* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Chapter3 Are Bacteria-PlantCell Interactioris Specific? YOAV BASHAN I. INTRODUCTION Certain bacterialspeciesor pathovarcan-attack only one speciesof plant (compatiblecombination) with different virulences-frorn high virulenceto avirulence-while plant reactionsgo from highly resistantthrough various degreesof tolerance,to completesusceptibility.Therefore,.thetype of relationship betweenthe host and the parasite,host-specificity,is difficult to define. It can be a generalrelationshipbetweenbacterialspeciesand plant species,or a narrowerone betweena bacterialstrain and a plant cultivap. Nevertheless, eventhis last definition is stil.ltoo largeasmany bacterialstrainplant cultivar systemswill haveseveralkinds of specificand somenon-specific combinationsas well. Severalf'actorscan determinespecificity.The main onesare: recognition or non-recognitionbetweenthe pathogenand the plant, ability of the invading bacteriato multiply in the plant tissueand responseof the tissueto the presenceof bacteria. The term 'recogpition'also hasno absolutedefinition: Clarke and Knox (1978)definedit as an 'initial eventin ceH-cellcommunicationthat elicits a definedbiochemical,physiologicalor morphologicalresponse',in whicb 'initial event' and 'communication' are not defined in terms of plant pathology; while Sequeira(1978)restrictedthe meaningof recognitionto 'an early specificeventthat triggers a rapid overt responseby the host, either facilitating or impedingfurther growth of the pathogen'. Plantsareliving in a hostileenvironmentof bacterialpathogensand support a largepopulationof microorganisms on eachof their parts.Flowever, asinfectionsand diseases arenot the mostcommonphenomena,plantsmust somehowget rid of the potentialpathogensby severalmechanisms,which aresupposedto dependon recognitionbetweenthe plant and the pathogen. Severaltheoreticalmodelsdescribecell-cellrecognitionin plant pathology as the sequenceof eventsgiven lelow. A sensingsystem,prabably the patible pathogen. includeattachmentto, and encapsula The plant defencemechanisms by the plant cell wall, or inhibition by plant metabolites.The virulence a phytopathogenicbacteriumis definedasits ability to escapefrom the pla cell attachmentor its insensitivityto plant toxic materials.However,if t pathogenis incompatible,the bacteriausually induce a hypersensitivere tion in the plant. This chapter has severalpurposes:to describethe interactions betw plants and bacterial pathogen at the cell level, to summarizethe curre knowledgeon cell surfacerecognition and multiplication of pathogenica of th non-pathogenicbacteriain plant tissue,to assessthe consequences a different interactionsinsideand outsidethe host cell and to evaluatethe time-changingconceptsin this subject. BETWEEN BACTERIAAND PLAN 2. RECOCNITION PROCESSES 2.I ADHERENCE OFBACTERIATO SUNTECNS NoN-SpBCTTIC A bacterium,eitherpathogenicor saprophytic,reaches,at random,its tar plant with the help of living vectorsor by its own motility as a resul chemotaxis(Chet e/ al., 1973;Raymundoand Ries, 1980;Venette,19 Onepossiblemechanism,by whichthe bacteriumcan adhereto plant s faces, dependson the balancebetweenmutual repulsion forces-as b bacteriaand plant cell walls are negativelycharged(Fletcheret ql., 1980 and van der Waals' attractionforces(Pethica,1980).Marshal(1980)de 'the phaseof reversibleso ed this temporarilynon-specificinteractionas conditionsbacterialcells,very clos tion'. In thesevery looseadherence plant with their flagellar action. Flagellarmoti can move away the cells, play pathogenic role in 'successful'inf seems to an essential of bacteria tion (Panopoulosand Schroth, 1974).The different degreesof attachm betweenbacteriaand plant cell wall seemto be dueto extracellularpolym materialsbridging to and interacting with complementarystructures(M shall, 1980).The specificityof the interaction,if thereis any at this sta dependson the mutualaffinitiesof the cellstructures.Theseinteractions be betweenlocal sitesof oppositecharges(ionic concentration),by mut exclusionof incompatiblemoleculesto give an increasedlocal concentra of both polymers,or by energeticallyfavorableassociationof structur compatible chain segments(Fletcher et al., 1980) Although, adherehcestudiesof phytopathogenicbacteriaassuchare qu rare, a good examplecan be found. Lebenand whitmoyer (1979)sho that seven pathogenic and non-pathogenic bacterial genera adhered approximatelythe sameextentto young cucumberleaves.Even Escheri coli and Serrotiamarcescens,which do not belong to the natural cucum 2.2 SpBctpIcRpcocNlrroN BETwEEN aNo PleNrs BACTERTA Specificcontact betweenbacteria and plants can occur at thp extracellu level or later at the intercellularlevel, and is in generala prerequisitefor c cell recognition(Sequeira,1978;Stall and Cook 1979;Vance, 1983).T interactioncanbe eithercompatibleor incompatible.A compatibleinteract resultsin successfulpenetration,establishmentof the bacteriainsidethe h tissue and multiplication of the bacteria to massivepopulations. A incompatible interaction results in hypersensitiveresponse,phytoale accumulation, pathogen immobilization or reduction of bacte multiplicationto a minimum. This happens4sa reactionof hostplantsw the most incompatibleplant pathogenicbacteria. One of the most specificinteractionsis betweenRhizobiumsp. and th wh legumeplants,wherespecificrecognitionmechanisms, corresponding promotehost infectionby bacteria,havedeveloped(seeVolume2, Chapte In general,thereis relativelylittle evidenceindicatingthat suchrecognit mechanismsalso occur betweensusceptibleplants and their compat pathogens;one known exampleis tumor induction in dicotyledonouspla by Agrobacteriumtumefaciensin which positivehost recognitionis associ with compatibility.On the other hand, specificrecognitionof pathoge bacteriaby plantseventuallyleadsto incompatibleinteraction.Plant-bact recognitionprocesses occurwithin a few hoursafter inoculation.The cellu events which actually restrict pathogen multiplication in incompati interactionoccur much later, as it takestime for the tissueto changet basic metabolism of the infected cells by manufacturing products wh should respondto the presenceof the pathogen. Compatibility betweenpathogenicbacteria and their hosts is indica mainly by production of extracellularpolysaccharides,toxins, indoleac acid and commonantigenicrelationships.Many other additionalfactorsw different degreesof importancecontributeto the developmentof the disea Currently, all the mechanismsknown are constitutive requirementsfor t pathogenicityof a certain isolate on a plant species.However, they are n directly relatedto cultivar specificpathogenicity(Keenand Holliday,198 Pathogenic bacteria lacking one or more factors required for this ba compatibilityareconsideredto be avirulent.Theseavirulentstrainswill indu several disease-resistance mechanismsin the plant against the invadi bacteria. Plant defence mechanisms which may control specific recognit mechanismsare describedas follows: (a) Protectiveresponsewhich occursonly in solanaceousspeciespreve multiplication of compatible or incompatible bacteria in the tissue af plants againstincompatible bacterial pathogens(seeSection 3,Chapter (c) Immobilization and encapsulationof bacteriaare plant reactionsagai saprophytic 4nd avirulent strains. It is assumedthat the encapsulation bacteria inside host tissuepreventstheir multiplication. Thesemechanis will be discussedin details later. (d) The phytoalexinsare antibiotic compoundsproducedby the plant, a reactionto the presenceof pathogens.Only slight evidenceof phytoale production in bacterial-plantsystemsexists.The role of thesecompound discussedin Chapter 5 of Section 3. The importanceof cell-surfacecarbohydratesdeterminingrecognitionh increasedconstantlyduring the last decade.More structural variations c be obtained from complex carbohydratesthan from any other molecu suchas proteinsand nucleicacidswhich are availablein the plant cell. On a small changein the structureof cell-wall carbohydratesmay resultin la effects on recognition specificity. Phytopathogenicbacteria and plant ce wall interaction can be used as an extraordinary model, becausetheir fi attachmentor contactis at cell-walllevel. Thus, it can be generallypropos that surfacecarbohydrateson the cell surfacesof both plant and bacte may functionally participate in the recognition phenomenon. OF BACTETABY PLANTPRODUCTS 2.3 AGGLUTINATION The first step of the plant reaction against the invading bacteria agglutinationof the bacteriausually to the plant cell wall. Latet, structu .h*g.r, not clearly defined and perhaps associatedwith plant activiti the bacteria(Goodmanet al., 1976a, b; Sequ immobilizeand encapsulate et al.,1977). The first agglutination factor, discoveredby Berridge (192 was later characterizedas potato lectin which agglutinatesonly avirul Pseudomonassolanaceorumcells(Grahamand Sequeira,1976;Sequeiraa to be an hydroxyproline-richprotein w Graham, lg77).ltis now suggested high,agglutination activity ([.each et al.,1982 a, b; Duvick and Seque 1984a, b). Sincethen, various other agglutinins, of different chemicaland phys have been discovered.Agglutination of pathogenicbacte c'haracteristics in apple tissue was first reported by Fluang et ol. (1975). Inoculation virulJnt and avirulent strains of Erwinia amylovora resultedin localiza of the avirulent strain by small granules of plant'origin, in the xyl parenchymacells..The granulesstuck the avirulent bacteriain clusterswh iysed rn situ, anditopped further multiplication of the bacteria.At the sa time, the virulent strain multiplied freely and eventuallycausedsympto of diseaseto appear in the apple tissue. Agglutinatlon in vivo was a observed Uy Hoiino (19?6) in rice leaf xylem vessels,inoculated w T alsobind non-specificallyto polyanionssuchascarboxymethylcellulose. may suggestthat polyanions of avirulent cell wall surfacesare acting receptorsfor the apple agglutinin. 