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Nursing Process Focus:
Patients Receiving Fluconazole (Diflucan)
Prior to administration
• Obtain complete health history including
allergies, drug history and possible drug
• Assess for presence or history of
cryptococcal meningitis, oropharyneal
candidiasis, systemic candidiasis, vaginal
Potential Nursing Diagnoses
• Risk for Infection, related to ineffective
response to drug therapy
• Risk for Injury, related to dizziness
secondary to drug therapy
• Pain (headache), related to adverse effects
of drug therapy
• Imbalanced Nutrition: Less than Body
Requirements, related to nausea and
diarrhea secondary to side effects of drug
Planning: Patient Goals and Expected Outcomes
The patient will:
• Remain free of physical injury.
• Remain pain free.
• Maintain adequate nutrition.
Interventions and (Rationales)
*Monitor vital signs, especially temperature.
(Temperature will help to determine the
patient’s response to the medication.)
*Monitor for development of GI distress.
(Gastrointestinal distress may occur because
90% of the medication is absorbed from the GI
tract but absorption of this medication is not
affected by the presence of food.)
*Monitor ALT, AST, alkaline phosphatase, and
bilirubin. (This medication may cause increase
in values of these tests.)
Patient Education/Discharge Planning
*Instruct patient to monitor temperature and
report occurrence of fever to health care
*Advise patient to take medication with food
to decrease gastrointestinal distress.
Advise patient :
• to abstain from alcohol while taking this
• to complete lab testing as proscribed.
*Monitor BUN and serum creatinine. (There is a Advise patient:
small chance of renal damage possibly related to • to increase fluid intake while on drug
the long half-life and the excretion of the
• to report changes in urinary output to
*Monitor intake and output. Make sure patient
health care provider.
remains adequately hydrated during drug
*Monitor the blood sugar of patients on oral
*Advise diabetic patients to increase blood
hypoglycemic medications (because of an
glucose monitoring and notify health care
increased risk of hypoglycemia.)
provider of hypoglycemia.
*Keep the bed in a low position and monitor the *Advise patient to rise slowly from a seated or
patient for any central nervous system effects.
lying position and take care while using stairs
(Headache and dizziness may occur in some
and steps.
patients because of a reaction from the
concentration of this medication in the CSF.)
Evaluation of Outcome Criteria
Evaluate the effectiveness of drug therapy by confirming that patient goals and expected
outcomes have been met (see “Planning”).