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Food Research Institute Studies
Volume 1
Price Effects of Futures Trading ................................................ Holbrook Working
Food Crops and the Isoline of Ninety Frost-Free Days
in the United States ................................................................... Merrill K. Bennett
The Smallholder in Tropical Export Crop Production .......... Vernon D. Wickizer
The Farm Policy Debate: Discussion .......................................... Boris C. Swerling
Economic Man in Africa ................................................................ William O. Jones
Food For Peace ................................................................................. Joseph S. Davis
The Argentine Cattle Industry Under Peron ................................. E. Louise Peffer
Speculation on Hedging Markets ............................................... Holbrook Working
American Wheat Exports, Policies, and Prospects ............. Helen C. Farnsworth
A World Map of Food Crop Climates ......................................... Merrill K. Bennett
The Characteristic Bias in Some Thin Futures Markets ................ Roger W. Gray
Measurement of a Random Process in Futures Prices .............. Arnold B. Larson
Toward Positive Policies for American Agriculture .................. Boris C. Swerling
The Nature of Agriculture's Contribution
to Economic Development.. ..................................................... Bruce F. Johnston
and John W. Mellor
Volume 2
Food and Agricultural Economies of Tropical Africa:
A Summary View .......................................................................... William O. Jones
The Relationship Among Three Futures Markets: An Example
of the Importance of Speculation .................................................. Roger W. Gray
State Intervention in the Argentine Meat Packing Industry,
October 1, 1946 - December 31, 1958 .......................................... E. Louise Peffer
Benefit-Cost Analysis and Water-Pollution Control
in the United States: A Note ................................................ Richard J. Hammond
Agricultural Productivity, Economic Growth, and the Farm Policy:
Motivation of Urban Electorates ........................................................ Karl Brandt
Change in the American National Diet, 1870-1959 ................... Merrill K. Bennett
and Rosamond H. Peirce
The Food Economies of Urban Middle Class Africa:
The Case of Ghana ................................................................. Thomas T. Poleman
Defects, Uses, and Abuses of National Food Supply
and Consumption Data ...................................................... Helen C. Farnsworth
Estimation of Hedging and Speculative Positions
in Futures Markets ...................................................................... Arnold B. Larson
A New Estimate of the National Income and Product
of Cuba in 1953 ............................................................................. Harry T. Oshima
Urban Food Expenditure Patterns in Tropical Africa ............. Hiromitsu Kaneda
and Bruce F. Johnston
Volume 3
Communes and the Agricultural Crisis
in Communist China ........................................................................ Philip P. Jones
and Thomas T. Poleman
The Seasonal Pattern of Wheat Futures Price
Under the Loan Program ................................................................. Roger W. Gray
Consumption of Exotic Consumer Goods
as an Indicator of Economic Achievement
in Ten Countries of Tropical Africa ........................................... William O. Jones
and Christian Merat
Agricultural Productivity in the United States, 1870-1960 ........ Charles O. Meiburg
and Karl Brandt
Agricultural Change in Uganda: 1945-1960 ...................................... G.B. Masefield
Advertised Specials and Local Competition Among
Supermarkets .................................................................................. Roger W. Gray
and Roice Anderson
Foot-And-Mouth Disease in United States Policy ........................ E. Louise Peffer
British Wartime Food Control: Some Addenda
to an Official History ............................................................ Richard J. Hammond
An Agroclimatic Mapping of Africa ............................................ Merrill K. Bennett
Nonfarm Inputs as a Source of Agricultural Productivity ....... Charles O. Meiburg
Agricultural Development and Economic Transformation:
A Comparative Study of the Japanese Experience ............... Bruce F. Johnston
Volume 4
Longer and Shorter Views of the Malthusian Prospect............ Merrill K. Bennett
