Download ADB Activities in Support of the Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics

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Workshop on Strategic Planning for Agricultural and Rural Statistics
Session 1
ADB Activities in Support of the Global
Strategy to Improve Agricultural and
Rural Statistics
Dalisay S. Maligalig
17 March 2015
Outline of Presentation
• Improving Agricultural and Rural Statistics for Food
- Intended Impact and Expected Outcome, Key Outputs,
Arrangements, Completed Activities, Ongoing Research
• Innovative Data Collection Methods for Agricultural
and Rural Statistics
- Intended Impact and Expected Outcome, Key Outputs,
Implementation Arrangements, Completed Activities
• Remaining Activities
Improving Agricultural and Rural Statistics
for Food Security
• Intended impact:
Increase in the use of agricultural and rural statistics
in policy making for food security
• Expected outcome:
Increase in agricultural and rural statistics that are of
better quality and that are collected regularly
Improving Agricultural and Rural Statistics for Food Security
• The regional action plan for improving
agriculture and rural statistics (in collaboration
with FAO RAP, ESCAP and countries in the
• Four methodological studies;
• Trained national statistical systems staff to
support the development of their own action
Improving Agricultural and Rural Statistics for Food Security
Implementation Arrangements
• Implementation period: December 2011 - June
• Close collaboration with SGAS, ESCAP and FAO.
• Countries covered: Bhutan, Lao PDR, Maldives,
Philippines, and Viet Nam
• Instrument for collaborating with countries: Letter
of Agreement
• Approach: Country driven, consultative; through
government hierarchy and existing institutions and
organizations; ADB provided technical advice and
funding support when requested
Improving Agricultural and Rural Statistics for Food Security
What has been done so far?
• Supported the development of the Regional Action Plan
• Country Action Plans
– developed from inputs gathered from stakeholders’ workshop and high
level meetings
– drafts completed for Bhutan, Lao PDR, Viet Nam and Maldives
– Stakeholders identified methodological research studies that can be done
– Lao PDR Action Plan endorsed by the Government
– workshop materials are in the Community for Agricultural and Rural
Statistics (CARS) website
• Training courses and workshops
- offer specific training programs to upgrade the skill level of those involved
in the production of agricultural statistics so that specific methodological
research can be undertaken
Improving Agricultural and Rural Statistics for Food Security
Training Programs Undertaken
• Basic Course on Statistics
– 20 September 2013
– basic statistical concepts and definitions
• A Short Course on Understanding National Accounts
– 10-14 March 2014
– data sources and indicators used in estimating the GDP share of agriculture; uses of
GDP for policy analysis and resource allocation
• A Short Course on Sample Survey Concepts and Analysis
– 24-28 March 2014
– follow up course; sample survey concepts, design and operations
• Training on Improving the Data Collection System for Agricultural
– 11-13 August 2014
– uses of agricultural statistics, existing data sources , inconsistencies identified from
surveys, censuses and administrative reporting system (ARS) ; supplemental
agricultural data collection system to support ARS
Improving Agricultural and Rural Statistics for Food Security
Training Programs Undertaken
Viet Nam
• A Short Course on Sample Survey Design
10-14 February 2014
basic sample survey techniques applicable for crops and livestock production
• An Intermediate Course on Probability Sample Survey
3-7 March 2014
deriving survey weights, design effects and computation of sampling errors
• Designing Survey Instruments and Planning Survey Operations
13-16 October 2014
planning a probability sample survey, questionnaire design, survey operations
• Workshop on Questionnaire Design and on Survey Operations
Planning and Budgeting
5-9 January 2015
basic principles of questionnaire design, formulation of survey objectives,
approaches in planning a probability sample survey, estimation of cost,
resources and time requirements
Improving Agricultural and Rural Statistics for Food Security
Training Programs Undertaken
• Training on the use of GPS mobile mapper for area estimation
6 June 2013
basic principles, grid vs ground measurements, reference frames, best practices for
collecting data in the field
