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Economic Geography and Industrialization Holger Breinlich University of Mannheim, CEP and CEPR Alejandro Cuñat University of Vienna February 25, 2011 Abstract We draw attention to two cross-sectional facts which are di¢ cult to account for in existing models of industrialization. First, theories that stress the role of local demand in generating su¢ cient expenditure on manufacturing goods are not well suited to explain the strong and negative correlation between distance to the world’s main markets and levels of manufacturing activity in the developing world. Secondly, theories that emphasize the importance of comparative advantage and are sceptical about the pro-industrializing e¤ects of high agricultural productivity are at odds with a positive correlation between the ratio of agricultural to manufacturing productivity and shares of manufacturing in GDP. This paper provides a potential explanation for these puzzles by nesting the above theories in a unifying framework and introducing features of economic geography. A multi-location model with trade costs is constructed in which industrialization is driven by the tension between access to markets and comparative advantage patterns. Using comparative statics exercises and a fully ‡edged multi-country calibration, we show that the model can replicate the above stylized facts. KEY WORDS: Industrialization, Economic Geography, International Trade JEL CLASSIFICATION: F11, F12, F14, O14 1 1 Introduction One of the most striking aspects of economic development is the decline of agriculture’s share in GDP and the corresponding rise of manufacturing, and later services. Economists have proposed a number of theories to explain this transformation. Among the most in‡uential approaches are explanations that focus on di¤erences in the income elasticity of demand across sectors (e.g., Rosenstein-Rodan (1943); Murphy et al. (1989b); Kongsamut et al. (2001)). As per-capita income increases, non-homothetic preferences lead to a shift of demand from agriculture to manufacturing goods, thus increasing manufacturing’s share in GDP. Traditionally, these approaches have analyzed closed-economy models and stressed the role of local demand. More recently, authors such as Matsuyama (1992) and (2009) have provided extensions to open-economy settings and have shown that some key results of the closed-economy literature, such as the positive impact of increased agricultural productivity on industrialization, can be reversed in such models. The present paper draws attention to two cross-sectional facts which, taken together, are not easily explained by either closed-economy or open-economy models of demand-driven industrialization. We argue that to understand these facts we need to move beyond the closed-versus-openeconomy dichotomy prevalent in the literature, and to consider multi-country settings in which countries interact with each other through international trade, but in which bilateral interactions are partly hampered (to a di¤erent extent across country pairs) by the fact that trade is not costless. Our …rst observation is that proximity to foreign sources of demand seems to matter for industrialization. For example, it has long been noted that Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan not only bene…ted from an outward-oriented trade policy but also close proximity to the large Japanese market (e.g., Puga and Venables (1996)). A cursory look at the data suggests that distance to foreign markets has a more general relevance: Figure 1 plots the manufacturing share in GDP against the minimum distance to the European Union, Japan and the US for a crosssection of developing countries in 2000.1 The …gure shows that developing economies close to one of these main markets of the world show proportionally higher levels of industrialization. Whereas this …rst fact suggests that interactions between economies are important, and thus points to the relevance of open-economy models, our second fact seems to suggest the opposite: Figure 2 plots manufacturing shares against a standard proxy for comparative advantage in agriculture, labor productivity in agriculture relative to manufacturing, for a cross-section of developing countries for the year 2000.2 The …tted line has a positive, albeit statistically insignificant slope. As we show in our more detailed econometric analysis in Section 2, extending the sample to include more countries and years leaves this positive correlation intact and actually makes it statistically signi…cant as well. This is of course puzzling for open-economy theories of 1 We use the Netherlands as the approximate geographic centre of the European Union in Figure 1. Developing countries are de…ned as countries belonging to the income categories “low”, “lower middle” and “upper middle” published by the World Bank (corresponding to less than 9,265 USD in 1999). The simple OLS regression underlying the …tted line in …gure 1 yields a negative slope statistically signi…cant at the 1%. 2 Developing countries are de…ned as in footnote 1. Relative productivy in agriculture vs. manufacturing is the proxy of choice in many studies of Ricardian comparative advantage, e.g., Golub and Hsieh (2000). 2 industrialization such as Matsuyama (1992). If countries are indeed integrated through trade, should we not expect them to specialize according to their comparative advantages? We argue that both facts can be understood in a standard model of industrialization in which di¤erences in the income elasticity of demand across sectors and relative productivities are present and active. The key di¤erence of our approach in comparison with existing closedeconomy approaches is that we allow for a setting with many countries which are integrated through trade. But, crucially, and in contrast to open-economy models such as Matsuyama (1992), trade is not costless and geographic position is therefore important. In our model, developing countries closer to foreign sources of demand will experience higher demand for the agricultural and manufacturing goods they produce than more distant countries. This will lead to higher wages in more central countries, which, because of the non-homotheticity in demand combined with the presence of trade costs, will shift local production towards the manufacturing sector. Trade costs for agricultural product also hamper the comparative-advantage mechanism put forward by free-trade models. High agricultural productivity leads to higher wages which, again because of the combination of agricultural trade costs and non-homothetic demand, leeds countries to specialize in manufacturing (we call this the ‘income e¤ect’of agricultural productivity). The standard comparative advantage e¤ect, which would drive specialisation patterns in the opposite direction, is also present but is overcompensated by the income e¤ect for the levels of trade costs revealed by the data. Our paper relates to at least three sets of contributions in the literature. Most directly, we contribute to the literature on industrialization that relies on di¤erences in the income elasticity of demand across sectors for explaining structural change (“demand-driven industrialization”). We add to this literature by drawing attention to the role of geography in shaping cross-sectional patterns of industrialization. Similar to papers such as Murphy et al. (1989a, b), Matsuyama (1992) or Laitner (2000) we focus on the initial shift from agriculture to manufacturing which it is the key transition for the group of countries we are interested in in this paper, i.e., low- to middle-income countries. That is, we do not model the services sector, whose share stays roughly constant during the initial phase of development (see Chenery et al., 1986). Consistent with our focus on explaining cross-sectional facts, we also disregard the dynamic aspect of the industrialization process and rely on an entirely static model. In this respect, we are similar to the contributions by Murphy et al. (1989a, b) but di¤erent from most other papers in the literature. Our approach, however, avoids the criticism by Ventura (1997) and Matsuyama (2009), among others, of