Futures Markets Under Renewed Attack ................................. Holbrook Working
Fann Tenancy and Productivity in Agriculture:
The Case of the United States ........................................................ James O. Bray
Agricultural Change in Ruanda-Urundi: 1945-1960 ............... Philippe P. Leurquin
The Attack Upon Potato Futures Trading
in the United States ......................................................................... Roger W. Gray
Soviet Agricultural Policy, 1953-1962 ................................................Jerzy F. Karcz
and Vladimir P. Timoshenko
African Agricultural Development in Southern
Rhodesia, 1945-1960 .................................................................... R. W. M. Johnson
Determinants of French Grain Production,
Past and Prospective ............................................................ Helen C. Farnsworth
International Collaboration in the World Coffee Market... ...... Vernon D. Wickizer
The Decline in the Cotton Futures Market .................................... Simon S. Brand
Volume 5
Patterns of Bread Consumption in Nigeria ........................................... Peter Kilby
Factor Costs of United States Agriculture: 1940-1962 .......... Charles O. Meiburg
German Grain Policies and Prices, 1925-1964 .......................... Karen J. Friedman
Environment, Technical Knowledge, and Economic
Development in Tropical Africa ................................................. William O. Jones
A Test of the Serial Independence of Price Changes
in Soybean Futures ........................................................................ Seymour Smidt
Agricultural Change in the Belgian Congo: 1945-1960 ................. v. Drachoussoff
The Consumption Approach to Measuring Agricultural
Productionof Foodstuffs ......................................................... Rowena M. Larson
The Introduction of a New Food-Marketing Institution
in an Underdeveloped Economy: Supermarkets in Spain ......Joseph R. Guerin
Agricultural Change in Nyasaland: 1945-1960 ............................... R. W. Kettlewell
Agricultural Change in Tanganyika: 1945-1960 ............. N. R. Fuggles-Couchman
Volume 6
Grains in German Farming: Past Developments and Prospects
for 1970 and 1975 .................................................................... Karen J. Friedmann
and Helen C. Farnsworth
Beef Productivity Increases in the Southeastern
United States Since 1920 ................................................................. James O. Bray
Marketing Orders, Cartels, and Cling Peaches:
A Long-Run View .......................................................................... John A. Jamison
Cotton Growing in Colombia: Achievements
and Uncertainties ................................................................... Philippe P. Leurquin
Typology in Development Theory:
The Land Surplus Economy (Nigeria) .................................. Gerald K. Helleiner
Agricultural Change in Northern Rhodesia/Zambia:
1945-1965 ............................................................................................ S. M. Makings
Agriculture and Economic Development:
The Relevance of the Japanese Experience ........................... Bruce F. Johnston
The Impact of Government Programs
on Wheat-Futures Markets, 1953-1963 ......................................... Rollo L. Ehrich
Rice Marketing in Eastern Nigeria .............................................. Delane E. Welsch
Volume 7
French and EEC Grain Policies and Their Price
Effects, 1920-1970 ................................................................. Helen C. Farnsworth
and Karen J. Friedmann
The Quiddity of the Cobweb Theorem ........................................ Amold B. Larson
The Nigerian Palm Oil Industry .............................................................. Peter Kilby
Farm Management in Peasant Agriculture:
An Empirical Study .................................................................... Benton F. Massell
Rice in Colombia: A Case Study in Agricultural
Development ........................................................................... Philippe P. Leurquin
Environmental, Technological, and Institutional Factors
in the Growth of Rice Production:
Philippines, Thailand, and Taiwan .......................... S.C. Hsieh and V. W Ruttan
The Demand for United States Farm Output ........................... Luther G. Tweeten
Changes in Output and in Conventional and Nonconventional Inputs in Japanese Agriculture Since 1880 ......................... Saburo Yamada
Proceedings of a Symposium on Price Effects of Speculation
in Organized Commodity Markets .......................................... Roger W Gray, ed.
