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Monaco and FAO
Partnering to achieve food security
The Principality of Monaco became an official FAO member country in 2001, and has since provided support to a
number of programmes and projects. Monaco has funded a series of food security programmes in Africa under FAO’s
“Special Programme for Food Security” and supports FAO’s mandate by participating in major conferences and events,
like the Second International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2).
Assisting Niger
Monaco is funding an FAO project on food security in
Niger with a total budget of US$182 707 which aims to
increase food production on a sustainable basis taking
into account economic and ecological considerations.
In 1995, FAO launched the Special Programme for
Food Security (SPFS) in the country which is active
in 198 villages in six of Niger’s eight regions. The
SPFS is implemented in two phases: Phase 1, the
pilot phase, which implements demonstrations and
develops four components (water management, crop
intensification, diversification in income-generating
activities, and analysis of socio-economic constraints
on food security). Phase 2 is the expansion phase,
during which the experiences gained during Phase
1 are implemented within the framework of three
programmes (an agricultural policies and food security
reform programme, and a programme of agricultural
sector institutional reforms, and a programme of
investment in agriculture for the widespread adoption
of productive technologies through bankable projects).
Partnering for sustainable agriculture and
food security
Monaco is a principality governed under a form of constitutional
monarchy, with Prince Albert II as head of state. The Principality
boasts the world’s highest Gross Domestic Product (GDP) nominal
per capita at US$153 177, with GDP purchasing power parity per
capita at US$132 571. It also has the lowest unemployment rate
with over 48 000 workers who commute from France and Italy
each day. One of Monaco’s main sources of income is tourism.
The principality has successfully sought to diversify its economic
base into services and small, high-value-added, non-polluting
industries, such as cosmetics and biothermics.
In 2014, representatives from Monaco attended FAO’s World
Food Day and the Second International Conference on Nutrition
(ICN2) which took place at FAO headquarters in Rome. For
the Principality of Monaco, whose financial commitment to
development includes the basic needs of the poorest people,
participating in this work in international organizations makes
it possible to better clarify and legitimize its choices in the
area of international cooperation. In 2013, His Excellency Mr.
Robert Fillon, Ambassador of Monaco to Italy, was appointed
Permanent Representative of the Principality to FAO.
Established in 2006, the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation
is dedicated to the protection of the environment and the
promotion of sustainable development on a global scale,
including the preservation of forest ecosystems and increasing
the use of timber from sustainably managed forests. The
Foundation supports FAO’s initiatives, research and studies,
technological innovation and socially-aware practices.
Supporting food security in African
South-South Cooperation
and Resource Mobilization Division
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00153 Rome
Tel: +39 0657055242
E-mail: [email protected]
©FAO/Alessandra Benedetti
The specific objectives of the SPFS in Niger are:
Assisting Mauritania and Madagascar
■■Improving the sustainability of production systems and
Through its SPFS programme, FAO also helped improve
food security in Mauritania and Madagascar. Donations
from the Principality of
Monaco (amounting
to US$150 000 for the
“Knowledge sharing and
first and US$125 000
technology transfer help
for the latter), assisted
us build capacities to
tackle hunger and food
in providing technical
assistance to rural
José Graziano da Silva,
communities in the
FAO Director-General
two countries aimed at
improving agricultural
productivity and ensuring
access to food for all.
■■Organizing producers to prepare them to take
responsibility as part of the divestment process.
Within the context of the SPFS, Niger also benefits from
South-South Cooperation programmes in which developing
countries provide assistance to each other. Under Phase II of
this programme, which started in 2005, Moroccan experts
and technicians worked with local experts and contributed
knowledge in areas such as water management, crop
intensification and farming systems diversification, with
emphasis on animal husbandry and small-scale fisheries.
The SPFS helps farmers to identify, test and take up better
ways of farming, focusing on the kinds of improvements
which are within the reach of resource-poor farmers and
can be sustained by them without a heavy dependence of
outside financial or technical assistance.
The SPFS aims to support low-income food-deficit
countries (LIFDCs) in their efforts to: improve their national
food security through rapid increases in productivity and
food production on an economically and environmentally
sustainable basis; reduce year-to-year variability in
agricultural production; and improve access to food.
©FAO/Giulio Napolitano
the effectiveness of marketing channels and processing;