closed-economy dynamic approaches to issues such as industrialization; namely that explaining cross-country patterns taking place in a globalized world on the basis of dynamic closed-economy arguments can be quite misleading. In fact, we extend this methodological criticism to the standard two-country, free-trade way of thinking about trade and development: once one recognizes that bilateral distances and geographic position matter, one must extend the model to many countries and allow for di¤erences in bilateral transport costs. While our criticisms apply most directly to theories that approach the phenomenon of industrialization from the demand side, the stylized facts we have presented are not easily explained 3 by models that focus on supply side determinants either, be it contributions from the barriers-tomodern-growth literature,3 attempts to reconcile balanced (neoclassical) growth or connvergence with structural transformations,4 or approaches from traditional international trade theory:5 the ageographical nature of these approaches makes them unsuited to explain phenomena that have an inherent geographic component, such as the ones described above. Thus, while not denying the importance of these models and theories for many aspects of industrialization, this paper draws attention to geographical proximity as a new and potentially important factor in explaining the dramatic di¤erences in levels of industrialization across the world.6 Methodologically, our paper is closely related to recent work in international trade and economic geography which is interested in the e¤ects of comparative advantage and relative location on trade ‡ows and production structures (e.g., Krugman (1980), Golub and Hsieh (2000), Davis and Weinstein (2003), or Redding and Venables (2004), to name but a few). To the best of our knowledge, however, the insights from this literature have never been applied in the light of the aforementioned stylized facts, nor to the process of industrialization more generally.7 The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 shows that the two correlations displayed in Figures 1 and 2 also survive in a broader cross-section of countries, and are robust to the inclusion of proxies for local demand. Section 3 develops a multi-country model with trade costs. This model is used in Section 4 to shed light on the puzzles raised in the introduction. In Section 5 we show that a fully calibrated version of the model is able to replicate our stylized facts. Finally, section 6 concludes. 2 Empirical Evidence In this section, we replicate the correlations from the introduction for a larger sample of countries and years, and check their robustness to the inclusion of control variables. Our full econometric speci…cation will be ltshareMlt = + dt + 1 RPlt + 2 CENlt + APlt + P OPlt + "lt ; (1) where RPlt is relative productivity (of agriculture to manufacturing) and CENlt the ‘centrality’ of country l, i.e. its access to foreign markets (to be de…ned below). APlt denotes agricultural 3 E.g. Parente and Prescott (1994) and (2000), Goodfriend and McDermott (1995), McGrattan and Schmitz (1998), and Galor and Weil (2000). 4 See Caselli and Coleman (2001) and Ngai and Pissarides (2007), among others, as important examples in this literature. 5 For example, Leamer (1987) and Schott (2003). 6 In a recent paper, Yi and Zhang (2010) share our concern that many aspects of industrialization cannot be analyzed neither within a closed-economy setting nor under free trade. They analyze the e¤ects of changes in productivity and declining trade barriers on production structures within a three-sector, two-country model, but focus on dynamic rather than cross-sectional aspects of industrialization. 7 One exception are the papers by Puga and Venables (1996, 1999) who use a New Economic Geography model to shed light on industrialisation in South-East Asia. Their focus, however, is on the implications of intermediate goods usage for the forming of agglomerations and the sequential spread of industries across countries, rather than on explaining cross-sectional facts related to industrialization. Also, the presence of multiple equilibria (absent from the model presented below) makes a thorough empirical test of their theory much harder. 4 productivity, P OPlt the population size of country l, and dt is a full set of year …xed e¤ects. The dependent variable is the logistic transformation of a country’s share of manufacturing value added in GDP. We use a logistic transformation to account for the fact the manufacturing share is limited to a range between 0 and 1.8 Concerning the regressors, we discuss the choice of suitable empirical proxies in turn. Additional details on the data and their sources, as well as a list of countries used in the regressions below are contained in Appendix B. Keeping in line with existing studies on Ricardian comparative advantage (e.g., Golub and Hsieh, 2000), we use labor productivity as a proxy for productivity. In contrast to total factor productivity, this has the advantage of considerably increasing the number of available observations. We measure country l’s centrality (CENlt ) as the sum of all other countries’ GNP, weighted by the inverse of bilateral distances, which are taken to proxy for transportation costs between locations: CENl = X GN Pj distjl1 : (2) j6=l This speci…cation re‡ects the basic intuition of our discussion. What matters is centrality in an economic geography sense, that is proximity to markets for domestic products. Of course, the above centrality index is nothing else but the measure of market potential …rst proposed by Harris (1954), frequently used in both geography and - more recently - in economics. A number of studies have demonstrated that this approach has strong explanatory power and yields results very similar to more complex approaches that estimate trade costs from trade ‡ow gravity equations (see, for example, Head and Mayer (2005), or Breinlich (2006)).9 As additional control variables, we also include agricultural productiviy (AP ) to account for the pro-industrialising income e¤ect discussed above, and population size (P OP ) as an additional proxy for the extent of the domestic market. We have data for all the required variables for up to 120 countries for the years 1980, 1990, and 2000, yielding a total of 253 observations. Keeping in line with the focus of this paper on the industrialization of developing countries, however, we exclude high-income countries from our regression sample (although of course all available countries are used to calculate the centrality measure).10 In columns 1-3 of Table 1, we separately regress the logistic transformation of manufacturing shares on our proxies for comparative advantage (relative productivity, RP ) and centrality. Column 1 con…rms the positive correlation between comparative advantage in agriculture and levels of industrialization, as measured by manufacturing’s share in GDP, which we demonstrated for the year 2000 in Figure 2. Note that the coe¢ cient on RP is now signi…cant at the 5% level. In column 2, we regress manufacturing shares on the log of minimum distance to the European Union, Japan and the USA for comparison with Figure 1. Again, the slight change in speci…cation and the use of a larger sample leave the negative correlation observed there intact and further 8 Using untransformed manufacturing shares instead does not change any of the qualitative results reported below. 9 Using a nonstructural measure also seems to be better in line with the more explorative character of this section. 10 We use the World Bank’s income classi…cation and exclude all countries with gross national income per capita in excess of 9,265 USD in 1999 (“high income countries”). 