Volume 8
Long-Term Changes in Food Consumption Patterns
in Japan, 1878-1964 .................................................................... Hiromitsu Kaneda
Agricultural Change in Kenya: 1945-1960 ............................................ L. H. Brown
The Structure of Staple Food Marketing in Nigeria
as Revealed by Price Analysis .................................................... William O. Jones
On the Efficiency of Resource Utilization
in Subsistence Agriculture ...................................................... Pan A. Yotopoulos
Supplementary Financing:
The Proposals and the Issues .................................... .salvatore Schiavo-Campo
Inter-Market Food Cost Differentials: A Case Study
of Honolulu and the San Francisco Bay Area ........................... John A. Jamison
The Nigerian Palm Oil Industry: A Comment.. .......................... Malcolm J. Purvis
Reply .......................................................................................................... Peter Kilby
A Further Note .......................................................................... Rosamond H. Peirce
Merrill Kelly Bennett, 1898-1969: A Tribute ................................ William O. Jones
The Price Responsiveness of Sao Paulo Coffee Growers ......................... A. Arak
Socioeconomic and Cultural Determinants of Rural
Change in East and West Africa .............................................. Victor C. Uchendu
A Projection Model of the U.S. Shrimp Market.. ......................... C. Peter Timmer
Uncertainty and Diversification in International Trade ........ William C. Brainard
and Richard N. Cooper
Economics of Smallholder Farming in Rhodesia:
A Cross-Section Analysis of Two Areas ................................... Benton F. Massell
and R.WM. Johnson
Volume 9
Changing Trade Patterns and Trade Policy in Mexico:
Some Lessons for Developing Countries ............................... Clark W. Reynolds
Labor Intensity and Relative Efficiency
in Indian Agriculture ................................................................ Pan A. Yotopoulos,
Lawrence J. Lau and Kutlu Somel
The Quantitative Impact of the Seed-Fertilizer Revolution
in West Pakistan: An Exploratory Study ......................................... John Cownie
Bruce F. Johnston and Bart Duff
On Measuring Technical Efficiency .............................................. C. Peter Timmer
Measuring the Effectiveness of Agricultural Marketing in Contributing
to Economic Development: Some African Examples ............. William O. Jones
Short-Range Forecasting of Coffee Production ............................ Blair E. Rourke
Agricultural Change in Mazabuka District, Zambia ........... Kenneth R.M. Anthony
and Victor C. Uchendu
A Statistical Analysis of Speculative Price Behavior .............. Claude S. Brinegar
Volume 10
The Effectiveness of Family Planning Programs in Less
Developed Countries: The Evidence from Survey Data.................. Dudley Kirk
The Use of Aggregate Data in the Study of Agricultural Change:
A Case Study of Uganda, 1955-1967 ....................................... William Mackenzie
Linear Programming Analysis of Constraints
on Peasant Farms in Kenya ............................................................... Judith Heyer
The Economic Imperialism of the Royal Niger Company ......... Scott R. Pearson
Social and Political Interaction in the Economic
Development of a Disequilibrium System:
Some Latin American Examples ............................................. Clark W. Reynolds
A Note on Historical Wheat Prices and Futures Trading ......... William G. Tomek
The Evolutionary Nature of the New Rice Technology ............. Randolph Barker
Rice Policy in Indonesia ...................................... Saleh Afiff and C. Peter Timmer
The Rise of the Modern Brazilian Rice Industry:
Demand Expansion in the Dynamic Economy ........................... Paul 1. Mandell
Marketing Orders and Public Policy for the Fruit
and Vegetable Industries ............................................................. John A. Jamison
Volume 11
Prospects for Reducing Birth Rates in Developing Countries:
The Interplay of Population and Agricultural Policies .................... Dudley Kirk
Employment, Population, and Food:
The New Hierarchy of Development Problems .................. Thomas T. Poleman
Criteria for the Design of Agricultural
Strategies Development ........................................................... Bruce F. Johnson,
John M. Page, Jr. and Peter Warr
Employment Aspects of Investment in Rice Marketing
