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Halton Region:
Citizen-Centred Service Initiatives
New Frontiers and Best Practices
in Citizen-Centred Service
IPAC/ICCS Symposium
November 14, 2001
Presentation Outline
Overview of Halton Region
Halton’s Partnership Experience
Examples of Single Point Access:
to targeted groups
 across organizational boundaries
Halton Region
Regional Municipality located between
Toronto and Hamilton
4 Area Municipalities (2 urban, 2 rural)
387,000 people
one of Canada’s fastest growing areas
Halton Region Services
 Public Health (including ambulance)
 Social and Community Services (children’s services,
income & employment services, housing, seniors)
 Waste management
 Water and Wastewater
 Regional roads & transportation
 Planning services
 Business Development Centre
 Museum
 Emergency Planning
Halton Partnerships
Halton has pursued partnerships
internally among departments and with
other organizations to deliver services
more effectively to our citizens >25
Nature of 2-tier local government
Spirit of collaboration - alive and well in
Examples of Halton Partnerships
Apprenticeship Advisory Council
Joint Purchasing Initiative
Business Development Centre
Resource Centres
Integrated Intake Services for Children
and Families
Halton Government Access Centre
Halton Integrated Services
Service clusters around targeted
small business entrepreneur
 children and families
 unemployed
Single entry point for services:
across departmental boundaries
 across organizational boundaries
Business Development Centre
One-stop service for entrepreneurs
Comprehensive information and
counselling services on starting a small
business in Halton
Ontario Business Connects
Canada Ontario Business Service
Integrated Intake Services
Centralized system of intake,
information and referrals for children
and families in Halton
Multi-disciplinary team - shared
expertise (nursing, social work, early
childhood educator professionals)
Operational efficiency (response time,
duplication of effort, improved linkages)
Integrated Intake Services
Single point of access to various health and
social service programs:
Healthy Babies, Healthy Children
Making Services Work for People
Child Health
Reproductive Health
Speech and Language
Children’s Assessment & Treatment Centre
Child care
Children’s Resource Services
Ontario Works
Further Integration Opportunities
Social Housing has been transferred
from Province to Halton
Within 6 months will add housing
information and referral
Resource Centres
Halton/HRDC share office space in 4
locations - one in each area municipality
Tri-level government arrangement in
Burlington (Halton/HRDC/MCSS)
Formal partnership - 6 years
integrated income and employment
services for the unemployed
Impetus for Change
Historic relationship with HRDC
Liaison meetings - client profile/needs
Some technology sharing and shred
program delivery
Leases due
Senior Management desire for more
synergistic co-location arrangement
Service Delivery Model
Coordinated delivery of employment
One location: one-stop shopping for
Easy to get to: one in each area
Service Delivery Model
One professional contact: one case
manager (employment, social
assistance, child care)
All necessary resources easily available
Remove embarrassing aura of social
assistance office
New Partnership
In each office client can:
drop in to talk to professional staff
 drop off and pick up documents
 access computer tools, prepare resume,
job search
 attend workshops and training sessions
 apply for employment insurance, Federal
income programs
 meet with a child care staff
How Have Employment Services
More services, more accessible, more often
One customer counter in all locations
Staff more aware of tools and how they are
used - Regional and Federal staff rotate
provision of assistance to anyone in office
Less frustrated clients
Customer Feedback
Halton part of Government Single
Window Services Survey sponsored by
preliminary findings - 88% satisfied with
service they received (Business
Development Centre, Resource
Halton Single Window
Primarily in service delivery business
45,000 inquiries/month about regional
number of calls about area municipal,
provincial and federal services
worked with area municipalities to
analyse misdirected calls - 14,000/year
A Changing Environment
Provincial shift in service delivery
responsibilities to Regions
Local Government Reform in Ontario
Federal and Ontario initiatives
Citizen expectations - 79% believe we
should make all government services
available in same office
Halton Single-Window
Halton developed proposal for
seamless access to local government
services in Halton in 1999
approved by 5 CAOs and endorsed “in
principle” by 5 Municipal Councils
developed basic telephone linkage May 2000
Halton Single-Window
Timing issues
Halton moving forward alone:
ensure own house is in order
 ensure compatible technology for future
initiative with area municipalities
 pursuing partnerships with Federal and
Provincial Governments
Halton Government Access Centre
basic facts and information
 all 3 levels of government
 convenient and seamless for citizens
Comprehensive internal review
Customer Service Strategy
Customer Service Strategy
All program areas included
New tools, processes, practices
3-year timeframe
Centralized customer service function
by January 2004
One-stop shopping for all Regional
government services and information
Provincial Links
Provincial funding to establish
Government Information Centre in
Halton Regional Centre
hard copy of database
document dissemination
future initiatives to improve ease of
Federal Links
Waiting for Cabinet approval to
establish Service Canada Centre at
Halton Regional Centre
Received access to Government of
Canada database
Halton staff completed training - can
navigate through database
disseminating federal documents
Forecast for the Future in Halton
We are persistent
We believe it is the right thing to do recent survey results
Know we will succeed and hope our
partners will join us in the future to truly
develop one-window to all government
services in Halton