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Investigation and Cogitation Upon Geospatial Knowledge Map
WANG Fuqiang1, 2, WANG Guangxia1, LIU Fang1, 3
1. Institute of Surveying and Mapping, Information Engineering University, Zhengzhou, China, 450052
2. 78138 Troops, Chengdu, China, 610036
3. 73603 Troops, Nanjing, China, 210049
[email protected]
Abstract: Knowledge map is an important management tool. With rise of VGI and Geo-Wiki
technology, smart mapping becomes research hotspot of cartography. The key to realize smart mapping
includes some theoretic and technologic problems such as acquiring, managing, visualization,
communication and service of geospatial knowledge etc. The article advances the concept of geospatial
knowledge map based on idea of knowledge map. It is a kind of customizable, interactive, user complete
participant smart web services. At last, the article depicts the system framework of geospatial
knowledge map and points out several key problems need to be studied in the future.
Keywords: knowledge map, geospatial knowledge map, geospatial knowledge, smart network
With rapid development of Internet of things and sensors, there will be 7tril sensors to serve for 7 billion
people up to 2017[1]. It is more promptly to acquire the information. The resources and forms of
information are more multivariant. The cartographers used to be puzzled by data issues, by now this
question has been settled. Cartography work is excursing from “data collection” to “data processing”.
The diversified brainpower computing techniques such as cloud computing, space-time data mine can
rapidly analysis and process the geodata and information. This has notably advanced the peoples’
information processing capability, and afforded techniques support to settle discomfiture of “information
deluge but poor knowledge”. With the development of theory and technology of knowledge
visualization, it is likely to use varied visualization mode to express geospatial knowledge, and to
actualize geospatial knowledge communion and transfer between different fields and people.
It gradually become study hotspot and foreland domain of cartography that how to strength the
geospatial knowledge’s organize, transfer and visualization expression, so as to improve communion
and reuse of geospatial knowledge between different fields, systems and people. Taxology, ontology and
knowledge map have been get more and more attention. In this context knowledge map, as an effective
knowledge manage tool, gradually comes into the eyeshot of cartographer. Researches and appliance of
knowledge map in geospatial field have acquired a series of progresses.
The Basic Thought and Conception of the Knowledge Map
The thought of knowledge map originates from a series of articles, its main title as “The Foundation of
Information Science”, which are published by B. C. Brookes. He is a famous information science expert
from U.K. Invoking the K. R. Popper‘s “the world3 theory”, Brooks think over carefully the theory and
method of the information science from four perspectives: philosophical aspects, the reflection of class
and entity, the objective map and the subjective landscape, the changing paradigm. Then he suggests the
“cognitive map”, which is the core concept of Brookes information science. The information science is
not only represent the relations among documents, it must deeply analyze the logic contents in
documents, find the knowledge nodes and their conjunctions which affect the human creativities and
considerations. Then depict intuitively them as map to represent the knowledge’s organic structures.
Brooks thinks that the human knowledge can be depicted as a study cognitive map, which contains cell
concept nodes. On the cognitive map, the nodes are the human knowledge. All the correlative nodes
construct the Popper’s word 3. It is the result of all the human psychic activity and is different from the
natural world and the Spiritual World. The conceptual model of knowledge map is shown in Fig1.
Fig1. The Conceptual Model of knowledge map
At present knowledge map hasn’t a general definition yet. Many experts define it from diverse
perspectives. To sum up, the following are some main opinions. The “Distribution Map” opinion from
the specific manifestation, which thinks the knowledge map as the geographical distribution map of
knowledge[2]. The “Relationship” opinion from its contents which considers that the knowledge map is
not only representing the information but also representing the conjunctions among them[3]. From the
function perspective, the “Navigation” [4][5] “Tool” [6]opinion holds that it is an effective knowledge
management tools: it manages all the organization knowledge(explicit knowledge and tacit
knowledge)and gives the advantage of the efficiently knowledge acquisition and share for people. The
“Management Technology” opinion from the constructive technology regards it as a new kind of
knowledge management technology that combined knowledge base management system technology and
Internet technology. it is the complex of the enterprise knowledge catalogue and the conjunctions among
knowledge nodes by modern information technology [7].
In summary, we can conclude that: It only represents the knowledge source, but doesn’t show the
specific content of knowledge; It reveals the explicit knowledge and the tacit knowledge within
organization, not only visually displays the knowledge source but also shows the conjunction among
People usually know the knowledge gaps within organization and finds the new
knowledge by constructing the knowledge map.
