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Nutrition and Physical
Chapter 13
Depends on physical activity and
exercise (not body type!)
Regular physical activity
 Promotes health
 Reduces risk of developing many
 Heart disease
 Cancer
 Stroke
 Diabetes
 Hypertension
More Benefits of Fitness
Restful sleep
 Lower risk for some
types of cancer
Nutritional health
 Strong circulation &
Optimal body
lung function
Optimal bone density  Stress reduction
 Cortisol reduction
Resistance to
infectious diseases
 Strong self image
Lower incidence of
 Lower risk of
anxiety & depression
How much should I do?
Highly individual
 Just 15-20 min/day starts to reduce
disease risk
 Minimum for optimal health: 2.5 hrs
moderate or 1.25 hrs vigorous activity
– Not an upper limit!
– Good to spread out over the week
How much is too much?
Developing Fitness
Minimizing risk of overuse injuries
 Be active all week
 Use proper equipment and attire
 Use proper form
 Include warm-up and cool-down activities
 Challenge your strength and endurance a
few times a week
 Mix it up!
 Pay attention to body signals
Developing Fitness
Muscle conditioning
 Fit muscles use oxygen efficiently
 Increased mitochondria and vasculature
 Reduces heart’s workload
 Burns fat longer
Balanced fitness program
 Activities you enjoy doing
 Addresses all aspects of fitness
 Strength, endurance, flexibility
 Each has specific benefits
Resistance Training
 Build muscle mass
 Increases metabolism!
 Develop and maintain muscle strength,
muscle power, and muscle endurance
Benefits for prevention of chronic
Maximizes and maintains bone mass
Improves posture & reduces risk of back
Nutrition & Physical Performance
Performance and recovery both enhanced by
optimal nutrition
– We need all essential nutrients to power
3 energy systems:
– ATP-CP, lactic acid, and oxygen
– All 3 systems always active and work together
ATP-CP (creatine phosphate)
– Stores of ATP and CP only power muscles 3-15
– Muscle and liver glycogen needed to continue
Creatine Phosphate
Popular supplement (ergogenic aid)
 Studies show improvement in muscle
strength and power
 No benefit for aerobic training
 Possible side effects:
Weight gain (water retention)
GI symptoms: nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain
Rash, anxiety, headache, fatigue
Not appropriate for people with kidney issues
Should be avoided in children, adolescents,
pregnant women, nursing mothers, diabetics
Anaerobic vs. Aerobic
Anaerobic activities and fatigue
– Lactic acid energy system
– Anaerobic glycolysis leads to drop in pH
– Impairs glycolysis, inhibits binding of
Aerobic activities and endurance
– Oxygen energy system
– Oxidative metabolism of energy nutrients
– Increased blood flow to muscles: oxygen!
– Produces much more ATP, but at slower
• Uses glucose and fatty acids
As long as ATP supply meets energy
needs, activity can continue
– Rate/intensity of activity influences energy
system used
Anaerobic exercise: CP and glycogen
rapidly depleted
– Level of training highly influences shift to
anaerobic metabolism
– Number of mitochondria and efficiency of
oxygen delivery increase with training
Glucose Use During PA
 Liver breaks down glycogen
 Release glucose into bloodstream
 Muscles use glucose and stored glycogen
 Muscle fatigue when glycogen is depleted
Glycogen storage: limited
Intensity of activity
 Impacts how long glycogen will last
CHO post-workout restores glycogen,
spares muscle tissue
Protein Use & PA
Not a significant part of fuel mix for most
 Used in muscle building
 Synthesis suppressed during activity;
accelerates afterward
 High-quality protein consumption
 Enhances muscle protein synthesis
 What is a high-quality protein?
Protein needs are higher for
endurance and strength athletes
 Need adequate CHO, as well…why?
Recommended Protein
Intakes for Athletes
Endurance athlete: 1.2-1.4 g/kg body weight
Strength athlete: 1.6-1.7 g/kg body weight
Everyday adults: minimum of 0.8 g/kg body
Max. usable amount for adults: 2.0 g/kg body
Risks of excessive protein intake
– Dehydration
– Mineral losses
Vitamins and Minerals to
Support Activity
Roles in supporting activity
 Assist in releasing energy from fuels
 Transport of oxygen
 Multiple vitamins and minerals, as well as
protein, involved!
 Vast majority do not enhance performance
well-nourished people
Fluids and Electrolytes to
Support Activity
Fluid replacement via hydration
 Hydrate before activity
 Drink extra fluid in the days before event
 Rehydrate during and after activity
Fluids for everyday, active people
 Plain, cool water
Fluids for endurance athletes
 May benefit from mineral and CHOcontaining beverages
Sports Drinks vs. Water
Sports drinks
 Hydration is critical to optimal
 Water is best for most people
Sport drinks offer the following
 Fluid
 Glucose
 Sodium and other electrolytes
 Some prefer the flavor
Dietary Strategies for Active
 Thirst is a late signal of need
Choose nutrient-dense foods
 Vitamins & minerals
Consume adequate energy
 Need all energy-yielding nutrients
 CHO, protein, and fat
 Meal frequency and balance
 Stable blood glucose means stable energy levels
 Optimal maintenance of lean tissues
Timing of Meals
30 min-1 hour pre-workout
 Protein-based snack or small meal
 Timing is individual
 Not for everyone! Depends on GI picture.
During workout
 Sip water
 Best time to consume CHO-rich foods
 Include protein! Balance.
Fitness goals: highly individual!
 Timing strategies vary depending on goal
 Ex: carbohydrate loading