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Miscellaneous Student Fees (applicable for Academic Year 2016/2017)
The Miscellaneous Student Fees for AY2016/2017 are as follows:
(A) For new students admitted in AY2016/2017
(B) For existing students admitted in AY2015/2016
(C) For existing students admitted in AY2014/2015
(D) For existing students admitted in AY2013/2014
(E) For existing students admitted in AY2012/2013 and before
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Miscellaneous Student Fees (applicable for Academic Year 2016/2017)
(A) For new students admitted in AY2016/2017
The table below show the miscellaneous student fees payable per semester1 by the graduate intake of
AY2016/17 for their entire candidature.
Miscellaneous Student Fees2
Student Services Fee (SSF) (Lab-based)3
For students in Dentistry/ Medicine (including Nursing)/ Computing/
Engineering/ NUS Graduate School for Integrative Sciences &
Engineering/ Public Health/ Science/ Duke-NUS
For students in the following programmes in Design & Environment:
- Research in Dept of Building/ MSc (Building Performance and
Sustainability)/ MSc (Integrated Sustainable Design)/ Master of
Architecture/ Master of Landscape Architecture
Student Services Fee (SSF) (Non Lab-based)3
For students in Arts & Social Sciences/ Business/ Law/ Public Policy/
For students in the following programmes in Design & Environment:
- Research in Dept of Architecture/Industrial Design/Real Estate/ MA
(Urban Design)/ MSc (Environmental Management)/ MSc (Project
Management)/ MSc (Real Estate)/ Master of Urban Planning
Health Service Fee (HSF)4
(B) For existing students admitted in AY2015/2016
The table below show the miscellaneous student fees payable per semester1 by the graduate intake of
AY2015/16 for their entire candidature.
Miscellaneous Student Fees2
Student Services Fee (SSF) (Lab-based)3
For students in Dentistry/ Medicine (including Nursing)/ Computing/
Engineering/ NUS Graduate School for Integrative Sciences &
Engineering/ Public Health/ Science/ Duke-NUS
For students in the following programmes in Design & Environment:
- Research in Dept of Building/ MSc (Building Performance and
Sustainability)/ MSc (Integrated Sustainable Design)/ Master of
Architecture/ Master of Landscape Architecture
Student Services Fee (SSF) (Non Lab-based)3
For students in Arts & Social Sciences/ Business/ Law/ Public Policy/
For students in the following programmes in Design & Environment:
- Research in Dept of Architecture/Industrial Design/Real Estate/ MA
(Urban Design)/ MSc (Environmental Management)/ MSc (Project
Management)/ MSc (Real Estate)/ Master of Urban Planning
Health Service Fee (HSF)4
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Miscellaneous Student Fees (applicable for Academic Year 2016/2017)
(C) For existing students admitted in AY2014/2015
The table below show the miscellaneous student fees payable per semester1 by the graduate intake of
AY2014/15 for their entire candidature.
Miscellaneous Student Fees2
Student Services Fee (SSF) (Lab-based)3
For students in Dentistry/ Medicine (including Nursing)/ Computing/
Engineering/ NUS Graduate School for Integrative Sciences &
Engineering/ Public Health/ Science/ Duke-NUS
For students in the following programmes in Design & Environment:
- Research in Dept of Building/ MSc (Building Performance and
Sustainability)/ MSc (Integrated Sustainable Design)/ Master of
Architecture/ Master of Landscape Architecture
Student Services Fee (SSF) (Non Lab-based)3
For students in Arts & Social Sciences/ Business/ Law/ Public Policy/
For students in the following programmes in Design & Environment:
- Research in Dept of Architecture/Industrial Design/Real Estate/ MA
(Urban Design)/ MSc (Environmental Management)/ MSc (Project
Management)/ MSc (Real Estate)/ Master of Urban Planning
Health Service Fee (HSF)4
(D) For existing students admitted in AY2013/2014
The table below show the miscellaneous student fees payable per semester1 by the graduate intake of
AY2013/14 for their entire candidature.
Miscellaneous Student Fees2
Student Services Fee (SSF) (Lab-based)3
For students in Dentistry/ Medicine (including Nursing)/ Computing/
Engineering/ NUS Graduate School for Integrative Sciences &
Engineering/ Public Health/ Science/ Duke-NUS
For students in the following programmes in Design & Environment:
- Research in Dept of Building/ MSc (Building Performance and
Sustainability)/ MSc (Integrated Sustainable Design)/ Master of
Architecture/ Master of Landscape Architecture
Student Services Fee (SSF) (Non Lab-based)3
For students in Arts & Social Sciences/ Business/ Law/ Public Policy
For students in the following programmes in Design & Environment:
- Research in Dept of Architecture/Industrial Design/Real Estate/ MA
(Urban Design)/ MSc (Environmental Management)/ MSc (Project
Management)/ MSc (Real Estate)/ Master of Urban Planning
Health Service Fee (HSF)4
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Miscellaneous Student Fees (applicable for Academic Year 2016/2017)
(E) For existing students admitted in AY2012/2013 and before
The table below show the mandatory miscellaneous fees payable per annum1.
Mandatory Miscellaneous
Registration Fee
One-time fee, payable in
semester of admission. Nonrefundable upon registration.
For local and international
CLASS fee is payable once
per Academic Year.
Student Activity and Services
Fee (SASF)3
Graduate Students Activity
Transport (Internal Shuttle)
Health and Insurance Fee4,5
Academic Related Fee
Computer Account
 For PhD, MD, DSurg, DDS
and Master’s in Medicine
Health (by coursework)
 For Other Master’s and all
Graduate Diploma Courses
] One-time fee.
1. If fees are not paid or only partially paid by the due date (refer to OFS), a late payment charge of $25 may be imposed.
For students admitted in AY2013/14 and after, all fees shown in the table are inclusive of prevailing GST. For students
admitted in AY2012/13 and before, all fees shown in the table are exclusive of prevailing GST, unless otherwise
For conversion from full-time to part-time or vice versa, the Student Services Fee (SSF) or Student Activity and Services
Fee (SASF) payable for the semester is as follows:
Conversion From
Full-time to part-time
Part-time to full-time
Date of Conversion
By end of Instructional Week 2
After Instructional Week 2
Any time in the Semester
Fee Payable
Part-time SSF/SASF
Full-time SSF/SASF
Full-time SSF/SASF
All full-time students (local and international) are required to subscribe to the University’s medical insurance scheme.
Please refer to UHC for details on the scheme. For conversion from full-time to part-time or vice versa, the Health
Service Fee (HSF) or Health and Insurance Fee (HIF) payable is as follows:
Conversion From
Full-time to part time
Part-time to full-time
Date of Approval of Conversion
By the end of Instructional Week 2
After Instructional Week 2
Within first half of semester, i.e. on or before
30 Sep (Sem 1) or 31 Mar (Sem 2)
Second half of semester, i.e. after 30 Sep
(Sem 1) or 31 Mar (Sem 2)
HSF or HIF Payable
Full fee
Full fee
Half fee
For research students who have submitted their thesis, the Health Service Fee or Health and Insurance Fee will be
payable as long as the student remains as full-time and has not been conferred the degree.
Fee quoted is inclusive of prevailing GST. CLASS refers to the Copyright Licensing and Administration Society of
Singapore Limited. Find more information at
GDMisc AY2016 (22 March 2016).docx