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4th Grade
Chapter 9
A(n) ________ is an object
that attracts certain metals,
mainly iron.
An object that keeps its
magnetism for a long time is
Permanent magnet
A(n) _________ loses its
magnetism after a short time.
Temporary magnet
The areas on a magnet where
the force of a magnet is greatest
are called the ___________.
Magnetic poles
The space in which the force
of a magnet can act is called
its _________.
Magnetic field
A(n) ________ is an
instrument that senses
magnetic north.
A(n) _________ is a display of
lights in the sky, near Earth's
A strong temporary magnet
that uses electricity to produce
magnetism is a(n) ________.
A(n) _________ is a device that
uses magnetism to convert
energy of motion into electrical
A(n) ________ is a device that
changes electrical energy to
energy of motion.
Where is the magnetic force
strongest in this magnet?
a. At the poles
b. At the top of the
c. At the north pole
d. At the south pole
What will happen if these magnets
are moved together?
a. They will attract
each other
b. They will repel each
c. They will rotate
d. They will point north
What energy change occurs in a
a. Electrical energy to motion
b. Electrical energy to heat energy
c. Heat energy to motion
d. Motion to electrical energy
How is a permanent magnet
different than an electromagnet?
a. It attracts materials made from iron
b. It has poles
c. It has a magnetic field
d. It can’t be turned on and off
In a furnace chemical energy is
changed into
a. Electrical energy
b. Heat energy
c. Nuclear energy
d. Potential energy
What is an electromagnet?
a. Static electricity
b. A compass needle
c. Electricity produced by a magnet
d. A magnet produced by electricity
What happens when something is
a. It moves across a boundary
b. It gets created
c. It changes its form
d. It disappears
When you turn on a light in your
home, electrical energy changes
a. Heat energy
b. Chemical energy and heat energy
c. Light energy and heat energy
d. Light energy
What do you call the parts of bar
magnets that attract paper clips?
a. The center
b. The poles
c. Equator
d. The force
How can you increase the strength
of an electromagnet?
a. Add more magnetic material
b. Add more paper clips
c. Take away some magnetic material
d. Add more batteries
An electric motor changes electric
energy into
a. Light energy
b. Nuclear energy
c. Chemical energy
d. motion
What is a generator?
a. A device that uses electric energy to make
things cold
b. A device that converts the energy in falling
water into motion
c. A device that converts electrical energy into
d. A device that converts motion into electrical