in Indonesia ................................................................................... C. Peter Timmer
An International Tea Trade Policy for East Africa:
An Exercise in Oligopolistic Reasoning ............................... Dan M. Etherington
Impact of the New Production Possibilities on the Structure
of International Trade in Agricultural Products ............................. Eric M. Ojala
Strategies for Agricultural Development .................................... Vernon W. Ruttan
and Yujiro Hayami
Strategies for Agricultural Development: Comment ............. George L. Beckford
The Choice of Agricultural Strategy and the
Development of Manufacturing ................... Peter Kilby and Bruce F. Johnston
International Commodity Agreements and Export Earnings:
Simulation of the 1968
"Draft International Cocoa Agreement" ......................................... Tetteh A. Kofi
Market Articulation and Economic Stratification
in Western Guatemala ..................................................................... Carol A. Smith
America and the World, 1946-71, in the Perspective
of 1914-39 ........................................................................................ Joseph S. Davis
Hedgers' Demand for Future Contracts: A Theoretical Framework with
Applications to the United States Soybean Complex ......... David J.S. Rutledge
The Nature of Commodity Futures as an Economic
and Business Instrument .............................................................. Henry B. Arthur
The Egg Futures Market: 1940 to 1966 ......................................... Diane S. Miracle
Whose Markets: The Case for Maine Potato Futures ......... Aaron C. Johnson, Jr.
The Futures Market for Maine Potatoes: An Appraisal ................. Roger W. Gray
Volume 12
The Food Research Institute's Fiftieth Anniversary Conference,
Strategies for Agricultural Development in the 1970's:
A Summary and Critique ...................................................................... Guy Hunter
Sector Analysis and Models of Agriculture
in Developing Countries ............................................................... Erik Thorbecke
Agricultural Taxation and Intersectoral Resource
Transfers ................................................................................ Stephen R. Lewis, Jr.
Results of Land Reform in Asian and Latin
American Countries .................................................................... Doreen Warriner
The Economics of Land Reform ...................................................... Dale W. Adams
Interrelationships Between Agricultural Strategy
and Rural Income Distribution .................................................... William R. Cline
Agricultural and Factory Processes: Implications
for Empirical Research ............................................................ Pan A. Yotopoulos
Agricultural Economics: An Orientation for the 70's ..................... Roger W. Gray
Marketing and Economic Development:
A Brazilian Case Study, 1930-70 ................................................. Gordon W. Smith
Land Distribution, Income Distribution, and the Productive
Efficiency of Colombian Agriculture ........................................... R. Albert Berry
Agricultural Administration and Institutions ....................................... Guy Hunter
The Rebirth of Agricultural Economics ........................................... Roger W. Gray
Volume 13
Regional Analysis and Agricultural Marketing Research
in Tropical Africa: Concepts and Experience .......................... William O. Jones
The Influence of Futures Trading on Cash Cattle
Price Variations ........................................................................... Gregory S. Taylor
and Raymond M. Leuthold
Measurement of Cycles in Speculative Prices ......................... Holbrook Working
Productivity, Technical Change, and the Peasant Producer:
A Profile of the African Cultivator .......................................................C. J. Doyle
National Food Consumption of Fourteen Western
European Countries and Factors Responsible
for Their Differences ........................................................... Helen C. Farnsworth
Helen C. Farnsworth: Memorial Resolution
Seasonal Rice Prices in Indonesia, 1953-69:
An Anticipatory Price Analysis ............................................ Richard H. Goldman
A Model of Rice Marketing Margins in Indonesia ....................... C. Peter Timmer
Agricultural Technology and Institutional