2.3. I Extracellular polysaccharide In addition, Hsu and Goodman (1978 b) have discoveredextracellu polysaccharideagglutininsof bacterialorigin. Apple-cell-suspension cultu inoculated with virulent p. amylovoraproduced a factor(s) which agglutina (1979),sugge cellsof avirulentE. smyloyora.Goodmanaia his associates that the appleagglutinin and amylovorin, a toxin producedby the pathog were similar, becausethe toxin also has an agglutinatingcapability. Deta of this extracellular polysaccharidesystem will be provided later in th chapter. 2.3.2 Lectin and hydroxyproline-rich glycoprotein bacterial agglutinin Convincing evidencefor the presenceof the agglutination phenomen was shown by Sequeira and Graham (1977) investigating potato lec agglutination of many virulent and avirulent strains which representt variability and sourcesof the pathogenP. solanacearum.Good correlat betweenavirulenceand agglutination was achieved.Thirty-four avirule strains were agglutinatedby. the lectin while 55 virulent strains were on slightly agglutinatedor not at all. The virulent strains of E. amylovora a P. solanacearumarenot agglutinated,probably becausethey havediffere amounts of extracellularpolysaccharidesin their capsule.Virulent stra have thicker capsules,which preventagglutination, whereasthe absenc extracellularpolysaccharides in the avirulent strainstriggersthe agglutinat activity of the plants. Immunofluorescentstaining revealedthe presenc lectin in the mesophyllcell walls in potato and tobacco. It seems,therefo that a lectin-binding attachmentoccurs in the P. solanaceorurndiseas potato. A further purification of the potato lectin (Leach et al., 1982a leadto the discoveryof hydroxyproline-richglycoproteinbacterialaggluti (HRGP), which, however, did not have the haernagglutinin activ characterizinglectins. Mellon and Helgeson(1982)isolatedthe sameHRC from a suspensionof tobacco cells,which also agglutinatethe avirulent solanocearumisolatebut not the virulent one.Theseresultssuggestthat bin ing is not hapten mediatedas in lectins, and sinceHRGP is widely pres in higher plants it cannot be expectedto play a major role in determin high specificity. 2.3.3 Pectic-polysaccharideagglutinin Another type of agglutinin, which definitely doesnot determinespec recognition, was found by Slusarenkoand Wood (1981).They isolated of the virulent strains.Extraction of susceptiblebeancotyledonsdid not yi the samefraction of agglutinatingmaterial. Pecticpolysaccharides, wh arewidelydistributedin plant cell walls,may indicatethe possibilityof no specificattachmentin vivo of incompatiblepathogensto the plant. T materialcould be the substance observedby Hildebrandet al. (1980),wh dissolvedfrom cell walls and trappedthe bacteria.Anyway, it is likely th the pectic polysaccharideagglutinin is not responsible for the spec resistanceof the resistantbean cultivar to the pathogen. 2.3.4 Other agglutinin-like compounds The agglutinin-likecompoundsfrom beanleaves(Andersonand Jasalav 1979), can be of three kinds: (a) Water homogenatesof leaveswhich causeagglutinationof saproph pseudomonadsbut not of pathogenicP. syringae pv. phaseolicola. (D) NaCl-wall releasedagglutinin which causedvariableagglutination either pathogenicor saprophyticpseudomonads. (c) Plant compoundssuchaspectin, galacturonicacid and severallecti which agglutinatedpseudomonadscells non-specifieally. The data presentedabove, are hardly connectedto the specificity of agglutininsto the bacterial cells, as it is not numerical, and the agglutin wereonly partially purified. Thus, someof the resultsmentionedaboveco be relatedto residuesof other substances which wereshownin other pla bacteriainteractions.Andersonand Jasalavich's(1929;interpretationis u conventionaland statesthat preliminary binding of bactetial cells to pla cell walls would be initiated non-specificallyby the pectin compounds a secondaryphase,tictin UinAng would determinewhetheror not the bacte remainedbound. The failure of virulent strains to bind to cell walls is d to production of materials that cancelthe attachment effect of the lect 2.3.5 Conclusion No definitive conclusionscan be drawn from the limited data availa so far. The mode of action of leaf agglutinins remains highly speculat They may possiblyrecognizespecificsurfacepolysaccharides, but no sim sugarhas beenshown to preventthe activity of the agglutinins. It could that more complex carbohydratesmay be neededfor recognition to occ Furthermore, none of the specificity-determiningagglutinins were hig purified and most of the conclusionswere basedon crude preparation different degreesof purification. On the other hand, someagglutininsse to be abundantand, logically,thesecommonmaterialscannotdetermineh degreesof specificity. Nevertheless,the possibility that someagglutinins determine some degreeof specificity should not be discarded. of the virulent strains.Extraction of susceptiblebeancotyledonsdid not yield the samefraction of agglutinating material. Pectic polysaccharides,which arewidelydistributedin plant cell walls,may indicatethe possibilityof nonspecificattachmentin vivo of incompatiblepathogensto the plant. This materialcould be the substance observedby Hildebrandet at. (tl8O;, wtrich dissolvedfrom cell walls and trappedthe bacteria.Anyway, it is likely that the pectic polysaccharideagglutinin is not responsible for the specific resistanceof the resistantbean cultivar to the pathogen. 2.3.4 Other agglutinin-like compounds The agglutinin-likecompoundsfrom beanleaves(Andersonand Jasalavich, 1979),can be of three kinds: (a) Water homogenatesof leaveswhich causeagglutinationof saprophytic pseudomonadsbut not of pathogenicP. syringae pv. phaseolicolo. (b) NaCl-wall releasedagglutinin which causedvariable agglutinationof either pathogenicor saprophytic pseudomonads. (c) Plant compoundssuchas pectin, galacturonicacid and severallectins, which agglutinatedpseudomonadscells non-specifically. The data presentedabove,are hardly connectedto the specificityof the agglutininsto the bacterial cells, as it is not numerical, and the agglutinins wereonly partially purified. Thus, someof the resultsmentionedabovecould be relatedto residuesof other substanceswhich were shown in other plantbacteriainteractions.Andersonand Jasalavich's(1979)interpretationis unconventionaland statesthat preliminary binding of bacterial cells to plant cell walls would be initiated non-specificallyby the pectin compounds. In a secondiryphase,le'ctinbinding would determinewhetheror not the bacteria remainedbound. The failure of virulent strains to bind to cell walls is due to production of materials that cancelthe attachmenteffect of the lectiil. 2.3.5 Conclusion No definitive conclusionscan be drawn from the limited data available so far. The mode of action of leaf agglutininsremains highly speculative. They may possiblyrecognizespecificsurfacepolysaccharides,but no simple sugarhas beenshown to prevent the activity of the agglutinins. tt could be that more complex carbohydratesmay be neededfor recognition to occur. Furthermore, none of the specificity-determiningagglutinins were highly purified and most of the conclusionswere basedon crude preparationsat different degreesof purification. On the other hand, someagglutininsseem to be abundantand,,logically,thesecommonmaterialscannotdeterminehigh degreesof specificity. Nevertheless,the possibility that someagglutininsdo determine some degreeof specificity should not be discarded. of specificsugarstructures.Somerecognition systemshave beenattribute to lectin recognition;the best exampleis the rhizobia-legumesymbiosis 2.4.1 Legume-rhizobiuminteraction Selectiveinfection of certain legumespeciesby certainRhizobium speci canleadto the formation of nodulesin the plant root system.The transform ed bacterialcells(bacteroids),are fixing atmosphericnitrogen for the benef of the two participantsof this symbiosis.Various degreesof positivehos specificityare known in theseplant-bacteriacombinations. After the establishmentof rhizobia cell in the legumerhizosphere,infec tive rhizobia adhereto the root-hair surface. Severalselectiveattachmen of infective rhizobial strains (compatible),but not of non-infectivestrains have beenproposedto explain infection specificityin the symbiotic interac tion. The attachmentwas first attributed to specificbinding of bacteriato the root lectins. Bohlool and Schmidt(1974)were the first to show a strong correlatio betweenbinding in vitro of soybeanseedlectin to R. japonicuz cells an the infectivity of thesecells.Lectin-mediatedattachmentwassimilarly show in R. trifulii-clover interaction in which there was perfect correlation be weenlectin binding in vitro and infectivity. Someof the symbiosishasa hig degreeof host specificity, so that restrictedgroups of legumesare infecte only by a singlespeciesof Rhizobium,e.g. R. melilotiinfectsand nodulate alfalfa roots but not clover, soybeanor chickpearoots. Host specificityin this caseis the earliesteventoccurringin this symbiosis. Lectin recognitionmodel. A significantcontribution to the understandin working with R of the symbiosiswas made by Dazzo and his associates trifolii-clover symbiosis.They showedthat surfaceroot lectinsbind rhizobi by complementarysurfacemoleculesasan essentialand specificprimary ste of the associatioi(Dazzoand Hubbel, 1975;Dazzoet al., 1916).The lecti recognitionmodel they suggest,survivedvery intensiveinvestigations,bu as yet is still unproven.They simply proposedthat specificlegumelectin i bindingto a uniquecarbohydratestructurefound exclusivelyon the surfac of the compatiblerhizobialsymbiont.Their later resultsare consistentwit this hypothesis.They discoveredtrifoliin-A, a unique clover root-hair