5 increase its signi…cance. In column 3, we use our more sophisticated measure of centrality (2). Note that we would now expect to …nd a positive and signi…cant sign, which is indeed what we do. In columns 4-6, we gradually build up our results to the full speci…cation (1). Three main insights arise from these regressions. First, centrality has a positive and signi…cant in‡uence throughout. Second, comparative advantage in agriculture either has a positive and signi…cant e¤ect on industrialization or an insigni…cant one. In no case do we observe a negative and signi…cant correlation. Third, comparative advantage is always insigni…cant once we control for absolute agricultural productivity. This suggests that relative productivity might be picking up the in‡uence of absolute productivity levels. In column 7, we replace population by local GDP as an alternative proxy for the extent of the local market. In column 8, we further drop agricultural productivity and replace it with per-capita GDP. Per-capita GDP controls for the purchasing power of the local population, skill levels, and other potentially confounding factors. Note, however, that it is very highly correlated with agricultural productivity so that in practice both variables are likely to pick up the in‡uence of similar omitted variables. The high correlation also makes the inclusion of both variables in the same regression impossible.11 In any case, using GDP and GDP per capita instead of population size and agricultural productivity does not a¤ect our qualitative conclusions. Limited data availability for relative and absolute agricultural productivity prevents us from estimating speci…cation (1) for a yet larger sample. In columns 9 and 10, we exclude these variables, which increases the sample size more than tenfold since we can now use observations for every year from 1980 to 2005. This allows us to provide some further results on the importance of centrality for industrialization by running the following speci…cation: ltshareMlt = + dt + dl + 1 CENlt + 2 P CGDPlt + 3 P OPlt + "lt ; (3) where P CGDPlt denotes per-capita GDP and dt and dl are a full set of time and country …xed e¤ects. Column 9 of Table 1 reports results for an OLS regression pooled over the period 19802005 with year dummies only. Column 10 estimates the full speci…cation (3) by including country …xed e¤ects, thus controlling for potential problems arising from unobserved time-invariant heterogeneity across countries. Both regressions give a similar picture as the results for the smaller sample: both the size of the domestic market and access to foreign markets are strongly positively correlated with levels of industrialization. If anything, controlling for country speci…c e¤ects implies an even stronger role for centrality.12 11 The correlations of the variables in logs is 87% in our sample The downside of omitting relative and absolute agricultural productivity is of course that their exclusion is likely to lead to omitted variable bias. To verify the likely magnitude of this bias, we estimated both (1) and (3) on the same sample used for Table 1. Comparing the coe¢ cient on CEN in these regressions does indeed suggest that omitting AP and RP leads to an upward bias, albeit a small one. 12 6 3 The Model Consider a world with countries j = 1; :::; R, each with Lj consumers, each of which supplies one unit of labor inelastically. There are two sectors, agriculture and manufacturing; we assume perfect labor mobility between sectors, and no international labor mobility. 3.1 Demand Side Preferences are identical across countries. Country-j individuals maximize a Stone-Geary utility function over consumption of an agricultural and a manufactured composite good: Uj = ln(Mj ) + (1 ) ln(Aj A); ¯ (4) where Mj Aj = = " " R X ( 1)= mlj M l=1 R X ( 1)= alj A l=1 A M # # A =( A A =( A 1) ; (5) 1) : (6) Both Aj and Mj are Armington aggregators of country-speci…c varieties: every country is assumed to produce one di¤erentiated variety.13 Aj is consumption of the agricultural composite and alj is the amount of the variety produced in l that is consumed by an individual consumer in j. Similarly, Mj is consumption of the manufacturing composite and mlj is the amount of the variety produced in l that is consumed by an individual consumer in j. The elasticities of substitution between varieties are assumed constant at A; > 1. A denotes minimal consumption of ¯ agricultural goods, i.e. the subsistence level. These preferences guarantee that above the level M A the expenditure share of agricultural goods declines with rising per capita income. This is the ¯ so-called Engel’s law, which has strong empirical foundations (see Crafts (1980)). We assume A< Al for all l, where Al is agricultural productivity in country l (to be de…ned more precisely ¯ below). This assumption guarantees that per capita income in each country is su¢ cient to reach the subsistence level. Thus, at least some expenditure will be devoted to manufacturing products. Below we impose enough structure so that labor is the only source of income. The individual’s budget constraint in country j is therefore given by PAj Aj + PM j Mj = wj , with wj denoting the wage in j, equal across sectors. PM j and PAj are price indices for the manufacturing and agricultural composite goods. Prices paid for the di¤erent products in the importing location j, pM lj and pAlj , consist of the mill price charged in country l plus industry-speci…c bilateral transportation costs TljA ; TljM A = T M = 1 for all j.) These transportation costs are of the 1. (Tjj jj iceberg-type form: for every unit of a good that is shipped from l to j, only 1=Tlj arrive while 13 The Armington assumption ensures that all countries consume all varieties provided transport costs and elasticities of substitution are …nite. This implies that all countries have diversi…ed production structures in equilibrium, which renders the model relatively tractable below. 7 the rest “melts” en route. Utility maximisation yields country-j individual’s demand for manufactured and agricultural goods produced in l. Aggregating across individuals and countries, total demands (inclusive of transport costs) for country-l goods are mD = pM l M l R X 1 TljM M PMMj 1 EM j ; (7) j=1 aD = pAl A l R X 1 TljA A PAjA 1 EAj ; (8) j=1 where PM j = R X p1M lj M l=1 PAj = R X p1Alj l=1 EM j = A !1 !1 1 M = 1 A = " " R X pM l TljM 1 M l=1 R X 1 pAl TljA A l=1 #1 #1 1 M ; (9) 1 A : (10) PAj A) Lj and EAj = [(1 )wj + PAj A] Lj denote total expenditures on man¯ ¯ ufacturing and agricultural goods in country j, respectively. 3.2 (wj Production Each country produces a di¤erentiated variety of the agricultural and the manufacturing good. Sectors are perfectly competitive, operate under constant returns to scale, and use labor as the only input. The amount of labor employed in agriculture in country l is denoted by LAl , and supply of the local variety is al = Al LAl . The amount of labor employed in manufacturing in country l is denoted by LM l , and supply of the local variety is ml = M l LM l , where Ml denotes productivity in manufacturing in country l. Productivity levels are allowed to vary across countries and sectors. Positive production implies f.o.b. prices equal the cost of producing one unit of output: pAl = wl = 3.3 Al and pM l = wl = M l. Equilibrium D Equilibrium in the agricultural and manufacturing goods markets requires al = aD l and ml = ml . This yields al = A Al wl 2 R X A 4 TljA 1 A PAjA 1 j=1 ml = M M l wl M 2 R X 4 TljM j=1 8 1 M PMMj 3 EAj 5 ; 1 (11) 3 EM j 5 : (12) Labor demands in agriculture and manufacturing are, respectively, LAl = A 1 Al wl 2 R X A 4 TljA 1 A PAjA 1 j=1 LM l = M 1 Ml wl M 2 R X 4 TljM 1 M 3 EAj 5 ; PMMj 1 j=1 (13) 3 EM j 5 : (14) Notice these are functions of the vector of wages of all countries. Full employment requires LM l + LAl = Ll , which can be rewritten as M Ml 1 wl M 2 R X 4 TljM j=1 1 M PMMj 1 3 EM j 5 + A Al 1 wl 2 R X A 4 TljA j=1 1 A PAjA 1 3 EAj 5 = Ll ; (15) These are R non-linear equations in the R wage rates, determining the vector of wages and subsequently all other equilibrium variables of the model.14 To summarize, the crucial features of this model that will drive the results in the remaining sections are as follows. First, there are varying levels of agricultural productivity across locations, which together with non-homothetic preferences will drive industrialization and deindustrialization through comparative advantage and Engel’s law. Second, positive transport costs render relative geographical positions important, both by conferring a market size advantage to more central regions and by softening the impact of comparative advantage across space. As the focus of this paper is on industrialization, we also introduce the share of manufacturing in GDP as a further variable which in the following is also referred to as the level of industrialization of a location: M Sharel = 4 LM l pM l ml = : pM l ml + pAl al Ll (MS) Analysis This section analyses the properties of the model just developed and uses it to shed light on the puzzles raised in the introduction. As will become clear, the present model nests many of the existing approaches in the literature on demand-driven industrialization as the two special cases of in…nite and zero transport costs (“closed economy” and “free trade”). We will demonstrate that in the case with positive transport costs new results arise that help resolve our two puzzles. 