Change in Java .......................................................... William L. Collier, Soentoro,
Gunawan Wiradi and Makali
The Demand for Fertilizer in Developing Countries ................... C. Peter Timmer
Danish Agricultural Policy, 1870-1970: The Flowering
and Decline of a Liberal Policy ............................................. Karen J. Friedmann
Mrican Agriculture Misunderstood: Policy in Sierra Leone ..................John Levi
Rationality, Efficiency, and Organizational Behavior
Through the Production Function, Darkly ............................ Pan A. Yotopoulos
A Cross-Country Analysis of Changing Nutrition Pattems ..... Anne M. Thomson
Volume 14
Linear Programming and Agricultural Policy:
Micro Studies of the Pakistan Punjab
by Carl H. Gotsch
with Bashir Ahmed, Walter P. Falcon, Muhammad Naseem,
and Shahid Yusuf
Preface ................................................................................................. Carl H. Gotsch
1. Traditional Agriculture in the Pakistan Punjab:
The Basic Model ............................................................................ Carl H. Gotsch
2. The Green Revolution and the Economics
of Punjab Agriculture ............................... Carl H. Gotsch and Walter P. Falcon
3. The Economics of Tractor Mechanization
in the Pakistan Punjab ................................................................... Bashir Ahmed
4. Credit Availability and the Growth of Small Farms
in the Pakistan Punjab ........................................................ Muhammad Naseem
5. Technical Indivisibilities and the Distribution of Income:
A Mixed Integer Programming Model
of Punjab Agriculture .................................... Carl H. Gotsch and Shahid Yusuf
6. Linear Programming and Agricultural Policy:
Summary and Suggestions for Further Work ............................ Carl H. Gotsch
The Nutritional Status of the Rural Family
in East Cundinamarca, Colombia .................................... Kenneth G. Swanberg
and Elizabeth Shipley
Changes in Rural Purchasing Power in Taiwan,
1952-72 ............................................................................................ Dale W. Adams,
Truong Q. Canh and Lien-In Amy Chin
The Small-Scale Rural Food-Processing
Industry in Northern Nigeria .................................................. Emmy B. Simmons
Exploring the Gap Between Potential and Actual
Rice Yield in the Philippines ........................................................ Robert W. Herdt
and Thomas H. Wickham
Joseph Stan cliffe Davis: Memorial Resolution
The Political Economy of Rice in Asia:
A Methodological Introduction .................................................. C. Peter Timmer
The Political Economy of Rice in Asia: Indonesia ...................... C. Peter Timmer
A History of Rice Policies in Thailand ....................................... Ammar Siamwalla
Staple Food Self-Sufficiency and the Distributive
Impact of Malaysian Rice Policy ......................................... Richard H. Goldman
The Political Economy of Rice in the New Society ................... Mahar Mangahas
Rosamond H. Peirce: In Memoriam
The Political Economy of Rice in the United States ...................... Leon A. Mears
Japan's Rice Policy in Historical Perspective .................................. Yujiro Hayami
The Evolution of Rice Policy in Korea ............................................ Pal Yong Moon
Rice Policies ofTaiwan ............................................................... H.Y. Che, W.F. Hsu
and Y.K. Mao
The Political Economy of Rice in Asia:
Lessons and Implications ............................................................ C. Peter Timmer
Karl Brandt: In Memoriam
Volume 15
Benefit-Cost Analysis with Market Distortions:
An Indonesian Case Study................................................................ Peter G. Warr
Capturing Economic Rent from Ghanaian Timber ....................John M. Page, Jr.,
Scott R. Pearson and Hayne E. Leland
Food Policy in China ....................................................................... C. Peter Timmer
The Effects of the Financial System on the Distribution
of Income and Wealth in Mexico ............................................. Clark W. Reynolds
and Jaime Corredor
A Transitory Income Approach to Export Instability ................ Odin K. Knudsen
and Pan A. Yotopoulos
Fertilizer Demand in the Asian Rice Economy .......................... Cristina C. David
Comparative Advantage in Rice Production:
A Methodological Introduction ................................................. Scott R. Pearson,
