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Our sun is a star located in our
Solar System. It is a huge, spinning
ball of hot gas that lights up the Earth
and provides us with heat.
The sun plays important roles, or does
important things for us here on Earth.
Some examples include:
It is a major source of energy.
It helps plants to grow.
It creates winds.
It is part of the water cycle.
Energy from the sun
is called solar energy.
Solar energy is the
solar radiation that
reaches the earth.
The sun has produced
energy for billions of
years. This type of
energy from the sun
can be changed into
other forms such as,
heat and electricity.
Once it is
changed, the
energy can heat
water, buildings,
and make
We must
remember, not
all the light,
heat, and energy
comes to us.
Most goes back
to space and
some scatters
around earth.
Did you know that at the sun’s core,or
center, nuclear fusion makes
enormous amounts of energy?
Each second the sun converts about
600,000,000 tons of hydrogen nuclei
into helium nuclei. When the
hydrogen and helium combine,
reactions change the atoms’ mass (4
million tons) into energy and release it
as heat and light into our solar system.
One interesting fact is that some people use
solar cells or solar panels to collect the sun’s
light, heat, and energy to warm their homes,
swimming pools, and/or water. Even now cars
are running by solar energy.
The sun helps keep plants
warm. It also helps them to
carry out photosynthesis.
Photosynthesis is the
process in which plants
change sunlight, water, and
carbon dioxide into food
energy, oxygen, and water.
Creation of Winds
Believe it or not, the sun also creates winds.
These are called solar winds. They are a
continuous stream of electrically charged particles
that are given off by a magnetic field around the
sun. The wind is given off where the magnetic
field loops out into space instead of looping back
into the sun. It takes a solar wind about 4.5 days
to reach Earth. Solar winds affect the entire solar
system. They can even cause of electronic
disruptions on Earth.
The Sun and Water
Heat from the sun cause fresh
water to evaporate from the
oceans leaving salt behind. This
process is one of three in a cycle.
The constant recycling of water is
called the water cycle. It is never
What are the major roles the
sun plays for us here on
What is energy from the sun is
What is the process by which plants make food?
What is the wind called that is from the sun?
How many days does it take for the wind to reach
the Earth?
What is the constant recycling of the Earth’s