14 By Walras’s Law, one of this R equations is redundant. 9 4.1 Closed Economy With in…nitely high levels of transport costs, i.e. under autarky, it is easy to show that the expression for the share of manufacturing in GDP simpli…es to M Sharel = 1 A ¯ : (M SAU T ) Al As is apparent from equation (M SAU T ), the manufacturing share in GDP increases with agricultural productivity. Non-homothetic preferences (due to the positive subsistence consumption level in agriculture, A> 0) are crucial for this result. Intuitively, the increases in per capita ¯ income resulting from higher values of Al lead to a decline in the share of subsistence consumption in total expenditure. As every unit of income above the subsistence level is spent in …xed proportions on agricultural and manufacturing varieties, the expenditure share of the latter rises. In a closed economy, this leads in turn to a shift of labor into manufacturing and an increase in M Sharel . In the following, we will refer to this positive impact of agricultural productivity on industrialization as the “income e¤ect” of agricultural productivity shocks.15 Very similar e¤ects are obtained in the existing literature (e.g. Matsuyama (1992) or Murphy et al. (1989b)). Needless to say, the autarky assumption renders any cross-country di¤erences in centrality or comparative advantage completely irrelevant. 4.2 Free Trade Under free trade, Ricardian comparative advantage emerges as an additional factor for the determination of the level of industrialization. With costless trade, it is easy to show that LM l =LAl = LM l0 =LAl0 Since M Sharel = lower ratios M l = Al M l = Al M l0 = Al0 M 1 : LM l 1 = Ll 1 + (LM l =LAl ) (16) 1; (17) imply a stronger bias towards agriculture in the production structures of countries. As in standard Ricardian models of international trade, being relatively productive in agriculture biases a country’s production structure towards agriculture, thus reducing the share of manufacturing in GDP as the location specializes accordingly. We will refer to this as the “comparative advantage e¤ect”. Notice that free trade eliminates any independent in‡uence of the productivity level Al on industrialization via the non-homothetic preferences channel we discussed above. 15 Obviously, the change in agricultural productivity also brings about a substitution e¤ect with it, as prices and wages change and agricultural goods become relatively cheaper. As this e¤ect is overcompensated in the closed economy version of the model, we do not stress it here. However, it plays a crucial role in the open economy, where it determines changes in comparative advantage. 10 4.3 Costly Trade In the presence of positive transport costs that are di¤erent across country pairs, the model becomes much less tractable. We therefore simplify the model in a number of examples that illustrate the new types of results our model can yield in this new environment.16 It is a long standing theoretical result in international trade theory that the size of the home market matters for industrial structure (Krugman (1980), Krugman and Helpman (1985)). Recently, Davis and Weinstein (1998) found empirical support for home market e¤ects in a study on OECD countries. However, their …nding depended crucially on taking into account demand linkages across locations, indicating the importance of foreign demand.17 In models of industrialization, however, the role of access to foreign markets has been ignored so far, even though its inclusion seems to be a logical extension of the existing literature. In a world with positive transport costs, central locations have e¤ectively a larger market size as they are closer to sources of demand, ceteris paribus. Note that this holds in addition to any size advantage the domestic economy may have and depends on its position relative to other locations. There are several theoretical reasons why one would expect central locations with better access to foreign markets to have a higher manufacturing share than peripheral ones. First, being more central raises demand for both agricultural and manufacturing goods and raises wages.18 With non-homothetic preferences, this leads to an expansion of domestic manufacturing expenditure which, with positive transport costs, will translate into a domestic manufacturing share higher than in other countries, as the resulting increase in manufacturing expenditure will have a stronger e¤ect on the domestic manufacturing good than on those produced by other countries. Second, higher wages lead to higher prices of both types of goods. If agricultural goods are more homogeneous than manufacturing goods (this would correspond to A > M in our model), central locations will specialize in manufacturing, ceteris paribus. This is since demand for locally produced manufacturing varieties will be less sensitive to higher prices than demand for the location’s agricultural variety. The following particular case of our model illustrates this mechanism: more central countries can bene…t from their position to industrialize even in the absence of any technological or size advantage, simply because being more central raises demand for the central country’s manufacturing good. Consider a three-country world: R = 3. Assume all parameters are identical across countries (except for the bilateral transport costs) and, in particular, that and M Aj = Mj = Lj = 1, A = 1, positive but …nite. Consider a geographic structure such that country 1 takes a “central” position while countries 2 and 3 are in the “periphery”: we model this by assuming that country 1 can trade freely with both 2 and 3 (T12 = T21 = T13 = T31 = Tjj = 1) and that countries 2 and 3 cannot trade with one another (T23 = T32 = 1).19 Transport costs are equal across sectors 16 In Section 5 we relax many of the drastic assumptions we make to produce these examples, and solve the model numerically. 17 Indeed, in an earlier version of the same paper, Davis and Weinstein (1996) interpreted local demand as purely domestic and ignored linkages across borders, and were unable to detect home market e¤ects. 18 See Redding and Venables (2004) for empirical evidence on the positive e¤ect of centrality on income levels. 19 We rule out the possibility that countries 2 and 3 can trade via country 1. 11 here. We take the agricultural good as the numéraire. Under incomplete specialization for all countries, the labor market equilibrium conditions comprise equations 1 (1 3 LM 1 = A) + ¯ 1 = (1 3 LM 2 = LM 3 (1 A) ; ¯ (18) A) + (1 ¯ 2 A) : ¯ (19) It is easy to show that in this case country 1’s manufacturing share is larger than that of countries 2 and 3, since LM 1 > LM 2 = LM 3 . If parameter values in this incomplete specialization scenario yielded LM 1 > 1, then country 1 would specialize completely in manufacturing.20 In this case, the labor market equilibrium conditions comprise equations LM 1 = w1 M 2 (w1 4 LM 2 = LM 3 = 2+ w11 (w1 2 + w11 A) + ¯ M 2 (1 1+ A) + ¯ M w11 (1 1 + w11 3 A) 5 = 1; ¯ M A) ¯ (20) < 1; (21) M which imply w1 > w2 = w3 = 1. A similar result obtains if the manufacturing good is subject to lower transport costs than the agricultural good. Assume, as above, R = 3 and now A = M = TM = T23 32 M = TljA = LM 1 LA1 LM 2 LA2 positive but …nite, M T12 = M T21 = Aj M T13 = = Mj M T31 = Lj = 1. We assume M = T A = 1, and = Tjj jj 1 for all j 6= l. In this case, the labor market equilibrium conditions imply = [(1 = [(1 ) + A] ¯ 1 ) + A] ¯ 1 " " (w1 A) ¯ 1 2w2 + w11 2 (w2 A) + ¯ w11 + w21 (w1 A) ¯ 1 2w2 + w11 (w2 A) + ¯ 1 w1 + w21 # # ; (22) : (23) It is easy to see that LM 1 =LA1 > LM 2 =LA2 . A third mechanism generating the home market e¤ect is based on the manufacturing industry using increasing returns to scale (IRS) production techniques. In this case, central locations will be the …rst, ceteris paribus, to reach the critical level of demand that makes IRS production pro…table. This mechanism is absent from our model, as we assume constant returns to scale across sectors. 