lec tin, which seemsto be a cell recognitionmolecule.This glycoproteinspecifica ly binds to, and agglutinates,the clover symbiont R. trifolii. The lecti accumulateson the surfaceof the root-hair regionof clover, beingin greate quantity at tlie growingroot-hair tips (Dazzoet at., 1978).The bacterium which caninteractspecifica R. trifulii, producesa capsularpolysaccharide ly with the host lectin. Adsorption of cellsof non-infectivestrainsof th compatibleR. trifulii or infectiveincompatibleR. melilotito cloverroot hair was four or five timeslessthan adsorptionof compatibleinfectiveRhizobium receptorsite.The biologicalexpressionof hostspecificityaffectsthe fre of root-hair infections (Dazzo et al., 1984). Receptor sites.The very important discoveryof the receptorsites legumeroot, which specificallyrecognizethe compatiblerhizobia, was by testingthe binding site of bacterialpolysaccharides.Theserecept aresituatedonly on the root-hair, wherethe host lectin is accumulatin are saturable, specific for lectin-binding polysaccharidesand spec blocked by the appropriatehaptenof the host lectin (Dazzoand Brill, 1979;Kamberyu,1979; Gatehouseand Boulter, 1980;Kato et al., 1980 Dazzoand Truchet, 1983). Bocterial polysaccharide structure. The exact molecular struct bacterialpolysaccharidesshould be establishedto understandtheir s interactionwith the host lectin. Thesecompoundsare extremelynon-u and contain many different subcompounds(Dudman, 1984).For ex the completestructureof any of the Rhizobium-hpopolysaccharide is unknown, perhapsdue to their exceedinglycomplexsugarcompositio tracellular polysaccharideof R. trifoliiis built from carbohydratean carbohydrate components such as acetate, pyruvate, succina 3-hydroxybutanoicacid (Hollingsworth et al., 1984).The pyruvate c tuents are strong immunodeterminantsof rhizobial polysaccharide man and Heidelberger,1969).It seemsthat the direct interactionbe lectin-bindingsurfacepolysaccharides of rhizobia and root hairs of the legume is a characteristiccellular recognition on the molecular leve Evidencesogairct the lectin-polysaccharidemodel, Although the polysacchariderecognitiontheory seemswidely supported,someres not fit the proposedmodel, due to the following difficulties mentio Bauer(1982)and Vance(1983):(a) lack of a perfectcorrelationbetwee ing to host lectin, and nodulatign (Schmidt, 1979);(D) availability of in legumeroots is well documented(Dazzoet al., 1978 Gadeet al., although some studieswere performed with lectins from seedswhich not presentin roots, but, somesoybeanvarietieswhich were found t lectin, neverthelessnodulated very efficiently; (c) binding of incomp rhizobia to roots is a not infrequentand rare phenomenon(Bauer, The strongest evidenceagainst the role of lectin in determining s recognition (Pull ef a/., 1978)is that infectiveR. japonicun nodulate of soybeanlines lack leqtin. Pueppkeand Hymowitz (1982)screened5 of the subgenusGlycine to detect soybeanseed lectin, and showe although the roots nodulated, none of the lines containedthe specific which was supposedto determinerecognition.Thus, it seemsthat lect not essentialin the recognition of rhizobia. This non-acceptancewas out by Tsien et a/. (i983) who showedsmall quantitiesof lectin in se in developingseedlingroots of the samesoybeanlines. Furthermore bean roots containedadditional lectin which can bind R. japonicun s cells by lectin may be only one of the specificity signalstransmitted from the bacteriumto its plant symbiont. In his opinion, Dily signalsof differing naturesmay be requiredfor the developmentof the complexlegumenodule Bauer (1981) proposedthe idea that plant receptorsother than lectin recognizea specific component on the bacterial cell surface. Conclusions.Dazzo et al. (1984) explain these contradictory results a follows: (a) somerhizobia strainsproducemore than one polysacchari which bind the lectin (Hrabak et ol., l98l) and sorneof thesepolysaccharid changetheir compositionwith the ageof the culture(Mort and Bauer, 1980 Cadmuset al., 1982);(D)the ability of the rhizobiato bind to the lectin is a transientevent(Mort and Bauer, 1980;Hrabak et al., l98l); (c) the lecti is availableon the root surfacefor a transientperiod of developmentof the attachment(Paauel a/., l98l); (d) the environmentalconditions,prevailin during recognition, affect the expressionof the lectin receptor on the bacterium(Bhuvaneswari and Bauer, 1978).In summary,failure of one o lectinsto interactspecificallywith the homo the severallegume-produced logousrhizobiadoesnot automaticallyrejectthe lectin recognitionhypothes which remainsa reasonableexplanationfor the specificrecognitionbetwee rhizobia and legumes. Despite the undetermined role of cell-wa carbohydratesin specificity, the basic bacterial cell surface architectureof Rhizobium is'now better known. 2.4.2 Lectin-phytopathogenicbacteria interaction In contrastto the relativelyvastamountof knowledgeconcerningthe role of lectinsin the legume-rhizobia interaction,very little has beenpublishe on the interactionsof lectinsin plant-pathogenic bacteriainteractions.Sin and Schroth(1977)showedagglutinationof saprophyticbacteriaby a possib lectin. Sequeiraand Graham (1977)suggestedthe involvement of lectins in agglutination of P. solanacearumby potato. Sequeira(1979)showedtha tobacco and potato lectins precipitated bacterial lipopolysaccharid Precipitation was inhibited by chitin oligomers.This phenomenonindicate inside the LPS. Thi that lectins may recognizeN-acetylglucosamine recognition activity of lectin was refuted after the discovery o hydroxyproline-rich agglutinin within the lectin fraction which has a remarkably strong agglutinating activity (Leach et al., 1982 a, b) Additionally, Anderson and Jasalavich(1979)showed that bean lectin agglutinateboth pathogenicand saprophyticpseudomonadsto roughly the sameextent Ghanekarand Perombelon(1980)disagreewith the hypothesisof lecti participation in recognition. They reported that about 25 different Erwinia spp. isolateswereagglutinatedwith purified potato lectin irrespectiveof thei origin and of their pathogenicityto potato. Similarly,no clearpatternswer found when other pathogenicor non-pathogenicbacteriaof severalgener plartt diseases. However,severalother pathogenicsystemswhich are hig specific such as P. syringaepv. tomato on tomato, and X. campestrisp vesicatoriaon pepper should be testedfor the possibility that lectin wou play a role in determining their specificity. 2. 5 ExTnacELLULARPor-vsnccnARrDEANDLrpopoLysAccHARIDE INtpnncrroNs Although, extracellularpolysaccharides(EPSs) and lipopolysaccha (LPS$ weresuggested, in the seventies, asplayinga role in cell-cellrecognit processes, their importancehas becomesignificantonly recently.They a Neverthel now assumedto play a major role in recognitionmechanisms. the mode of action of some interactionsis not understood,most of t proposedsystemshave not been firmly establishedand most of the ba questionsare still open.The possiblenatureof the cell-cellactivitiesof the complexcompoundswill be despribedbelow. 2.5.1 Definition and characteristicsof EPSand LPS It can adh EPS is generallydefinedasa bacterialcapsulepolysaccharide. firmly or looselyto the bacterialcell, and presenta great variety both compositionand in structureat the bacterialcell surface.The exactfunct of EPSsin Gram-negativebacteriais clearerin animal tissue-whereit he bacterial survival and adherence-thanin plant tissue. LPS, although a complexbut easierto isolate,is a more solid structurewhich is contain in the bacterialcell wall. One of the best examplesof the complexity of definition of the role EPS in the recognitionprocessand in virulence,is the.E amylovora-a They discove systemdescribedmainly by Goodmanand his associates. amylovorin, a todc low-molecular-weight,host-specificgalactose-richEP affectingcellularmembranes(Huang and Goodman,1976;Hsu and Goo man, 1978a).Amylovorin was proposedas beingresponsiblefor the init tissue.But Sjulin a ultrastructuralchangesobservedin infectedrosaceous Beer(1978)did not confirm theseresults:they detectedno increasein el trolyte leakagefrom amylovorin-wiltedtissue,indicatingthat no signific changesin membranepermeability had occurred. They concludedth amylovorininducedwilt by restrictingthe movementof waterin the xyle amylovorinappearsto be an ess and it did not act by toxicity. Nevertheless, tial pathogenicfeature, since non-pathogenicisolatesare nof able to pr duceit. Otherpolysaccharides alsoproducedby the bacteriumwereisolat but wereantigenicallyide they weredistinguishedby immunoelectrophoresis tical to lipopolysaccharides(Sijam et al., 1983) The isolationof EPSsopeneda new approachto research:the possib which arecapsularmaterials,areinvolvedin virule that polysaccharides, EPS and virulenpe.Sijam el al. (1983\showeddoubtson they showedthe production of severalpolysa correlation;nevertheless, charidesby E. amylovora,both in culture and in plemttissue,which ha the sameproperties,but were not identical 2.5.2 The EPS theory electronmicroscopicpreparations,following freez By usingvery detricate cells,Politis and Goodman(1980)detectedthe fin E. amylovora of drying pathogen EPS. They proposeda model consistingof tw of the structure polysaccharides: looselytied and watersoluble,the other tigh one of tlpes They explainedthe failure to agglutina water. in insoluble ly bound and (whichwasmentionedearlier)asfollow E. amylovora of virulent strains the by the agglutinin,and thus preven of bacteria binding the the EPS blocks of the plant. A similar e mechanism induced defence the of the activation planation wasprovided for the escapeofvirulent strainsof P. solanacear from agglutination.All wild{ype virulent strainsproduceda greatamou of EPS both in cultureand in the plant which seemsto determinepathogene in this pathogen.Spontaneouschangefrom smooth (with EPS) to roug (without EPS) bacterialcoloniesresultedin lossof virulence.Addition o EPS to avirulent strainspreventstheir agglutination'and removalof EP from virulent bacteriaresultsin their agglutination.Sequeiraand Graha (1977)and sequeiraet al. (19'17)tried to explainthe lack of attachmen 'preventsbindi productionof EPS by the pathogen,by sayingthat EPS of the bacteriato a specificreceptorsite on the host cell wall'. This EP becausethe shouldhavespecificqualitativeand quantitativecharacteristics, are slime-producingstrainswhich are incompatible. The EPStheoryis stronglysupportedby Smithand Mansfield(1982)wh studiedthe interaction betweenoat leavesand P. syringaepv. coronafacie (compatible),P. syringae pv' coronafaciensvar. atropurpurea and P' sy ingaepv. tabaci(incompatible)and P. fluorescerc,the saprophyticbacteriu Quantitativeanalysisindicatedaccumulationof EPS around the compatib pathogen but not around the incompatible pathogen, suggestingthat t bacterialproductionof EPS preventsthe bacterialattachmentto plant c walls. Theseresultssuggestthat EPS playsa significantrole in prevent bacterial cell attachment. 