 1. A value of 1 or (-1) indicates perfect positive (or negative) correlation and, when plotted, subsequently fallon a straight line. A value of 0 indicates no correlation or no relationship between the two variables. Plotting two variables with no correlation will yield random scatter and usually the points will be concentrated in a circle in the center of the plot. NESUG '92 Proceedings 152 Beginning Tutorials In our example, we see a strong correlation (R=.86) between years of experience and salary in an academic field. Also noted are 2 points which may be targeted as outliers. Further investigation will be needed. As we have seen in an example above, combining these two procedures one can help to identify outliers and trends in the data and is often useful before running many statistical procedures such as regression, discriminant analysis ax!. analysis of variance. Conclusions The above provide a brief description of some basic tools useful in getting to know your data. The examples are by no means the only way to view your data, however, they provide straight forward, easy to understand methods for doing preliminary data analysis. References Snedecor, George W. and Cochran, William G. Statistical Methods 7th Ed. Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa, 1980. H. Lyman. An Imroduction !Q Statistical Methods and Data Analysis. DlJl(bury Press, N. Scituate, MA. 1977. SAS® Urers Guide· Basics Version 5tb Edition Cary, NC. 1985. SAS® is a registered trademarlc of SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, NC. The author would like to thank Mike Stockstill, a statistician at the SAS Institute, Cary, NC. This talk is a re. presentation of his talk given at the BASUG Meeting in the Spring of 1991. NESUG '92 Proceedings