5 A Calibrated Multi-Country Model of Industrialization The discussion in Section 4 suggests that a thorough understanding of the e¤ects of distance on industrialization patterns requires the modeling of bilateral transport costs in a many-country 20 Under the assumption agricultural good. A = 1, there is no need for every country to produce its own “variety” of the 12 setup. In this section we endeavor to achieve this goal by presenting a fully calibrated multicountry version of the model of Section 3. We use this model to generate a synthetic dataset on manufacturing shares and centrality, and use the simulated data to try to replicate the correlations from Section 2. 5.1 Parameter Values For a calibrated version of our model, we need values for the parameters governing substitution elasticities ( A, M ), productivity levels ( Al , M l ), trade costs (TljA , TljM ), the manufacturing expenditure share ( ), and subsistence consumption (A). Table 2 provides parameter estimates ¯ and a brief description of the calibration procedure and data sources used. In the following, we describe the calibration in more detail. We use values for M and A based on existing estimates in the literature. A …rst set of relevant results are those by Broda, Green…eld and Weinstein (2006) who estimate elasticities of substitution between varieties of goods produced in each of approximately 200 sectors. They report estimates for 73 countries, yielding well over 10,000 individual estimates. The median across these estimates for the 60 countries also present in our data is 3.4. Given the much higher degree of aggregation in our data (two instead of 200 sectors), we take M = A = 3:4 as an absolute upper bound. Closer to our level of aggregation is the estimate by Eaton, Kortum and Kramarz (2008) who use French …rm-level data to estimate an elasiticity of substitution between individual manufacturing varieties of M = A M = 1:7. In the light of these estimates, we set = 2 in our baseline calibration but also report results for elasticities of substitution of 1:5, 2:5,and 3 in our robustness checks. Note that throughout, we assume to bias our results in favor of …nding a home market M = A in order not e¤ect.21 Since labor is the only factor of production in our model, we proxy Al and Ml by labor pro- ductivity in agriculture and manufacturing, respectively. However, the cross-sectional variation in labor productivity across countries which we observe in the data is driven by both di¤erences in technological e¢ ciency and di¤erences in prices. That is, lp:l = V A:l =L:l = p:l x:l =L:l in terms of our model because we abstract from intermediate inputs. Since we are only interested in :l = x:l =L:l , we use data on purchasing power parities for agriculture and manufacturing goods consumption from the International Comparison Program (ICP) to construct proxies for p:l and strip out price variation from the data (see Appendix A for details).22 Estimates of the trade cost matrices can be obtained via gravity equation regressions using manufacturing and agricultural trade data. To see this, note that exports in the model are: XljA = p1Al XljM 1 = pM l A M TljA TljM 21 1 A 1 PAjA M 1 PMMj EAj ; 1 EM j : (24) (25) We have also used the estimates by Broda, Green…eld and Weinstein (2006) to separate HS sectors belonging to the agricultural sector (HS010 to HS0150) from those in the manufacturing sectors (HS0160 to HS0961). Computing median elasticities separately for both sectors yields A = 3:7 and M = 3:4, so that our assumption A = M is a conservative one. 22 Echevarria (1997, section 5.5) uses a similar approach based on US data. 13 The only bilateral variable on the right-hand side in the above expressions is trade cost Tlj . We proxy for these costs by Tlj = distlj1 e countries l and j, and 1 2 dint;lj , where distlj denotes the bilateral distance between denotes the elasticity of trade cost with respect to distance. The dummy variable dint;lj indicates if a trade ‡ow crosses national borders (i.e., dint;lj = 1 if l 6= j and 0 if l = j). This is a parameterisation of trade cost which is common in the international trade literature (e.g., Wei (1997)). Proxying all other variables by importer and exporter …xed e¤ects and adding an error term, we can rewrite bilateral exports as XljA = dexp;A dimp;A XljM dimp;M = dexp;M (1 distlj A ) A1 (1 distlj e(1 M ) M1 A ) A2 dint;A e(1 "lj;A ; M ) M 2 dint;M "lj;M : (26) (27) We estimate (26) in its original multiplicative form via Poisson QMLE, using data from the sources listed in Table 2 and following Wei (1997) in proxying internal trade ‡ows as domestic production minus exports. As has been pointed out by Santos-Silva and Tenreyro (2006), Poisson QMLE can accomodate zero trade ‡ows, which are common in our data, and leads to consistent parameter estimates even in the presence of heteroskedasticity in "lj . In robustness checks below, we will also use estimates of Tlj obtained via estimating a log-linearized version of (26) via OLS. Appendix B contains details of the estimation results. The distance coe¢ cients in the above equations provide estimates for (1 estimates for ) which, together with our assumed values of and thus for Tlj = distlj1 e 2 dint;lj . We again use price and expenditure data from the ICP to estimate manufacturing and agricultural expenditure shares are SEM j = SEAj = , yield EM j = wj Lj EAj = (1 wj Lj and A. From the model, ¯ PAj A ; ¯ wj (28) PAj )+ A : ¯ wj (29) The ICP provides cross-country data on prices and nominal expenditure on food and manufacturing goods which can be used as proxies for PAj , SEM j , and SEAj . We further approximate wj by GDP per worker, which is consistent with our theoretical model. Estimates for and A ¯ can than be obtained by regressing either expenditure share on the corresponding right-hand side variables in the above equations. (Both equations yield identical results because we normalize expenditure data such that SEM j + SEAj = 1 in accordance with our model.) Alternatively, note that as wj ! 1, SEM j ! ; and as wj !ĀPAj , EAj = (PAj Lj ) !Ā. So as an addi- tional robustness check in Section 5.2., we use the normalized manufacturing expenditure share (SEM j = (SEM j + SEAj )) of the richest country in our data as a proxy for . Likewise, we use the real expenditure per worker of the poorest country as a proxy for A. ¯ 14 5.2 Results We now present results for the same regressions as in Table 1, but this time we use simulated rather than actual data for the year 2000. That is, we use the calibrated model to generate arti…cial data on manufacturing shares for the 74 countries in our simulation sample. We then regress these generated manufacturing shares on the same variables as in Table 1. Intuitively, if the true data generating process for manufacturing shares is similar to the one postulated by our model, we should expect to …nd comparable results from both sets of regressions.23 Since the data availability for international price data limits our simulation analysis to the year 2000, we start by replicating the regressions from Section 2 for the smaller sample of 74 countries used in the simulations. The results are presented in Table 3, and show that the qualitative patterns present in Table 1 carry over to the smaller regression sample. In particular, centrality is positive and signi…cant throughout, and comparative advantage never has a negative and signi…cant sign. In Table 4, we use our generated data to run the same regressions as in Tables 1 and 3. The pattern of results is qualitatively similar across these tables. The coe¢ cient on market potential is