Download Finding your longitude The trickier part of celestial navigation

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Finding your longitude
The trickier part of celestial
Latitude was easy
• Altitude of celestial
• Declination of a star
at the zenith
• You can also use the
sun, but you need to
know the declination
of the sun at the time
Longitude is harder
• Arbitrary starting point
• Longitude 0 degrees
at Greenwich,
Calculating your longitude
• You can use stars or you can use the Sun
• But in addition to making observations you
need to know the time for some location of
known longitude, local time alone is not
The problem of finding longitude at
• To the middle of the
18th century, no
mechanical clock
would keep accurate
time in a sea-tossed
Natural clocks
• Motion of the moon
against the background of
the stars
• Motions of the moons of
• But these were hard to
observe from a ship,
although they could be
observed from land
Odder Solutions
• Anchor a series of ships across the ocean
that would shoot off flares and guns at set
• Telepathic connection between animals on
ship and those ashore
Harrison’s chronometer
• John Harrison (16931776) invented clocks
that would keep good
time at sea
Watch out for the difference between local time
and local mean time
• The Equation of Time
Finding local time
• “Culmination” of the Sun at noon
• RA of a star on the meridian