The Domestic and International Researches of Knowledge Map in Geospatial Field
With the popularization of the Internet and database technology, appliance demands are improved. This
changes the format and technology of knowledge map too. From simple hyperlink used in world wide
web, knowledge map develops into format with knowledge’s communion and reuse in organize. From
early Internet and multimedia technology run to ontology, semantic web to construct knowledge map,
the knowledge map are abroad used in more and more fields which involve knowledge management,
pedagogics, informatics, library science etc. Researches in these fields bring forward new ideas to
geospatial knowledge’s organization and visual expression.
In the geospatial domain, the researchers do considerable related work. In fact, the rudiment of
knowledge map: American Express Compary firstly used knowledge map, which was an American
geographic map full of knowledge resources. The early knowledge map is a map that expresses
technology information or geographical distribution map of knowledge resources.
The domestic and international academics do a lot of work on the geographic knowledge characters.
Russia academic A. N. Antipov thinks the geographic knowledge quality have related to new technology
of obtaining, processing, generalization and express of geoinformation, and need sustaining investigate
of theory and technique[9]. The English academic Antony Galton studies express of space-time
knowledge in geospatial field from AI point of view[10]. He considers the express of space-time
knowledge should think over continuity, cause and effect and identity. From computer information
science, Prof Ma Ainai thinks until the geographic knowledge had been formalized and changed into
data when they could be processed [11]. He believes geoinformation formalization are bottleneck question
in a geo-expert system. Prof Liu Yu studies the express of text spatial information [12]. He thinks text
spatial information based on general toponym organization accord with people’s expression of
geospatial knowledge much more.
On aspect of geo-knowledge visualize, Wang Zuocheng researches map forms of spatial knowledge
from analysis types of knowledge from spatial data mining[13]. Prof Ai Tinghua put forward some
techniques of visualization according with cognitive characters, such as route net truss map oriented
route cognitive expression, area topological map of subject attributes spatial orientation information
cognitive expression and cyber internet map of virtual space navigation cognition etc[14].
About knowledge map’s basic concept, American connect the advices, information and repository with
exact, numeric globe model and become powerful function and intuitionistic knowledge map. England
martial mapping and surveying bureau bring a complete, integrated and interrelated geography frame to
help users improve operations. The frame is based on the first version of OS MasterMap, and integrated
with nine subjects’ relief layers. Gong Jianhua defines geographic knowledge map from knowledge
visualize point of view[15]. They think geographic knowledge map is an important expression format of
geographic knowledge, and is a cognitive and abstract map about geographic questions, geo-spatial-time
distribution and geographic elements’ correlation. Based on geosciences map and geoinformation map,
Xujun advances the concept of geosciences knowledge map, which could revel spatial distribution of
geographic elements and exposure connotative rules[16]. The geosciences knowledge map is not only an
instrument for knowledge expression and data mining, but also is a kind of spatial cognitive format and
In summary, knowledge map has broad appliance prospects for information mutual operation,
knowledge comprehension, knowledge management. In the field of cartography, Internet of things,
web2.0, VGI (Volunteered Geographic Information) and geo-wiki has enjoyed popular support. The
traditional map with the aim of transferring geospatial information doesn’t satisfy people’s intelligent,
individuation and convenience require. The kind of map service from “one map for all use” changed
into service on demand and adaptive network service. The cartographers try to afford initiative service,
convenient service and communicative service of geospatial knowledge from knowledge level.
Geospatial knowledge map stresses geospatial knowledge’s acquiring, fusing, organizing, expressing
and serving. It affords an effective approach to resolve the communication and share of geospatial
knowledge between different people in the different fields, and then aid in decision making.
The Concept and the System Frame of Geospatial Knowledge Map
To construct knowledge need systemically work over knowledge in the field, find their relationship
according to knowledge’s identity and use proper visual ways to express them. In the cartography
domain we need not only geospatial knowledge but also the cognition and knowledge background of
users for geospatial knowledge’s communication and share in different fields. In addition, we need to set
up not only the conjunction of inner knowledge nodes but also their relations. Therefore the article
brings forward the concept of geospatial knowledge map based fundamental ideas of knowledge map.
The concept of geospatial knowledge map is premise on taking the cognition and knowledge
background of users into account. The geospatial knowledge map can effectively fuse, efficiently
associate the geospatial knowledge acquiring from spatial data base, spatial data warehouse, images of
remote sensing and other resources of geoinformation with the field knowledge of users. And it adopts
diversiform expressions of knowledge and affords the interactive and customizable individual active
services. So users can acquire the geospatial knowledge rapidly and exactly, therefore they can rebuilt
and apply these knowledge to aid them in space actions decision making.