positive and signi…cant in all speci…cations in Table 4. Likewise, relative productivity is never signi…cantly negative. Similar to Table 1, it has a positive impact on industrialization in columns 1,3 and 7, but loses its signi…cance as soon as we control for agricultural productivity. Thus, we replicate the basic …ndings highlighted in the introduction and in Section 2. Tables 5 and 6 report a number of robustness checks. In Table 5 we let the elasticities of substitution vary between M = A = 1:5 and M = A = 3. For each scenario, we present results for the key regressions from Table 4 (…rst, including both relative productivity and market potential; and second, including agricultural productivity in addition). Results for the other columns are similar to before, and omitted here for the sake of brevity. The pattern that emerges from Table 5 is that the impact of relative productivity becomes more signi…cant as the elasticity of substitution increases. Intuitively, a higher implies that the relative demand for agriculture versus manufacturing goods becomes more sensitive to changes in relative prices, which in turn are determined by relative productivities. Once we reach A M = = 3, our initial results from Table 4 are reversed, in the sense that comparative advantage is now signi…cantly negative. Note, however, that an elasticity of substitution of three is already very close to the value which we consider as an absolute upper bound ( M = A = 3:4). For empirically more plausible estimates, our model does indeed replicate the key features of our earlier result. An interesting and initially not obvious implication of our results is that changes in tastes leading to higher elasticities of substitution will help countries industrialize. In Table 6, we report a number of additional robustness checks. The …rst two columns use 23 Our model also generates data for per-capita GDP (equal to wages in our model), GDP (wages times population size) and market potential (calculated according to (2), using the same distance data but replacing GNP with model generated GDP). We use these generated data in the regressions below consistent with the notion that we would like to evaluate whether our model is comparable to the data generating process in the real world. Note that population size and productivity data are parameters of the model, and identical to the data used in the regressions from Section 2. 15 ordinary least squares to estimate equation (26), leading to the alternative estimates for 1M , 2A , and 2M .24 1A , In columns 3-4, we use the manufacturing expenditure share of the richest country in our data as a proxy for , and real expenditure per worker of the poorest country as a proxy for A, as described above. Finally, in columns 5-6 we use producer prices rather than ¯ consumer prices to de‡ate relative productivities (see Appendix A). As shown, none of these changes alters the basic message from Table 4. Market potential is positive throughout and signi…cant with only one exception, and relative productivity is either positive and signi…cant or insigni…cant; it is always insigni…cant when controlling for absolute agricultural productivity. In Table 7 we compare our preferred calibration with positive but …nite trade cost to the cases of free trade and autarky. As already noted, most of the existing models in the literature are based on either one or the other of these two polar scenarios. Our comparison uses two criteria. First, can the model replicate the qualitative correlations found in the data between comparative advantage and market potential, on the one hand, and manufacturing shares, on the other hand? Second, how well do all three parameterisations do in terms of replicating actual manufacturing shares? To evaluate this second criterion, we regress actual on simulated manufacturing shares, and look at the sign and signi…cance of the corresponding regression coe¢ cient, as well as at the associated R2 . Looking at free trade …rst, we see that the model’s performance in this case is dismal with respect to both criteria (see columns 3-4; columns 1-2 replicate our baseline results for convenience). The coe¢ cient on comparative advantage is negative and strongly signi…cant, whereas the one on market potential is slightly negative and insigni…cant. The regression coe¢ cient from the regression of actual on simulated manufacturing shares is positive but insigni…cant, and the corresponding R2 close to zero (see the last two lines of the table). The model’s performance with in…nitely high trade costs is somewhat better (column 5-6). As our preferred parameterisation, the model under autarky can replicate the facts related to relative productivity. However, market potential either takes on a negative sign or is insigni…cant. Also, while the correlation between actual and predicted manufacturing shares is positive and highly signi…cant, and the R2 substantially higher than with free trade, both measures are lower than the ones generated by our baseline parameterisation (see column 1-2). We conclude that allowing for positive but …nite trade cost is necessary to replicate the stylised facts discussed in the introduction, and also improves the …t of actual and predicted levels of industrialization. 6 Conclusion In this paper, we have drawn attention to two cross-sectional facts which, taken together, are not easily explained by existing models of models of industrialization. First, proximity to foreign sources of demand seems to matter for levels of industrialization. That is, there is a positive correlation between manufacturing shares and the ‘centrality’ of a country, i.e., its closeness to 24 This alternative procedure yields of the estimation results. 1A = 4:68, 1M = 2:61, 16 2A = 1:29, 2M = 1:45. See Appendix B for details foreign markets for its products. Second, a standard proxy for Ricardian comparative advantage (labor productivity in agriculture relative to manufacturing) is positively or not at all correlated with manufacturing shares. We have argued that to understand these facts, we need to move beyond the closed-versusopen-economy dichotomy prevalent in the literature, and to consider multi-country settings in which countries interact with each other through international trade, but in which interaction is partly hampered by the fact that trade is not costless. We constructed a simple model along these lines and used comparative statics exercises and a fully ‡edged multi-country calibration to show that it can replicate our stylized facts. References [1] Abegaz, B. (2002): “Structural Convergence in Manufacturing Industries between Leaders and Latecomers”, Journal of Development Studies, 69-99. [2] Behrens, Kristian, Lamorgese, Andrea R., Ottaviano, Gianmarco I.P., and Takatochi Tabuchi (2004): “Testing the Home-market E¤ect in a Multi-country World: the Theory”, mimeo, CORE, Université Catholique de Louvain. [3] Breinlich, H. (2006), “The Spatial Income Structure in the European Union – What Role for Economic Geography?”, Journal of Economic Geography, Nov. 2006, Vol. 6, No. 5. [4] Caselli, F. and Coleman, W.J. (2001): “The U.S. Structural Transformation and Regional Convergence: A Reinterpretation,” Journal of Political Economy, 109, 584-616. [5] Chenery, H., Robinson, and M. Syrquin (1986): “Industrialization and Growth”, World Bank. 