Narongchai Akrasanee and Gerald C. Nelson
The Domestic Resource Cost of Rice Production
in the United States ......................................................................... Leon A. Mears
Comparative Advantage in Rice Production
in Thailand ....................................................................... Narongchai Akransanee
and Atchana Wattananukit
The Domestic Resource Cost of Increasing
Philippine Rice Production .......................................................... Robert W. Herdt
and Teresa A. Lacsina
Interregional Comparative Advantage of Rice
Production in Taiwan ........................................................ Carson Kung-hsien Wu
and Yu-kang Mao
Comparative Advantage in Government Policies
and International Trade in Rice .......................... Eric Monke, Scott R. Pearson,
and Narongchai Akrasanee
Volume 16
The Population Problem and the Development Solution ....... Pan A. Yotopoulos
Interrelationship Among Nutrition, Health, Population,
and Development ....................................................................... Bruce F. Johnston
and Reynaldo Martorell
Development, Poverty, and Basic Human Needs:
Some Issues .................................................................................... T. N. Srinivasan
Research Directions in Income Distribution, Nutrition,
and the Economics of Food .............................................................. Lance Taylor
The Interaction of Nutrition, Infection, and Mortality
During Recent Food Crises in Bangladesh .......... A.K.M. Alauddin Chowdhury
and Lincoln C. Chen
Socioeconomic Development and Fertility Change
in Rural Africa .............................................................................. James E. Kocher
Nutrition and Population in Health Sector Planning ....................... Carl E. Taylor
Integration of Health, Nutrition, and Family Planning:
The Companiganj Project in Bangladesh ....................................... Colin McCord
Organization, Scale, and Performance of the Grain Trade ....... Richard E. Caves
Implications of Private Storage of Grains for Buffer Stock
Schemes to Stabilize Prices .............................................................. Anne E. Peck
Turnips, the Seventh Day Adventist Principle,
and Management Bias ................................................................. William O. Jones
Economies of Scale, Income Distribution, and Small-Enterprise
Promotion in Ghana's Timber Industry .....................................John M. Page, Jr.
The Prospects for Asian Rice Production ................................... Robert W. Herdt,
Amanda Te and Randolph Barker
Estimation of Hedging and Speculative Positions
in Futures Markets: An Alternative Approach ..................... David J.S. Rutledge
Volume 17
Resource Use in Agriculture:
Applications of the Profit Function
to Selected Countries
Pan A. Yotopoulos and Lawrence J. Lau, editors
Preface ...................................................... Pan A. Yotopoulos and Lawrence J. Lau
1. Introduction ........................................ Pan A. Yotopoulos and Lawrence J. Lau
2. The Methodological Framework .............................................. Lawrence J. Lau
3. Efficiency and Technological Change
in Taiwan's Agriculture .................................... Lawrence J. Lau, Wuu-Long Lin
and Pan A. Yotopoulos
4. Technological Change in Dryland
Wheat Production in Turkey ............................................................ Kutlu Somel
5. Production Behavior of the Japanese
Farm Household in the Mid-1960's ............................................ Yoshimi Kuroda
6. A Microeconomic Analysis of the Agriculture
in Thailand ....................................................................... KamphoI Adulavidhaya
Yoshimi Kuroda, Lawrence J. Lau,
Pichit Lertamrab and Pan A. Yotopoulos
7. Microeconomic Analysis of Production Behavior
of Malaysian Farms: Lessons from MUDA ................................ Mokhtar Tamin
8. Economic Efficiency of Agricultural Production
in Northwest China, Circa 1940 ............................................... Lawrence J. Lau,
Ramon H. Meyers and Erwin C. Chou
9. Summary and Conclusion ................. Lawrence J. Lau and Pan A. Yotopoulos
Labor Market Projections for the United States and Mexico
and Current Migration Controversies ..................................... Clark W. Reynolds
Food Crop Marketing in Atebubu District, Ghana ................. v. Roy Southworth
William O. Jones and Scott R. Pearson
There is Method in My Madness: Or Is It Vice Versa?