2.5.3 Rolesof EPS and LPS The role of bacterialLPS seemscomplementaryto the role of EPS. isolatedfrom cell-freeculturesof P. syringaep lipomucopolysaccharide water soakingof cucumberleaves(Keenand William lachrymansinduced Whatleyet al. (1976)showedthe i Agrobocterium, l97l). Working with in specificrecognitionbetweent portanceof bacteriallipopolysaccharides plant. pathogenand the attachedrapidly to the walls of tobaccomesophyllce while the virulent strainscontinuedto multiply in the intercellularspac The avirulent strain was also capableof rapid aftachment to suspens culturedtobaccocells.Bacteriawerestronglyattachedend-onand only e haustivewashingswereable to significantlyreducetheir t plant cells.The maximum numberof bacteriaattachedto a singletobac cell was as high as 8700.Attachmentwas inhibited by high ionic streng favoured by low ionic strengthand supposedto be ion mediated.Thus, t ionic conditionof the intercellularfluids seemsto be crucialin determin the attachmentof bacteriato the cell wall. The attachmehtmechanismswe affectedby high temperature,azide,EDTA and someantibiotics,sugges an active metabolismplayrng a role in the attachmentprocess(Duvick a Sequeira,1984a,b). The strong attachmentbetweenP. solanacearuma tobacco cells may be due to pili binding!,sincethq avirulent strain is hi piliated. The low piliated avirulent strain of the pathogenattachedloos (Stemmerand Sequeira,l98l). Additional information on bacterialattac ment to plant cells is given by hydroxyproline-rich glycoprotein o tained from severalplants cell-walls. This agglutinin strongly agglutina the avirulent strain of P. solanacearumand thereforeits highly basicnatu hasthe capabilityof ionic interactionwith the negativelychargedEPSsa LPSs, and maybeother negativelychargedmoleculesof the bacterialce which can result in agglutinationinhibition of virulent strains (Leachet a 1982a, b; Baker et al., 1984). The agglutininprecipitatesLPS from rough strainsand EPS from smoo strains.Therefore,it seemsthat EPS producedby virulent strainsbindi the.agglutinin, preventsthe recognition responseof the plant, characte ed as LPS-agglutininbinding, allowing virulent bacteriato escape. Hendrick and Sequeira(1984)selectedmutantsof virulent strain whi have defectsin LPS and EPS structures.Even if the LPS composition parts of the mutants was similar to that of the avirulent strain, they faile to induce hypersensitivereaction. They were agglutinatedin the samema ner as the avirulent strain. According to thesedata they concludedthat th 'hypersensitive reaction-inducingpropertiesof the avirulint strainmust repr sentalterationsin factors other than or in addition to thoseinvolved in EP and LPS synthesis.' In summary,Sequeira(1984)presentedthe following points: (a) Bacterial attachmentmay be mediatedby the interaction of bacter LPS with hydroxyproline-richglycoproteinson plant cell walls. Fromstudi in vitro of the binding, attachmentappearsto be a result of charge-cha interaction. (b) EPSswhich inhibit the interaction in vitro probably do not have th effectin the plant tissue,asinhibition occursonly at low ionic strengthswhic are not found in the intercellular fluid. (d) Pili seemto play a role in strong irreversibleattachments' Different information about the role of LPS wasgiven by Romeiro et (1981).E. amylovora-LPS-core-carbohydrate structure,but not the O-cha werespecificallyagglutinatedby plant products.The coreregionof LPS Gram-negativebacteria is highly polyanionic, giving further confirmat agglutinationof avirulentstrains.Howev to the theory of charge-charge they explainthe non-agglutinationof virulentstrainsby maskingtheir co LPS With EPS. The theory that LPS participatesin race-specificrecognition of comp ble bacteriain certainplant speciesand in non-specificrecognitionof compatiblebacteriain other plantsis not yet clear.The examplesgiven at leasttwo different.tinds this reviewindicatethat plants may possess LPSsW receptorsfon bacterialsurfacecarbohydrates,and bacteriapossess multifo to the due and structures.Therefore, different typesof appearance appearanceof all surface macromolecules,both recognition or n can be achieved. recognitionprocesses 2.5.4 llrater soaking and EPS Another possibleinterpretationof the role of EPS was suggeste (1979-81).They relatedpathogenicit!'of so Rudolph and his associates phytopathogenicpseudomonads and xanthomonadsto their productio plants( EPS, which specificallycauseswatersoakingonly in susceptible Banobyand Rudolph,1979b).The EPS wasinitially extractedfrom liq cultures of P. syringae pv. phaseolicolaor from halo-blight-infectedb stemsor leaves(El-Banoby and Rudolph, 1979a).The EPS was partia purified (El-Banobyand Rudolph, 1980)and some of its biological a physicalpropertiesweredeterminedbut it did not help understandingits m of action (El-Barrobyet al., 1980).They suggestedthat the specific ef of EPS may explainthe different virulencesshownby bacterialisolates.Th was also a differencein plant reaction towards EPS from different sou of the samepathogen.Therefore,they concludedthat the induction of wa soakingby purified EPS explainsthe specificityofthe bacteriaat the spe and cultivar levels, although the mode of action is still a mystery. Bacteriil EPS and the visible specificwater soakingdisappearedfrom intercellularspacesof resistantcultivar 12hoursafter inoculation,while E remainedfor three daysin the intercellularspacesof susceptiblebeanlea (El-Banoby et al., l98l). A probable explanationis that EPS was degra enzymaticallyin the lesistantplants and not in the susceptibleones,and t lost its primary capability to induce water soaking. Theseeventsindicate the activation of the plant defencemechanism molecularlevels(El-Banobyel o/.,1981).Ultrastructuralstudiesof the ef of EPS within plant tissueshoweda closerelationshipbetweenwater-soa cell prganelle.However,in this case,the possibilitythat EPS may preve the attachmentof pseudomonads to plant cell walls was not estimated The understandingof the exactmodeof action of EPS is preventedmain by the difficult task of determiningthe molecqlarand the sphericalstructur of thesemolecules.This leadsto all kinds of assumptionswhich cann satisfactorily settle whether or not EPSs have any relation to virulence o specificity. 2.5.5 Minor ddferent evidencesof bacteria-pluntinteraction Minor points of differencein the interactionbetweenbacterialfraction and plants are presentedbelow. They are few, and their mode of action not known. A necrosis-inducing-factor of non-hostplant leaves,possib glycoprotein,wasextractedfrom cellsof P. syringaepv. tomato.It did no show pectolytic or cellulolytic activity and was destroyedby pronaseor b hydrolysiswith HCl. Ilalso causedgreatlossof electrolyteswithin 48 hou of infiltration which is too short time for compatiblecombinationsand to long for hypersensitivity reactions.Its role and significanceremainobscu (Bashanet al.,1982b). An 'endotoxin' from P. syringae pv. phaseolicola was also isolated. inducedcellcollapseon non-hosttissue(Crosthwaiteand Patil, 1978).Som protein-lipopolysaccharide complexes(Mazzuchiet al., 1979),inhibit th hypersensitive reactionand causeslight chlorosis.Hypersensitive reactio inducingsubstances from the bacterialcellswerealsoisolated(Sequeiraan Ainslie, 1969;Gardnerand Kado, 1972;Sequeira,1976). 2.5.6 Conclwion Despitethe new charge-charge hypothesisexplainingthe role of EPS an LPS in bacterialrecognition,sugar-specific binding shouldnot be ignore as ionizedgroups can influencelectin affinity for a receptor. 3. MULTIPLICATION OF PATHOGENIC AND NON-PATHOGENI BACTERIA ON THE SURFACE AND WITHIN LEAF TISSUE Nearly everyimportant bacterial pathogenhas beenmonitored for chang in bacterial multiplication, before, during and after diseasedevelopme (Henis and Bashan,1986).To clarify the phenomenonof multiplication on representativedata on severalbacterialdiseases will be presentedhere.Som interpretationsof eventsare commonlyacceptedby most investigators;thos which are not, will also be described. In general, bacterial multiplication in plant tissue has the followin characteristics: (a) Most bacteria, either pathogenicor saprophytic, can multiply on th surface of plant leaves,if available nutrients are supplied externally or b the host plant. can multiply freely both outsideand insidethe leaf, whereassaprophytic bacteriaare usually restrictedto the externalside only. (d) The population of pathogenicbacteriausually increasesmassively during diseasedevelopment.After partial degradationof host tissue,or its death, saprophyticbacteriacan colonizethe infectedarea. (e)Both compatibleand incompatiblestrainsof pathogenhave,to a varying extent,the ability of endophyticmultiplication. In most cases,the incompatiblestrainsform smallerpopulations.The endophyticpopulation can developin the air-filled intercellular spacesonly if theseare filled up with water. (fl Resistanttissuecannottotally preventpathogenmultiplication, but can lower it by severaldegleesof magnitude. (g) Saprophyticor non-compatiblepathogensappliedbeforethe pathogenic strain, can inhibit its multiplication and preventdiseasedevelopment. 