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Converting expenditure from current US dollars into $I thus removes any price di¤erences across countries and basically converts expenditures into quantities using suitable aggregators. By comparing local expenditures in US dollars and international dollars, one can derive country-speci…c PPP exchange rates which capture price di¤erences across country. For example, per-capita expenditure on food in current US dollars was $2,040 in 2005 in the United Kingdom but only 1,586 $I, yielding an implicit price of 1.29 (the price in the USA is normalized to 1). Dividing measured productivity levels by this price as converts them into quantities per unit of labor used (i.e., proxies for xl and zl , rather than pM l xl and pAl zl ). We note that Echevarria (1997, section 5.5) uses a similar procedure, calculating proxies for agricultural and manufacturing prices by dividing expenditures in U.S. dollars by expenditures in international dollars. One problem with the above approach is we are implicitly using consumer prices rather than producer prices to de‡ate production. In terms of our model, ICP prices are proxies for PAl and PM l , not pAl and pM l . As a robustness check in section 5, we therefore use the de…nition of PAl and PM l to extract information on pAl and pM l in a model-consistent way. In our model, PM j = " R X pM l TljM 1 M l=1 PAj = " R X 1 pAl TljA l=1 A #1 #1 1 M (30) 1 A ; (31) Together with data on the elasticities of substitution and trade costs which we have obtained independently as part of our calibration strategy, we can solve the above system of equations for pAl and pM l . In practice, consumer and implied producer prices are almost identical, with a correlation coe¢ cient of above 99% and a level di¤erence of on average less than 4% for manufacturing and less than 1% for agriculture. 21 Figures and Tables .4 Figure 1: GDP manufacturing shares and minimum distance to main markets (2000) PRI THA TJK Manufacturing share (%) .1 .2 .3 BLR CHN KOR CZE MYS IDM DOM 0 CRI SVK SLV ARM HUN TURHND PHL CIV CMR MEX HRV MKD VEN KGZ CHL EGY LTU UKR SYC ZAF VNM POL BGR TUN EST KAZ ARG MAR NIC BRA LAO KHM LKA MDA ZWE JOR COL BFABGD PER IND PRY BOL WSM PAK SEN ROM URY FJI LVA IRN GEO LBN MWINAM MDG MOZ LSO KEN ALB ZMB ERI BLZ JAM TKM GNB BIH KNA PAN SAU LBR UZB NPL CPV MRT SUR GHA TCD DMA BDI BTNBEN TGO GUY SDN SLB UGA TZA PNG DZA TTO MMR CAF RWA NER SYR GRD BRB VCT AZE ETH GMB OMN YEM LCA TON KIR ZAR MNG COMBWA VUT MLI GIN SLE GAB COGAGO DJI ATG PLW IRQ GNQ 0 2000 4000 6000 Minimum distance 8000 10000 Notes: Figure plots manufacturing shares in GDP (in %) against the minimum distance (in km) to either of the U.S., the European Union (Netherlands), or Japan. All data are for 2000. See appendix for data sources and country codes. .4 Figure 2: GDP manufacturing shares and relative productivities (2000) Manufacturing share (%) .1 .2 .3 MYS THA CHN IDM KOR MEXCMR CHL VNM SVK ARM MKD HRV VEN EGY KGZ LTU UKR ZAF POL ARG EST NIC MARKAZ KHM BRA LKA MDA ZWE PER JOR IND PRY COL BOL BGD PAKURY ROM LVA IRN GEO NAM KENZMB LSO ALB BLZ JAM SAU PAN SUR NPL UZB GHA SDN GUY PNG DZA TZA TTO NER SYR BRB VCT AZE ETHOMN YEM LCA MNG BWA BGR 0 ERI CZE DOM CRI SLV HUN HND TUR PHL -4 -3 -2 -1 0 Labour prod. agriculture/manufacturing (logs) 1 Notes: Figure plots manufacturing shares in GDP (in %) against the ratio of labor productivity in agriculture and manufacturing. All data are for 2000. See appendix for data sources and country codes. Section 2 provides further discussion on the productivity measures. 30 Table 1: Empirical Results Regressor log(RELPR) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) ltshareMGDP ltshareMGDP ltshareMGDP ltshareMGDP ltshareMGDP ltshareMGDP ltshareMGDP ltshareMGDP ltshareMGDP ltshareMGDP 0.0520 (0.0506) -0.0434 (0.0553) 0.0119 (0.0525) 0.0664 (0.0562) 0.0797* (0.0459) 0.461*** (0.159) 0.337** (0.153) 0.187*** (0.0661) 0.289** (0.122) 0.214*** (0.0557) 0.181*** (0.0241) 0.297** (0.121) 0.0296 (0.0607) 0.307** (0.123) 0.374*** (0.128) 2.712*** (0.772) 0.184*** (0.0218) 0.897*** (0.263) 0.188*** (0.0240) 0.0105 (0.0560) 0.213*** (0.0435) 0.231*** (0.0728) 0.105** (0.0459) log(mindist) -0.408*** (0.0941) log(CEN) 0.523*** (0.138) log(AP) log(POP) log(GDP) 0.184*** (0.0239) log(PCGDP) Fixed Effects Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Observations R-squared 253 0.038 253 0.115 253 0.083 253 0.090 253 0.158 253 0.382 253 0.390 253 0.389 2,950 0.364 Year, Country 2,950 0.881 Notes: Table displays coefficients and robust standard errors (clustered on countries) for OLS estimations. The dependent variable is the logistic transformation of a country’s share of manufacturing in GDP. RELPR is the quotient of a country’s agricultural labor productivity and its labor productivity in manufacturing. Mindist is the minimum distance (in km) of a country to either of Japan, the European Union (Netherlands) or the USA. CEN is a country’s centrality measure (defined in Section 2). POP is a country’s population size, AP its labor productivity in agriculture and GDP and PCGDP its GDP and per-capita GDP, respectively. All regressors are in logs. Results on the included constant are suppressed. For data sources see Appendix B. +, *, and ** signify statistical significance at the 10%, 5% and 1% levels. 30 Table 2: Calibrated Parameter Values (Baseline) Parameter Value σA, σM 2 θAl, θMl country- and sector-specific Tlj=eδ1*d(int)distljδ2 δ1A=3.34, δ1M=2.24, δ2A=0.94, δ2M=0.73 A, α A=208$I/year, α=0.72 Outline of Calibration Procedure Based on Eaton, Kortum and Kramarz (2008) and Broda, Greenfield and Weinstein (2006). Labor productivity in manufacturing and agriculture, corrected for sector specific price differences. Estimated as coefficients on bilateral distance and internal trade flow dummies in gravity equation estimations. See Section 5 for details. Derived from cross-country regressions of manufacturing and agricultural expenditure shares on proxies for agricultural prices and per capita income (see Section 5 for details). $I denotes international dollars. 30 Data sources -WDI, ICP NBER, FAO ICP Table 3: Empirical Results for the Set of Countries Used in the Simulations Regressor log(RELPR) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) ltshareMGDP ltshareMGDP ltshareMGDP ltshareMGDP ltshareMGDP ltshareMGDP ltshareMGDP 0.306** (0.142) -0.0825 (0.0934) 0.412** (0.169) -0.0910 (0.0972) 0.397** (0.176) 0.0207 (0.0751) -0.00121 (0.0891) 0.326** (0.145) 0.0943 (0.0672) 0.195*** (0.0282) 0.139 (0.0936) 0.277* (0.141) -0.128* (0.0658) 0.0658 (0.0824) 0.278* (0.148) 0.208*** (0.0283) 0.204*** (0.0288) -0.0882 (0.0629) 74 0.362 74 0.354 0.00168 (0.0844) log(CEN) log(AP) log(POP) log(GDP) log(PCGDP) Observations R-squared 74 0.000 74 0.041 74 0.054 74 0.055 74 0.336 Notes: Table displays coefficients and robust standard errors (clustered on countries) for OLS estimations. The dependent variable is the logistic transformation of a country’s share of manufacturing in GDP. RELPR is the quotient of a country’s agricultural labor productivity and its labor productivity in manufacturing. Mindist is the minimum distance (in km) of a country to Japan, the European Union (Netherlands) and the USA. CEN is a country’s centrality measure (defined in Section 2). POP is a country’s population size, AP its labor productivity in agriculture GDP and PCGDP its GDP and per-capita GDP, respectively. All regressors are in logs. Results on the included constant are suppressed. For data sources see Appendix B. +, *, and ** signify statistical significance at the 10%, 5% and 1% levels. 30 Table 4: Results for Generated Data (Baseline) Regressor log(RELPR) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) ltshareMGDP ltshareMGDP ltshareMGDP ltshareMGDP ltshareMGDP ltshareMGDP ltshareMGDP 0.594*** (0.175) 0.182*** (0.0482) 0.329* (0.175) -0.0194 (0.0434) 0.193* (0.109) 0.399*** (0.0588) -0.0137 (0.0443) 0.184* (0.105) 0.405*** (0.0652) 0.0105 (0.0197) 0.00313 (0.0482) 0.181* (0.105) 0.395*** (0.0571) 0.389*** (0.0592) 0.238** (0.104) 0.0249 (0.0297) 0.261*** (0.0529) 0.492*** (0.0679) 74 0.674 74 0.719 0.237*** (0.0507) log(CEN) log(AP) log(POP) log(GDP) log(PCGDP) Observations R-squared 74 0.209 74 0.151 74 0.244 74 0.671 74 0.672 Notes: Table displays coefficients and robust standard errors (clustered on countries) for OLS estimations using generated data (see Section 5 for details). The dependent variable is the logistic transformation of a country’s share of manufacturing in GDP. RELPR is the quotient of a country’s agricultural labor productivity and its labor productivity in manufacturing. CEN is a country’s centrality measure (defined in Section 2). POP is a country’s population size, AP its labor productivity in agriculture and GDP and PCGDP its GDP and per-capita GDP, respectively. All regressors are in logs. Results on the included constant are suppressed. +, *, and ** signify statistical significance at the 10%, 5% and 1% levels. 