Measuring Agricultural Market Perfonnance ............................ Barbara Harriss
Bureaucracy, Land Refonn, and Technological Progress:
Denmark, 1755-1810 ............................................................... Karen J. Friedmann
Choice of Technique in Sahelian Rice Production ............ Charles P. Humphreys
and Scott R. Pearson
International Trade in Rice ........................... Walter P. Falcon and Eric A. Monke
The Integration of the International Rice Market.. ......................... Todd E. Petzel
and Eric A. Monke
Reflections of Hedging on Futures Market Activity ......................... Anne E. Peck
Futures Trading and Market Infonnation:
Some New Evidence .................................................................. William G. Tomek
Volume 18
Quantifying the Nutrition Situation
in Developing Countries ........................................................ Thomas T. Poleman
Risk and Adoption of Hybrid Maize in EI Salvador.. ................ Thomas S. Walker
The Chicago Wheat Futures Market: Recent Problems
in Historical Perspective ................................. Roger W. Gray and Anne E. Peck
A New Look at Some Old Evidence:
The Wheat Market Scandal of 1925 ............................................... Todd E. Petzel
Rhetoric and Reason in the Egyptian
"New Lands" Debate .................................... Carl H. Gotsch and Wayne M. Dyer
Large-Scale Irrigation and Drainage Schemes in Pakistan:
A Study of Rigidities in Public Decision Making ............... .sam H. Johnson, III
Estimation of Hedging and Speculative Positions
in Futures Markets Revisited ........................................................... Anne E. Peck
Internal Migration in Mexico: A Test of the Todaro Model .......... Helen Garrison
Some Aspects of Agricultural Growth, Price Policy
and Equity in Developing Countries ................................................... Raj Krishna
New Evidence on Competition in the Grain Trade .................... Richard E. Caves
and Thomas A. Pugel
Marketing Systems and Income Distribution:
The Case of Milk Producers in Highland Peru ................................. Paul Mosley
Housekeeping During an Earthquake: Argentina's Flow
of Funds During the Rapid Inflation of 1970 to 1978 ............ Clark W. Reynolds
Volume 19
A Micro Economic-Demographic Model of the Agricultural
Household in the Philippines .................................................. Pan A. Yotopoulos
Time for Tapioca, 1970 to 1980: European Demand
and World Supply of Dried Cassava .......................................... Gerald C. Nelson
Underinvestment and the Demand for Agricultural Research:
A Case Study of the Punjab ................................................................ Carl E. Pray
Seasonal Rice Price Variation in the Philippines:
Measuring the Effects of Government Intervention .............. Howarth E. Bouis
Recent Demographic Trends and Present Population
Prospects for Mexico ........................................................................... Dudley Kirk
Economic Tasks for Food Marketing Boards
in Tropical Mrica ......................................................................... William O. Jones
Protection Policy and Changing Comparative
Advantage in Korean Agriculture ................................................. Kym Anderson
and In-Chan Ahn
Implementing Agricultural Development Policy in Kenya ........ Pamela M.J. Cox
Disintegrating Agricultural Development.. ................................. David K. Leonard
Participatory Planning and Kenya's National Food
Policy Paper ..................................................................................... John M. Cohen
Economic Development in Taiwan and South Korea:
1965-81 ............................................................................................ Tibor Scitovsky
Price Relationships Between Wheat Futures Markets:
Implications for Hedging ...........................................................Jay S. Strohmaier
and Reynold P. Dahl
Water Resource Development in the Salinas Valley:
Economics and Hydrology in a Closed Control Model ........ Pierre H. Lemoine
and Carl H. Gotsch
Sources of Funds for Agricultural Investment
in Portugal .......................................................... Scott R. Pearson, Eric A. Monke
and Francisco Avillez
Volume 20
Agricultural Planning in China: The Case
