* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
2015 - 2016 Peru State College Bi-Weekly Employment Verification Supervisor Must Complete: Student Worker Federal Work Study Harding Stipend Other Employee: Department: Cost Center: Position: Budgeted Salary: HR COMPLETES: New Bi-Weekly Employee is cleared to begin working Employee Application Information Sheet I-9 with ID’s Direct Deposit w/voided check W-4 Signed Drug Free form Background Check form Returning Bi-Weekly Employee is cleared to begin working. Information Sheet Signed Drug Free form W-4 (check exempt status) Direct Deposit HR Sign: ___________________________________________ Date: ___________ Supervisor Must Complete: Rate of Pay:_____________________ First Day Working: _________________ Actual 1st day – No guesses, no estimates, no maybes – notify HR of change. Supervisor/Dean/Director Signature: __________________________ Date:______________ Print Supervisor Name: Date: WORK IS NOT AUTHORIZED UNTIL THIS FORM IS COMPLETE. Should a PSC student drop to “half time or less,” enrollment status, the student must notify the supervisor and the payroll department. Revised 2/27/15