31 Table 5: Results for Simulated Sample (Robustness I) (1) Regressor log(RELPR) log(CEN) R-squared σA= σM (3) ltshareMGDP ltshareMGDP ltshareMGDP (4) (5) (6) ltshareMGDP ltshareMGDP ltshareMGDP 0.204*** (0.0501) 0.264* (0.149) 0.000141 (0.0428) 0.138 (0.0954) 0.403*** (0.0611) 0.143*** (0.0478) 0.365** (0.183) -0.0556 (0.0440) 0.222* (0.115) 0.395*** (0.0570) 0.0738 (0.0492) 0.397** (0.183) -0.121** (0.0461) 0.249** (0.119) 0.390*** (0.0560) 74 74 74 74 74 74 0.249 0.670 0.211 0.659 0.147 0.626 1.5 1.5 2.5 2.5 3 3 log(AP) Observations (2) Notes: Table displays coefficients and robust standard errors (clustered on countries) for OLS estimations using generated data (see Section 5 for details). The dependent variable is the logistic transformation of a country’s share of manufacturing in GDP. RELPR is the quotient of a country’s agricultural labor productivity and its labor productivity in manufacturing. CEN is a country’s centrality measure (defined in Section 2). POP is a country’s population size, AP its labor productivity in agriculture and GDP and PCGDP its GDP and per-capita GDP, respectively. All regressors are in logs. Results on the included constant are suppressed. +, *, and ** signify statistical significance at the 10%, 5% and 1% levels. Table 6: Results for Simulated Sample (Robustness II) (1) Regressor log(RELPR) log(CEN) R-squared σA= σM Trade Cost Matrix A α Price Deflators (3) (4) (5) (6) ltshareMGDP ltshareMGDP ltshareMGDP ltshareMGDP ltshareMGDP ltshareMGDP 0.192*** (0.0482) 0.342** (0.160) log(AP) Observations (2) -0.00132 (0.0430) 0.174* (0.0984) 0.402*** (0.0603) 0.210*** (0.0502) 0.319* (0.180) -0.00485 (0.0426) 0.171 (0.105) 0.427*** (0.0535) 0.182*** (0.0483) 0.333* (0.178) -0.0196 (0.0435) 0.196* (0.110) 0.400*** (0.0588) 74 74 74 74 74 74 0.272 0.672 0.275 0.736 0.244 0.670 2 Poisson 208 I$ 0.72 Producer 2 Poisson 208 I$ 0.72 Producer 2 OLS 208 I$ 0.72 Consumer 2 OLS 208 I$ 0.72 Consumer 2 Poisson 170 I$ 0.84 Consumer 2 Poisson 170 I$ 0.84 Consumer Notes: Table displays coefficients and robust standard errors (clustered on countries) for OLS estimations using generated data (see Section 5 for details). The dependent variable is the logistic transformation of a country’s share of manufacturing in GDP. RELPR is the quotient of a country’s agricultural labor productivity and its labor productivity in manufacturing. CEN is a country’s centrality measure (defined in Section 2). POP is a country’s population size, AP its labor productivity in agriculture and GDP and PCGDP its GDP and per-capita GDP, respectively. All regressors are in logs. Results on the included constant are suppressed. +, *, and ** signify statistical significance at the 10%, 5% and 1% levels. 30 Table 7: Results for Simulated Sample (Baseline, Autarky, and Free Trade) Baseline (1) Regressor log(RELPR) log(CEN) R-squared Coeff. (SE) actual on simulated data R2 actual on simulated data (2) (3) Autarky (4) (5) (6) ltshareMGDP ltshareMGDP ltshareMGDP ltshareMGDP ltshareMGDP ltshareMGDP 0.182*** (0.048) 0.329* (0.175) -0.019 (0.043) 0.193* (0.109) 0.399*** (0.059) -1.017*** (0.008) -0.027 (0.020) -1.022*** (0.014) -0.031 (0.019) 0.011 (0.016) 0.260*** (0.051) -0.026 (0.110) 0.009 (0.047) 0.129 (0.101) 0.425*** (0.072) 74 74 74 74 74 74 0.244 0.671 0.996 0.996 0.232 0.673 0.574 (0.199)*** 0.574 (0.199)*** 0.213 (0.135) 0.213 (0.135) 0.533 (0.195)*** 0.533 (0.195)*** 0.091 0.091 0.020 0.020 0.082 0.082 log(AP) Observations Free Trade Notes: Table displays coefficients and robust standard errors (clustered on countries) for OLS estimations using generated data (see Section 5 for details). The dependent variable is the logistic transformation of a country’s share of manufacturing in GDP. RELPR is the quotient of a country’s agricultural labor productivity and its labor productivity in manufacturing. CEN is a country’s centrality measure (defined in Section 2). POP is a country’s population size, AP its labor productivity in agriculture and GDP and PCGDP its GDP and per-capita GDP, respectively. All regressors are in logs. Results on the included constant are suppressed. +, *, and ** signify statistical significance at the 10%, 5% and 1% levels. 31 Appendix Tables Table B.1: Data Sources for Regressions in Section 2 Variable Source Share of manufacturing value added in GDP World Development Indicators Value added per worker in agriculture and industry (in World Development Indicators 2000 USD) Value added per worker in manufacturing (2000 USD) United Nations Industrial Statistics Database (UNIDO) GDP, GNP and per-capita GDP in 2000 USD World Development Indicators Population size World Development Indicators Bilateral distances between countries NBER World Trade Database (Feenstra et al., 1997, Feenstra, 2000) 32 Table B.2: List of country codes and names used Country Code ALB DZA AGO ATG ARG ARM AUS AUT BHR BGD BRB BLR BEL BLZ BEN BTN BOL BWA BRA BRN BFA BDI KHM CMR CAN CPV CAF TCD CHL CHN COL COM ZAR COG CRI CIV HRV CYP DKF DJI DMA DOM ECU EGY SLV GNQ ERI EST ETH FJI FIN GAB GMB DEU GHA GRC GRD GTM GIN GNB GUY HTI HND HKG HUN IND IDM IRN ITA JAM JPN JOR KAZ Country Name Albania Algeria Angola Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bhutan Bolivia Botswana Brazil Brunei Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Central African Republic Chad Chile China Colombia Comoros Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Rep. Costa Rica Cote d'Ivoire Croatia Cyprus Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt, Arab Rep. El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Fiji Finland Gabon Gambia, The Germany Ghana Greece Grenada Guatemala Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Honduras Hong Kong, China Hungary India Indonesia Iran, Islamic Rep. Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan World Bank income classification* LM LM L UM UM L HOECD HOECD UM L UM LM HOECD LM L L LM UM UM HNO L L L L HOECD LM L L UM LM LM L L L LM L UM HNO HOECD LM UM LM LM LM LM LM L UM L LM HOECD UM L HOECD L HOECD UM LM L L LM L LM HNO UM L L LM HOECD LM HOECD LM LM Country Code KEN KIR KOR KWT KGZ LAO LVA LTU MDG MWI MYS MDV MLI MLT MHL MRT MUS MEX MAR MOZ MMR NAM NPL NLD NCL NZL NIC NER NGA OMN PAK PLW PAN PNG PRY PER PHL PRI RWA WSM STP SAU SEN SYC SLE SGP SVN SOM ZAF LKA KNA LCA VCT SUR SWZ TZA THA TGO TON TTO TUN TUR UGA UKR ARE URY UZB VUT VEN VNM YEM ZMB ZWE Country Name Kenya Kiribati Korea, Rep. Kuwait Kyrgyz Republic Lao PDR Latvia Lithuania Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nepal Netherlands New Caledonia New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Oman Pakistan Palau Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Puerto Rico Rwanda Samoa Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovenia Somalia South Africa Sri Lanka St. Kitts and Nevis St. Lucia St. Vincent and the Grenadines Suriname Swaziland Tanzania Thailand Togo Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela, RB Vietnam Yemen, Rep. Zambia Zimbabwe World Bank income classification* L LM UM HNO L L LM LM L L UM LM L UM LM L UM UM LM L L LM L HOECD HNO HOECD L L L UM L UM UM LM LM LM LM UM L LM L UM L UM L HNO HNO L UM LM UM UM LM LM LM L LM L LM UM LM LM L L HNO UM L LM UM L L L L * L: low income, LM: lower middle income, UM: upper middle income, HOECD: high income, OECD; HNO: high income, non-OECD. 33 Table B.3: Gravity Equation Estimates for 2000 (Poisson and OLS) Regressor dint log(distance) Observations R-squared Estimation method Manufacturing (1) (2) Exports log(Exports) Agriculture (3) Exports (4) log(Exports) -2.238*** (0.100) -0.733*** (0.038) -2.607*** (0.370) -1.454*** (0.044) -3.335*** (0.155) -0.939*** (0.050) -4.676*** (0.576) -1.288*** (0.061) 6,084 -Poisson 6,084 0.813 OLS 4,563 -Poisson 4,563 0.708 OLS Notes: Table displays coefficients and robust standard errors (clustered by exporter) for OLS and Poisson QML estimations (see Section 5 for details). The dependent variable are bilateral exports. The regressors are dummy variable (dint), which takes the value one if a trade flow crosses national borders, and the log of bilateral distance. Also included are a full set of exporter and importer fixed effects. Results on the included constant are suppressed. See Table 2 for data sources. +, *, and ** signify statistical significance at the 10%, 5% and 1% levels. 34