of Lee Willow Team No.4 .................................................................... Terry Sicular
Testing Market Integration ............................................................... Paul J. Heytens
Changing Comparative Advantage in Philippine
Rice Production: 1966 to 1982 .............................................. Laurian J. Unnevehr
Forward-Pricing Models for Futures Markets:
Some Statistical and Interpretative Issues ................................ Kandice H. Kahl
and William G. Tomek
Family Labor Allocation in the Agricultural
Household .................................................................................. Pan A. Yotopoulos
and George J. Mergos
Holbrook Working: In Memoriam
Private Land Reclamation in Egypt:
Development Policy and Project Design ................................ Thomas P Tomich
and Carl H. Gotsch
The Execution Cost of Trading in Commodity
Futures Markets ............................. Sarahelen R. Thompson and Mark L. Waller
The Effects of Extraordinary Speculative Margins
in the 1947-48 Grain Futures Markets ........ Anne E. Peck and Carlos C. Budge
Socialist Countries in the World Food System:
The Soviet Union, Hungary, and China ................................... Kathleen Hartford
General Equilibrium Effects of Agricultural Price Distortions:
A Simple Model for Korea .............................................................. Kym Anderson
and Peter G. Warr
Simulation and Optimization of Price Stabilization Policies:
Maize in Kenya....................................................................... Thomas C. Pinckney
and Carl H. Gotsch
S. Daniel Neumark: In Memoriam
Volume 21
Java's Critical Uplands: Is Sustainable Development
Possible? ................................................................................... Frederick C. Roche
Research and Development of A Biological Innovation:
Commercial Hybrid Wheat ...................................................... Mary K. Knudson
and Vernon W. Ruttan
Animal-Drawn Implements for Small Farms
in Mexico ......................................................... Brian G. Sims, Bruce F. Johnston,
Alan L. Olmstead and Sergio Jacome Maldonado
The Political Economy of Agricultural Development
in the Soviet Union and China ................................................. Bruce F. Johnston
Efficiency Gains and Adjustment Costs of Reforming
the U.S. Rice Program ......................................................................... Alex Nelson
On Agricultural Performance of Developing Nations,
1950-85 ............................................................................................ Jerome C. Wells
Hedging Your Advice: Do Portfolio
Models Explain Hedging? ................ Anne E. Peck and Antoinette M. Nahmias
The Political Economy of Agricultural Development
in Kenya and Tanzania .............................................................. Bruce F. Johnston
The Complex Case of the Chinese Tea Industry .................... Dan M. Etherington
and Keith Forster
Volume 22
Improving Productivity in Sorghum and Pearl Millet
in Semi-Arid Africa ......................................................................... Peter J. Matlon
Investment Behavior in Developing Countries:
The Case of Agriculture in India .................................................... Vasant Gandhi
Shrimp Aquaculture in Mexico ........................................................ Margaret Miller
Substitutions in End Uses for Food Commodities
and Agricultural Trade Policy ..................................................... Scott R. Pearson
Deliveries on Chicago Board of Trade Wheat, Com,
and Soybean Futures Contracts, 1964/65-1988/89 ......................... Anne E. Peck
and Jeffrey C. Williams
Dedication: William O. Jones
The Scope and Sequence of Maize Market Reform
in Zimbabwe .............................................................................. William A. Masters
The Distributional Impact of Technical Change in Philippine Agriculture:
A General Equilibrium Analysis ................... Peter G. WaIT and Ian A. Coxhead
The Challenge to Economists of Multilateral Trade Negotiations
on Agricultural Protection ......................... Kym Anderson and Timothy Josling
Measuring the Sources of Growth in Rice Yields:
Are Growth Rates Declining in Asia? ...................................... Howarth E. Bouis
The Impacts of Maize Market Liberalization in Kenya .... Gem Argwings-Kodhek,
Mulinge Mukumbu, and Eric Monke