Comparing with the traditional cartography, users participate in all course of making geospatial
knowledge map. With regard to acquiring elements of map, the geospatial knowledge map stresses deep
processing of map data oriented users’ demand. It uses GIS analysis, spatial data mining and knowledge
finding, subject information distilling, search engines and techniques of obtain knowledge etc to capture
geospatial knowledge that includes forms of image, graph, rule, formula and concept. With regard to
elements’ relations, the geospatial knowledge map constructs not only the relations of geographic
elements, but the conjunctions in species, entities, and attributes of entities and the association between
geospatial knowledge and field knowledge of users. With regard to map products, the geospatial
knowledge map changes map format from “one map for all use” paper map or electronic map into “each
takes what he needs, each offers as far as he knows” adaptive network map service. The frame of
geospatial knowledge map is depicted in figure2.
Fig 2 The System Framework of Geospatial Knowledge Map
In this frame, data layer affords data support for knowledge layer acquiring all sorts of geospatial
knowledge. The layer correlates with knowledge cells of geospatial knowledge map in service layer.
This will help users rapidly obtain geospatial information and knowledge that they need and make the
users’ geographic decision with qualitative and quantitative analysis. This layer mainly includes
pretreatment, storage, structure, index of multirecourse heterogeneous data and fast retrieval technology.
Knowledge layer processes data deeply on the knowledge dimension. The knowledge layer affords basic
knowledge cells and the conjunctions of them for service layer which is the intermediate link between
data and service. The layer involves acquiring geospatial knowledge and users’ field knowledge, the
gradation of these knowledge, the fusion and management of geographic knowledge and user field
knowledge, distillation and conjunction of knowledge cell. The layer is the key to construct geospatial
knowledge map in service layer. The service layer is the core of geospatial knowledge map. It associates
with not only the knowledge cell in knowledge layer but also the data in data layer. This layer can
customize visual, smart network map service that is coincident with users’ cognitive characters
according to users’ knowledge demands and knowledge backgrounds. The layer includes expression of
kinds of data and knowledge, users knowledge demand model, qualitative knowledge deducing, and the
frame of knowledge push service actively.
More and more scholars in geospatial field are interested in the characters, organization, fusion,
integration, visualization of geospatial knowledge, and have undertaken some foundational research.
The article advances the concept of geospatial knowledge map based on idea of knowledge map and its
system framework. This is a new way of smart cartography. Now geospatial knowledge map is a new
conception, there is no mature theoretical and technical basis. To construct the user-customizable,
interactive, individual and active map web services with which “each takes what he needs, each offers as
far as he knows”, geospatial knowledge map should focus on these theory and technology problems:
To discuss and constitute the foundational theory system on geospatial knowledge map. The core
of geospatial knowledge map is to solve the problem that geospatial knowledge is transferred, shared
and reused among diverse user groups. People need to solve the theory problems such as multiple spatial
data mining and knowledge discover theory, the fusion of geospatial knowledge and user domain
knowledge theory, geospatial knowledge transfer theory and geospatial knowledge visual representation
To Research on the geospatial data-information-knowledge transformation mechanism, build the
conjunction relationships among knowledge cells, construct the systematic and scientific geospatial
knowledge network. Geospatial knowledge nodes and their conjunction relationships are the essential
elements of geospatial knowledge map. The proper system of geospatial knowledge is the precondition
and foundation of on-demand cartography according to diverse user groups.
To study the visual representation mechanisms of different types of geospatial knowledge, build the
mapping relationships between the geospatial knowledge types and its visual representation methods.
People only adopt the proper representation methods according to the knowledge types and user
cognition habit, thus, users can accurately understand, grasp and apply the geospatial knowledge to
solve their spatial problems.
To construct the user model and user knowledge demand model. User knowledge demand model
decides the integrant spatial data of geospatial knowledge map. Different types of data decide the
diverse knowledge acquisition techniques. User model constructed according to the knowledge contexts
and cognition habits is correlative with the knowledge representation methods.
To realize the smart web services of geospatial knowledge based on web 2.0. The Essential
Connotation of geospatial knowledge map is a customized, interactive, individual and active map web
services. The proper smart network architecture is the key to achieve the service that “each takes what
he needs, each offers as far as he knows”.
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