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Article 6. MUSIC BOXES
The fee for the use of a work in a music box shall be, per movement, a sum equal to 7 percent of the
shipping price (not inclusive of the consumption tax) of a movement, plus an amount equivalent to
the consumption tax, provided, however, that the fee of a work in a special music box shall be, per
movement, a sum equal to 10 percent of the price (not inclusive of the consumption tax) of such
movement, plus an amount equivalent to the consumption tax.
(Notes for MUSIC BOXES)
① Any payment made by the user to the composer for his commission to create a work shall not
be substituted for the fees payable under this Article.
② In the event of the purpose in the use, the type of use or some specific circumstances
preventing the rates payable under this Article from being applicable, other appropriate rates
may be determined within the rates fixed in accordance with this Article by mutual agreement
between the Society and the licensee.
③ “Special Music Box” as herein used means a music box which is accompanied by an electrical
amplifier, or a music siren and other similar apparatus.