• Training on the use of Agricultural Land Information System (ALIS)
– 21-23 August 2013
– random selection of sample meshes, deriving estimates of areas planted to major crops,
procedures for field verification
• Workshop on Data Documentation and Archiving
– 1-5 September 2014
– held in collaboration with the Partnership in Statistics for Development in the 21st
Century (PARIS21)
– use of the International Household Survey Network (IHSN) Microdata Management
Toolkit, international standards and tools for microdata documentation and archiving,
technical issues relating to microdata dissemination
Improving Agricultural and Rural Statistics for Food Security
Methodological Studies
Bhutan Living Standard Survey 2003, 2007 and 2012: A
Comparative Analysis of Rural and Urban Households
Examining the Available Data Sources for Agriculture
Statistics in Bhutan
Examining the Existing Agriculture Data Sources in Lao PDR
Improving Agricultural Data Collection Systems in Lao PDR
Adoption of Agricultural Land Information System (ALIS) for
Agricultural Area Estimation in the Philippines
Improving the Design of Livestock Production Probability
Surveys in Viet Nam
Innovative Data Collection Methods for
Agricultural and Rural Statistics
• Intended impact:
More evidence-based policies and programs
on food security
• Expected outcome:
Improved quality and timeliness of rice crop
area and production estimates and forecasts
Innovative Data Collection Methods for Agricultural and Rural Statistics
1. Customized software applications on analyzing
satellite imagery and similar tools provided to pilot
2. Selected staff in pilot countries are able to use
output 1 as inputs into rice crop estimation and
forecasting methods.
3. Online training program on the use of satellite
imagery and similar tools for agricultural and rural
statistics provided for open access.
Innovative Data Collection Methods for Agricultural and Rural Statistics
Implementation Arrangements
• Source of funds: Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction
• Implementation period: June 2013 – July 2016
• Countries covered: Lao PDR, Philippines, Thailand
and Viet Nam
• Technical Adviser: Japan Aerospace Exploration
Agency (JAXA) and possibly the International Rice
Research Institute
• Consulting firm: Remote Sensing and Technology
Center of Japan in joint venture with Asian
Institute of Technology
Innovative Data Collection Methods for Agricultural and Rural Statistics
General Approach
• INternational Asian Harvest MOnitoring System
for Rice (INAHOR) software that was developed
by JAXA will be modified for statisticians.
• Both optical and radar satellite imagery will be
• A series of four training programs will be
undertaken to teach implementing agencies
staff on the use of the modified INAHOR.
Innovative Data Collection Methods for Agricultural and Rural Statistics
What has been done so far? (1)
• Pre-inception meeting with technical adviser and
representatives from implementing agencies
• Inception workshop in each pilot country – Lao PDR,
Philippines, Thailand, and Viet Nam
• Training on basic remote sensing concepts and use of
the International Asian Harvest Monitoring System
for Rice (INAHOR) software with archived data.
• Business requirements for modifying INAHOR were
determined in consultation with implementing
agencies, JAXA and the ADB project team.
Innovative Data Collection Methods for Agricultural and Rural Statistics
What has been done so far? (2)
• Technical solutions to the final business
requirements have been proposed by RESTEC .
• First phase of the INAHOR modification
• Field visits in Lao PDR, Philippines and Viet
Nam pilot areas
• Training on the use of Khon Kaen University
(KKU) Rice Crop Model in Thailand
• Training on QGIS and the Modified INAHOR
Remaining Activities (1)
• Completion and publication of technical papers on
methodological research under RPATA 8029 by June
• Phased Software Development, Training and Field
Validation for remote sensing application for
agricultural statistics, until mid 2016
• Mid-project assessment for the remote sensing
research project – November 2015
Remaining Activities (2)
• Field survey in Lao PDR, Philippines, Thailand and
Viet Nam at the start of wet cropping season of
• Crop cutting exercises in Lao PDR, Philippines,
Thailand and Viet Nam during harvest season of
• On-line training program for remote sensing
application in agricultural statistics by end 2015
• Regional conference June 2016
For More Information:
[email protected]
(Community for Agricultural and Rural Statistics)