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By:Josip Vrbanić and Marko Mahin
minotaur is a mythical
creature that is half bull
and half human.
It is very strong and
Before he became king, Minos was the god Poseidon requested a
sign that he, not his brother, come to the throne. Poseidon agreed
and sent a white bull, but on condition that he sacrifice his Minos.
Beautiful bull emerged from the sea, but Minos was so beautiful
that it is rather sacrificed another bull, thinking that Poseidon
would not notice. Poseidon is angered that he did that Minos
women Pasiphaë, madly falls in love with a bull, a wild bull is
done .Phaedra Pasiphaë went to help her, and he devised that
satisfy her passion. He made a wooden cow, and Pasiphaë entered
into it and hid it, and he impregnated her. So she conceived and
bore Pasiphaë half bull and half man - Minotaur. Pasiphaë he was
raised in when he was a child, but as he grew, he became wilder.
Delfian prophetess said Phaedra to build a labyrinth in which to
hold the Minotaur . This is done, a labyrinth of Minos was below
the palace at Knossos.
Androgeja, Minos's son, killed by the Athenians, jealous of his winning
the Aegean`sgames, where he won every time. Another version of the
myth says that it killed the bull of Crete in Marathon, theAegean
command. To avenge his son's death, Minos went to war with Athens.
Demanded that seven Athenian girls and boys (selected drawing straws)
Minotaur sacrifice every nine years. When the third sacrifice bližilo,
Theseus volunteered to kill the monster. He promised his father, the
Aegean to set white sails if campaign is successful.Ariadne, Minos's
daughter, fell in love with Theseus and helped him to escape the
Labyrinth, giving him a ball of wool, which followed his own trail.
Theseus killed the Minotaur magical sword that he gave Ariadne and let
the rest of the Athenians maze. However, Theseus forgot to change the
black to mourn the sails on the boat with the white, so his father Aegean
that was crushed committed suicide. In fact, for days he watched the sea,
and when he saw a black one, the grief is cast into the sea by the so-called
Aegean Sea. Minos was angry that Theseus was able to escape and shut
Deadalus and his son Icarus in the labyrinth or, according to some
sources, the tower. They managed to escape so they made wings. But
Icarus flew too high and the wax wings melted and he strovalio into the
Theseus kills the