3.I EpIpgyTIc Gnowrrr PHASEoF BACTERIA Although leaf surface colonization by phytopathogenicbacteria has been known from the beginningsof phytobacteriology,Crosse(1959)wasthe first to show that the massive epiphytic population of P. syringae pv. morsprunorum (the causalagentof bacterialcankerof stonefruit trees)was presenton the surfacesof apparentlyhealthycherry leaves,and supposedly suppliedan inoculumfor'initiation of the disease.Englishand Davis(1960) also isolatedunidentifiedpathogenicfluorescentPseudomonasfrom healthy peach and almond leaves,fruit twigs and weedsin the field. 3.1.1 Conceptof residentpopulation Basinghis concepton theseresultsand on his studiesof thg 'basic' role of epiphyiicpopulationsof pathogerricbacteriain plant disease,Leben(1965) suggestedthat the pathogenlives and multiplies on the upper parts of the apparentlysymptomlessplant. Thesepopulationsare referredto as 'resident'. Under optimal conditions,suchasappropriatetemperatures,presenceof free water, high relativehumidity and plant physiologicalconditions,the inoculum developingon apparentlyhealthyplantsmay start a bacterialdisease,without any further external supply of inoculum. Some of the many studies supporting this concept are the following. X. campestrispv. vesicatoriawasfound residenton tomato seedlings(Leben, 1963)and pepperplants (Bashanet al., 1985iBashanand Okon, 1986a,b). Analyzing P. syringae pv. syringaein bean leavesrevealedresident phase in nature (Leben et al.,1970). A highly virulent strain of P. solanacearum had a residbntphaseon hairy vetchwhich is a common weedin beancultivation in Wisconsin. The pathogenwas found to be the main component of the Gram-negativeepiphyticmicroflora throughout the year (Ercolani ef a/:, 3.L2 Non-residentpathogens It seems,however, that not all foliar pathogenshave a residentpopulation on their host. Thomson et al. (1975)indicated that E. omylovora, the causalagent of fire-blight in applesand pears,was not detectbdin healthy buds from healthy or diseasedtrees.It wasdetectedon leavesonly after fireblight had spreadall over the orchard. Independentlyand at about the same time, Sutton and Jones(1975),basingtheir resultson very extensivedata suggestedthat the diseasebroke out from only temporary epiphytic population and not from a residentpopulation.Thesedataand their conclusionshave a major drawback,as they could not monitor small enoughpopulations 3.1.3 Exchangesof epiphytic and endophytic bocteria Epiphytic bacteria can be either pathogenicor saprophytic, whereasendophytic bacteria(definedas bacterialpopulation presentin the intercellula spaces or in substorhatal cavities) are usually only pathogenic. These characteristicsare, however,only indicative sincedynamic exchangesoften occur betweeninternal and externalleaf tissue(Henis and Bashan,1986) For example: epiphytic populations of P, syringae pv, alboprecipitan penetrateinto sweetcorn leavesthrough closestomata and multiply inside (Gitaitiset al.,l98l); epiphyticP. syringaepv.tomato prefersto penetrat through open stomata and leaf trichomes (Bashanet al., l98lb; Schneide and Grogan, 1977),whereasepiphyticX. campstrtspv. vesicatoriapenetrat through leaf veins (Sharon et al., 1982a;Bashanet al., 1985b).Theseexchangesare highly dependenton the microclimaticconditionsinsideand outside the leaf. Once the exchangehas taken place, the total bacterialpopulation is composedof epiphytic and endophytic populations, making it difficult technically to distinguish between the two populations. Two of the techniques are ultraviolet irradiation (Barnes, 1965) and.chemical surface disinfections (Sharon et al,, 1982b).Hirano and Upper (1983)prefer to adopt a loose functional definition of epiphytic bacteria as 'those bacteria that can be removed from above ground plant parts by washing'. But, as they explain 'This definition doesnot distinguishbetweenresidentsand causals'(aswas distinguishedby Leben, 1965)'nor doesit count all of the bacteria.However it providesrelativelyrapid, quantitativeresultsthat can be usedasan estimate of total populdtion size.' Diseasedevelopmentdue to epiphytic or endophytic bicteria There is almost no doubt that the presenceof an epiphyticpathogeni population can resultin initiation of disease.But is it an essentialprerequisit for diseasedevelopment?To answerthis questionthree criteria were sug gestedby Hirano and Upper (1983): size. (c) Quantitativediseaseassessments should be done. In general,during diseasedevelopment,particularlyafter artificial inoc tion, the pathogenicpopulationtendsto increase.This growth is depen on plant and pathogentypes and varies from lff to l0 colony form units (CFU) per leaf or gram of tissue. Someexamplesof foliar diseases causedby bacteriaare: the incidenc fire-blight diseaseof stonefruits which is correlatedto E. amylovora epiph destructive population (Thomson et al., 1975);likewise the world's m destructiveabiotic diseasecausedby ice nucleationbacteria(Lindow, 19 brown spot on snap beans to P. syringae pv. syringae (Lindeman al ., l98l) and halo-blight on oats to P. syringaepv . coronafociens(Hira et al., 1982). Theseresultsshowedan importantfactor: the bacterialnumberthresh With a populationnumberof pathogensbelowthe threshold,there are visible symptomsof disease,abovethis number, symptomsappear. weller and saettler (1980)showedthat, under field conditions,vis diseasesymptomswere detectedwhen the population level of eithe campestrk pv, phaseoli or X. tampeslns pv. phoseoli var. fuscans reac 5 x ls cFU per leaflet. They also found a good correlationbetweendis severityand number of bacteriaper leaflet. Smitley and McCarter (19 presenteddata showinga relationshipbetweenthe populationnumbero syringaepv . tomato and bacterialspeckdevelopmentin tomato plants. Th data werevalid only whenthe environmentalconditionswerefavorable diseasedevelopment.The major importanceof the climatic condition bacterialspeckdevelopmentis well known and wasdemonstrated in se'r studies(Bashanet al., 1978;Schneider and Grogan,1978;yunis et al.,19 3. 1.5 Statistical model A statisticalmodelwasdevelopedto explainthe quantitativerelation betweenepiphyticpopulationsof pathogenicbacteriaand diseaseincide (Rouseet al., l98l). The model is affectedby many environmentalfact susceptibilityof the host, bacterialnumbersand different ratesof bacte multiplication factorsin a givenfield. As sucha modelrequiresa largeamo of data (not yet availablein the literature),it shouldbe treatedin the me time with some caution. Another drawback of this model is thar so bacterialsystemsdo not follow the descriptionfor bacterialmultiplica in plantsgiven in this subsection.under field conditions,no positivec relationwasfound betweenthe numberof bacteriain pear flowersinfec with E'. amylovoraand diseaseincidence(Miller and schroth, r972);no re tionship was found betweenx. campestrispv. vesicatorianumbersin p per plants and symptom expression(Bashanet al., l915a\. asa resultor tn" ."[;: ;;ilfi"ntive not Yet be made' IN PLANTTISSUE PHASEOTBECTNNTA GROWTH 3.2 ENDOPHYTIC of data Maybeduetothetechnicaldifficultiesindistinguishing.theinternaland t*li;;; t*"llt1 il"-:* 0"il;;;;mtnt'.?1* e*ernalbacteriar r *,,n"ur.;-;;;"i'4oY:'; poililrliil", aboutendopnv,i. l?oulation ri't'" .ry fi 1t;li:1'3;:il;t'::'H;;:l o"r *' ouiJi' |ll theinterceuur " Acompatibr.putnoJ.]'il;;t'hastheuniiueauiritytomultiplyfreelyi ;ttl*i**milili,l*?t$5i""ll:'"ru;iJ'"'*ilu'sh 'fi: someexampleswilrJ"io"#?i..iJ"nnr,,.*itiin'oiiioiohel.o -P' ingthedeveropmeniii'uJirr.,.*,T,i*,{;}#i*,:;ll*i the leaf' Bashan'1-1';-tT"*"iJi""".t, syringoepv bacteriawithin ;;;il :1,:^:lllT; Xl;Kliliil;;;;' hchrYmansrn cuc pv x-'campes "na vesicotoriaino.ool,'iJu".J.'r"ro,.*:Tt.ffii (lh?:* jt^ 1':'; ;;lroucation of ^thepathogen , r" l,' tga,Danopepper " :ili:1#""':;{;ilh;ft o surraces 1l;lnlinru;:$ffi tt ":r.'::*"Du "t"'ht-o,l:'J o*n ;;;;.", 111ii -1t;,1-*"*"i ation, i ncub :r;tnn*n'"i*ti*Xlfixil ponulauol-iii;;;,.til;*cktptg* ot"' ontomato'th or crn?leafarea.Epiphvtic "dti'ts atntro.9"i1of bacterial i-nil"-"tti tcpcFu/e "'to'ii' ,: il,::#f*:f.fii?Xf;iJi;'*pend o"o''iiliJ;;fi endcphytic x. ,o^p"'rn1Pl; ;il;;;d the#;: on"i, either ry bac l"'"ai"::':i1::::"fi',h"r,. thatw "nv"ip"'ent -e; *:ll':::S$i(ffii'#ii* Howevttl!?l it ont sidetoJheother' soakingoftheo*ot'leavesi'"titll"l;;;;;;;q"ttittfot'endophvtic multiPlication' di:'f': svmfloms' o:!':::'o'once of population 3.2.1 Endophvtic '"',ll:i#'ry?;;il:,;',''!ffi Endophvtico"o"'-"iii''mavn:t1*"1vJil''"'y1 weeninoculum iffiH Massive*a"ot''ircn"oJ;1"."":::1:$:li di Nevertheless'^t]1il"r";;JJ scab theleaves' itretvpical cauDesuv was similar to tnal "" population aopt'vtic ;;; 1985a)' iguttton et al" host. After a certain time, the inhibiting effect of the incOmpatibleh becameapparent, when the bacterial population increasedlessrapidly decreasedmarkedly.Bacterial population within the compatible host c tinued to increaseuntil destructionof the tissueoccurred. lheir last ob vation was on the seventhday after inoculation. Leben et al. (1968 a prolonged their observation of population dynamics of P' syringoe glycinea. They showedthat the population reachedits maximum betw ihe seventhand thg fifteenth day after inoculation. Later; the popula declined as lesionsbecamenecrotic and leavesdried. Substantialnum ofthe pathogenwerepresentbeforesymptomappearance'and low inocu concentration resultedin lower population maxima and delayedsymp expression.Theseresultswere confirmed for P. syringaepv. tomato an compestris pv.'vesicatoric (Bashanet al,, 1978 Diab et al.' 1982\, t iUen and his associatesspeculatedthat in older drying leavesand nec lesions,baCteriaare 'glued dgwn' and serveas a slow releasereservoi future bacterial outbreak. This was tested in bacterid speck and sca tomato and pepper.usinga scanningelectronmicroscopytechnique.A developmentof microscopicalnecrosis,bacteriawerenot found in the m necrotic sitesexaminedvery carefully. Bacteriain both diseaseswere dete only in apparently healthy infectpd tissuesurroundingthe necrotic atea. T presumabiybacteriasimply diedwith the plant cellsin the lesionitself (Ba et sl., l98lb; Sharon et al,,1982a). 3.2:3 Leqf tissueas o protective environment Evidencethat the leaf tissueservesas a protectiveenvironmentfor th dophyte bacterial population can be drawn from the following exam Endophytic population of X. campesfnbpv. phaseolivar. soiensisin bean ieavesshowedthat the ultraviolet irradiation destructiveto bact cellseither in water or on the leaf surfaceshaveno effect on the interce population (Barnes, 1965).Surfacedisinfestation of pepperwith the bleac pv. vesica compound,Naocl, which usuallykills most of x. campesfnls (Sh bacteria endophytic in water suspensiondid not reducethe number of which elimi pepper leaves, et al., 1982b).Only lyophilization of diseased nearly all the epiphytic microflora including the bacterialpathogen,ca reduction in the internal population (Bashanet al.' 1982a). 3.2.4 Conclwion The endophyticmultiplication of phytopathogenicbacteriashowsthat ly all compatible pathogenstested can multiply inside plant tissue vironmental factors have little influence, but water soaking of leaves least non-wilting conditions axenecessaryfor proper multiplication in tissue.Plant tissueseemsto protect the endophyticpopulation from the h of the defencemechanismsof the plants, they do not seemto be assoc with visible symptoms. 3.3 Mur.Ttpr.rcanroNoF BAcTERTA IN RELATToN ro Corr{p,lrrBrl-rr Plantsare not alwaysdiseased,and diseases comefrom different bac species: theremust,therefore,be somekind of specificitybetweenthe p and the bacteriaat the tissuelevel which determineswhether or not dis processes will develop.Most studieson bacterialmultiplicationin plan not distinguishbetweenthe epiphyticand endophyticbacterialpopulat but concentrateon the effects of compatibility and non-compatib measurements which are easilycarriedout with a precisesamplingprog homogenization device, selective media (if available) and very sim techniques. The main drawbackof thesestudies,especiallyin field conditions,is multiplication is affectednot only by the cornpatibility of the host, but by many environmental,agrotechnicaland methodologicalfactors, lea to contradictoryresultsevenon the samebacteria-plantcombination.De all the problems,these.studies show,with not too many exceptions,that e patible interaction favoursmultiplication of the pathogenin the tissue,w incompatibilityrestrictsor slowsthe rate of multiplicationof the bac in the plant. The following examplespicked from.the bulk of literature,illustrat aboveremarks:multiplication studiesof X. campestrispv . vesicatoriain per by stall and cook (1966)showedthat after severaldaysthe pathog population was alwayslower in the resistantcultivar. similarly, p. syrin pv. tomato showedthe sametrends in bacterial population (Bashanet I 98lb). P. syringaepv . p haseolicola grew fasterand to hilher total num in the susceptiblethanin the tolerant beancultivar leaves(Stadtand s tler, l98l); intensivemultiplication occurredalso in the resistantcul (omer and wood, 1969).In both studiesbacterialpopulation reache apex three to four daysafter inoculation, and no differencecould be fo between the cultivars. working with p. 'syringae pv, glycinea in soyb leaves,Mew and Kennedy (l9zl) found a normal pattern of bact multiplication in three pathogenicisolatesin susceptibleand resis cultivars.They reportedthat greatnumbersof isolatescould be washedfr symptomlesssoybeanleaves. 3.3,1 Plant resis,tance influence on pathogenicpoputation The degreeof resistanceof the infected plant has an effect on the l of bacterialpopulation in the plant. Testingp. syringaepv. tabacimultip tion on susceptible, resistantand hybridswith variousdegreesofresista hosts,but not in thoseof the resistantgenotypes.Systemiccolonizatio plants throughout the growing seasondecreasedwith the increaseof resistanceof the genotype,to zero in highly resistantcultivars (Cafati Saettler,1980). 3.3.2 Multiplication of incompatible bacterid' When incompatiblebacterialpathogenis inoculatedto the correspon plant tissue,its ability to multiply is usually not affected, but sloweddo significantly. Comparativestudieson the multiplication of bacteriain b plants have shown that both compatible (P. syringoepv. phasealicola incompatible (P. syringaepY. morsprunorum)pathogenscan multiply, at different rates and to different final populations. The growth of the compatiblebacteriastoppedone to three daysafter inoculation, wherea compatiblepathogencontinuedto multiply until five daysafter inoculat when diseasesymptomsappeared.Bacterial population was alwayssm in the incompatiblethan in the compatibleinteraction (Ercolani and Cro 1966). Incompatibility seemsto be due to a reaction of every individual Studiesof multiplication on tobacco uniform callus tissueshowedthat compatiblebacterium, P. syringaepv . tabaci, multiplied rapidly and colon the calluswithin two daysof inoculation, while the incompatibleP. syri pv. pisi multiplied relatively slowly and remained in the inoculation (Huang and Van Dyke, 1978). 3.3.3 Saprophytic multiplication Inoculationof a saprophyticisolatein to a plant tissueusuallyresu nearly tot;l inhibition of bacterialmultiplication, if tlie plant tissuerem ing under more or less normal. growth conditions. X. campestn vesicatoriaand P. fluorescensinoculated onto pepper plants revealed the saprophytemultipliedon the leaf surfacemorethan the pathogeniciso but, within the leaf, it wastotally inhibited. Using this phenomenon,Sh et al. (1982b)developeda highly sensitivemethod for detectingvery s numbersof bacteriain seedsand symptomlessleaves,by artificially inc ing the pathogenpopulation insidethe respectivesusceptiblehost and d media.The me ting it, whenits numberis high enough,in semiselective was found to be very preciseand efficient and was adoptedby the see dustry quality control units (Bashanand Assouline,1983). Another approach to the problem of saprophyticmultiplication in tissuewas suggedtedby Young and Paton (1972)who mixed P. syringa phaseolicolawith saprophytesand showedthat the saprophyticpopul was stimulatedby the presenceof the pathogenand multiplied to the extent. In the absenceof the pathogen the initial saprophytic popu decreasedslowly. its maximum when severesymptoms of the disorder were observed.All bacteria (40 different isolates)obtained from this lesion failed to induce the disorder in carrot after various natural methods of inoeulation, indicating secondary muitiplication of saprophytes(Soroker et al., 1984) 3.3.4 Other factors affecting multiplication Even in experimentsespeciallydesignedto define the effect of compatibility on multiplication, factors such as inoculum levels,tissqeconditioning and others which control the growth of the bacterium itself, had an important effect. By studying detailedmultiplication of p. syringae pv. phaseolicolo, P. syringae pv. morsprunorum and a pear strain of p. syringae pv. syringae, Ercolani and brosse (1966)cameto the conclusionthat host specificity in the field wasassociatedwith factorscontrd[ing growth of the organismitself in vivo. They found that in compatible combinationspathogenpopuration increasedlogarithmically during at least four days following inoculation, whereas,in incompatiblecombinations,logarithmic growth endedabruptly after two or three days due to an unknown reaction of the plant's defence mechanisms. Growth kineticsstudiesof compatiblep. syringaepv. syringaeand incompatible P. syringaepv. coronafaciensbyDoub and Hagedorn (1980)in susceP tible and resistantbeansshowedno differencein bacterialgrowth ratesand final bacterial populations in both types of host when a large dose of inoculum was used.But, for a low doseof inoculum, growth ratesin resistant plants was much slower. surprisingly, growth rate and bacterialpopulation of the incompatiblepathogenwere only a little lower than for the compatible pathogen;but, nevertheless, higherthan expectedin plantswhich responded to the incompatiblepathogenby a typical hypersensitivereaction. Thus, at least in this case,plant resistanceto the incompatible bacteria does not see4 due to an abrupt death of the bacteria as was suggestedby Ercolani and Crosse(1966)but to a slower rate of bacterial growth. Nearly all the data on this subjectare of a numericalnature and very little descriptiveinformation can be found. usually multiplication of a compati. ble pathogenreachesl0p-10?CFLJ/gtissue (orlcmz leaf area); multiplication of an incompatiblepathogenin non-host reacheslOr-ICI cFU/g, and in saprophytes0-10 without any appaxentmultiplication. The maximum multiplication level of pathogenicbacteria inside a plant whether susceptibleor resistantbelongsto x. campesfnispv. malvacearum, Brown (1980)showedthe closerelationshipbetweenthe amount of pathogen and the severeness of diseasesymptoms.The growth pattern of the pathogenic bacteriain the plant resembledthe typical growth curveof bacteriain broth culture, in which, at the end of the growth period, the bacterial number reached a maximum of l0.per plant. Essenberget al, (Wg a,b) found even 3.3.5 Conclusion Exceptfor severalcases,which can be relatedto abnormalor unusua ditions of the plant tissue,generalconclgsionson the relationshipbet compatibility and bacterialmultiplication can be drawn. Cgmpatibility key factor for controlling multiplication in the tissue. It induces multiplication while incompatibility limits to different extentsthe dev ment of the bacterialpopulation. Of secondaryimportanceis the degr plant resistancewhich showsthat, the more resistantthe genotype'the m limited the pathogenpopulation is. The incompatible pathogenmulti until stoppedor sloweddown by the plant's defencemechanisms;the c patiblepathogenmultipliesuntil diseasesymptomsaPPetr,and thenit re a stationary phase.Finally, saprophytes,under normal conditions of p gfowth do not multiply in the plant tissue. They can follow a patho interaction or be encouragedby the presenceof the pathogenin the ti Environmental factors, inoculum dose and no competition from o pathogenshave little effect. The inhibition effect is probably at cell or cluster level. 4. ULTRASTRUCTURE OF PLANT-BACTERIA INTERACTION Ortcea bacteriumpenetratesinto the intercellularspaces'eitherby its motility or by artificial infiltration, the plant reactsmainly in two w (a) Incompatibleresponse:the plant forms variousstructuralbarriersw the invaders.This usuallyeliminatesor stro irnmobilizeand encapsulate reducesthe multiplying ability of the pathogen.The visible effec reactionin somecellsor regions.This responseis trigg hypersensitive only by incompatiblepathogensor saprophytes. (b) Compatible response:no effe6t is observedin a normal infection aregra tern, until severalhoursafter inoculation.Later, cell organelles v becomes and ly destroyed,and eventualtythe whole tissuecollapses necrotic. 4,I RESPONSE OFTHEINCOMPATIBLE UITNASTRUCTURE Ultrastructuralevidencegivessupportto the hypothesisthat immobiliz or attachmentof incompatiblepathoge9icand saprophyticbacteria,bu of compatible pathogens,by fibrillaf and granular substancesat the cell wall, is a specific active defencemechanismof the plant. The pr is highly localiied and happensas bacterial cells come in contact wit host cell wall during the first hours after inoculation. 4.1.1 Immobilization or encapsulationhypothesis The following examplessupport this hypothesis.Goodman et al. (1 b) and Politis and Goodman(1978)showedthat the incompatiblebacte fragments.This plant-createdenvelopethen immobilizedthe bacterialcells which migratedto the plant cell wall surface.However,this did not affect all the bacterialcellsinsidethe tissue,and the saprophyteP. fluorescensinducedthe phenomenononly slightly.Exceptfor a few.unimportantchanges in plant cell ultrastructure,it seemsthat the plant 'ignores'the injectionof compatibleP. syringaepv. tabaciinto the tissue,suggestihg that an 'active' immobilization occurs in responseto bacterial invasion. Sequeiraand coworkers(1977)reportedalmostthe samephenomenon(with a slightlydifferent terminology), using incompatible and avirulent strains of P. solonoceorunon tdbaccotissues.A slightly different observationwasmade by Singand Schroth(1977)who showedthat fibrillar structuresoriginating from the plant cell wall of beansimmobilized'actively' the saprophyteP. putida, but not the compatiblepathogen,P. syringaepv. phaseolicoldor the incompatible pathogenP. syringae pv; tomoto. The sequence of eventswhich can be observedis describedby Goodman (1978).'Initially, the plant cell wall that is in closeproximity to the bacteria appearsto ''blister" and the cuticularlayeron the outersurfaceof the plant cell wall rupjures. This loosenedcuticular layer initiates the bacteriaenvelopingprocess.With time the cuticularlayer becomesthicker with the integrationof fibrils and small vesicles,and firmly ensheaths and localizes the bacteria'Roebucket at. (1978)detailedthesecellularchangesduring incompatibleinteractionof P. syringaepv.phaseolicolain resistantbeanplants: four hours after inoculationmost bacteriawereattachedto the cell wall which was partially erodedat the siteof attachment.Aggregationof host cytoplasm adjacentto the invading bacteriacauseda localizedcytoplasmicinvasion of the vacuole,accumulationof osmophilicdropletsof unknown naturein the cytoplasm, vesiculation,degenerationof organellesand finally collapseof the cell, The adjacentcellsshowedsimilar ultrastructuralchanges,indicating 'transmission'of an unknown factor betweenthe cells.Casonet al. (1978) studied the infection of immune ,cotton cotyle{ons with X. campestrispv. malvacearum.Twenty-four hours after inoculation, the outer cuticle of the surfacesof host mesophyll cell loosenedand detached,and envelopedthe adjacent bacteria. The envelopecontainedone or two bacteria and a mass of fibrillar material. The plasmalemmafrequentlybroke and host cytoplasm clustered. Thesephenomenawere not observedin inoculated susceptible plants. Using scanningelectronmicroscopy,Huang and Van Dyke (19?8)showed quick immobilization of incompatibleP. syringaepv. pisi on the surface of incompatible tobacco callus by a network of fibrillar material, whereas the compatiblepathogenP. syringaepv. tabocimultiplied freely without interaction with the plant cells. P. fluorescenscells formed sphericalbodies apparentlyas a result of damageto the bacterial cell wall, which eventually 4.1.2 Evidenceagainst the immobilization hypothesis phenomenonis some contradictoryinformation on the immobilization of a .surformation the givenby Sigeeand Epton (1975,1976)who showed face membrane'over bacierialcells of both compatibleand incompatible bean' strainsof P. syringaepv. phaseolicolain the intercellularspaces'of inand saprophytic of However,all other stuiiesieported only attachment imthe on Doubts wall. co-putiut" strainsof the pathogento the beancell bacteriawithin the leaf and portanceof the fibrillar materialencapsulating podtissuewereformulatedbyDoubandHagedorn(1980),whod after inbir.on.. strongevidenceof an immobilizationdefencemechanism pods, and in spaces oculation. Bacteriamultiplied and filled the intercellular could and rarely encapsulationof bacteriain leaf tissuewas observedonly or incombe found unspecificallyin the.interactionsof either compatible pathogens' patible ' P' syrThe ultrastructur'alstudy of Fett and Jones(1982)working with They theory. ingaepv. gtycineain soybeanalso resiststhe immobilization 'electron-dense founOttraiUacterialcellswereoccasionallyenvelopedby an activeor material' of uncertainorigin. They could not prove that it was an '"specificreactionof the host, sincesimilar cell structureswere found crossthere Ltiaging adjacentleaf mesophyllcelisat cell junctions. Furthermore, wasneitherevidenceof immobilizedbacteriain incompatiblecombinations of other strains of P. syringde pv. glycinea, even if a typical hypersensitive accumulareactionwasinduced,itbr aisruptim of the host plasmalemmaand which were tion of vesiclesat the site of bacterial encapsulation'events describedby Politis and Goodman (1978)' found Resultscompletelycontradictoryto the immobilization theory were byMazztlchietat.(1982),whoinducedprotectionagainstP.syringa complexes t ibaciinfectionin tobaccoleavesby proteinJipopolysaccharide susceptible in both encapsulated was case pathogen this in ih. .o,npurible in the inmaterial fibrillar of network a by tibsue unA in piotectedtobacco to be a critical positivephase tercelluiarspaces.This encapsulationis suggested which enablesthe bacterii to survive until active growth is established' the encapsulaHildebrand et al. (1980)take the strongeststand against 'active'.or passive between no connection is tion theory, claimingthat there fibrillar immobilization of bacteriain the plant cell wall and resistance,asthis that suggest plant. They the in phenomenon physical material is a result of a possibly an is micrographs electron on the immobilization theory basid inthe into infiltration Water interpretation. artefact or at leastan incoirect wall surtercellular spacesof bean leavesdissolvematerials from the cell films forming water, the of planf transpiration causesevaporation faces. Comintelfaces' air-water at material consistingof amoiphous and fibrillar patible (P. syrinsae pv. syringae),incompatible(P' syringaepv ' marginalis' (P' P. syringae pr. pii and P. syringae pv' tomato) and saprophyte 4.1.3 Adsorption of bacteria to plant suffices Attachment of non-compatiblepathogensand saprophytesdid not alwa occur, but adsorptionof bacteriato plant surfacesor the intercrllular spac of plant tissuedid. Evidencethat the adsorptionin the intercellularspac of tobacco leaf tissue of saprophytic bacterium p. fluoresceizsis strong than for the pathogenicbacteriaP.syringaepv.plsl and p. syringaepv. taba was shownby Atkinson et al. (1981).The adsorptionwasfast and two hou after inoculation bacterialrecoveryfrom the tissuewas inefficient. Im rnob_ilizationof P. syringae pv. pisi cells by tobacco cell walls, as reporte by Goodmanet al. (1976a)was not.observedand a very small amount o fibrillar material was found. The numbersof the pathogenP. syringaepv. tolaasii, attachedto the su face of the cultivated mushroom Agaricus bisporus was twice the nurnb of its common saprophytesP. reactansand of p. putida, which inducesth sporophoreformation in the mushroom.Firm attachmentof bacteriao curred when either pathogenicor saprophyticbacteriawereappliedto th hyphae of A. bispora,s(Preeceand Wong, 1982). 4.1.4 Influence of the inoculum concentration The influenceof the inoculum concentrationon the ultrastructuralchang was clearlydemonstratedin the caseof cotton infection by x. campes pv. malvacearum.cason et ol. (1978)inoculatedimmunecotton plant wit a high concentration'ofinoculum,which resultedin the total encapsulat of bacteriaby fibrillar material connectedto the mesophyllcell walls. Relativelylow inoculum levelsof this pathogenusedby Al-Mousawi al. (1982b)showedthat bacteriawerefound in the intercellularspacesne collapqedmesophyllcellsbut, althoughfibrillar materialwaspresent,it di not completelyenvelopthe bacteria.This looseness of the fibrillar materi could not direcflyrestrictbacterialmultiplicationassuggested by Goodma et al. (1976a). Nevertheless, this evidencewasnot sufficientto decidewheth the attachmentobservedplays a role in the cotton resistance. A drasticexampleof ultrastructuralchangesrelatedto inoculumconce tration of P. syringaepv.phaseolicolawascarriedout by Sigeeand Epto (1975,1976)inresistantand susceptible beanplants.Markeddifferences we observedin the pathogen.Surfaceprotuberances appeared,and later disa peared.In resistantplants, the bacterial'nuclearregion' broke down an ribosomalaggregationdeveloped,whereasin the susceptible piant no suc changesoccurred.Later, during diseasedevelopment,somebacteriain th susceptibleplants producedlarge surfacevesiclesnot found in any othe phytopathogenicbacteria.some vesiclesrupturedliberatingtheir contentint the intercellularspace.Major changesalsooccurredin the plants.Howeve which definitely is not typical of this disease. 4.L5 Problems in interpretation of ultrastructural evidence Many unclear and contradictory eventsmake the interpretation of t ultrastructural evidenceof immobilization of bacteriain planttissue and t evaluation of its validity, importance or contribution to the plant defen mechanismsa very problematictheory. Data givenin thebacterialmultiplic tion sectionseemto rule out this theory. Hildebrand et al. (1980)wonder if bacterialmultiplication is possiblebecausesomeor all bacteriaescapee capsulation,or becausetheyare'strong' enoughto break out ofthe relativ fragile binding structure. Furthermore, both resistant and susceptibleplants were shown to im mobilizeboth compatibleand incompatiblebacteria.Additiqnally, mainta ing the leaveswater soakedtotally preventedthe attachment,suggestingth if attachmentwas an activgprocessit could not be preventEdby the prese of only water (Sigeeand Epton, 1976;Stall and Cook, 1979:'Mazntchi al., 1982). Additionally, somestructuresare formed in the tissue,not only in respo to bacterial inoculation, but as a consequenceof water evaporation fro plant tissue even in the absenceof bacteria, and act as non-specifictra for bacteria.All this evidencetendsto prove that encapsulationalonecou not be a generaldefencemechanism. 4.1.6 Conclusion Bacterial attachmentto plant cellsby ultrastructural studiesis so uncle that interpretation is subjective and highly speculative,and can be on qualitative.The micrographsare subjectedto possibleartefactsand depe on plant tissue conditions, inoculation method and the quality of t micrographs. 4.2 UlrnnsrnucruRE oF THECorapettsI-E RESPoNSE Little information is availableon compatibleinteractions.Contrary to compatibleinteraction,most of thesestudiesagreewith eachother and d fer only in detailsabout the diseases. Attack of susceptiblecotton plants by X. compestrispv. molvacear showedpathogenmultiplicationresultingin severedamageto the membra of all organellesand to the wall structureof mesophyllcells.Early chan includedformation of vesiclesbetweenthe plasmalemmaandceil walls,dis pearanceof the granaland stromalmembranesof the chloroplasts,follo to unde of mitochondria.The last cellularorganelles ed by degeneration structural degenerationwerethe cell nucleusand the plasmalemma.Fibril material was found at the externalcell surfaces,near to bacteria, 120hou after inoculation.The pathogeniccellsthen enteredthe mesophyllcells,a materialof the rentainingcell wall dissolvedthroughthe cell.The ultrastru tural changesof the hostmembraneresembled changesoccurringduringle (Butlerand Simon,l97l); theymay, therefore,be dueto autoly senescence of the host in responseto pathogen(Al-Mousawi et al., 1982a;Cason at.,1977). 4.2.1 Effect of inoculum concentration The effect of inoculum concentrationson the ultrastructurewas show by Goodmanand Burkowicz(1970)who infiltrated high concentrationso virulent and avirulent E. amylovora into apple leavestissue.Twelve hou later, spreadingof grana of the chloroplast,degradationof mitochond and microbodiesand aggregationof stromain chloroplastsand cytoplas were observed.Later most of the cellularorganelleshad lost their norm structure.The interestingfact is that thesechangesoccurredboth in virule and avirulentstrainsand wereprobablyrelatedto the high bacterialconce plantsinste reactionin susceptible tration, and produceda hypersensitive of a susceptiblereaction. However, when relatively smaller numbers (iS CFU/cm2 leaf) of E amylovora and P. syringaepv. pisi were infiltrated into tobaccotissue widespre moderateeffecton cellconstituentswasobserved.Nevertheless, plasmalemma, an bounding tonoplast, damagewascausedwithin the cells: mem internal membranesof chloroplastsand mitochondria,the external branesof microbodies,cytoplasm,and free ribsosomeswereall highly a of bacter fectedand/or destroyed.All theseeffectswerea consequence (Goodman and Plura reaction actionsresultingfinally in hypersensitive l97l). 4.2.2 Ultrastructural changesdue to wilting bacterial diseases Detailedhistopathologyof tomato plantsinfectedwith P. solanqceor by Wallisand Truter (1978)showedthat someof the invadingbacteriamigra into the tyloseswhich bulgeand later rupture, Iiberatingthe pathogensan non-cellularmaterialsinto the plant vessels.Bacterialmultiplication th rapidly producedlarge amountsof bacterialEPS. Later, a thick layer o materialwasdepositedon the primary walls of many inva electron-dense Host degradationproductswereapparentlymin ed rootsand stemvessels. importance in diseas.e development. and in amount disease, caused by Corynebacter vascular system In another degrad (1977) the vessels, disrupting Wallis detected bacteria michiganense, collaps and plant separate to cells the the middle lamellas,and causing pathog pv. the campestris, by X. campestris In cabbageleaves,infected degradedthe primary wall. After completedissolutionpf the wall, the bacte wereableto passin adjacentvessels.Shreddingof the primary wall resul in swellingof wall residuesand releasedmassesof fibrillar material,whi sepedonicumshowedthat cell organelles and all the membranesystemswere affected.Excessive amountsof abnormalmembraneswerepresentin some cells.Severityof the darnagewasrelatedto susceptibility.Organelledisruption was not correlatedto the presenceof bacteria,and cells far from the site of bacteriain the intercellularspaceswerehighly affected.Thi'smay be due to the action of a diffusible toxin (Hessand Strobel, 1970). 4.2.3 Conclusion In compatibleinteractions,the destructionof plant cells,resultingin the appearance of visiblesymptomsat the end of the diseasesyndrome,could previouslybe detectedat the ultrastructurallevel.The cellorganelleand particularly the membraneswere the first to be destroyed,indicating the biologicaldeathof.the cells. 'Browning'of the deadtissuecan be relatedto othermechanisms, such asphenolaccumulationoccurringin the tissue.The relativelysmalldifferences in the plant tissue,at the ultrastructurallevel,do not meanthat the disease mechanismsinvolved in induction of theseeventsare similar. 5. CONCLUSION Currentknowledgeon plant-bacteria interactiondoesnot clearlydemonstrate a generalspecifichost-pathogeninteractionat the cell level.Modelssuggested do not explaingeneralrecognitionin plant pathologywell enough,but only thesephenomenaoccurringbetweencertainspeciesof bacteriaand plants, which unfortunatelycannot be generalizedto other pathogenicsystems. One fact generallyacceptedis that surfacemoleculesof both bacteriaand plant are involvedin determiningspecificrecognition.But somemajor questions remain: (a) How canplant cell surfacesdeterminerecognitionand non-recognition with the samemoleculararchitectureon its surface? (b) Are the O-chainsof LPS, which is the most variablepart of the LPS, responsiblefor pathogenicspecificity? (c) Do the different pathovarsof P. syringaecontainuniquecarbohydrates on their surfaces? One possibleexplanationis that plantsmight havetwo differentreceptors for bacterialcell wall carbohydrates.One of them-perhaps the core LPS or certainEPSs-would be non-specificin order to respondto the general characteristics of incompatiblebacterialsurfacemolecules.These-bacteria. kind of receptorsallow the plant to recognizea largenumberof incompatible Compatiblepathogenswould haveto developalteredstructuralsurfaceto achievenon-recognitionby the plant generalreceptors,or to maskthe plant recognitionsystemby producingbig amountsof EPSs.Pathogenswhich escapedetectionby the recognitionsystemcan theoreticallyinducedisease in their hostplant. The secondtype of receptormight be more specific.The are in fact theseproposedreceptors.Despitethe amount of data, eviden mediatespecificrecognitionby signaltrans that surfacemacromolecules is asyet quite limite interfacesin bacterialplant disease, at host-pathogen incornpatiblerea the that Howevei. most studiesacceptthe assumption recognition. specific to lead tion, and not the compatiblereaction, 'a In a recentreview,Daly (1984),claimedthat thereis still needto sea involvinguniquemolecu for an initial event(recognition)in pathogenesis, species,that furnishesa signal(communication)for a biochemicalrespo that in itselfmay be quitegeneral'.Criticalevaluationof all proposedmod for plant bacteriarecognitiondo in fact needmore chemicaldata on t bacteria.Intens ofmany strainsof phytopathogenic surfice carbohydrates knowledgein molecularbiologyin termsof the differentrecognitionsyste of specificity wouldindicatewhetherthereis any uniquedetermination interactio whetherspecificityoccursthroughmanydifferenthost-pathogen ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS to the memoryof lateMr. Avner Bashanwho h This reviewis dedicated during of inspirationand encouragement source immense an been preparation. 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